import { expect } from "chai"; import "test/helper/ToneAudioBuffer"; import { getContext } from "../Global"; import { ToneAudioBuffer } from "./ToneAudioBuffer"; const testFile = "./audio/sine.wav"; describe("ToneAudioBuffer", () => { context("basic", () => { it("can be created and disposed", () => { const buff = new ToneAudioBuffer(testFile); buff.dispose(); }); it("loads a file from a url string", done => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(testFile, (buff) => { expect(buff); buffer.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("has a duration", done => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(testFile, () => { expect(buffer.duration), 0.01); buffer.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("can be constructed with no arguments", () => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(); expect(buffer.length).to.equal(0); expect(buffer.duration).to.equal(0); expect(buffer.numberOfChannels).to.equal(0); buffer.dispose(); }); it("can get the number of channels", done => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(testFile, () => { expect(buffer.numberOfChannels); buffer.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("can get the length of the buffer", done => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(testFile, () => { expect(buffer.length)"number"); expect(buffer.length); buffer.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("can be constructed with an options object", done => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer({ onload: () => { buffer.dispose(); done(); }, reverse : true, url: testFile, }); expect(buffer.reverse).to.equal(true); }); it("takes an AudioBuffer in the constructor method", async () => { const audioBuffer = await ToneAudioBuffer.load(testFile); const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer({ url: audioBuffer, }); const testOne = new ToneAudioBuffer(buffer.get()); expect(testOne.get()).to.equal(buffer.get()); testOne.dispose(); buffer.dispose(); }); it("takes a loaded ToneAudioBuffer in the constructor method", async () => { const audioBuffer = await ToneAudioBuffer.fromUrl(testFile); const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer({ url: audioBuffer, }); const testOne = new ToneAudioBuffer(buffer); expect(testOne.get()).to.equal(buffer.get()); testOne.dispose(); buffer.dispose(); }); it("takes an unloaded Tone.ToneAudioBuffer in the constructor method", done => { const unloadedToneAudioBuffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(testFile); const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer({ onload(): void { const testOne = new ToneAudioBuffer(buffer); expect(unloadedToneAudioBuffer.get()).to.equal(buffer.get()); unloadedToneAudioBuffer.dispose(); buffer.dispose(); done(); }, url: unloadedToneAudioBuffer, }); }); it("takes Tone.ToneAudioBuffer in the set method", done => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer({ url: testFile, onload(): void { const testOne = new ToneAudioBuffer(testFile); testOne.set(buffer); expect(testOne.get()).to.equal(buffer.get()); testOne.dispose(); buffer.dispose(); done(); }, }); }); }); context("loading", () => { it("invokes the error callback if there is a problem with the file", done => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer("nosuchfile.wav", () => { throw new Error("shouldn't invoke this function"); }, e => { buffer.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("invokes the error callback on static .load method", async () => { let hadError = false; try { await ToneAudioBuffer.load("nosuchfile.wav"); } catch (e) { hadError = true; } expect(hadError).to.equal(true); }); it("can load a file with fallback extensions", async () => { const buffer = await ToneAudioBuffer.load("./audio/sine.[nope|nada|wav]"); // tslint:disable-next-line: no-unused-expression expect(buffer).to.exist; }); it("takes the first supported format when multiple extensions are provided", async () => { const buffer = await ToneAudioBuffer.load("./audio/sine.[wav|nope]"); // tslint:disable-next-line: no-unused-expression expect(buffer).to.exist; }); it("instance .load method returns Promise", done => { const promise = (new ToneAudioBuffer()).load(testFile); expect(promise)"then"); promise.then((buff) => { expect(buff); done(); }); promise.catch(() => { throw new Error("shouldn't invoke this function"); }); }); it("invokes the error callback if the file is corrupt", done => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer("./audio/corrupt.wav", () => { throw new Error("shouldn't invoke this function"); }, e => { buffer.dispose(); done(); }); }); }); context("events", () => { // it("the static on('error') method is invoked", done => { // ToneAudioBuffer.on("error", function(e) { // buffer.dispose(); // ToneAudioBuffer.cancelDownloads(); //"error"); // done(); // }); // const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer("nosuchfile.wav"); // }); // it("the static on('load') method is invoked", done => { // const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(testFile); // ToneAudioBuffer.on("load", () => { // buffer.dispose(); //"load"); // done(); // }); // }); // it("the static on('progress') method is invoked", done => { // const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(testFile); // ToneAudioBuffer.on("progress", function(percent) { // expect(percent)'number'); // expect(percent), 1); // if (percent === 1) { //"progress"); // buffer.dispose(); // done(); // } // }); // }); }); context("buffer manipulation", () => { it("returns an empty array if there is no channel data", () => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(); expect(buffer.getChannelData(0).length).to.equal(0); buffer.dispose(); }); it("can get the channel data as an array", done => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(testFile, () => { expect(buffer.getChannelData(0)); expect(buffer.getChannelData(0).length); buffer.