sudo: false dist: trusty language: node_js node_js: - '8' before_script: - cd gulp - npm install -g gulp - npm install - git config --global "" - git config --global "Travis CI" script: gulp travis-test after_success: - gulp coveralls before_deploy: - npm install -g jsdoc - sh - node increment_version.js - cd ../ jobs: include: - stage: test script: gulp travis-test env : BROWSER=chrome os: linux addons: chrome: stable - stage: test script: gulp travis-test env : BROWSER=chrome os: linux addons: chrome: beta - stage: test script: gulp travis-test env : BROWSER=firefox os: linux addons: firefox: latest - stage: test script: # needs an audio output device to run - HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install Caskroom/cask/soundflower - gulp travis-test env : BROWSER=safari os: osx - stage: test script: # needs an audio output device to run - HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install Caskroom/cask/soundflower - gulp travis-test env : BROWSER=safari os: osx # test on an older safari osx_image: xcode6.4 - stage: deploy os: linux script: skip deploy: - provider: npm skip_cleanup: true email: api_key: $NPM_TOKEN tag: next on: repo: Tonejs/Tone.js branch: dev # publish without @next when pushing on master - provider: npm skip_cleanup: true email: api_key: $NPM_TOKEN on: repo: Tonejs/Tone.js branch: master # publish build files for releases - provider: releases api-key: $GH_TOKEN file_glob: true file: build/* skip_cleanup: true on: tags: true # cache node_modules to speed up build cache: directories: - node_modules - gulp/node_modules - $HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew