define(["Test", "Tone/core/Context", "Tone/core/Tone", "helper/Offline"], function (Test, Context, Tone, Offline) { context("Context", function(){ it ("extends the AudioContext methods", function(){ var ctx = new Context(); expect(ctx)"createGain"); expect(ctx.createGain()); expect(ctx)"createOscillator"); expect(ctx.createOscillator()); expect(ctx)"createDelay"); expect(ctx.createDelay()); ctx.dispose(); }); it ("clock is running", function(done){ var interval = setInterval(function(){ if (Tone.context.currentTime > 0.5){ clearInterval(interval); done(); } }, 20); }); it ("can be created an disposed", function(){ var ctx = new Context(); ctx.dispose(); Test.wasDisposed(ctx); }); }); context("setTimeout", function(){ it ("can set a timeout", function(done){ var ctx = new Context(); ctx.setTimeout(function(){ ctx.dispose(); done(); }, 0.1); }); it ("returns an id", function(){ var ctx = new Context(); expect(ctx.setTimeout(function(){}, 0.1))"number"); //try clearing a random ID, shouldn't cause any errors ctx.clearTimeout(-2); ctx.dispose(); }); it ("timeout is not invoked when cancelled", function(done){ var ctx = new Context(); var id = ctx.setTimeout(function(){ throw new Error("shouldn't be invoked"); }, 0.01); ctx.clearTimeout(id); ctx.setTimeout(function(){ ctx.dispose(); done(); }, 0.02); }); it ("order is maintained", function(done){ var ctx = new Context(); var wasInvoked = false; ctx.setTimeout(function(){ expect(wasInvoked); ctx.dispose(); done(); }, 0.011); ctx.setTimeout(function(){ wasInvoked = true; }, 0.01); }); it ("is invoked in the offline context", function(){ return Offline(function(Transport){ Transport.context.setTimeout(function(){ expect(, 0.005); }, 0.01); }, 0.05); }); }); context("Tone", function(){ it ("has a context", function(){ expect(Tone.context).to.exist; expect(Tone.context); }); it ("can set a new context", function(){ Tone.context.close(); Tone.context = new Context(); }); it ("invokes init when a new context is set", function(done){ this.timeout(200); var initFn = function(context){ expect(Tone.context).to.equal(context);"init", initFn); done(); }; Context.on("init", initFn); Tone.context.close(); Tone.context = new Context(); }); }); context("get/set", function(){ it ("can set the lookAhead", function(){ var ctx = new Context(); ctx.lookAhead = 0.05; expect(ctx.lookAhead).to.equal(0.05); ctx.dispose(); }); it ("can set the updateInterval", function(){ var ctx = new Context(); ctx.updateInterval = 0.05; expect(ctx.updateInterval).to.equal(0.05); ctx.dispose(); }); it ("can set the latencyHint", function(){ var ctx = new Context(); ctx.latencyHint = "fastest"; expect(ctx.latencyHint).to.equal("fastest"); expect(ctx.lookAhead), 0.05); expect(ctx.updateInterval), 0.05); // test all other latency hints var latencyHints = ["interactive", "playback", "balanced"] latencyHints.forEach(function(hint){ ctx.latencyHint = hint; expect(ctx.latencyHint).to.equal(hint); }); ctx.dispose(); }); it ("gets a constant signal", function(){ var ctx = new Context(); var bufferSrc = ctx.getConstant(1); expect(bufferSrc).is.instanceOf(AudioBufferSourceNode); var buffer = bufferSrc.buffer.getChannelData(0); for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++){ expect(buffer[i]).to.equal(1); } ctx.dispose(); }); it ("multiple calls return the same buffer source", function(){ var ctx = new Context(); var bufferA = ctx.getConstant(2); var bufferB = ctx.getConstant(2); expect(bufferA).to.equal(bufferB); ctx.dispose(); }); }); });