import { Effect, EffectOptions } from "./Effect"; import { MidSideSplit } from "../component/channel/MidSideSplit"; import { MidSideMerge } from "../component/channel/MidSideMerge"; import { OutputNode, ToneAudioNode } from "../core/context/ToneAudioNode"; export type MidSideEffectOptions = EffectOptions; /** * Mid/Side processing separates the the 'mid' signal * (which comes out of both the left and the right channel) * and the 'side' (which only comes out of the the side channels) * and effects them separately before being recombined. * Applies a Mid/Side seperation and recombination. * Algorithm found in [kvraudio forums]( * This is a base-class for Mid/Side Effects. * @category Effect */ export abstract class MidSideEffect<Options extends MidSideEffectOptions> extends Effect<Options> { readonly name: string = "MidSideEffect"; /** * The mid/side split */ private _midSideSplit: MidSideSplit; /** * The mid/side merge */ private _midSideMerge: MidSideMerge; /** * The mid send. Connect to mid processing */ protected _midSend: ToneAudioNode; /** * The side send. Connect to side processing */ protected _sideSend: ToneAudioNode; /** * The mid return connection */ protected _midReturn: ToneAudioNode; /** * The side return connection */ protected _sideReturn: ToneAudioNode; constructor(options: MidSideEffectOptions) { super(options); this._midSideMerge = new MidSideMerge({ context: this.context }); this._midSideSplit = new MidSideSplit({ context: this.context }); this._midSend = this._midSideSplit.mid; this._sideSend = this._midSideSplit.side; this._midReturn = this._midSideMerge.mid; this._sideReturn = this._midSideMerge.side; // the connections this.effectSend.connect(this._midSideSplit); this._midSideMerge.connect(this.effectReturn); } /** * Connect the mid chain of the effect */ protected connectEffectMid(...nodes: OutputNode[]): void { this._midSend.chain(...nodes, this._midReturn); } /** * Connect the side chain of the effect */ protected connectEffectSide(...nodes: OutputNode[]): void { this._sideSend.chain(...nodes, this._sideReturn); } dispose(): this { super.dispose(); this._midSideSplit.dispose(); this._midSideMerge.dispose(); this._midSend.dispose(); this._sideSend.dispose(); this._midReturn.dispose(); this._sideReturn.dispose(); return this; } }