using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Toolbox.Library; using Toolbox.Library.IO; using Toolbox.Library.Forms; using ByamlExt.Byaml; using OdysseyEditor; using FirstPlugin.Forms; namespace FirstPlugin { //Code off of //Note this will purely be for viewing, performance tests, and ripping public class SMO_Scene { public static void LoadStage(string MapName) { string StageByml = $"{Runtime.SmoGamePath}\\StageData\\{MapName}Map.szs"; Console.WriteLine($"{StageByml} {File.Exists($"{StageByml}")}"); if (File.Exists($"{StageByml}")) { var TextureSzs = $"{Runtime.SmoGamePath}\\ObjectData\\{MapName}Texture.szs"; ObjectEditor editor = new ObjectEditor(); LibraryGUI.CreateMdiWindow(editor); var level = new Level(StageByml, -1); foreach (var obj in level.objs) { foreach (var ob in obj.Value) { var Transform = Utils.TransformValues(ob.transform.Pos, ob.transform.Rot, ob.transform.Scale); var bfresData = BfresFromSzs(ob.Name); if (bfresData != null) { BFRES bfresFile = (BFRES)STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(ob.Name, bfresData); bfresFile.BFRESRender.ModelTransform = Transform; editor.AddNode(bfresFile); bfresFile.LoadEditors(null); DiableLoadCheck(); } } } TextureSzs = null; GC.Collect(); } } private static void DiableLoadCheck() { BfresEditor bfresEditor = (BfresEditor)LibraryGUI.GetActiveContent(typeof(BfresEditor)); bfresEditor.IsLoaded = false; bfresEditor.DisplayAllDDrawables(); } private static byte[] BfresFromSzs(string fileName) { if (File.Exists($"{Runtime.SmoGamePath}\\ObjectData\\{fileName}.szs")) { var SzsFiles = SARCExt.SARC.UnpackRamN(EveryFileExplorer.YAZ0.Decompress($"{Runtime.SmoGamePath}\\ObjectData\\{fileName}.szs")).Files; if (SzsFiles.ContainsKey(fileName + ".bfres")) { return SzsFiles[fileName + ".bfres"]; } } return null; } public static Dictionary OdysseyStages = new Dictionary() { //Main { "CapWorldHomeStage","Cap Kingdom" }, { "WaterfallWorldHomeStage","Cascade Kingdom" }, { "SandWorldHomeStage","Sand Kindom" }, { "ForestWorldHomeStage","Wodded Kingdom" }, { "SnowWorldHomeStage","Snow Kingdom" }, { "SeaWorldHomeStage", "Seaside Kingdom" }, { "ClashWorldHomeStage","Lost Kingdom" }, { "CityWorldHomeStage","Metro Kingdom" }, { "LakeWorldHomeStage","Lake Kingdom(Starting Area)" }, { "SkyWorldHomeStage","Bowser\'s Kingdom" }, { "BossRaidWorldHomeStage","Ruined Kingdom" }, { "MoonWorldHomeStage","Moon Kingdom" }, { "LavaWorldHomeStage","Luncheon Kingdom" }, {"PeachWorldHomeStage", "Mushroom Kingdom" }, {"Special1WorldHomeStage", "Dark Side of the Moon"}, {"Special2WorldHomeStage", "Darker Side of the Moon"}, //Sub areas { "MeganeLiftExStage","MoEye moving Platform" }, { "SandWorldPyramid000Stage","Pyramid(Starting Area)" }, { "SandWorldPyramid001Stage","Pyramid(Bullet Bill Parkour)" }, { "SandWorldUnderground000Stage","Ice Underground before Boss" }, { "SandWorldUnderground001Stage","Ice Underground Boss" }, { "LakeWorldTownZone","LakeKingdom (Town Area)" }, { "DemoCrashHomeFallStage","Cloud Kingdom(1. Bowser Fight)" }, { "Theater2DExStage","Theater (smb 1-1)" }, }; } }