using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using Toolbox.Library; using System.IO; using Toolbox.Library.IO; using Toolbox.Library.Forms; using System.Drawing; using FirstPlugin.Forms; namespace FirstPlugin { public class BFFNT : IFileFormat, IEditor { public FileType FileType { get; set; } = FileType.Font; public bool CanSave { get; set; } public string[] Description { get; set; } = new string[] { "Cafe Font" }; public string[] Extension { get; set; } = new string[] { "*.bffnt" }; public string FileName { get; set; } public string FilePath { get; set; } public IFileInfo IFileInfo { get; set; } public bool Identify(Stream stream) { using (var reader = new FileReader(stream, true)) { return reader.CheckSignature(4, "FFNT"); } } public Type[] Types { get { List types = new List(); return types.ToArray(); } } public FFNT bffnt; public BffntEditor OpenForm() { BffntEditor form = new BffntEditor(); form.Text = "BFFNT Editor"; form.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; form.LoadFontFile(this); return form; } public void FillEditor(UserControl control) { ((BffntEditor)control).LoadFontFile(this); } public void Load(System.IO.Stream stream) { bffnt = new FFNT(); bffnt.Read(new FileReader(stream)); TGLP tglp = bffnt.FontSection.TextureGlyph; if (tglp.SheetDataList.Count > 0) { var bntx = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat("Sheet_0", Utils.CombineByteArray(tglp.SheetDataList.ToArray())); if (bntx != null) { tglp.BinaryTextureFile = (BNTX)bntx; } else { for (int s = 0; s < tglp.SheetDataList.Count; s++) { var surface = new Gx2ImageBlock(); surface.Text = $"Sheet_{s}"; surface.Load(tglp, s); tglp.Gx2Textures.Add(surface); } } } int i = 0; foreach (byte[] texture in tglp.SheetDataList) { // BNTX file = (BNTX)STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat("Sheet" + i++, texture); // Nodes.Add(file); } } public void Unload() { } public byte[] Save() { MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); bffnt.Write(new FileWriter(mem)); return mem.ToArray(); } public class SheetEntry : TreeNodeCustom { public SheetEntry() { ImageKey = "fileBlank"; SelectedImageKey = "fileBlank"; ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem export = new MenuItem("Export"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(export); export.Click += Export; } public byte[] data; public override void OnClick(TreeView treeview) { } private void Export(object sender, EventArgs args) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.FileName = Text; sfd.DefaultExt = "bntx"; sfd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bntx;|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { File.WriteAllBytes(sfd.FileName, data); } } } } public class FFNT { public ushort BOM; public ushort HeaderSize; public uint Version { get; set; } public FINF FontSection { get; set; } public List Blocks = new List(); public void Read(FileReader reader) { reader.ByteOrder = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.BigEndian; string Signature = reader.ReadString(4, Encoding.ASCII); if (Signature != "FFNT") throw new Exception($"Invalid signature {Signature}! Expected FFNT."); BOM = reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.CheckByteOrderMark(BOM); HeaderSize = reader.ReadUInt16(); Version = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint FileSize = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort BlockCount = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort Padding = reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.Seek(HeaderSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); FontSection = new FINF(); FontSection.Read(reader, this); Blocks.Add(FontSection); //Check for any unread blocks reader.Seek(HeaderSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { long BlockStart = reader.Position; string BlockSignature = reader.ReadString(4, Encoding.ASCII); uint BlockSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); switch (BlockSignature) { case "FFNT": case "CMAP": case "CWDH": case "TGLP": case "FINF": break; case "KRNG": //What the HECK is this section break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown block found! " + BlockSignature); } reader.SeekBegin(BlockStart + BlockSize); } reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); } public void Write(FileWriter writer) { writer.ByteOrder = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.BigEndian; writer.WriteSignature("FFNT"); writer.Write(BOM); writer.CheckByteOrderMark(BOM); writer.Write(HeaderSize); writer.Write(Version); long _ofsFileSize = writer.Position; writer.Write(uint.MaxValue); writer.Write((ushort)Blocks.Count); writer.Write((ushort)0); } private string CheckSignature(FileReader reader) { string Signature = reader.ReadString(4, Encoding.ASCII); reader.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.Current); return Signature; } } public class KRNG { public void Read(FileReader reader) { } } public enum Gx2ImageFormats { RGBA8_UNORM, RGB8_UNORM, RGB5A1_UNORM, RGB565_UNORM, RGBA4_UNORM, LA8_UNORM, LA4_UNORM, A4_UNORM, A8_UNORM, BC1_UNORM, BC2_UNORM, BC3_UNORM, BC4_UNORM, BC5_UNORM, RGBA8_SRGB, BC1_SRGB, BC2_SRGB, BC3_SRGB, } public class Gx2ImageBlock : STGenericTexture { public TGLP TextureTGLP; public int SheetIndex = 0; public void Load(TGLP texture, int Index) { CanReplace = true; SheetIndex = Index; TextureTGLP = texture; Height = TextureTGLP.SheetHeight; Width = TextureTGLP.SheetWidth; var BFNTFormat = (Gx2ImageFormats)TextureTGLP.Format; Format = ConvertToGeneric(BFNTFormat); ImageKey = "Texture"; SelectedImageKey = "Texture"; } public override bool CanEdit { get; set; } = true; public override string ExportFilter => FileFilters.GTX; public override string ReplaceFilter => FileFilters.GTX; public override void Replace(string FileName) { Bfres.Structs.FTEX ftex = new Bfres.Structs.FTEX(); ftex.ReplaceTexture(FileName, Format, 1, SupportedFormats, true, true, false, SwizzlePattern); if (ftex.texture != null) { TextureTGLP.Format = (ushort)ConvertToGx2(Format); TextureTGLP.SheetHeight = (ushort)ftex.texture.Height; TextureTGLP.SheetWidth = (ushort)ftex.texture.Width; TextureTGLP.SheetDataList[SheetIndex] = ftex.texture.Data; UpdateEditor(); } } public override TEX_FORMAT[] SupportedFormats { get { return new TEX_FORMAT[] { TEX_FORMAT.R8_UNORM, TEX_FORMAT.BC1_UNORM_SRGB, TEX_FORMAT.BC1_UNORM, TEX_FORMAT.BC2_UNORM, TEX_FORMAT.BC2_UNORM_SRGB, TEX_FORMAT.BC3_UNORM, TEX_FORMAT.BC3_UNORM_SRGB, TEX_FORMAT.BC4_UNORM, TEX_FORMAT.BC5_UNORM, TEX_FORMAT.R8G8_UNORM, TEX_FORMAT.B5G6R5_UNORM, TEX_FORMAT.B5G5R5A1_UNORM, TEX_FORMAT.R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, TEX_FORMAT.R8G8B8A8_UNORM, }; } } public TEX_FORMAT ConvertToGeneric(Gx2ImageFormats Format) { switch (Format) { case Gx2ImageFormats.A8_UNORM: return TEX_FORMAT.R8_UNORM; case Gx2ImageFormats.BC1_SRGB: return TEX_FORMAT.BC1_UNORM_SRGB; case Gx2ImageFormats.BC1_UNORM: return TEX_FORMAT.BC1_UNORM; case Gx2ImageFormats.BC2_UNORM: return TEX_FORMAT.BC2_UNORM; case Gx2ImageFormats.BC2_SRGB: return TEX_FORMAT.BC2_UNORM_SRGB; case Gx2ImageFormats.BC3_UNORM: return TEX_FORMAT.BC3_UNORM; case Gx2ImageFormats.BC3_SRGB: return TEX_FORMAT.BC3_UNORM_SRGB; case Gx2ImageFormats.BC4_UNORM: return TEX_FORMAT.BC4_UNORM; case Gx2ImageFormats.BC5_UNORM: return TEX_FORMAT.BC5_UNORM; case Gx2ImageFormats.LA4_UNORM: return TEX_FORMAT.R4G4_UNORM; case Gx2ImageFormats.LA8_UNORM: return TEX_FORMAT.R8G8_UNORM; case Gx2ImageFormats.RGB565_UNORM: return TEX_FORMAT.B5G6R5_UNORM; case Gx2ImageFormats.RGB5A1_UNORM: return TEX_FORMAT.B5G5R5A1_UNORM; case Gx2ImageFormats.RGB8_UNORM: return TEX_FORMAT.R8G8_UNORM; case Gx2ImageFormats.RGBA8_SRGB: return TEX_FORMAT.R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB; case Gx2ImageFormats.RGBA8_UNORM: return TEX_FORMAT.R8G8B8A8_UNORM; default: throw new NotImplementedException("Unsupported format " + Format); } } public Gx2ImageFormats ConvertToGx2(TEX_FORMAT Format) { switch (Format) { case TEX_FORMAT.R8_UNORM: return Gx2ImageFormats.A8_UNORM; case TEX_FORMAT.BC1_UNORM_SRGB: return Gx2ImageFormats.BC1_SRGB; case TEX_FORMAT.BC1_UNORM: return Gx2ImageFormats.BC1_UNORM; case TEX_FORMAT.BC2_UNORM_SRGB: return Gx2ImageFormats.BC2_SRGB; case TEX_FORMAT.BC2_UNORM: return Gx2ImageFormats.BC2_UNORM; case TEX_FORMAT.BC3_UNORM_SRGB: return Gx2ImageFormats.BC3_SRGB; case TEX_FORMAT.BC3_UNORM: return Gx2ImageFormats.BC3_UNORM; case TEX_FORMAT.BC4_UNORM: return Gx2ImageFormats.BC4_UNORM; case TEX_FORMAT.BC5_UNORM: return Gx2ImageFormats.BC5_UNORM; case TEX_FORMAT.R4G4_UNORM: return Gx2ImageFormats.LA4_UNORM; case TEX_FORMAT.R8G8_UNORM: return Gx2ImageFormats.RGB8_UNORM; case TEX_FORMAT.B5G6R5_UNORM: return Gx2ImageFormats.RGB565_UNORM; case TEX_FORMAT.B5G5R5A1_UNORM: return Gx2ImageFormats.RGB5A1_UNORM; case TEX_FORMAT.R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB: return Gx2ImageFormats.RGBA8_SRGB; case TEX_FORMAT.R8G8B8A8_UNORM: return Gx2ImageFormats.RGBA8_UNORM; default: throw new NotImplementedException("Unsupported format " + Format); } } public override void SetImageData(Bitmap bitmap, int ArrayLevel) { if (bitmap == null) return; //Image is likely disposed and not needed to be applied uint Gx2Format = (uint)Bfres.Structs.FTEX.ConvertToGx2Format(Format); Width = (uint)bitmap.Width; Height = (uint)bitmap.Height; MipCount = 1; uint[] MipOffsets = new uint[MipCount]; try { //Create image block from bitmap first var data = GenerateMipsAndCompress(bitmap, MipCount, Format); //Swizzle and create surface var surface = GX2.CreateGx2Texture(data, Text, (uint)4, (uint)0, (uint)Width, (uint)Height, (uint)1, (uint)Gx2Format, (uint)SwizzlePattern, (uint)1, (uint)MipCount ); TextureTGLP.Format = (ushort)ConvertToGx2(Format); TextureTGLP.SheetHeight = (ushort)surface.height; TextureTGLP.SheetWidth = (ushort)surface.width; TextureTGLP.SheetDataList[SheetIndex] =; IsEdited = true; UpdateEditor(); } catch (Exception ex) { STErrorDialog.Show("Failed to swizzle and compress image " + Text, "Error", ex.ToString()); } } private const uint SwizzleBase = 0x00000000; private uint swizzle; private uint Swizzle { get { swizzle = SwizzleBase; swizzle |= (uint)(SheetIndex * 2) << 8; return swizzle; } } private uint SwizzlePattern { get { return (uint)(SheetIndex * 2); } } public override byte[] GetImageData(int ArrayLevel = 0, int MipLevel = 0) { uint bpp = GetBytesPerPixel(Format); GX2.GX2Surface surf = new GX2.GX2Surface(); surf.bpp = bpp; surf.height = Height; surf.width = Width; surf.aa = (uint)GX2.GX2AAMode.GX2_AA_MODE_1X; surf.alignment = 0; surf.depth = 1; surf.dim = (uint)GX2.GX2SurfaceDimension.DIM_2D; surf.format = (uint)Bfres.Structs.FTEX.ConvertToGx2Format(Format); surf.use = (uint)GX2.GX2SurfaceUse.USE_COLOR_BUFFER; surf.pitch = 0; = TextureTGLP.SheetDataList[SheetIndex]; surf.numMips = 1; surf.mipOffset = new uint[0]; surf.mipData = null; surf.tileMode = (uint)GX2.GX2TileMode.MODE_2D_TILED_THIN1; surf.swizzle = Swizzle; surf.numArray = 1; return GX2.Decode(surf, ArrayLevel, MipLevel); } public override void OnClick(TreeView treeview) { UpdateEditor(); } private void UpdateEditor() { ImageEditorBase editor = (ImageEditorBase)LibraryGUI.GetActiveContent(typeof(ImageEditorBase)); if (editor == null) { editor = new ImageEditorBase(); editor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; LibraryGUI.LoadEditor(editor); } Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.Width = Width; prop.Height = Height; prop.Depth = Depth; prop.MipCount = MipCount; prop.ArrayCount = ArrayCount; prop.ImageSize = (uint)TextureTGLP.SheetDataList[SheetIndex].Length; prop.Format = Format; prop.Swizzle = Swizzle; editor.Text = Text; editor.LoadProperties(prop); editor.LoadImage(this); } } public class BFFNT_Block { } public class FINF : BFFNT_Block { public Dictionary CodeMapDictionary = new Dictionary(); public uint Size; public FontType Type { get; set; } public byte Width { get; set; } public byte Height { get; set; } public byte Ascent { get; set; } public ushort LineFeed { get; set; } public ushort AlterCharIndex { get; set; } public byte DefaultLeftWidth { get; set; } public