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("can reverse a buffer", done => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(testFile, () => { const buffArray = buffer.get() as AudioBuffer; const lastSample = buffArray[buffArray.length - 1]; buffer.reverse = true; expect((buffer.get() as AudioBuffer)[0]).to.equal(lastSample); // setting reverse again has no effect buffer.reverse = true; expect((buffer.get() as AudioBuffer)[0]).to.equal(lastSample); buffer.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("can convert from an array", () => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(); const arr = new Float32Array(0.5 * buffer.sampleRate); arr[0] = 0.5; buffer.fromArray(arr); expect(buffer.duration).to.equal(0.5); expect(buffer.numberOfChannels).to.equal(1); // test the first sample of the first channel to see if it's the same expect(buffer.toArray(0)[0]).to.equal(0.5); buffer.dispose(); }); it("can create a buffer from an array using the static method", () => { const arr = new Float32Array(0.5 * getContext().sampleRate); arr[0] = 0.5; const buffer = ToneAudioBuffer.fromArray(arr); expect(buffer.duration).to.equal(0.5); expect(buffer.numberOfChannels).to.equal(1); // test the first sample of the first channel to see if it's the same expect(buffer.toArray(0)[0]).to.equal(0.5); // should return the same thing without the channel argument as well expect(buffer.toArray()[0]).to.equal(0.5); buffer.dispose(); }); it("can convert from a multidimentional array", () => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(); const arr = [new Float32Array(0.5 * buffer.sampleRate), new Float32Array(0.5 * buffer.sampleRate)]; arr[0][0] = 0.5; buffer.fromArray(arr); expect(buffer.duration).to.equal(0.5); expect(buffer.numberOfChannels).to.equal(2); expect(buffer.toArray(0)[0]).to.equal(0.5); buffer.dispose(); }); it("can convert to and from an array", () => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(); const arr = [new Float32Array(0.5 * buffer.sampleRate), new Float32Array(0.5 * buffer.sampleRate)]; arr[0][0] = 0.5; buffer.fromArray(arr); expect(buffer.toArray(0)[0]).to.equal(0.5); expect(buffer.toArray()[0][0]).to.equal(0.5); // with a selected channel expect(buffer.toArray(0)[0]).to.equal(0.5); buffer.dispose(); }); it("can slice a portion of the array", async () => { const buffer = await ToneAudioBuffer.fromUrl(testFile); // original duration expect(buffer.duration), 0.01); const sliced1 = buffer.slice(0, 1); // confirm they have the same values const offset = Math.floor(buffer.sampleRate * 0.9); // does not modify the original expect(buffer.duration), 0.01); expect(sliced1.duration), 0.01); const sliced2 = sliced1.slice(0.5); expect(sliced2.duration), 0.01); const sliced3 = buffer.slice(2); expect(sliced3.toArray(0)[Math.floor(0.5 * buffer.sampleRate) + 1]) .to.equal(buffer.toArray(0)[Math.floor(2.5 * buffer.sampleRate) + 1]); buffer.dispose(); sliced1.dispose(); sliced2.dispose(); sliced3.dispose(); }); it("can convert a buffer to mono", () => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(); const arr = [new Float32Array(0.5 * buffer.sampleRate), new Float32Array(0.5 * buffer.sampleRate)]; arr[0][0] = 0.5; buffer.fromArray(arr); expect(buffer.duration).to.equal(0.5); expect(buffer.numberOfChannels).to.equal(2); buffer.toMono(); expect(buffer.numberOfChannels).to.equal(1); // should have averaged the two first samples expect(buffer.toArray()[0]).to.equal(0.25); buffer.dispose(); }); it("can use just the second channel of a buffer when making mono", () => { const buffer = new ToneAudioBuffer(); const arr = [new Float32Array(0.5 * buffer.sampleRate), new Float32Array(0.5 * buffer.sampleRate)]; arr[0][0] = 0.5; buffer.fromArray(arr); expect(buffer.duration).to.equal(0.5); expect(buffer.numberOfChannels).to.equal(2); buffer.toMono(1); expect(buffer.numberOfChannels).to.equal(1); // should have averaged the two first samples expect(buffer.toArray()[0]).to.equal(0); buffer.dispose(); }); }); context("static methods", () => { it("Test if the browser supports the given type", () => { expect(ToneAudioBuffer.supportsType("test.wav")).to.equal(true); expect(ToneAudioBuffer.supportsType("wav")).to.equal(true); expect(ToneAudioBuffer.supportsType("path/to/test.wav")).to.equal(true); expect(ToneAudioBuffer.supportsType("path/to/test.nope")).to.equal(false); }); it("can be constructed with ToneAudioBuffer.fromUrl", done => { ToneAudioBuffer.fromUrl("nosuchfile.wav").then(() => { throw new Error("shouldn't invoke this function"); }).catch(() => { done(); }); }); }); context("ToneAudioBuffer.loaded()", () => { it("returns a promise", () => { expect(ToneAudioBuffer.loaded())"then"); }); it("is invoked when all the buffers are loaded", async () => { const buff0 = new ToneAudioBuffer(testFile); const buff1 = new ToneAudioBuffer(testFile); await ToneAudioBuffer.loaded(); expect(buff0.loaded).to.equal(true); expect(buff1.loaded).to.equal(true); }); it("invokes loaded even if there is an error", () => { ToneAudioBuffer.fromUrl(testFile); ToneAudioBuffer.fromUrl("nosuchfile.wav"); return ToneAudioBuffer.loaded(); }); }); });