import { expect } from "chai"; import { atTime, Offline, whenBetween } from "../../../test/helper/Offline.js"; import { Time } from "../type/Time.js"; import { noOp } from "../util/Interface.js"; import { Signal } from "../../signal/Signal.js"; import { TransportTime } from "../type/TransportTime.js"; import { TransportClass } from "./Transport.js"; // importing for side affects import "../context/Destination.js"; import { warns } from "../../../test/helper/Basic.js"; import { Synth } from "../../instrument/Synth.js"; describe("Transport", () => { context("BPM and timeSignature", () => { it("can get and set bpm", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.bpm.value = 125; expect(transport.bpm.value), 0.001); transport.bpm.value = 120; expect(transport.bpm.value).to.equal(120); }); }); it("can get and set timeSignature as both an array or number", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.timeSignature = [6, 8]; expect(transport.timeSignature).to.equal(3); transport.timeSignature = 5; expect(transport.timeSignature).to.equal(5); }); }); it("can get and set timeSignature as both an array or number", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.timeSignature = [6, 8]; expect(transport.timeSignature).to.equal(3); transport.timeSignature = 5; expect(transport.timeSignature).to.equal(5); }); }); }); context("looping", () => { it("can get and set loop points", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.loopStart = 0.2; transport.loopEnd = 0.4; expect(transport.loopStart), 0.01); expect(transport.loopEnd), 0.01); transport.setLoopPoints(0, "1m"); expect(transport.loopStart), 0.01); expect(transport.loopEnd) transport.toSeconds("1m"), 0.01 ); }); }); it("can loop events scheduled on the transport", () => { let invocations = 0; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.schedule((time) => { invocations++; }, 0); transport.setLoopPoints(0, 0.1).start(0); transport.loop = true; }, 0.41).then(() => { expect(invocations).to.equal(5); }); }); it("jumps to the loopStart after the loopEnd point", () => { let looped = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.on("loop", () => { looped = true; }); transport.loop = true; transport.loopEnd = 1; transport.seconds = 2; transport.start(); }, 0.4).then(() => { expect(looped).to.equal(true); }); }); }); context("nextSubdivision", () => { it("returns 0 if the transports not started", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); expect(transport.nextSubdivision()).to.equal(0); }); }); it("can get the next subdivision of the transport", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.start(0); return (time) => { whenBetween(time, 0.05, 0.07, () => { expect(transport.nextSubdivision(0.5)) 0.5, 0.01 ); expect(transport.nextSubdivision(0.04)) 0.08, 0.01 ); expect(transport.nextSubdivision(2)) 2, 0.01 ); }); whenBetween(time, 0.09, 0.1, () => { expect(transport.nextSubdivision(0.04)) 0.12, 0.01 ); expect(transport.nextSubdivision("8n")) 0.25, 0.01 ); }); }; }, 0.1); }); }); context("PPQ", () => { it("can get and set pulses per quarter", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.PPQ = 96; expect(transport.PPQ).to.equal(96); }); }); it("schedules a quarter note at the same time with a different PPQ", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.PPQ = 1; const id = transport.schedule((time) => { expect(time)"4n"), 0.1); transport.clear(id); }, "4n"); transport.start(); }); }); it("invokes the right number of ticks with a different PPQ", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.bpm.value = 120; const ppq = 20; transport.PPQ = ppq; transport.start(); return (time) => { if (time > 0.5) { expect(transport.ticks), ppq * 1.2); } }; }, 0.55); }); }); context("position", () => { it("can jump to a specific tick number", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.ticks = 200; expect(transport.ticks).to.equal(200); transport.start(0); let tested = false; return () => { if (!tested) { expect(transport.ticks); tested = true; } }; }, 0.1); }); it("can get the current position in BarsBeatsSixteenths", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); expect(transport.position).to.equal("0:0:0"); transport.start(0); return