byte DefaultGlyphWidth { get; set; } public byte DefaultCharWidth { get; set; } public CharacterCode CharEncoding { get; set; } public TGLP TextureGlyph; public CMAP CodeMap; public CWDH CharacterWidth; public enum FontType : byte { Glyph = 1, Texture = 2, PackedTexture = 3, } public enum CharacterCode : byte { Unicode = 1, ShiftJIS = 2, CP1252 = 3, } public void Read(FileReader reader, FFNT Header) { string Signature = reader.ReadString(4, Encoding.ASCII); if (Signature != "FINF") throw new Exception($"Invalid signature {Signature}! Expected FINF."); Size = reader.ReadUInt32(); Type = reader.ReadEnum(true); Height = reader.ReadByte(); Width = reader.ReadByte(); Ascent = reader.ReadByte(); LineFeed = reader.ReadUInt16(); AlterCharIndex = reader.ReadUInt16(); DefaultLeftWidth = reader.ReadByte(); DefaultGlyphWidth = reader.ReadByte(); DefaultCharWidth = reader.ReadByte(); CharEncoding = reader.ReadEnum(true); uint tglpOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint cwdhOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint cmapOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(); TextureGlyph = new TGLP(); using (reader.TemporarySeek(tglpOffset - 8, SeekOrigin.Begin)) TextureGlyph.Read(reader); CharacterWidth = new CWDH(); using (reader.TemporarySeek(cwdhOffset - 8, SeekOrigin.Begin)) CharacterWidth.Read(reader, Header); CodeMap = new CMAP(); using (reader.TemporarySeek(cmapOffset - 8, SeekOrigin.Begin)) CodeMap.Read(reader, Header); } public void Write(FileWriter writer) { writer.WriteSignature("FINF"); writer.Write(uint.MaxValue); writer.Write(Type, true); writer.Write(Height); writer.Write(Width); writer.Write(Ascent); writer.Write(LineFeed); writer.Write(AlterCharIndex); writer.Write(DefaultLeftWidth); writer.Write(DefaultGlyphWidth); writer.Write(DefaultCharWidth); writer.Write(CharEncoding, true); long _ofsTGLP = writer.Position; writer.Write(uint.MaxValue); long _ofsCWDH = writer.Position; writer.Write(uint.MaxValue); long _ofsCMAP = writer.Position; writer.Write(uint.MaxValue); } } public class TGLP { public BNTX BinaryTextureFile; public List Gx2Textures = new List(); public uint SectionSize; public byte CellWidth { get; set; } public byte CellHeight { get; set; } public byte MaxCharWidth { get; set; } public byte SheetCount { get; private set; } public uint SheetSize { get; set; } public ushort BaseLinePos { get; set; } public ushort Format { get; set; } public ushort ColumnCount { get; set; } public ushort RowCount { get; set; } public ushort SheetWidth { get; set; } public ushort SheetHeight { get; set; } public List SheetDataList = new List(); public void Read(FileReader reader) { string Signature = reader.ReadString(4, Encoding.ASCII); if (Signature != "TGLP") throw new Exception($"Invalid signature {Signature}! Expected TGLP."); SectionSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); CellWidth = reader.ReadByte(); CellHeight = reader.ReadByte(); SheetCount = reader.ReadByte(); MaxCharWidth = reader.ReadByte(); SheetSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); BaseLinePos = reader.ReadUInt16(); Format = reader.ReadUInt16(); ColumnCount = reader.ReadUInt16(); RowCount = reader.ReadUInt16(); SheetWidth = reader.ReadUInt16(); SheetHeight = reader.ReadUInt16(); uint sheetOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(); using (reader.TemporarySeek(sheetOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin)) { for (int i = 0; i < SheetCount; i++) { SheetDataList.Add(reader.ReadBytes((int)SheetSize)); } } } public void Write(FileWriter writer) { writer.WriteSignature("TGLP"); long _ofsSectionSize = writer.Position; writer.Write(uint.MaxValue); writer.Write(CellWidth); writer.Write(CellHeight); writer.Write((byte)SheetDataList.Count); writer.Write(MaxCharWidth); writer.Write(SheetDataList[0].Length); writer.Write(BaseLinePos); writer.Write(Format); writer.Write(ColumnCount); writer.Write(RowCount); writer.Write(SheetWidth); writer.Write(SheetHeight); long _ofsSheetBlocks = writer.Position; writer.Write(uint.MaxValue); writer.Align(8192); long