define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/component/CrossFade"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class Effect is the base class for effects. connect the effect between * the effectSend and effectReturn GainNodes. then control the amount of * effect which goes to the output using the dry/wet control. * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number} [initialWet=0] the starting wet value * defaults to 100% wet */ Tone.Effect = function(){; //get all of the defaults var options = this.optionsObject(arguments, ["wet"], Tone.Effect.defaults); /** * the drywet knob to control the amount of effect * @type {Tone.CrossFade} * @private */ this._dryWet = new Tone.CrossFade(options.wet); /** * The wet control, i.e. how much of the effected * will pass through to the output. * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.wet = this._dryWet.fade; /** * connect the effectSend to the input of hte effect * * @type {GainNode} * @private */ this.effectSend = this.context.createGain(); /** * connect the output of the effect to the effectReturn * * @type {GainNode} * @private */ this.effectReturn = this.context.createGain(); //connections this.input.connect(this._dryWet.a); this.input.connect(this.effectSend); this.effectReturn.connect(this._dryWet.b); this._dryWet.connect(this.output); this._readOnly(["wet"]); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Effect); /** * @static * @type {Object} */ Tone.Effect.defaults = { "wet" : 1 }; /** * bypass the effect * @returns {Tone.Effect} `this` */ Tone.Effect.prototype.bypass = function(){ this.wet.value = 0; return this; }; /** * chains the effect in between the effectSend and effectReturn * @param {Tone} effect * @private * @returns {Tone.Effect} `this` */ Tone.Effect.prototype.connectEffect = function(effect){ this.effectSend.chain(effect, this.effectReturn); return this; }; /** * tear down * @returns {Tone.Effect} `this` */ Tone.Effect.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._dryWet.dispose(); this._dryWet = null; this.effectSend.disconnect(); this.effectSend = null; this.effectReturn.disconnect(); this.effectReturn = null; this._writable(["wet"]); this.wet = null; return this; }; return Tone.Effect; });