using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres; using Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres.Helpers; using System.Windows.Forms; using Switch_Toolbox.Library; using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Rendering; using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Forms; using ResU = Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres; using ResUGX2 = Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres.GX2; using ResGFX = Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres.GFX; using FirstPlugin; using OpenTK; namespace Bfres.Structs { public class FSHPFolder : TreeNodeCustom { public FSHPFolder() { Text = "Objects"; Name = "FshpFolder"; ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem import = new MenuItem("Add Object"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(import); import.Click += Import; MenuItem exportAll = new MenuItem("Export All Objects"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(exportAll); exportAll.Click += ExportAll; MenuItem clear = new MenuItem("Clear All Objects"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(clear); clear.Click += Clear; } private void Clear(object sender, EventArgs args) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to remove all objects? This cannot be undone!", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { Nodes.Clear(); ((FMDL)Parent).shapes.Clear(); ((FMDL)Parent).UpdateVertexData(); } } private void ExportAll(object sender, EventArgs args) { ((FMDL)Parent).ExportAll(); } private void Import(object sender, EventArgs args) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfobj;*.fbx;*.dae; *.obj;*.csv;|" + "Bfres Object (shape/vertices) |*.bfobj|" + "FBX |*.fbx|" + "DAE |*.dae|" + "OBJ |*.obj|" + "CSV |*.csv|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; ofd.Multiselect = true; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (string file in ofd.FileNames) ((FMDL)Parent).AddOjects(file, false); } } public override void OnClick(TreeView treeView) { } } public struct DisplayVertex { // Used for rendering. public Vector3 pos; public Vector3 nrm; public Vector3 tan; public Vector3 bit; public Vector2 uv; public Vector4 col; public Vector4 node; public Vector4 weight; public Vector2 uv2; public Vector2 uv3; public Vector3 pos1; public Vector3 pos2; public static int Size = 4 * (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3); } public class FSHP : STGenericObject { public bool IsWiiU { get { return GetResFileU() != null; } } public FSHP() { Checked = true; ImageKey = "mesh"; SelectedImageKey = "mesh"; ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem export = new MenuItem("Export Mesh"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(export); export.Click += Export; MenuItem replace = new MenuItem("Replace Mesh"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(replace); replace.Click += Replace; MenuItem remove = new MenuItem("Delete Mesh"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(remove); remove.Click += Remove; MenuItem calcTansBitans = new MenuItem("Recalulate Tangents/Bitangents"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(calcTansBitans); calcTansBitans.Click += CalcTansBitans; MenuItem flipUVsY = new MenuItem("Flip UVs (Vertical)"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(flipUVsY); flipUVsY.Click += FlipUvsVertical; MenuItem flipUVsX = new MenuItem("Flip UVs (Horizontal)"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(flipUVsX); flipUVsX.Click += FlipUvsHorizontal; MenuItem normals = new MenuItem("Normals"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(normals); MenuItem smoothNormals = new MenuItem("Smooth"); normals.MenuItems.Add(smoothNormals); smoothNormals.Click += SmoothNormals; MenuItem recalculateNormals = new MenuItem("Recalculate"); normals.MenuItems.Add(recalculateNormals); recalculateNormals.Click += RecalculateNormals; MenuItem matEditor = new MenuItem("Open Material Editor"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(matEditor); matEditor.Click += OpenMaterialEditor; MenuItem rename = new MenuItem("Rename"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(rename); rename.Click += Rename; } public int ModelIndex; //For getting the model the shape is in public VertexBuffer VertexBuffer; public Shape Shape; public ResU.VertexBuffer VertexBufferU; public ResU.Shape ShapeU; public ResFile GetResFile() { //ResourceFile -> FMDL -> Material Folder -> this return ((FMDL)Parent.Parent).GetResFile(); } public ResU.ResFile GetResFileU() { return ((FMDL)Parent.Parent).GetResFileU(); } public void UpdateVertexData() { ((FMDL)Parent.Parent).UpdateVertexData(); } public List GetModelList() { return ((FMDL)Parent.Parent).GetModelList(); } public FMAT GetMaterial() { return ((FMDL)Parent.Parent).materials.Values.ElementAt(MaterialIndex); } public void SetMaterial(FMAT material) { ((FMDL)Parent.Parent).materials[material.Text] = material; } public override void OnClick(TreeView treeView) { UpdateFSHPEditor(); } public void UpdateFSHPEditor() { FSHPEditor docked = (FSHPEditor)LibraryGUI.Instance.GetContentDocked(new FSHPEditor()); if (docked == null) { docked = new FSHPEditor(); LibraryGUI.Instance.LoadDockContent(docked, PluginRuntime.FSHPDockState); } docked.Text = Text; docked.