import { expect } from "chai"; import { BasicTests } from "../../test/helper/Basic.js"; import { CompareToFile } from "../../test/helper/CompareToFile.js"; import { InstrumentTest } from "../../test/helper/InstrumentTests.js"; import { MonophonicTest } from "../../test/helper/MonophonicTests.js"; import { Offline } from "../../test/helper/Offline.js"; import { Frequency } from "../core/type/Frequency.js"; import { Synth } from "./Synth.js"; describe("Synth", () => { BasicTests(Synth); InstrumentTest(Synth, "C4"); MonophonicTest(Synth, "C4"); it("matches a file basic", () => { return CompareToFile( () => { const synth = new Synth().toDestination(); synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 0.1, 0.05); }, "synth_basic.wav", 0.3 ); }); it("matches a file melody", () => { return CompareToFile( () => { const synth = new Synth().toDestination(); synth.triggerAttack("C4", 0); synth.triggerAttack("E4", 0.1, 0.5); synth.triggerAttackRelease("G4", 0.5, 0.3); synth.triggerAttackRelease("B4", 0.5, 0.5, 0.2); }, "synth_melody.wav", 0.3 ); }); context("API", () => { it("can get and set oscillator attributes", () => { const simple = new Synth(); simple.oscillator.type = "triangle"; expect(simple.oscillator.type).to.equal("triangle"); simple.dispose(); }); it("can get and set envelope attributes", () => { const simple = new Synth(); simple.envelope.attack = 0.24; expect(simple.envelope.attack).to.equal(0.24); simple.dispose(); }); it("can be constructed with an options object", () => { const simple = new Synth({ envelope: { sustain: 0.3, }, oscillator: { type: "sine", }, volume: -5, }); expect(simple.envelope.sustain).to.equal(0.3); expect(simple.oscillator.type).to.equal("sine"); expect(simple.volume.value), 0.1); simple.dispose(); }); it("can get/set attributes", () => { const simple = new Synth(); simple.set({ envelope: { decay: 0.24, }, }); expect(simple.get().envelope.decay).to.equal(0.24); simple.dispose(); }); it("can get does not include omited oscillator attributes", () => { const simple = new Synth(); expect(simple.get().oscillator).to.not.have.key("frequency"); expect(simple.get().oscillator).to.not.have.key("detune"); expect(Object.keys(simple.get().oscillator)).to.include("type"); simple.dispose(); }); it("can be trigged with a Tone.Frequency", () => { return Offline(() => { const synth = new Synth().toDestination(); synth.triggerAttack(Frequency("C4"), 0); }).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.isSilent()); }); }); it("is silent after triggerAttack if sustain is 0", () => { return Offline(() => { const synth = new Synth({ envelope: { attack: 0.1, decay: 0.1, sustain: 0, }, }).toDestination(); synth.triggerAttack("C4", 0); }, 0.5).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getTimeOfLastSound()), 0.01); }); }); }); context("Transport sync", () => { it("is silent until the transport is started", () => { return Offline(({ transport }) => { const synth = new Synth().sync().toDestination(); synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 0.5); transport.start(0.5); }, 1).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getTimeOfFirstSound()).is.closeTo(0.5, 0.1); }); }); it("stops when the transport is stopped", () => { return Offline(({ transport }) => { const synth = new Synth({ envelope: { release: 0, }, }) .sync() .toDestination(); synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 0.5); transport.start(0.5).stop(1); }, 1.5).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getTimeOfLastSound()).is.closeTo(1, 0.1); }); }); it("goes silent at the loop boundary", () => { return Offline(({ transport }) => { const synth = new Synth({ envelope: { release: 0, }, }) .sync() .toDestination(); synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 0.8, 0.5); transport.loopEnd = 1; transport.loop = true; transport.start(); }, 2).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(0)), 0.05); expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(0.6)), 0.05); expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(1.1)), 0.05); expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(1.6)), 0.05); }); }); it("can unsync", () => { return Offline(({ transport }) => { const synth = new Synth({ envelope: { sustain: 1, release: 0, }, }) .sync() .toDestination() .unsync(); synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 1, 0.5); transport.start().stop(1); }, 2).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(0)), 0.05); expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(0.6)), 0.05); expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(1.4)), 0.05); expect(buffer.getRmsAtTime(1.6)), 0.05); }); }); }); context("Portamento", () => { it("can play notes with a portamento", () => { return Offline(() => { const synth = new Synth({ portamento: 0.1, }); expect(synth.portamento).to.equal(0.1); synth.frequency.toDestination(); synth.triggerAttack(440, 0); synth.triggerAttack(880, 0.1); }, 0.2).then((buffer) => { buffer.forEach((val, time) => { if (time < 0.1) { expect(val), 1); } else if (time < 0.2) { expect(val).to.within(440, 880); } else { expect(val), 1); } }); }); }); }); });