define(["helper/ConstantOutput", "Tone/signal/Normalize", "helper/Basic", "Test", "Tone/source/Oscillator", "Tone/signal/Signal", "helper/Offline"], function (ConstantOutput, Normalize, Basic, Test, Oscillator, Signal, Offline) { describe("Normalize", function(){ Basic(Normalize); context("Normalizing", function(){ it("handles input and output connections", function(){ var norm = new Normalize(); Test.connect(norm); norm.connect(Test); norm.dispose(); }); it("normalizes an oscillator to 0,1", function(){ return Offline(function(){ var osc = new Oscillator(1000); var norm = new Normalize(-1, 1); osc.connect(norm); norm.toMaster(); }).then(function(buffer){ buffer.forEach(function(sample){ expect(sample), 1); }); }); }); it("normalizes an input at the max range to 1", function(){ return ConstantOutput(function(){ var sig = new Signal(1000); var norm = new Normalize(0, 1000); sig.connect(norm); norm.toMaster(); }, 1); }); it("normalizes an input at the min range to 0", function(){ return ConstantOutput(function(){ var sig = new Signal(-10); var norm = new Normalize(-10, 1000); sig.connect(norm); norm.toMaster(); }, 0); }); it("can set the min and max", function(){ return ConstantOutput(function(){ var sig = new Signal(10); var norm = new Normalize(0, 1); norm.min = 5; norm.max = 15; expect(norm.min), 0.1); expect(norm.max), 0.1); sig.connect(norm); norm.toMaster(); }, 0.5); }); }); }); });