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synced 2025-02-18 14:58:25 +00:00
Chr0 can be imported/replaced. More fixes to importing sections including some errors and proper filtering. Dae epxorting now has a progress bar and an option to idsable texture exporting. Bfska can now be swapped between platforms. More sections will handle this method soon!. Fixed spaces on files from "Export All". Display multiple texture maps in bcres materials
311 lines
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311 lines
12 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Assimp;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Animations;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Rendering;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Switch_Toolbox.Library
public class AssimpSaver
private List<string> ExtractedTextures = new List<string>();
public List<string> BoneNames = new List<string>();
STProgressBar progressBar;
public void SaveFromModel(STGenericModel model, string FileName, List<STGenericTexture> Textures, STSkeleton skeleton = null, List<int> NodeArray = null)
Scene scene = new Scene();
scene.RootNode = new Node("RootNode");
progressBar = new STProgressBar();
progressBar.Task = "Exorting Skeleton...";
progressBar.Value = 0;
progressBar.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
SaveSkeleton(skeleton, scene.RootNode);
SaveMaterials(scene, model, FileName, Textures);
progressBar.Task = "Exorting Meshes...";
progressBar.Value = 50;
SaveMeshes(scene, model, skeleton, FileName, NodeArray);
progressBar.Task = "Saving File...";
progressBar.Value = 80;
SaveScene(FileName, scene);
progressBar.Value = 100;
private void SaveScene(string FileName, Scene scene)
using (var v = new AssimpContext())
string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName);
string formatID = "collada";
if (ext == ".obj")
formatID = "obj";
if (ext == ".3ds")
formatID = "3ds";
if (ext == ".dae")
formatID = "collada";
if (ext == ".ply")
formatID = "ply";
if (v.ExportFile(scene, FileName, formatID, PostProcessSteps.FlipUVs))
MessageBox.Show($"Exported {FileName} Successfuly!");
MessageBox.Show($"Failed to export {FileName}!");
private void SaveMeshes(Scene scene, STGenericModel model, STSkeleton skeleton, string FileName, List<int> NodeArray)
int MeshIndex = 0;
foreach (var obj in model.Nodes[0].Nodes)
var mesh = SaveMesh((STGenericObject)obj, skeleton, NodeArray);
Node geomNode = new Node(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName), scene.RootNode);
for (int ob = 0; ob < scene.MeshCount; ob++)
private Mesh SaveMesh(STGenericObject genericObj, STSkeleton skeleton, List<int> NodeArray)
Mesh mesh = new Mesh(genericObj.Text, PrimitiveType.Triangle);
mesh.MaterialIndex = genericObj.MaterialIndex;
List<Vector3D> textureCoords0 = new List<Vector3D>();
List<Vector3D> textureCoords1 = new List<Vector3D>();
List<Vector3D> textureCoords2 = new List<Vector3D>();
List<Color4D> vertexColors = new List<Color4D>();
int vertexID = 0;
foreach (Vertex v in genericObj.vertices)
mesh.Vertices.Add(new Vector3D(v.pos.X, v.pos.Y, v.pos.Z));
mesh.Normals.Add(new Vector3D(v.nrm.X, v.nrm.Y, v.nrm.Z));
textureCoords0.Add(new Vector3D(v.uv0.X, v.uv0.Y, 0));
textureCoords1.Add(new Vector3D(v.uv1.X, v.uv1.Y, 0));
textureCoords2.Add(new Vector3D(v.uv2.X, v.uv2.Y, 0));
vertexColors.Add(new Color4D(v.col.X, v.col.Y, v.col.Z, v.col.W));
mesh.TextureCoordinateChannels[0] = textureCoords0;
mesh.TextureCoordinateChannels[1] = textureCoords1;
mesh.TextureCoordinateChannels[2] = textureCoords2;
mesh.VertexColorChannels[0] = vertexColors;
if (skeleton != null)
for (int j = 0; j < v.boneIds.Count; j++)
if (j < genericObj.VertexSkinCount)
//Get the bone via the node array and bone index from the vertex
STBone STbone = skeleton.bones[NodeArray[v.boneIds[j]]];
//Find the index of a bone. If it doesn't exist then we add it
int boneInd = mesh.Bones.FindIndex(x => x.Name == STbone.Text);
if (boneInd == -1)
var matrices = Switch_Toolbox.Library.IO.MatrixExenstion.CalculateInverseMatrix(STbone);
//Set the inverse matrix
Matrix4x4 transform = matrices.inverse.FromNumerics();
//Create a new assimp bone
Bone bone = new Bone();
bone.Name = STbone.Text;
