import { connect } from "../../core/Connect"; import { Param } from "../../core/context/Param"; import { ToneAudioBuffer } from "../../core/context/ToneAudioBuffer"; import { GainFactor, Positive, Seconds, Time } from "../../core/type/Units"; import { defaultArg, optionsFromArguments } from "../../core/util/Defaults"; import { noOp } from "../../core/util/Interface"; import { isDefined } from "../../core/util/TypeCheck"; import { OneShotSource, OneShotSourceCurve, OneShotSourceOptions } from "../OneShotSource"; export type ToneBufferSourceCurve = OneShotSourceCurve; interface ToneBufferSourceOptions extends OneShotSourceOptions { buffer: ToneAudioBuffer; curve: ToneBufferSourceCurve; playbackRate: Positive; fadeIn: Time; fadeOut: Time; loopStart: Time; loopEnd: Time; loop: boolean; onload: () => void; } /** * Wrapper around the native BufferSourceNode. */ export class ToneBufferSource extends OneShotSource<ToneBufferSourceOptions> { name = "ToneBufferSource"; /** * The oscillator */ private _source = this.context.createBufferSource(); protected _internalChannels = [this._source]; /** * The frequency of the oscillator */ readonly playbackRate: Param<Positive>; /** * The private instance of the buffer object */ private _buffer: ToneAudioBuffer; /** * indicators if the source has started/stopped */ private _sourceStarted: boolean = false; private _sourceStopped: boolean = false; /** * @param buffer The buffer to play * @param onload The callback to invoke when the buffer is done playing. */ constructor(buffer?: ToneAudioBuffer | AudioBuffer | string, onload?: () => void); constructor(options?: Partial<ToneBufferSourceOptions>); constructor() { super(optionsFromArguments(ToneBufferSource.getDefaults(), arguments, ["buffer", "onload"])); const options = optionsFromArguments(ToneBufferSource.getDefaults(), arguments, ["buffer", "onload"]); connect(this._source, this._gainNode); this._source.onended = () => this._stopSource(); /** * The playbackRate of the buffer */ this.playbackRate = new Param({ context: this.context, param : this._source.playbackRate, units : "positive", value : options.playbackRate, }); // set some values initially this.loop = options.loop; this.loopStart = options.loopStart; this.loopEnd = options.loopEnd; this._buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(options.buffer, options.onload); this._internalChannels.push(this._source); } static getDefaults(): ToneBufferSourceOptions { return Object.assign(OneShotSource.getDefaults(), { buffer: new ToneAudioBuffer(), loop: false, loopEnd : 0, loopStart : 0, onload: noOp, playbackRate : 1, }); } /** * The fadeIn time of the amplitude envelope. */ get fadeIn(): Time { return this._fadeIn; } set fadeIn(t: Time) { this._fadeIn = t; } /** * The fadeOut time of the amplitude envelope. */ get fadeOut(): Time { return this._fadeOut; } set fadeOut(t: Time) { this._fadeOut = t; } /** * The curve applied to the fades, either "linear" or "exponential" */ get curve(): ToneBufferSourceCurve { return this._curve; } set curve(t) { this._curve = t; } /** * Start the buffer * @param time When the player should start. * @param offset The offset from the beginning of the sample to start at. * @param duration How long the sample should play. If no duration * is given, it will default to the full length * of the sample (minus any offset) * @param gain The gain to play the buffer back at. */ start(time?: Time, offset?: Time, duration?: Time, gain: GainFactor = 1): this { this.assert(this.buffer.loaded, "buffer is either not set or not loaded"); const computedTime = this.toSeconds(time); // apply the gain envelope this._startGain(computedTime, gain); // if it's a loop the default offset is the loopstart point if (this.loop) { offset = defaultArg(offset, this.loopStart); } else { // otherwise the default offset is 0 offset = defaultArg(offset, 0); } // make sure the offset is not less than 0 let computedOffset = Math.max(this.toSeconds(offset), 0); // start the buffer source if (this.loop) { // modify the offset if it's greater than the loop time const loopEnd = this.toSeconds(this.loopEnd) || this.buffer.duration; const loopStart = this.toSeconds(this.loopStart); const loopDuration = loopEnd - loopStart; // move the offset back if (computedOffset >= loopEnd) { computedOffset = ((computedOffset - loopStart) % loopDuration) + loopStart; } } // this.buffer.loaded would have return false if the AudioBuffer was undefined this._source.buffer = this.buffer.get() as AudioBuffer; this._source.loopEnd = this.toSeconds(this.loopEnd) || this.buffer.duration; if (computedOffset < this.buffer.duration) { this._sourceStarted = true; this._source.start(computedTime, computedOffset); } // if a duration is given, schedule a stop if (isDefined(duration)) { let computedDur = this.toSeconds(duration); // make sure it's never negative computedDur = Math.max(computedDur, 0); this.stop(computedTime + computedDur); } return this; } protected _stopSource(time?: Seconds): void { if (!this._sourceStopped) { this._sourceStopped = true; this._source.stop(this.toSeconds(time)); this._onended(); } } /** * If loop is true, the loop will start at this position. */ get loopStart(): Time { return this._source.loopStart; } set loopStart(loopStart: Time) { this._source.loopStart = this.toSeconds(loopStart); } /** * If loop is true, the loop will end at this position. */ get loopEnd(): Time { return this._source.loopEnd; } set loopEnd(loopEnd: Time) { this._source.loopEnd = this.toSeconds(loopEnd); } /** * The audio buffer belonging to the player. */ get buffer(): ToneAudioBuffer { return this._buffer; } set buffer(buffer: ToneAudioBuffer) { this._buffer.set(buffer); } /** * If the buffer should loop once it's over. */ get loop(): boolean { return this._source.loop; } set loop(loop: boolean) { this._source.loop = loop; if (this._sourceStarted) { this.cancelStop(); } } /** * Clean up. */ dispose(): this { super.dispose(); this._source.onended = null; this._source.disconnect(); this._buffer.dispose(); this.playbackRate.dispose(); return this; } }