define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/signal/Subtract", "Tone/signal/Multiply", "Tone/signal/WaveShaper"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * this is the maximum value that the divide can handle * @type {number} * @const */ var MAX_VALUE = Math.pow(2, 13); /** * @private * @static * @type {Array} */ var guessCurve = new Array(MAX_VALUE); //set the value for (var i = 0; i < guessCurve.length; i++){ var normalized = (i / (guessCurve.length - 1)) * 2 - 1; if (normalized === 0){ guessCurve[i] = 0; } else { guessCurve[i] = 1 / (normalized * MAX_VALUE); } } /** * @class Compute the inverse of the input. * Uses this approximation algorithm: * * * @extends {Tone.SignalBase} * @constructor * @param {number} [precision=3] the precision of the calculation */ Tone.Inverse = function(precision){; precision = this.defaultArg(precision, 3); /** * a constant generator of the value 2 * @private * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this._two = new Tone.Signal(2); /** * starting guess is 0.1 times the input * @type {Tone.Multiply} * @private */ this._guessMult = new Tone.Multiply(1/MAX_VALUE); /** * produces a starting guess based on the input * @type {WaveShaperNode} * @private */ this._guess = new Tone.WaveShaper(guessCurve); this.input.chain(this._guessMult, this._guess); /** * the array of inverse helpers * @type {Array} * @private */ this._inverses = new Array(precision); //create the helpers for (var i = 0; i < precision; i++){ var guess; if (i === 0){ guess = this._guess; } else { guess = this._inverses[i-1]; } var inv = new InverseHelper(guess, this._two); this.input.connect(inv); this._inverses[i] = inv; } this._inverses[precision-1].connect(this.output); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Inverse, Tone.SignalBase); /** * clean up * @returns {Tone.Inverse} `this` */ Tone.Inverse.prototype.dispose = function(){; for (var i = 0; i < this._inverses.length; i++){ this._inverses[i].dispose(); this._inverses[i] = null; } this._inverses = null; this._two.dispose(); this._two = null; this._guessMult.dispose(); this._guessMult = null; this._guess.disconnect(); this._guess = null; return this; }; // BEGIN INVERSE HELPER /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * internal helper function for computing the inverse of a signal * @extends {Tone} * @constructor * @internal */ var InverseHelper = function(guess, two){ this._outerMultiply = new Tone.Multiply(); this._innerMultiply = new Tone.Multiply(); this._subtract = new Tone.Subtract(); //connections guess.connect(this._innerMultiply, 0, 1); two.connect(this._subtract, 0, 0); this._innerMultiply.connect(this._subtract, 0, 1); this._subtract.connect(this._outerMultiply, 0, 1); guess.connect(this._outerMultiply, 0, 0); this.output = this._outerMultiply; this.input = this._innerMultiply; }; Tone.extend(InverseHelper); InverseHelper.prototype.dispose = function(){ this._outerMultiply.dispose(); this._outerMultiply = null; this._innerMultiply.dispose(); this._innerMultiply = null; this._subtract.dispose(); this._subtract = null; }; // END INVERSE HELPER ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// return Tone.Inverse; });