define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/core/Type"], function (Tone) { /** * @class A Timeline class for scheduling and maintaining state * along a timeline. All events must have a "time" property. * Internally, events are stored in time order for fast * retrieval. * @extends {Tone} */ Tone.Timeline = function(){ /** * The array of scheduled timeline events * @type {Array} * @private */ this._timeline = []; }; Tone.extend(Tone.Timeline); /** * The number of items in the timeline. * @type {Number} * @memberOf Tone.Timeline# * @name length * @readOnly */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Timeline.prototype, "length", { get : function(){ return this._timeline.length; } }); /** * Insert an event object onto the timeline. Events must have a "time" attribute. * @param {Object} event The event object to insert into the * timeline. * @returns {Tone.Timeline} this */ Tone.Timeline.prototype.addEvent = function(event){ //the event needs to have a time attribute if (this.isUndef(event.time)){ throw new Error("events must have a time attribute"); } event.time = this.toSeconds(event.time); if (this._timeline.length){ var index = this._search(event.time); this._timeline.splice(index + 1, 0, event); } else { this._timeline.push(event); } return this; }; /** * Remove an event from the timeline. * @param {Object} event The event object to remove from the list. * @returns {Tone.Timeline} this */ Tone.Timeline.prototype.removeEvent = function(event){ this.forEachAtTime(event.time, function(testEvent, index){ if (testEvent === event){ this._timeline.splice(index, 1); } }.bind(this)); return this; }; /** * Get the event whose time is less than or equal to the given time. * @param {Number} time The time to query. * @returns {Object} The event object set after that time. */ Tone.Timeline.prototype.getEvent = function(time){ time = this.toSeconds(time); var index = this._search(time); if (index !== -1){ return this._timeline[index]; } else { return null; } }; /** * Get the event which is scheduled after the given time. * @param {Number} time The time to query. * @returns {Object} The event object after the given time */ Tone.Timeline.prototype.getEventAfter = function(time){ time = this.toSeconds(time); var index = this._search(time); if (index + 1 < this._timeline.length){ return this._timeline[index + 1]; } else { return null; } }; /** * Get the event before the event at the given time. * @param {Number} time The time to query. * @returns {Object} The event object before the given time */ Tone.Timeline.prototype.getEventBefore = function(time){ time = this.toSeconds(time); var index = this._search(time); if (index - 1 >= 0){ return this._timeline[index - 1]; } else { return null; } }; /** * Cancel events after the given time * @param {Time} time The time to query. * @returns {Tone.Timeline} this */ Tone.Timeline.prototype.cancel = function(after){ if (this._timeline.length){ after = this.toSeconds(after); var index = this._search(after); if (index >= 0){ this._timeline = this._timeline.slice(0, index); } else { this._timeline = []; } } return this; }; /** * Cancel events before or equal to the given time. * @param {Time} time The time to cancel before. * @returns {Tone.Timeline} this */ Tone.Timeline.prototype.cancelBefore = function(time){ if (this._timeline.length){ time = this.toSeconds(time); var index = this._search(time); if (index >= 0){ this._timeline = this._timeline.slice(index + 1); } } return this; }; /** * Does a binary serach on the timeline array and returns the * event which is after or equal to the time. * @param {Number} time * @return {Number} the index in the timeline array * @private */ Tone.Timeline.prototype._search = function(time){ var beginning = 0; var len = this._timeline.length; var end = len; // continue searching while [imin,imax] is not empty while (beginning <= end && beginning < len){ // calculate the midpoint for roughly equal partition var midPoint = Math.floor(beginning + (end - beginning) / 2); var event = this._timeline[midPoint]; if (event.time === time){ //choose the last one that has the same time for (var i = midPoint; i < this._timeline.length; i++){ var testEvent = this._timeline[i]; if (testEvent.time === time){ midPoint = i; } } return midPoint; } else if (event.time > time){ //search lower end = midPoint - 1; } else if (event.time < time){ //search upper beginning = midPoint + 1; } } return beginning - 1; }; /** * Iterate over everything in the array * @param {Function} callback The callback to invoke with every item * @returns {Tone.Timeline} this */ Tone.Timeline.prototype.forEach = function(callback){ //iterate over the items in reverse so that removing an item doesn't break things for (var i = this._timeline.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ callback(this._timeline[i], i); } return this; }; /** * Iterate over everything in the array at or before the given time. * @param {Time} time The time to check if items are before * @param {Function} callback The callback to invoke with every item * @returns {Tone.Timeline} this */ Tone.Timeline.prototype.forEachBefore = function(time, callback){ //iterate over the items in reverse so that removing an item doesn't break things time = this.toSeconds(time); var startIndex = this._search(time); if (startIndex !== -1){ for (var i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--){ callback(this._timeline[i], i); } } return this; }; /** * Iterate over everything in the array after the given time. * @param {Time} time The time to check if items are before * @param {Function} callback The callback to invoke with every item * @returns {Tone.Timeline} this */ Tone.Timeline.prototype.forEachAfter = function(time, callback){ //iterate over the items in reverse so that removing an item doesn't break things time = this.toSeconds(time); var endIndex = this._search(time); for (var i = this._timeline.length - 1; i > endIndex; i--){ callback(this._timeline[i], i); } return this; }; /** * Iterate over everything in the array at or after the given time. Similar to * forEachAfter, but includes the item(s) at the given time. * @param {Time} time The time to check if items are before * @param {Function} callback The callback to invoke with every item * @returns {Tone.Timeline} this */ Tone.Timeline.prototype.forEachFrom = function(time, callback){ //iterate over the items in reverse so that removing an item doesn't break things time = this.toSeconds(time); var endIndex = this._search(time); //work backwards until the event time is less than time while (endIndex >= 0 && this._timeline[endIndex].time >= time){ endIndex--; } for (var i = this._timeline.length - 1; i > endIndex; i--){ callback(this._timeline[i], i); } return this; }; /** * Iterate over everything in the array at the given time * @param {Time} time The time to check if items are before * @param {Function} callback The callback to invoke with every item * @returns {Tone.Timeline} this */ Tone.Timeline.prototype.forEachAtTime = function(time, callback){ //iterate over the items in reverse so that removing an item doesn't break things time = this.toSeconds(time); var index = this._search(time); if (index !== -1){ for (var i = index; i >= 0; i--){ var event = this._timeline[i]; if (event.time === time){ callback(event, i); } else { break; } } } return this; }; /** * Clean up. * @return {Tone.Timeline} this */ Tone.Timeline.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._timeline = null; }; return Tone.Timeline; });