atTime(0.05, () => { expect(transport.position).to.not.equal("0:0:0"); }); }, 0.1); }); it("can get the current position in seconds", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); expect(transport.seconds).to.equal(0); transport.start(0.05); return (time) => { if (time > 0.05) { expect(transport.seconds) time - 0.05, 0.01 ); } }; }, 0.1); }); it("can get the current position in seconds during a bpm ramp", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); expect(transport.seconds).to.equal(0); transport.start(0.05); transport.bpm.linearRampTo(60, 0.5, 0.5); return (time) => { if (time > 0.05) { expect(transport.seconds) time - 0.05, 0.01 ); } }; }, 0.7); }); it("can set the current position in seconds", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); expect(transport.seconds).to.equal(0); transport.seconds = 3; expect(transport.seconds), 0.01); }); }); it("can set the current position in BarsBeatsSixteenths", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); expect(transport.position).to.equal("0:0:0"); transport.position = "3:0"; expect(transport.position).to.equal("3:0:0"); transport.position = "0:0"; expect(transport.position).to.equal("0:0:0"); }); }); it("can get the progress of the loop", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.setLoopPoints(0, "1m").start(); transport.loop = true; expect(transport.progress); transport.position = "2n"; expect(transport.progress), 0.001); transport.position = Time("2n").valueOf() + Time("4n").valueOf(); expect(transport.progress), 0.001); }); }); it("progress is always 0 when not looping", () => { return Offline(({ transport }) => { transport.loop = false; transport.start(); return atTime(0.1, () => { expect(transport.progress); }); }, 0.2); }); }); context("state", () => { it("can start, pause, and restart", () => { return Offline(({ transport }) => { transport.start(0).pause(0.2).start(0.4); const pulse = new Signal(0).toDestination(); transport.schedule((time) => { pulse.setValueAtTime(1, time); pulse.setValueAtTime(0, time + 0.1); }, 0); transport.schedule((time) => { pulse.setValueAtTime(1, time); pulse.setValueAtTime(0, time + 0.1); }, 0.3); return (time) => { whenBetween(time, 0, 0.2, () => { expect(transport.state).to.equal("started"); }); whenBetween(time, 0.2, 0.4, () => { expect(transport.state).to.equal("paused"); }); whenBetween(time, 0.4, Infinity, () => { expect(transport.state).to.equal("started"); }); }; }, 0.6).then((buffer) => { buffer.forEach((sample, time) => { whenBetween(time, 0, 0.01, () => { expect(sample).to.equal(1); }); whenBetween(time, 0.1, 0.11, () => { expect(sample).to.equal(0); }); whenBetween(time, 0.502, 0.51, () => { expect(sample).to.equal(1); }); }); }); }); }); context("ticks", () => { it("resets ticks on stop but not on pause", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.start(0).pause(0.1).stop(0.2); expect(transport.getTicksAtTime(0)) Math.floor(transport.PPQ * 0) ); expect(transport.getTicksAtTime(0.05)) Math.floor(transport.PPQ * 0.1) ); expect(transport.getTicksAtTime(0.1)) Math.floor(transport.PPQ * 0.2) ); expect(transport.getTicksAtTime(0.15)) Math.floor(transport.PPQ * 0.2) ); expect(transport.getTicksAtTime(0.2)); }, 0.3); }); it("tracks ticks after start", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.bpm.value = 120; const ppq = transport.PPQ; transport.start(); return (time) => { if (time > 0.5) { expect(transport.ticks); } }; }, 0.6); }); it("can start with a tick offset", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.start(0, "200i"); return (time) => { if (time < 0.01) { expect(transport.ticks); } }; }, 0.1); }); it("can toggle the state of the transport", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.toggle(0); transport.toggle(0.2); return (time) => { whenBetween(time, 0, 0.2, () => { expect(transport.state).to.equal("started"); }); whenBetween(time, 0.2, Infinity, () => { expect(transport.state).to.equal("stopped"); }); }; }, 0.1); }); it("tracks ticks correctly with a different PPQ and BPM", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.PPQ = 96; transport.bpm.value = 90; transport.start(); return (time) => { if (time > 0.5) { expect(transport.ticks); } }; }, 0.6); }); it("can set the ticks while started", () => { let