/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DRY/WET KNOB // // equal power fading // control values: // -1 = 100% dry // 1 = 100% wet /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Tone.DryWet = function(initialDry){ Tone.call(this); //components this.dry = this.context.createGain(); this.wet = this.context.createGain(); this.output = this.context.createGain(); this.equalGain = this.context.createWaveShaper(); //control signal this.control = new Tone.Signal(); this.invert = new Tone.Invert(); this.dryScale = new Tone.Scale(0, 1); this.wetScale = new Tone.Scale(0, 1); //alias this.input = this.dry; //connections this.dry.connect(this.output); this.wet.connect(this.output); //control signal connections this.control.connect(this.equalGain); //wet chain this.chain(this.equalGain, this.wetScale, this.wet.gain); //dry chain this.chain(this.equalGain, this.invert, this.dryScale, this.dry.gain); //setup this._equalPowerGainCurve(); this.dry.gain.value = 0; this.wet.gain.value = 0; this.setDry(0); } Tone.extend(Tone.DryWet); Tone.DryWet.prototype.setDry = function(val, rampTime){ rampTime = this.defaultArg(rampTime, 0); this.control.linearRampToValueAtTime(val, rampTime); } Tone.DryWet.prototype.setWet = function(val, rampTime){ this.setDry(-val, rampTime); } //generates the values for the waveshaper Tone.DryWet.prototype._equalPowerGainCurve = function(){ var len = this.bufferSize; var curve = new Float32Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++){ //values between -1 to 1 var baseline = (i / (len - 1)) * 2 - 1; // scale it by amount curve[i] = this.equalPowerGain(baseline); // curve[i] = baseline; } this.equalGain.curve = curve; }