define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/signal/Signal", "Tone/core/Timeline"], function (Tone) { "use strict"; /** * @class A signal which adds the method getValueAtTime. * Code and inspiration from * @extends {Tone.Param} * @param {Number=} value The initial value of the signal * @param {String=} units The conversion units of the signal. */ Tone.TimelineSignal = function(){ var options = this.optionsObject(arguments, ["value", "units"], Tone.Signal.defaults); //constructors Tone.Signal.apply(this, options); options.param = this._param;, options); /** * The scheduled events * @type {Tone.Timeline} * @private */ this._events = new Tone.Timeline(10); /** * The initial scheduled value * @type {Number} * @private */ this._initial = this._fromUnits(this._param.value); }; Tone.extend(Tone.TimelineSignal, Tone.Param); /** * The event types of a schedulable signal. * @enum {String} */ Tone.TimelineSignal.Type = { Linear : "linear", Exponential : "exponential", Target : "target", Set : "set" }; /** * The current value of the signal. * @memberOf Tone.TimelineSignal# * @type {Number} * @name value */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype, "value", { get : function(){ var now =; var val = this.getValueAtTime(now); return this._toUnits(val); }, set : function(value){ var convertedVal = this._fromUnits(value); this._initial = convertedVal; this._param.value = convertedVal; } }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SCHEDULING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Schedules a parameter value change at the given time. * @param {*} value The value to set the signal. * @param {Time} time The time when the change should occur. * @returns {Tone.TimelineSignal} this * @example * //set the frequency to "G4" in exactly 1 second from now. * freq.setValueAtTime("G4", "+1"); */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype.setValueAtTime = function (value, startTime) { value = this._fromUnits(value); startTime = this.toSeconds(startTime); this._events.addEvent({ "type" : Tone.TimelineSignal.Type.Set, "value" : value, "time" : startTime }); //invoke the original event this._param.setValueAtTime(value, startTime); return this; }; /** * Schedules a linear continuous change in parameter value from the * previous scheduled parameter value to the given value. * * @param {number} value * @param {Time} endTime * @returns {Tone.TimelineSignal} this */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype.linearRampToValueAtTime = function (value, endTime) { value = this._fromUnits(value); endTime = this.toSeconds(endTime); this._events.addEvent({ "type" : Tone.TimelineSignal.Type.Linear, "value" : value, "time" : endTime }); this._param.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, endTime); return this; }; /** * Schedules an exponential continuous change in parameter value from * the previous scheduled parameter value to the given value. * * @param {number} value * @param {Time} endTime * @returns {Tone.TimelineSignal} this */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype.exponentialRampToValueAtTime = function (value, endTime) { //get the previous event and make sure it's not starting from 0 var beforeEvent = this._searchBefore(endTime); if (beforeEvent && beforeEvent.value === 0){ //reschedule that event this.setValueAtTime(this._minOutput, beforeEvent.time); } value = this._fromUnits(value); var setValue = Math.max(value, this._minOutput); endTime = this.toSeconds(endTime); this._events.addEvent({ "type" : Tone.TimelineSignal.Type.Exponential, "value" : setValue, "time" : endTime }); //if the ramped to value is 0, make it go to the min output, and then set to 0. if (value < this._minOutput){ this._param.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(this._minOutput, endTime - this.sampleTime); this.setValueAtTime(0, endTime); } else { this._param.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(value, endTime); } return this; }; /** * Start exponentially approaching the target value at the given time with * a rate having the given time constant. * @param {number} value * @param {Time} startTime * @param {number} timeConstant * @returns {Tone.TimelineSignal} this */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype.setTargetAtTime = function (value, startTime, timeConstant) { value = this._fromUnits(value); value = Math.max(this._minOutput, value); timeConstant = Math.max(this._minOutput, timeConstant); startTime = this.toSeconds(startTime); this._events.addEvent({ "type" : Tone.TimelineSignal.Type.Target, "value" : value, "time" : startTime, "constant" : timeConstant }); this._param.setTargetAtTime(value, startTime, timeConstant); return this; }; /** * Cancels all scheduled parameter changes with times greater than or * equal to startTime. * * @param {Time} startTime * @returns {Tone.TimelineSignal} this */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype.cancelScheduledValues = function (after) { this._events.cancel(after); this._param.cancelScheduledValues(this.toSeconds(after)); return this; }; /** * Sets the computed value at the given time. This provides * a point from which a linear or exponential curve * can be scheduled after. Will cancel events after * the given time and shorten the currently scheduled * linear or exponential ramp so that it ends at `time` . * This is to avoid discontinuities and clicks in envelopes. * @param {Time} time When to set the ramp point * @returns {Tone.TimelineSignal} this */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype.setRampPoint = function (time) { time = this.toSeconds(time); //get the value at the given time var val = this.getValueAtTime(time); //if there is an event at the given time //and that even is not a "set" var before = this._searchBefore(time); if (before && before.time === time){ //remove everything after this.cancelScheduledValues(time + this.sampleTime); } else { //reschedule the next event to end at the given time var after = this._searchAfter(time); if (after){ //cancel the next event(s) this.cancelScheduledValues(time); if (after.type === Tone.TimelineSignal.Type.Linear){ this.linearRampToValueAtTime(val, time); } else if (after.type === Tone.TimelineSignal.Type.Exponential){ this.