define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/core/Clock", "Tone/signal/Signal", "Tone/signal/Multiply"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * Time can be descibed in a number of ways. * Any Method which accepts Tone.Time as a parameter will accept: * * Numbers, which will be taken literally as the time (in seconds). * * Notation, ("4n", "8t") describes time in BPM and time signature relative values. * * Transport Time, ("4:3:2") will also provide tempo and time signature relative times * in the form BARS:QUARTERS:SIXTEENTHS. * * Frequency, ("8hz") is converted to the length of the cycle in seconds. * * Now-Relative, ("+1") prefix any of the above with "+" and it will be interpreted as * "the current time plus whatever expression follows". * * Expressions, ("3:0 + 2 - (1m / 7)") any of the above can also be combined * into a mathematical expression which will be evaluated to compute the desired time. * * No Argument, for methods which accept time, no argument will be interpreted as * "now" (i.e. the currentTime). * * [Tone.Time Wiki]( * * @typedef {number|string|undefined} Tone.Time */ /** * @class Oscillator-based transport allows for simple musical timing * supports tempo curves and time changes. Do not construct * an instance of the transport. One is automatically created * on init and additional transports cannot be created.

* If you need to schedule highly independent callback functions, * check out {@link Tone.Clock}. * * @extends {Tone} */ Tone.Transport = function(){ /** * watches the main oscillator for timing ticks * initially starts at 120bpm * * @private * @type {Tone.Clock} */ this._clock = new Tone.Clock(0, this._processTick.bind(this)); /** * If the transport loops or not. * @type {boolean} */ this.loop = false; /** * the bpm value * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.bpm = new Tone.Signal(120, Tone.Signal.Units.BPM); /** * the signal scalar * @type {Tone.Multiply} * @private */ this._bpmMult = new Tone.Multiply(1/60 * tatum); /** * The state of the transport. * @type {TransportState} */ this.state = TransportState.STOPPED; //connect it all up this.bpm.chain(this._bpmMult, this._clock.frequency); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Transport); /** * the defaults * @type {Object} * @const * @static */ Tone.Transport.defaults = { "bpm" : 120, "swing" : 0, "swingSubdivision" : "16n", "timeSignature" : 4, "loopStart" : 0, "loopEnd" : "4m" }; /** * @private * @type {number} */ var tatum = 12; /** * @private * @type {number} */ var timelineTicks = 0; /** * @private * @type {number} */ var transportTicks = 0; /** * Which subdivision the swing is applied to. * defaults to an 16th note * @private * @type {number} */ var swingSubdivision = "16n"; /** * controls which beat the swing is applied to * defaults to an 16th note * @private * @type {number} */ var swingTatum = 3; /** * controls which beat the swing is applied to * @private * @type {number} */ var swingAmount = 0; /** * @private * @type {number} */ var transportTimeSignature = 4; /** * @private * @type {number} */ var loopStart = 0; /** * @private * @type {number} */ var loopEnd = tatum * 4; /** * @private * @type {Array} */ var intervals = []; /** * @private * @type {Array} */ var timeouts = []; /** * @private * @type {Array} */ var transportTimeline = []; /** * @private * @type {number} */ var timelineProgress = 0; /** * All of the synced components * @private * @type {Array} */ var SyncedSources = []; /** * All of the synced Signals * @private * @type {Array} */ var SyncedSignals = []; /** * @enum */ var TransportState = { STARTED : "started", PAUSED : "paused", STOPPED : "stopped" }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TICKS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * called on every tick * @param {number} tickTime clock relative tick time * @private */ Tone.Transport.prototype._processTick = function(tickTime){ if (this.state === TransportState.STARTED){ if (swingAmount > 0 && timelineTicks % tatum !