KillzXGaming 0c126e4155 More improvements.
Rewrote the compression handling from scatch. It's way easier and cleaner to add new formats code wise as it's handled like file formats.
Added wip TVOL support (Touhou Azure Reflections)
Added XCI support. Note I plan to improve NSP, XCI, NCA, etc later for exefs exporting.
The compression rework now compresses via streams, so files get decompressed properly within archives as streams.
Added hyrule warriors bin.gz compression along with archive rebuilding. Note i do not have texture rebuilding done just yet.
2019-09-15 19:13:01 -04:00

401 lines
13 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Toolbox.Library;
using Toolbox.Library.IO;
using Toolbox.Library.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace FirstPlugin
class NARC : IArchiveFile, IFileFormat
public FileType FileType { get; set; } = FileType.Archive;
public bool CanSave { get; set; }
public string[] Description { get; set; } = new string[] { "Nitro Archive (NARC)" };
public string[] Extension { get; set; } = new string[] { "*.narc" };
public string FileName { get; set; }
public string FilePath { get; set; }
public IFileInfo IFileInfo { get; set; }
public bool Identify(System.IO.Stream stream)
using (var reader = new Toolbox.Library.IO.FileReader(stream, true))
return reader.CheckSignature(4, "NARC");
public Type[] Types
List<Type> types = new List<Type>();
return types.ToArray();
public bool CanAddFiles { get; set; }
public bool CanRenameFiles { get; set; }
public bool CanReplaceFiles { get; set; }
public bool CanDeleteFiles { get; set; }
public List<FileEntry> files = new List<FileEntry>();
public IEnumerable<ArchiveFileInfo> Files => files;
public void ClearFiles() { files.Clear(); }
public bool AddFile(ArchiveFileInfo archiveFileInfo)
return false;
public bool DeleteFile(ArchiveFileInfo archiveFileInfo)
return false;
public class FileEntry : ArchiveFileInfo
public NARC.FileAllocationEntry entry;
public FileImageBlock fileImage;
public override Dictionary<string, string> ExtensionImageKeyLookup
return new Dictionary<string, string>()
{".cbfmd", "bfres" },
{".cbfa", "bfres" },
{".cbfsa", "bfres" },
{".cbntx", "bntx" },
public FileEntry(string Name)
FileName = Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty).RemoveIllegaleFolderNameCharacters();
public override byte[] FileData
return DecompressBlock();
private byte[] DecompressBlock()
byte[] data = GetBlock();
var reader = new FileReader(data);
reader.ByteOrder = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.BigEndian;
byte compType = reader.ReadByte();
if (compType == 0x50)
reader.Seek(4, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
uint decompSize = reader.ReadUInt32();
uint compSize = (uint)reader.BaseStream.Length - 8;
var comp = new STLibraryCompression.MTA_CUSTOM();
return comp.Decompress(data, decompSize);
else if (compType == 0x30 || compType == 0x20)
uint decompSize = reader.ReadUInt32();
uint compSize = (uint)reader.BaseStream.Length - 16;
ushort signature = reader.ReadUInt16();
bool IsGZIP = signature == 0x1F8B;
bool IsZLIB = signature == 0x789C || signature == 0x78DA;
byte[] filedata = reader.getSection(16, (int)compSize);
if (IsGZIP)
data = STLibraryCompression.GZIP.Decompress(filedata);
data = STLibraryCompression.ZLIB.Decompress(filedata, false);
return data;
public byte[] GetBlock()
return Utils.SubArray(fileImage.dataBlock, entry.StartOffset, entry.EndOffset);
Header header;
public List<FileEntry> FileEntries = new List<FileEntry>();
public void Load(System.IO.Stream stream)
header = new Header(new FileReader(stream));
var names = GetNames(header.FNTB);
List<byte> Data = new List<byte>();
for (ushort i = 0; i < header.FATB.FileCount; i++)
FileEntries.Add(new FileEntry(names[i])
entry = header.FATB.FileEntries[i],
fileImage = header.FIMG,
public List<string> GetNames(FileNameTable nameTable)
var names = new List<string>();
foreach (var tblEntry in nameTable.entryNameTable)
if (tblEntry is EntryNameTableFileEntry)
return names;
public void Unload()
public void Save(System.IO.Stream stream)
//EFE for REing format https://github.com/Gericom/EveryFileExplorer/blob/f9f00d193c9608d71c9a23d9f3ab7e752f4ada2a/NDS/NitroSystem/FND/NARC.cs
public class Header
public string Signature;
public ushort ByteOrder;
public uint FileSize;
public uint Version;
public ushort HeaderSize;