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(val, time); } } this.setValueAtTime(val, time); } return this; }; /** * Do a linear ramp to the given value between the start and finish times. * @param {Number} value The value to ramp to. * @param {Time} start The beginning anchor point to do the linear ramp * @param {Time} finish The ending anchor point by which the value of * the signal will equal the given value. * @returns {Tone.TimelineSignal} this */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype.linearRampToValueBetween = function (value, start, finish) { this.setRampPoint(start); this.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, finish); return this; }; /** * Do a exponential ramp to the given value between the start and finish times. * @param {Number} value The value to ramp to. * @param {Time} start The beginning anchor point to do the exponential ramp * @param {Time} finish The ending anchor point by which the value of * the signal will equal the given value. * @returns {Tone.TimelineSignal} this */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype.exponentialRampToValueBetween = function (value, start, finish) { this.setRampPoint(start); this.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(value, finish); return this; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GETTING SCHEDULED VALUES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns the value before or equal to the given time * @param {Number} time The time to query * @return {Object} The event at or before the given time. * @private */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype._searchBefore = function(time){ return this._events.getEvent(time); }; /** * The event after the given time * @param {Number} time The time to query. * @return {Object} The next event after the given time * @private */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype._searchAfter = function(time){ return this._events.getEventAfter(time); }; /** * Get the scheduled value at the given time. This will * return the unconverted (raw) value. * @param {Number} time The time in seconds. * @return {Number} The scheduled value at the given time. */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype.getValueAtTime = function(time){ var after = this._searchAfter(time); var before = this._searchBefore(time); var value = this._initial; //if it was set by if (before === null){ value = this._initial; } else if (before.type === Tone.TimelineSignal.Type.Target){ var previous = this._events.getEventBefore(before.time); var previouVal; if (previous === null){ previouVal = this._initial; } else { previouVal = previous.value; } value = this._exponentialApproach(before.time, previouVal, before.value, before.constant, time); } else if (after === null){ value = before.value; } else if (after.type === Tone.TimelineSignal.Type.Linear){ value = this._linearInterpolate(before.time, before.value, after.time, after.value, time); } else if (after.type === Tone.TimelineSignal.Type.Exponential){ value = this._exponentialInterpolate(before.time, before.value, after.time, after.value, time); } else { value = before.value; } return value; }; /** * When signals connect to other signals or AudioParams, * they take over the output value of that signal or AudioParam. * For all other nodes, the behavior is the same as a default connect. * * @override * @param {AudioParam|AudioNode|Tone.Signal|Tone} node * @param {number} [outputNumber=0] The output number to connect from. * @param {number} [inputNumber=0] The input number to connect to. * @returns {Tone.TimelineSignal} this * @method */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype.connect = Tone.SignalBase.prototype.connect; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AUTOMATION CURVE CALCULATIONS // MIT License, copyright (c) 2014 Jordan Santell /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Calculates the the value along the curve produced by setTargetAtTime * @private */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype._exponentialApproach = function (t0, v0, v1, timeConstant, t) { return v1 + (v0 - v1) * Math.exp(-(t - t0) / timeConstant); }; /** * Calculates the the value along the curve produced by linearRampToValueAtTime * @private */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype._linearInterpolate = function (t0, v0, t1, v1, t) { return v0 + (v1 - v0) * ((t - t0) / (t1 - t0)); }; /** * Calculates the the value along the curve produced by exponentialRampToValueAtTime * @private */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype._exponentialInterpolate = function (t0, v0, t1, v1, t) { v0 = Math.max(this._minOutput, v0); return v0 * Math.pow(v1 / v0, (t - t0) / (t1 - t0)); }; /** * Clean up. * @return {Tone.TimelineSignal} this */ Tone.TimelineSignal.prototype.dispose = function(){;; this._events.dispose(); this._events = null; }; return Tone.TimelineSignal; });