import { isUndef } from "./TypeCheck"; /** * Assert that the statement is true, otherwise invoke the error. * @param statement * @param error The message which is passed into an Error */ export function assert(statement: boolean, error: string): asserts statement { if (!statement) { throw new Error(error); } } /** * Make sure that the given value is within the range */ export function assertRange(value: number, gte: number, lte = Infinity): void { if (!(gte <= value && value <= lte)) { throw new RangeError( `Value must be within [${gte}, ${lte}], got: ${value}` ); } } /** * Warn if the context is not running. */ export function assertContextRunning( context: import("../context/BaseContext").BaseContext ): void { // add a warning if the context is not started if (!context.isOffline && context.state !== "running") { warn( "The AudioContext is \"suspended\". Invoke Tone.start() from a user action to start the audio." ); } } /** * If it is currently inside a scheduled callback */ let isInsideScheduledCallback = false; let printedScheduledWarning = false; /** * Notify that the following block of code is occurring inside a Transport callback. */ export function enterScheduledCallback(insideCallback: boolean): void { isInsideScheduledCallback = insideCallback; } /** * Make sure that a time was passed into */ export function assertUsedScheduleTime( time?: import("../type/Units").Time ): void { if (isUndef(time) && isInsideScheduledCallback && !printedScheduledWarning) { printedScheduledWarning = true; warn("Events scheduled inside of scheduled callbacks should use the passed in scheduling time. See"); } } /** * A basic logging interface */ interface Logger { log: (args?: any[]) => void; warn: (args?: any[]) => void; } /** * The default logger is the console */ let defaultLogger: Logger = console; /** * Set the logging interface */ export function setLogger(logger: Logger): void { defaultLogger = logger; } /** * Log anything */ export function log(...args: any[]): void { defaultLogger.log(...args); } /** * Warn anything */ export function warn(...args: any[]): void { defaultLogger.warn(...args); }