import { expect } from "chai"; import { warns } from "../../../test/helper/Basic.js"; import { Offline } from "../../../test/helper/Offline.js"; import { PassAudio } from "../../../test/helper/PassAudio.js"; import { Oscillator } from "../../source/oscillator/Oscillator.js"; import { getContext } from "../Global.js"; import { DestinationClass } from "./Destination.js"; describe("Destination", () => { it("creates itself on the context", () => { expect(getContext().destination).instanceOf(DestinationClass); }); it("can be muted and unmuted", () => { return Offline((context) => { context.destination.mute = false; expect(context.destination.mute).to.equal(false); context.destination.mute = true; expect(context.destination.mute).to.equal(true); }); }); it("passes audio through", () => { return PassAudio((input) => { input.toDestination(); }); }); it("passes no audio when muted", () => { return Offline((context) => { new Oscillator().toDestination().start(0); context.destination.mute = true; }).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.isSilent()).to.equal(true); }); }); it("has a master volume control", () => { return Offline((context) => { context.destination.volume.value = -20; expect(context.destination.volume.value), 0.1); }); }); it("warns when toMaster is called", () => { warns(() => { const osc = new Oscillator().toMaster(); osc.dispose(); }); }); it("can get the maxChannelCount", () => { return Offline( (context) => { expect(context.destination.maxChannelCount).to.equal(4); }, 0.1, 4 ); }); it("can set the audio channel configuration", () => { return Offline( (context) => { expect(context.destination.channelCount).to.equal(4); context.destination.channelCountMode = "explicit"; context.destination.channelInterpretation = "discrete"; expect(context.destination.channelCountMode).to.equal( "explicit" ); expect(context.destination.channelInterpretation).to.equal( "discrete" ); }, 0.1, 4 ); }); it("can pass audio through chained nodes", () => { return PassAudio((input) => { const gain = input.context.createGain(); input.connect(gain); input.context.destination.chain(gain); }); }); });