== 0 && //not on a downbeat timelineTicks % swingTatum === 0){ //add some swing tickTime += this._ticksToSeconds(swingTatum) * swingAmount; } processIntervals(tickTime); processTimeouts(tickTime); processTimeline(tickTime); transportTicks += 1; timelineTicks += 1; if (this.loop){ if (timelineTicks === loopEnd){ this._setTicks(loopStart); } } } }; /** * jump to a specific tick in the timeline * updates the timeline callbacks * * @param {number} ticks the tick to jump to * @private */ Tone.Transport.prototype._setTicks = function(ticks){ timelineTicks = ticks; for (var i = 0; i < transportTimeline.length; i++){ var timeout = transportTimeline[i]; if (timeout.callbackTick() >= ticks){ timelineProgress = i; break; } } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EVENT PROCESSING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * process the intervals * @param {number} time */ var processIntervals = function(time){ for (var i = 0, len = intervals.length; i transportTicks){ break; } } //remove the timeouts off the front of the array after they've been called timeouts.splice(0, removeTimeouts); }; /** * process the transportTimeline events * @param {number} time */ var processTimeline = function(time){ for (var i = timelineProgress, len = transportTimeline.length; i timelineTicks){ break; } } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INTERVAL /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Set a callback for a recurring event. * * @param {function} callback * @param {Tone.Time} interval * @return {number} the id of the interval * @example * //triggers a callback every 8th note with the exact time of the event * Tone.Transport.setInterval(function(time){ * envelope.triggerAttack(time); * }, "8n"); */ Tone.Transport.prototype.setInterval = function(callback, interval, ctx){ var tickTime = this._toTicks(interval); var timeout = new TimelineEvent(callback, ctx, tickTime, transportTicks); intervals.push(timeout); return; }; /** * clear an interval from the processing array * @param {number} rmInterval the interval to remove * @return {boolean} true if the event was removed */ Tone.Transport.prototype.clearInterval = function(rmInterval){ for (var i = 0; i < intervals.length; i++){ var interval = intervals[i]; if ( === rmInterval){ intervals.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; }; /** * removes all of the intervals that are currently set * @return {boolean} true if the event was removed */ Tone.Transport.prototype.clearIntervals = function(){ var willRemove = intervals.length > 0; intervals = []; return willRemove; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TIMEOUT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Set a timeout to occur after time from now. NB: the transport must be * running for this to be triggered. All timeout events are cleared when the * transport is stopped. * * @param {function} callback * @param {Tone.Time} time * @return {number} the id of the timeout for clearing timeouts * @example * //trigger an event to happen 1 second from now * Tone.Transport.setTimeout(function(time){ * player.start(time); * }, 1) */ Tone.Transport.prototype.setTimeout = function(callback, time, ctx){ var ticks = this._toTicks(time); var timeout = new TimelineEvent(callback, ctx, ticks + transportTicks, 0); //put it in the right spot for (var i = 0, len = timeouts.length; i timeout.callbackTick()){ timeouts.splice(i, 0, timeout); return; } } //otherwise push it on the end timeouts.push(timeout); return; }; /** * clear the timeout based on it's ID * @param {number} timeoutID * @return {boolean} true if the timeout was removed */ Tone.Transport.prototype.clearTimeout = function(timeoutID){ for (var i = 0; i < timeouts.length; i++){ var testTimeout = timeouts[i]; if ( === timeoutID){ timeouts.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; }; /** * removes all of the timeouts that are currently set * @return {boolean} true if the event was removed */ Tone.Transport.prototype.clearTimeouts = function(){ var willRemove = timeouts.length > 0; timeouts = []; return willRemove; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TIMELINE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Timeline events are synced to the transportTimeline of the Tone.Transport * Unlike Timeout, Timeline events will restart after the * Tone.Transport has been stopped and restarted. * * @param {function} callback * @param {Tome.Time} timeout * @return {number} the id for clearing the transportTimeline event * @example * //trigger the start of a part on the 16th measure * Tone.Transport.setTimeline(function(time){ * part.start(time); * }, "16m"); */ Tone.Transport.prototype.setTimeline = function(callback, timeout, ctx){ var ticks = this._toTicks(timeout); var timelineEvnt = new TimelineEvent(callback, ctx, ticks, 0); //put it in the right spot for (var i = timelineProgress, len = transportTimeline.length; i timelineEvnt.callbackTick()){ transportTimeline.splice(i, 0, timelineEvnt); return; } } //otherwise push it on the end transportTimeline.push(timelineEvnt); return; }; /** * clear the transportTimeline event from the * @param {number} timelineID * @return {boolean} true if it was removed */ Tone.Transport.prototype.clearTimeline = function(timelineID){ for (var i = 0; i < transportTimeline.length; i++){ var testTimeline = transportTimeline[i]; if ( === timelineID){ transportTimeline.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; }; /** * remove all events from the timeline * @returns {boolean} true if the events were removed */ Tone.Transport.prototype.clearTimelines = function(){ timelineProgress = 0; var willRemove = transportTimeline.length > 0; transportTimeline = []; return willRemove; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TIME CONVERSIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * turns the time into * @param {Tone.Time} time * @return {number} * @private */ Tone.Transport.prototype._toTicks = function(time){ //get the seconds var seconds = this.toSeconds(time); var quarter = this.notationToSeconds("4n"); var quarters = seconds / quarter; var tickNum = quarters * tatum; //quantize to tick value return Math.round(tickNum); }; /** * convert ticks into seconds * * @param {number} ticks * @param {number=} bpm * @param {number=} timeSignature * @return {number} seconds * @private */ Tone.Transport.prototype._ticksToSeconds = function(ticks, bpm, timeSignature){ ticks = Math.floor(ticks); var quater = this.notationToSeconds("4n", bpm, timeSignature); return (quater * ticks) / (tatum); }; /** * returns the time of the next beat * @param {string} [subdivision="4n"] * @return {number} the time in seconds of the next subdivision */ Tone.Transport.prototype.nextBeat = function(subdivision){ subdivision = this.defaultArg(subdivision, "4n"); var tickNum = this._toTicks(subdivision); var remainingTicks = (transportTicks % tickNum); var nextTick = remainingTicks; if (remainingTicks > 0){ nextTick = tickNum - remainingTicks; } return this._ticksToSeconds(nextTick); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // START/STOP/PAUSE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * start the transport and all sources synced to the transport * * @param {Tone.Time} time * @param {Tone.Time=} offset the offset position to start * @returns {Tone.Transport} `this` */ Tone.Transport.prototype.start = function(time, offset){ if (this.state === TransportState.STOPPED || this.state === TransportState.PAUSED){ if (!this.isUndef(offset)){ this._setTicks(this._toTicks(offset)); } this.state = TransportState.STARTED; var startTime = this.toSeconds(time); this._clock.start(startTime); //call start on each of the synced sources for (var i = 0; i < SyncedSources.length; i++){ var source = SyncedSources[i].source; var delay = SyncedSources[i].delay; source.start(startTime + delay); } } return this; }; /** * stop the transport and all sources synced to the transport * * @param {Tone.Time} time * @returns {Tone.Transport} `this` */ Tone.Transport.prototype.stop = function(time){ if (this.state === TransportState.STARTED || this.state === TransportState.PAUSED){ var stopTime = this.toSeconds(time); this._clock.stop(stopTime, this._onended.bind(this)); //call start on each of the synced sources for (var i = 0; i < SyncedSources.length; i++){ var source = SyncedSources[i].source; source.stop(stopTime); } } else { this._onended(); } return this; }; /** * invoked when the transport is stopped * @private */ Tone.Transport.prototype._onended = function(){ transportTicks = 0; this._setTicks(0); this.clearTimeouts(); this.state = TransportState.STOPPED; }; /** * pause the transport and all sources synced to the transport * * @param {Tone.Time} time * @returns {Tone.Transport} `this` */ Tone.Transport.prototype.pause = function(time){ if (this.state === TransportState.STARTED){ this.state = TransportState.PAUSED; var stopTime = this.toSeconds(time); this._clock.stop(stopTime); //call pause on each of the synced sources for (var i = 0; i < SyncedSources.length; i++){ var source = SyncedSources[i].source; source.pause(stopTime); } } return this; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SETTERS/GETTERS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Time signature as just the numerator over 4. * For example 4/4 would be just 4 and 6/8 would be 3. * @memberOf Tone.Transport# * @type {number} * @name timeSignature */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Transport.prototype, "timeSignature", { get : function(){ return transportTimeSignature; }, set : function(numerator){ transportTimeSignature = numerator; } }); /** * The loop start point * @memberOf Tone.Transport# * @type {Tone.Time} * @name loopStart */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Transport.prototype, "loopStart", { get : function(){ return this._ticksToSeconds(loopStart); }, set : function(startPosition){ loopStart = this._toTicks(startPosition); } }); /** * The loop end point * @memberOf Tone.Transport# * @type {Tone.Time} * @name loopEnd */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Transport.prototype, "loopEnd", { get : function(){ return this._ticksToSeconds(loopEnd); }, set : function(endPosition){ loopEnd = this._toTicks(endPosition); } }); /** * shorthand loop setting * @param {Tone.Time} startPosition * @param {Tone.Time} endPosition * @returns {Tone.Transport} `this` */ Tone.Transport.prototype.setLoopPoints = function(startPosition, endPosition){ this.loopStart = startPosition; this.loopEnd = endPosition; return this; }; /** * The swing value. Between 0-1 where 1 equal to * the note + half the subdivision. * @memberOf Tone.Transport# * @type {number} * @name swing */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Transport.prototype, "swing", { get : function(){ return swingAmount * 2; }, set : function(amount){ //scale the values to a normal range swingAmount = amount * 0.5; } }); /** * Set the subdivision which the swing will be applied to. * The default values is a 16th note. Value must be less * than a quarter note. * * * @memberOf Tone.Transport# * @type {Tone.Time} * @name swingSubdivision */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Transport.prototype, "swingSubdivision", { get : function(){ return swingSubdivision; }, set : function(subdivision){ //scale the values to a normal range swingSubdivision = subdivision; swingTatum = this._toTicks(subdivision); } }); /** * The Transport's position in MEASURES:BEATS:SIXTEENTHS. * Setting the value will jump to that position right away. * * @memberOf Tone.Transport# * @type {string} * @name position */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Transport.prototype, "position", { get : function(){ var quarters = timelineTicks / tatum; var measures = Math.floor(quarters / transportTimeSignature); var sixteenths = Math.floor((quarters % 1) * 4); quarters = Math.floor(quarters) % transportTimeSignature; var progress = [measures, quarters, sixteenths]; return progress.join(":"); }, set : function(progress){ var ticks = this._toTicks(progress); this._setTicks(ticks); } }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SYNCING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Sync a source to the transport so that * @param {Tone.Source} source the source to sync to the transport * @param {Tone.Time} delay (optionally) start the source with a delay from the transport * @returns {Tone.Transport} `this` */ Tone.Transport.prototype.syncSource = function(source, startDelay){ SyncedSources.push({ source : source, delay : this.toSeconds(this.defaultArg(startDelay, 0)) }); return this; }; /** * remove the source from the list of Synced Sources * * @param {Tone.Source} source [description] * @returns {Tone.Transport} `this` */ Tone.Transport.prototype.unsyncSource = function(source){ for (var i = 0; i < SyncedSources.length; i++){ if (SyncedSources[i].source === source){ SyncedSources.splice(i, 1); } } return this; }; /** * attaches the signal to the tempo control signal so that * any changes in the tempo will change the signal in the same * ratio. * * @param {Tone.Signal} signal * @param {number=} ratio Optionally pass in the ratio between * the two signals. Otherwise it will be computed * based on their current values. * @returns {Tone.Transport} `this` */ Tone.Transport.prototype.syncSignal = function(signal, ratio){ if (!ratio){ //get the sync ratio if (signal._value.value !