invocations = 0; const times = [0, 1.5]; return Offline(({ transport }) => { transport.PPQ = 1; transport.schedule((time) => { expect(time)[invocations], 0.01); invocations++; }, 0); transport.start(0); return atTime(1.1, () => { transport.ticks = 0; }); }, 2.5).then(() => { expect(invocations).to.equal(2); }); }); }); context("schedule", () => { it("can schedule an event on the timeline", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const eventID = transport.schedule(() => {}, 0); expect(eventID)"number"); }); }); it("scheduled event gets invoked with the time of the event", () => { let wasCalled = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const startTime = 0.1; transport.schedule((time) => { expect(time), 0.01); wasCalled = true; }, 0); transport.start(startTime); }, 0.2).then(() => { expect(wasCalled).to.equal(true); }); }); it("can schedule events with TransportTime", () => { let wasCalled = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const startTime = 0.1; const eighth = transport.toSeconds("8n"); transport.schedule((time) => { expect(time) + eighth, 0.01); wasCalled = true; }, TransportTime("8n")); transport.start(startTime); }, 0.5).then(() => { expect(wasCalled).to.equal(true); }); }); it("can clear a scheduled event", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const eventID = transport.schedule(() => { throw new Error("should not call this function"); }, 0); transport.clear(eventID); transport.start(); }); }); it("can cancel the timeline of scheduled object", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.schedule(() => { throw new Error("should not call this"); }, 0); transport.cancel(0); transport.start(0); }); }); it("can cancel the timeline of scheduleOnce object", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.scheduleOnce(() => { throw new Error("should not call this"); }, 0); transport.cancel(0); transport.start(0); }); }); it("scheduled event anywhere along the timeline", () => { let wasCalled = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const startTime =; transport.schedule((time) => { expect(time) + 0.5, 0.001); wasCalled = true; }, 0.5); transport.start(startTime); }, 0.6).then(() => { expect(wasCalled).to.equal(true); }); }); it("can schedule multiple events and invoke them in the right order", () => { let wasCalled = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); let first = false; transport.schedule(() => { first = true; }, 0.1); transport.schedule(() => { expect(first).to.equal(true); wasCalled = true; }, 0.11); transport.start(); }, 0.2).then(() => { expect(wasCalled).to.equal(true); }); }); it("invokes the event again if the timeline is restarted", () => { let iterations = 0; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.schedule(() => { iterations++; }, 0.05); transport.start(0).stop(0.1).start(0.2); }, 0.3).then(() => { expect(iterations); }); }); it("can add an event after the Transport is started", () => { let wasCalled = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.start(0); let wasScheduled = false; return (time) => { if (time > 0.1 && !wasScheduled) { wasScheduled = true; transport.schedule(() => { wasCalled = true; }, 0.15); } }; }, 0.3).then(() => { expect(wasCalled).to.equal(true); }); }); it("warns if the scheduled time was not used in the callback", async () => { return Offline(({ transport }) => { const synth = new Synth(); transport.schedule(() => { warns(() => { synth.triggerAttackRelease("C2", 0.1); }); }, 0); transport.start(0); }, 0.3).then(() => {}); }); }); context("scheduleRepeat", () => { it("can schedule a repeated event", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const eventID = transport.scheduleRepeat(noOp, 1); expect(eventID)"number"); }); }); it("scheduled event gets invoked with the time of the event", () => { let invoked = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const startTime = 0.1; const eventID = transport.scheduleRepeat( (time) => { expect(time), 0.01); invoked = true; transport.clear(eventID); }, 1, 0 ); transport.start(startTime); }, 0.3).then(() => { expect(invoked).to.equal(true); }); }); it("can cancel the timeline of scheduleRepeat", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.scheduleRepeat( () => { throw