DataPosition = writer.Position; using (writer.TemporarySeek(_ofsSheetBlocks, SeekOrigin.Begin)) { writer.Write((uint)DataPosition); } for (int i = 0; i < SheetDataList.Count; i++) { writer.Write(SheetDataList[i]); } long SectionEndPosition = writer.Position; //End of section. Set the size using (writer.TemporarySeek(_ofsSectionSize, SeekOrigin.Begin)) { writer.Write((uint)(SectionEndPosition - _ofsSectionSize - 4)); } } public STGenericTexture GetImageSheet(int Index) { if (BinaryTextureFile != null) //BNTX uses only one image with multiple arrays return BinaryTextureFile.Textures.ElementAt(0).Value; else return Gx2Textures[Index]; } } public class CMAP { public uint SectionSize; public char CharacterCodeBegin { get; set; } public char CharacterCodeEnd { get; set; } public Mapping MappingMethod { get; set; } private ushort Padding; public enum Mapping : ushort { Direct, Table, Scan, } public CMAP NextCodeMapSection { get; set; } public void Read(FileReader reader, FFNT header) { uint CodeBegin = 0; uint CodeEnd = 0; long pos = reader.Position; reader.ReadSignature(4, "CMAP"); SectionSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); if (header.Version > 0x3000000 || header.Version > 0x00000103) { CodeBegin = reader.ReadUInt32(); CodeEnd = reader.ReadUInt32(); MappingMethod = reader.ReadEnum(true); Padding = reader.ReadUInt16(); } else { CodeBegin = reader.ReadUInt16(); CodeEnd = reader.ReadUInt16(); MappingMethod = reader.ReadEnum(true); Padding = reader.ReadUInt16(); } CharacterCodeBegin = (char)CodeBegin; CharacterCodeEnd = (char)CodeEnd; uint NextMapOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(); //Mapping methods from switch (MappingMethod) { case Mapping.Direct: var charOffset = reader.ReadUInt16(); for (char i = CharacterCodeBegin; i <= CharacterCodeEnd; i++) { int idx = i - CharacterCodeBegin + charOffset; header.FontSection.CodeMapDictionary[i] = idx < ushort.MaxValue ? idx : 0; } break; case Mapping.Table: for (char i = CharacterCodeBegin; i <= CharacterCodeEnd; i++) { short idx = reader.ReadInt16(); if (idx != -1) header.FontSection.CodeMapDictionary[i] = idx; } break; case Mapping.Scan: var CharEntryCount = reader.ReadUInt16(); for (int i = 0; i < CharEntryCount; i++) { if (header.Version > 0x3000000 || header.Version > 0x00000103) { //Seems to have a spacing of a ushort for each entry char charCode = reader.ReadChar(); short padding = reader.ReadInt16(); short index = reader.ReadInt16(); short padding2 = reader.ReadInt16(); if (index != -1) header.FontSection.CodeMapDictionary[charCode] = index; } else { char charCode = reader.ReadChar(); short index = reader.ReadInt16(); if (index != -1) header.FontSection.CodeMapDictionary[charCode] = index; } } break; } if (NextMapOffset != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(NextMapOffset - 8); NextCodeMapSection = new CMAP(); NextCodeMapSection.Read(reader, header); } else reader.SeekBegin(pos + SectionSize); } public void Write() { } } public class CWDH { public ushort GlobalIndexFirstWidthEntry { get; set; } public ushort GlobalIndexLastWidthEntry { get; set; } public List WidthEntries = new List(); public CWDH NextWidthSection { get; set; } public ushort EntryCount { get { return (ushort)(GlobalIndexLastWidthEntry - GlobalIndexFirstWidthEntry + 1); } } public uint SectionSize; public void Read(FileReader reader, FFNT header) { long pos = reader.Position; reader.ReadSignature(4, "CWDH"); SectionSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); GlobalIndexFirstWidthEntry = reader.ReadUInt16(); GlobalIndexLastWidthEntry = reader.ReadUInt16(); uint NextWidthSectionOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(); if (NextWidthSectionOffset != 0) { reader.SeekBegin((int)NextWidthSectionOffset - 8); NextWidthSection = new CWDH(); NextWidthSection.Read(reader, header); } else reader.SeekBegin(pos + SectionSize); } } public class CharacterWidthEntry { public sbyte LeftWidth { get; set; } public byte GlyphWidth { get; set; } public byte Width { get; set; } } }