bone.OffsetMatrix = transform;
boneInd = mesh.Bones.IndexOf(bone); //Set the index of the bone for the vertex weight
//Check if the max amount of weights is higher than the current bone id
if (v.boneWeights.Count > j && v.boneWeights[j] > 0)
if (v.boneWeights[j] <= 1)
mesh.Bones[boneInd].VertexWeights.Add(new VertexWeight(vertexID, v.boneWeights[j]));
mesh.Bones[boneInd].VertexWeights.Add(new VertexWeight(vertexID, 1));
else if (v.boneWeights.Count == 0 || v.boneWeights[j] > 0)
mesh.Bones[boneInd].VertexWeights.Add(new VertexWeight(vertexID, 1));
List<int> faces = genericObj.lodMeshes[genericObj.DisplayLODIndex].faces;
for (int f = 0; f < faces.Count; f++)
mesh.Faces.Add(new Face(new int[] { faces[f++], faces[f++], faces[f] }));
mesh.TextureCoordinateChannels.SetValue(textureCoords0, 0);
return mesh;
private void SaveMaterials(Scene scene, STGenericModel model, string FileName, List<STGenericTexture> Textures)
string TextureExtension = ".png";
string TexturePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName);
for (int i = 0; i < Textures.Count; i++)
string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(TexturePath, Textures[i].Text + TextureExtension);
if (!ExtractedTextures.Contains(path))
progressBar.Task = $"Exorting Texture {Textures[i].Text}";
progressBar.Value = ((i * 100) / Textures.Count);
var bitmap = Textures[i].GetBitmap();
foreach (var mat in model.Nodes[1].Nodes)
var genericMat = (STGenericMaterial)mat;
Material material = new Material();
material.Name = genericMat.Text;
foreach (var tex in genericMat.TextureMaps)
int index = Textures.FindIndex(r => r.Text.Equals(tex.Name));
string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(TexturePath, tex.Name + TextureExtension);
if (!File.Exists(path))
TextureSlot slot = new TextureSlot();
slot.FilePath = path;
slot.UVIndex = 0;
slot.Flags = 0;
slot.TextureIndex = 0;
slot.BlendFactor = 1.0f;
slot.Mapping = TextureMapping.FromUV;
slot.Operation = TextureOperation.Add;
if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Diffuse)
slot.TextureType = TextureType.Diffuse;
else if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Normal)
slot.TextureType = TextureType.Normals;
else if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Specular)
slot.TextureType = TextureType.Specular;
else if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Emission)
slot.TextureType = TextureType.Emissive;
else if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Light)
slot.TextureType = TextureType.Lightmap;
slot.UVIndex = 2;
else if (tex.Type == STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Shadow)
slot.TextureType = TextureType.Ambient;
slot.UVIndex = 1;
slot.TextureType = TextureType.Unknown;
if (tex.wrapModeS == 0)
slot.WrapModeU = TextureWrapMode.Wrap;
else if (tex.wrapModeS == 1)
slot.WrapModeU = TextureWrapMode.Mirror;
else if (tex.wrapModeS == 2)
slot.WrapModeU = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
slot.WrapModeU = TextureWrapMode.Wrap;
if (tex.wrapModeT == 0)
slot.WrapModeV = TextureWrapMode.Wrap;
else if (tex.wrapModeT == 1)
slot.WrapModeV = TextureWrapMode.Mirror;
else if (tex.wrapModeT == 2)
slot.WrapModeV = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
slot.WrapModeV = TextureWrapMode.Wrap;
material.AddMaterialTexture(ref slot);
public void SaveFromObject(STGenericObject genericObject, string FileName)
Scene scene = new Scene();
scene.RootNode = new Node("Root");
var mesh = SaveMesh(genericObject, null, null);
mesh.MaterialIndex = 0;
Material material = new Material();
material.Name = "NewMaterial";
SaveScene(FileName, scene);
private void SaveSkeleton(STSkeleton skeleton, Node parentNode)
Node root = new Node("skeleton_root");
if (skeleton.bones.Count > 0)
Node boneNode = new Node(skeleton.bones[0].Text);
boneNode.Transform = AssimpHelper.GetBoneMatrix(skeleton.bones[0]);
foreach (STBone child in skeleton.bones[0].GetChildren())
SaveBones(boneNode, child, skeleton);
private void SaveBones(Node parentBone, STBone bone, STSkeleton skeleton)
Node boneNode = new Node(bone.Text);
boneNode.Transform = AssimpHelper.GetBoneMatrix(bone);
foreach (STBone child in bone.GetChildren())
SaveBones(boneNode, child, skeleton);