new Error("should not call this"); }, 0.01, 0 ); transport.cancel(0); transport.start(0); }); }); it("can schedule events with TransportTime", () => { let invoked = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const startTime = 0.1; const eighth = transport.toSeconds("8n"); transport.scheduleRepeat( (time) => { expect(time) + eighth, 0.01); invoked = true; }, "1n", TransportTime("8n") ); transport.start(startTime); }, 0.4).then(() => { expect(invoked).to.equal(true); }); }); it("can clear a scheduled event", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const eventID = transport.scheduleRepeat( () => { throw new Error("should not call this function"); }, 1, 0 ); transport.clear(eventID); transport.stop(); }); }); it("can be scheduled in the future", () => { let invoked = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const startTime = 0.1; const eventID = transport.scheduleRepeat( (time) => { transport.clear(eventID); expect(time) + 0.2, 0.01); invoked = true; }, 1, 0.2 ); transport.start(startTime); }, 0.5).then(() => { expect(invoked).to.equal(true); }); }); it("repeats a repeat event", () => { let invocations = 0; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.scheduleRepeat( () => { invocations++; }, 0.1, 0 ); transport.start(); }, 0.51).then(() => { expect(invocations).to.equal(6); }); }); it("repeats at the repeat interval", () => { let wasCalled = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); let repeatTime = -1; transport.scheduleRepeat( (time) => { if (repeatTime !== -1) { expect(time - repeatTime), 0.01); } repeatTime = time; wasCalled = true; }, 0.1, 0 ); transport.start(); }, 0.5).then(() => { expect(wasCalled).to.equal(true); }); }); it("can schedule multiple events and invoke them in the right order", () => { let first = false; let second = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const firstID = transport.scheduleRepeat( () => { first = true; transport.clear(firstID); }, 1, 0.1 ); const secondID = transport.scheduleRepeat( () => { transport.clear(secondID); expect(first).to.equal(true); second = true; }, 1, 0.11 ); transport.start(); }, 0.3).then(() => { expect(first); expect(second); }); }); it("repeats for the given interval", () => { let repeatCount = 0; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.scheduleRepeat( (time) => { repeatCount++; }, 0.1, 0, 0.5 ); transport.start(); }, 0.61).then(() => { expect(repeatCount).to.equal(5); }); }); it("can add an event after the Transport is started", () => { let invocations = 0; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.start(0); let wasScheduled = false; const times = [0.15, 0.3]; return (time) => { if (time > 0.1 && !wasScheduled) { wasScheduled = true; transport.scheduleRepeat( (repeatedTime) => { expect(repeatedTime) times[invocations], 0.01 ); invocations++; }, 0.15, 0.15 ); } }; }, 0.31).then(() => { expect(invocations).to.equal(2); }); }); it("can add an event to the past after the Transport is started", () => { let invocations = 0; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.start(0); let wasScheduled = false; const times = [0.15, 0.25]; return (time) => { if (time >= 0.12 && !wasScheduled) { wasScheduled = true; transport.scheduleRepeat( (repeatedTime) => { expect(repeatedTime) times[invocations], 0.01 ); invocations++; }, 0.1, 0.05 ); } }; }, 0.3).then(() => { expect(invocations).to.equal(2); }); }); }); context("scheduleOnce", () => { it("can schedule a single event on the timeline", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const eventID = transport.scheduleOnce(() => {}, 0); expect(eventID)"number"); }); }); it("scheduled event gets invoked with the time of the event", () => { let invoked = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const startTime = 0.1; const eventID = transport.scheduleOnce((time) => { invoked = true; transport.clear(eventID); expect(time), 0.01); }, 0); transport.start(startTime); }, 0.2).then(() => { expect(invoked).to.equal(true); }); }); it("can schedule events with TransportTime", () => { let invoked = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const startTime = 0.1; const eighth = transport.toSeconds("8n"); transport.scheduleOnce((time) => { expect(time) + eighth, 