== 0){ ratio = signal._value.value / this.bpm.value; } else { ratio = 0; } } var ratioSignal = this.context.createGain(); ratioSignal.gain.value = ratio; this.bpm.chain(ratioSignal, signal._value); SyncedSignals.push({ "ratio" : ratioSignal, "signal" : signal, "initial" : signal._value.value }); signal._value.value = 0; return this; }; /** * Unsyncs a previously synced signal from the transport's control * @param {Tone.Signal} signal * @returns {Tone.Transport} `this` */ Tone.Transport.prototype.unsyncSignal = function(signal){ for (var i = 0; i < SyncedSignals.length; i++){ var syncedSignal = SyncedSignals[i]; if (syncedSignal.signal === signal){ syncedSignal.ratio.disconnect(); syncedSignal.signal._value.value = syncedSignal.initial; SyncedSignals.splice(i, 1); } } return this; }; /** * clean up * @returns {Tone.Transport} `this` */ Tone.Transport.prototype.dispose = function(){ this._clock.dispose(); this._clock = null; this.bpm.dispose(); this.bpm = null; this._bpmMult.dispose(); this._bpmMult = null; return this; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TIMELINE EVENT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @static * @type {number} */ var TimelineEventIDCounter = 0; /** * A Timeline event * * @constructor * @private * @param {function(number)} callback * @param {Object} context * @param {number} tickTime * @param {number} startTicks */ var TimelineEvent = function(callback, context, tickTime, startTicks){ this.startTicks = startTicks; this.tickTime = tickTime; this.callback = callback; this.context = context; = TimelineEventIDCounter++; }; /** * invoke the callback in the correct context * passes in the playback time * * @param {number} playbackTime */ TimelineEvent.prototype.doCallback = function(playbackTime){, playbackTime); }; /** * get the tick which the callback is supposed to occur on * * @return {number} */ TimelineEvent.prototype.callbackTick = function(){ return this.startTicks + this.tickTime; }; /** * test if the tick occurs on the interval * * @param {number} tick * @return {boolean} */ TimelineEvent.prototype.testInterval = function(tick){ return (tick - this.startTicks) % this.tickTime === 0; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AUGMENT TONE'S PROTOTYPE TO INCLUDE TRANSPORT TIMING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * tests if a string is musical notation * i.e.: * 4n = quarter note * 2m = two measures * 8t = eighth-note triplet * defined in "Tone/core/Transport" * * @return {boolean} * @method isNotation * @lends Tone.prototype.isNotation */ Tone.prototype.isNotation = (function(){ var notationFormat = new RegExp(/[0-9]+[mnt]$/i); return function(note){ return notationFormat.test(note); }; })(); /** * tests if a string is transportTime * i.e. : * 1:2:0 = 1 measure + two quarter notes + 0 sixteenth notes * defined in "Tone/core/Transport" * * @return {boolean} * * @method isTransportTime * @lends Tone.prototype.isTransportTime */ Tone.prototype.isTransportTime = (function(){ var transportTimeFormat = new RegExp(/^\d+(\.\d+)?:\d+(\.\d+)?(:\d+(\.\d+)?)?$/i); return function(transportTime){ return transportTimeFormat.test(transportTime); }; })(); /** * * convert notation format strings to seconds * defined in "Tone/core/Transport" * * @param {string} notation * @param {number=} bpm * @param {number=} timeSignature * @return {number} * */ Tone.prototype.notationToSeconds = function(notation, bpm, timeSignature){ bpm = this.defaultArg(bpm, Tone.Transport.bpm.value); timeSignature = this.defaultArg(timeSignature, transportTimeSignature); var beatTime = (60 / bpm); var subdivision = parseInt(notation, 10); var beats = 0; if (subdivision === 0){ beats = 0; } var lastLetter = notation.slice(-1); if (lastLetter === "t"){ beats = (4 / subdivision) * 2/3; } else if (lastLetter === "n"){ beats = 4 / subdivision; } else if (lastLetter === "m"){ beats = subdivision * timeSignature; } else { beats = 0; } return beatTime * beats; }; /** * convert transportTime into seconds * defined in "Tone/core/Transport" * * ie: 4:2:3 == 4 measures + 2 quarters + 3 sixteenths * * @param {string} transportTime * @param {number=} bpm * @param {number=} timeSignature * @return {number} seconds * * @lends Tone.prototype.transportTimeToSeconds */ Tone.prototype.transportTimeToSeconds = function(transportTime, bpm, timeSignature){ bpm = this.defaultArg(bpm, Tone.Transport.bpm.value); timeSignature = this.defaultArg(timeSignature, transportTimeSignature); var measures = 0; var quarters = 0; var sixteenths = 0; var split = transportTime.split(":"); if (split.length === 2){ measures = parseFloat(split[0]); quarters = parseFloat(split[1]); } else if (split.length === 1){ quarters = parseFloat(split[0]); } else if (split.length === 3){ measures = parseFloat(split[0]); quarters = parseFloat(split[1]); sixteenths = parseFloat(split[2]); } var beats = (measures * timeSignature + quarters + sixteenths / 4); return beats * this.notationToSeconds("4n"); }; /** * Convert seconds to the closest transportTime in the form * measures:quarters:sixteenths * defined in "Tone/core/Transport" * * @method toTransportTime * * @param {Tone.Time} seconds * @param {number=} bpm * @param {number=} timeSignature * @return {string} * * @lends Tone.prototype.toTransportTime */ Tone.prototype.toTransportTime = function(time, bpm, timeSignature){ var seconds = this.toSeconds(time, bpm, timeSignature); bpm = this.defaultArg(bpm, Tone.Transport.bpm.value); timeSignature = this.defaultArg(timeSignature, transportTimeSignature); var quarterTime = this.notationToSeconds("4n"); var quarters = seconds / quarterTime; var measures = Math.floor(quarters / timeSignature); var sixteenths = Math.floor((quarters % 1) * 4); quarters = Math.floor(quarters) % timeSignature; var progress = [measures, quarters, sixteenths]; return progress.join(":"); }; /** * Convert a frequency representation into a number. * Defined in "Tone/core/Transport". * * @param {Tone.Frequency} freq * @param {number=} now if passed in, this number will be * used for all 'now' relative timings * @return {number} the frequency in hertz */ Tone.prototype.toFrequency = function(freq, now){ if (this.isFrequency(freq)){ return parseFloat(freq); } else if (this.isNotation(freq) || this.isTransportTime(freq)) { return this.secondsToFrequency(this.toSeconds(freq, now)); } else { return freq; } }; /** * Convert Tone.Time into seconds. * Defined in "Tone/core/Transport". * * Unlike the method which it overrides, this takes into account * transporttime and musical notation. * * Time : 1.40 * Notation: 4n|1m|2t * TransportTime: 2:4:1 (measure:quarters:sixteens) * Now Relative: +3n * Math: 3n+16n or even very complicated expressions ((3n*2)/6 + 1) * * @override * @param {Tone.Time} time * @param {number=} now if passed in, this number will be * used for all 'now' relative timings * @return {number} */ Tone.prototype.toSeconds = function(time, now){ now = this.defaultArg(now,; if (typeof time === "number"){ return time; //assuming that it's seconds } else if (typeof time === "string"){ var plusTime = 0; if(time.charAt(0) === "+") { plusTime = now; time = time.slice(1); } var components = time.split(/[\(\)\-\+\/\*]/); if (components.length > 1){ var originalTime = time; for(var i = 0; i < components.length; i++){ var symb = components[i].trim(); if (symb !== ""){ var val = this.toSeconds(symb); time = time.replace(symb, val); } } try { //i know eval is evil, but i think it's safe here time = eval(time); // jshint ignore:line } catch (e){ throw new EvalError("problem evaluating Tone.Time: "+originalTime); } } else if (this.isNotation(time)){ time = this.notationToSeconds(time); } else if (this.isTransportTime(time)){ time = this.transportTimeToSeconds(time); } else if (this.isFrequency(time)){ time = this.frequencyToSeconds(time); } else { time = parseFloat(time); } return time + plusTime; } else { return now; } }; var TransportConstructor = Tone.Transport; Tone._initAudioContext(function(){ if (typeof Tone.Transport === "function"){ //a single transport object Tone.Transport = new Tone.Transport(); } else { //stop the clock Tone.Transport.stop(); //get the previous bpm var bpm = Tone.Transport.bpm.value; //destory the old clock Tone.Transport._clock.dispose(); //make new Transport insides; //set the bpm Tone.Transport.bpm.value = bpm; } }); return Tone.Transport; });