public ushort DataBlocks;
public FileAllocationTableBlock FATB;
public FileNameTable FNTB;
public FileImageBlock FIMG;
public Header(FileReader reader)
reader.ByteOrder = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.LittleEndian;
reader.ReadSignature(4, "NARC");
ByteOrder = reader.ReadUInt16();
Version = reader.ReadUInt16();
FileSize = reader.ReadUInt32();
HeaderSize = reader.ReadUInt16();
DataBlocks = reader.ReadUInt16();
FATB = new FileAllocationTableBlock(reader);
FNTB = new FileNameTable(reader);
FIMG = new FileImageBlock(reader);
public void Write(FileWriter writer)
public class FileAllocationTableBlock
public string Signature;
public uint Size;
public ushort FileCount;
public ushort Reserved;
public List<FileAllocationEntry> FileEntries = new List<FileAllocationEntry>();
public FileAllocationTableBlock(FileReader reader)
long startPos = reader.Position;
reader.ReadSignature(4, "BTAF");
Size = reader.ReadUInt32();
FileCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
Reserved = reader.ReadUInt16();
for (int i = 0; i < FileCount; i++)
FileEntries.Add(new FileAllocationEntry(reader));
reader.Seek(startPos + Size, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
public class FileAllocationEntry
public uint StartOffset;
public uint EndOffset;
public FileAllocationEntry(FileReader reader)
StartOffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
EndOffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
public void Write(FileWriter writer)
public class FileImageBlock
public string Signature;
public uint Size;
public byte[] dataBlock;
public FileImageBlock(FileReader reader)
reader.ReadSignature(4, "GMIF");
Size = reader.ReadUInt32();
dataBlock = reader.ReadBytes((int)(reader.BaseStream.Length - reader.BaseStream.Position));
public class FileNameTable
public string Signature;
public uint Size;
public List<DirectoryTableEntry> directoryTable = new List<DirectoryTableEntry>();
public List<EntryNameTableEntry> entryNameTable = new List<EntryNameTableEntry>();
public FileNameTable(FileReader reader)
long startPos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
reader.ReadSignature(4, "BTNF");
Size = reader.ReadUInt32();
directoryTable.Add(new DirectoryTableEntry(reader));
for (int i = 0; i < directoryTable[0].dirParentID - 1; i++)
directoryTable.Add(new DirectoryTableEntry(reader));
entryNameTable = new List<EntryNameTableEntry>();
int EndOfDirectory = 0;
while (EndOfDirectory < directoryTable[0].dirParentID)
byte entryNameLength = reader.ReadByte();
if (entryNameLength == 0)
entryNameTable.Add(new EntryNameTableEndOfDirectoryEntry(reader));
else if (entryNameLength < 0x80) entryNameTable.Add(new EntryNameTableFileEntry(reader));
else entryNameTable.Add(new EntryNameTableDirectoryEntry(reader));
reader.BaseStream.Position = startPos + Size;
public class EntryNameTableEndOfDirectoryEntry : EntryNameTableEntry
public EntryNameTableEndOfDirectoryEntry() { }
public EntryNameTableEndOfDirectoryEntry(FileReader reader)
: base(reader) { }
public override void Write(FileWriter writer)
public class EntryNameTableDirectoryEntry : EntryNameTableEntry
public string entryName;
public ushort directoryID;
public EntryNameTableDirectoryEntry(FileReader reader) : base(reader)
entryName = reader.ReadString(entryNameLength & 0x7F, Encoding.ASCII);
directoryID = reader.ReadUInt16();
public override void Write(FileWriter writer)
writer.Write(entryName, Syroot.BinaryData.BinaryStringFormat.ZeroTerminated);
public class EntryNameTableFileEntry : EntryNameTableEntry
public string entryName;
public EntryNameTableFileEntry(FileReader reader) : base(reader)
entryName = reader.ReadString(entryNameLength, Encoding.ASCII);
public override void Write(FileWriter writer)
writer.Write(entryName, Syroot.BinaryData.BinaryStringFormat.ZeroTerminated);
public class EntryNameTableEntry
public byte entryNameLength;
protected EntryNameTableEntry() { }
public EntryNameTableEntry(FileReader reader)
entryNameLength = reader.ReadByte();
public virtual void Write(FileWriter writer)
public class DirectoryTableEntry
public uint dirEntryStart;
public ushort dirEntryFileID;
public ushort dirParentID;
public DirectoryTableEntry() { }
public DirectoryTableEntry(FileReader reader)
dirEntryStart = reader.ReadUInt32();
dirEntryFileID = reader.ReadUInt16();
dirParentID = reader.ReadUInt16();
public void Write(FileWriter writer)