0.01); invoked = true; }, TransportTime("8n")); transport.start(startTime); }, 0.5).then(() => { expect(invoked).to.equal(true); }); }); it("can clear a scheduled event", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const eventID = transport.scheduleOnce(() => { throw new Error("should not call this function"); }, 0); transport.clear(eventID); transport.start(); }); }); it("can be scheduled in the future", () => { let invoked = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const startTime = + 0.1; const eventID = transport.scheduleOnce((time) => { transport.clear(eventID); expect(time) + 0.3, 0.01); invoked = true; }, 0.3); transport.start(startTime); }, 0.5).then(() => { expect(invoked).to.equal(true); }); }); it("the event is removed after is is invoked", () => { let iterations = 0; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.scheduleOnce(() => { iterations++; }, 0); transport.start().stop("+0.1").start("+0.2"); }, 0.5).then(() => { expect(iterations); }); }); }); context("events", () => { it("invokes start/stop/pause events", () => { let invocations = 0; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.on("start", () => { invocations++; }); transport.on("stop", () => { invocations++; }); transport.on("pause", () => { invocations++; }); transport.start().stop(0.1).start(0.2); }, 0.5).then(() => { expect(invocations).to.equal(3); }); }); it("invokes start event with correct offset", () => { let wasCalled = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.on("start", (time, offset) => { expect(time), 0.01); expect(offset), 0.001); wasCalled = true; }); transport.start(0.2, "4n"); }, 0.3).then(() => { expect(wasCalled).to.equal(true); }); }); it("invokes the event just before the scheduled time", () => { let invoked = false; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.on("start", (time, offset) => { expect(time - transport.context.currentTime) 0, 0.01 ); expect(offset).to.equal(0); invoked = true; }); transport.start(0.2); }, 0.3).then(() => { expect(invoked).to.equal(true); }); }); it("passes in the time argument to the events", () => { let invocations = 0; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const now =; transport.on("start", (time) => { invocations++; expect(time) + 0.1, 0.01); }); transport.on("stop", (time) => { invocations++; expect(time) + 0.2, 0.01); }); transport.start("+0.1").stop("+0.2"); }, 0.3).then(() => { expect(invocations).to.equal(2); }); }); it("invokes the 'loop' method on loop", () => { let loops = 0; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); const sixteenth = transport.toSeconds("16n"); transport.setLoopPoints(0, sixteenth); transport.loop = true; let lastLoop = -1; transport.on("loop", (time) => { loops++; if (lastLoop !== -1) { expect(time - lastLoop), 0.001); } lastLoop = time; }); transport.start(0).stop(sixteenth * 5.1); }, 0.7).then(() => { expect(loops).to.equal(5); }); }); }); context("swing", () => { it("can get/set the swing subdivision", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.swingSubdivision = "8n"; expect(transport.swingSubdivision).to.equal("8n"); transport.swingSubdivision = "4n"; expect(transport.swingSubdivision).to.equal("4n"); }); }); it("can get/set the swing amount", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.swing = 0.5; expect(transport.swing).to.equal(0.5); transport.swing = 0; expect(transport.swing).to.equal(0); }); }); it("can swing", () => { let invocations = 0; return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.swing = 1; transport.swingSubdivision = "8n"; const eightNote = transport.toSeconds("8n"); // downbeat, no swing transport.schedule((time) => { invocations++; expect(time).is.closeTo(0, 0.001); }, 0); // eighth note has swing transport.schedule((time) => { invocations++; expect(time).is.closeTo((eightNote * 5) / 3, 0.001); }, "8n"); // sixteenth note is also swung transport.schedule((time) => { invocations++; expect(time).is.closeTo(eightNote, 0.05); }, "16n"); // no swing on the quarter transport.schedule((time) => { invocations++; expect(time).is.closeTo(eightNote * 2, 0.001); }, "4n"); transport.start(0).stop(0.7); }, 0.7).then(() => { expect(invocations).to.equal(4); }); }); }); });