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; docked.LoadObject((FMDL)Parent.Parent, this); } private void SmoothNormals(object sender, EventArgs args) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; SmoothNormals(); SaveVertexBuffer(IsWiiU); UpdateVertexData(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } private void RecalculateNormals(object sender, EventArgs args) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; CalculateNormals(); SaveVertexBuffer(IsWiiU); UpdateVertexData(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } private void Rename(object sender, EventArgs args) { RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog(); dialog.SetString(Text); if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Text = dialog.textBox1.Text; } } private void Remove(object sender, EventArgs args) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to remove this object? This cannot be undone!", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { ((FMDL)Parent.Parent).shapes.Remove(this); ((FMDL)Parent.Parent).UpdateVertexData(); Parent.Nodes.Remove(this); } } public void ApplyImportSettings(BfresModelImportSettings settings, FMAT mat) { if (settings.FlipUVsVertical) { foreach (Vertex v in vertices) { v.uv0 = new Vector2(v.uv0.X, 1 - v.uv0.Y); } } if (settings.RecalculateNormals) { CalculateNormals(); } if (settings.Rotate90DegreesY) { TransformPosition(Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(90, 0, 0), new Vector3(1)); } if (settings.Rotate90DegreesNegativeY) { TransformPosition(Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(-90, 0, 0), new Vector3(1)); } if (settings.EnableTangents) { try { CalculateTangentBitangent(); } catch { MessageBox.Show($"Failed to generate tangents for mesh {Text}"); } } if (settings.SetDefaultParamData) { foreach (var param in mat.matparam.Values) { switch (param.Name) { case "const_color0": case "const_color1": case "const_color2": case "const_color3": case "base_color_mul_color": case "uniform0_mul_color": case "uniform1_mul_color": case "uniform2_mul_color": case "uniform3_mul_color": case "uniform4_mul_color": case "proc_texture_2d_mul_color": case "proc_texture_3d_mul_color": case "displacement1_color": case "ripple_emission_color": case "hack_color": case "stain_color": case "displacement_color": param.ValueFloat = new float[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; break; case "gsys_bake_st0": case "gsys_bake_st1": param.ValueFloat = new float[] { 1, 1, 0, 0 }; break; } } } } public void TransformPosition(Vector3 Position, Vector3 Rotation, Vector3 Scale) { Matrix4 BonePosExtra = Utils.TransformValues(Position, Rotation, Scale); foreach (Vertex v in vertices) { v.pos = Vector3.TransformPosition(v.pos, BonePosExtra); v.nrm = Vector3.TransformNormal(v.pos, BonePosExtra); } } private void OpenMaterialEditor(object sender, EventArgs args) { GetMaterial().UpdateFMATEditor(); } private void CalcTansBitans(object sender, EventArgs args) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; bool HasTans = vertexAttributes.Any(x => x.Name == "_t0"); bool HasBiTans = vertexAttributes.Any(x => x.Name == "_b0"); if (!HasUV0()) { MessageBox.Show($"Error! {Text} does not have UVs!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (!HasBiTans) { DialogResult dialogResult2 = MessageBox.Show("Mesh does not have bitangents. Do you want to create them? (will make file size bigger)", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); VertexAttribute att2 = new VertexAttribute(); att2.Name = "_b0"; att2.Format = ResGFX.AttribFormat.Format_10_10_10_2_SNorm; if (dialogResult2 == DialogResult.Yes) { if (!HasBiTans) vertexAttributes.Add(att2); } } if (!HasTans) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Mesh does not have tangets. Do you want to create them? (will make file size bigger)", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); VertexAttribute att = new VertexAttribute(); att.Name = "_t0"; att.Format = ResGFX.AttribFormat.Format_10_10_10_2_SNorm; if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { if (!HasTans) vertexAttributes.Add(att); } } CalculateTangentBitangent(); SaveVertexBuffer(IsWiiU); UpdateVertexData(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } public bool HasUV0() { return vertexAttributes.Any(x => x.Name == "_u0"); } public bool HasUV1() { return vertexAttributes.Any(x => x.Name == "_u1"); } public bool HasUV2() { return vertexAttributes.Any(x => x.Name == "_u2"); } public void FlipUvsVertical(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (!HasUV0()) { MessageBox.Show($"Error! {Text} does not have UVs!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } FlipUvsVertical(); SaveVertexBuffer(IsWiiU); UpdateVertexData(); } public void FlipUvsHorizontal(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (!HasUV0()) { MessageBox.Show($"Error! {Text} does not have UVs!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } FlipUvsHorizontal(); SaveVertexBuffer(IsWiiU); UpdateVertexData(); } public void ExportMaterials(object sender, EventArgs args) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.Filter = "Materials|*.bfmat;"; sfd.DefaultExt = ".bfmat"; sfd.FileName = GetMaterial().Text; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { GetMaterial().Material.Export(sfd.FileName, GetResFile()); } } public void ReplaceMaterials(object sender, EventArgs args) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "Materials|*.bfmat;"; ofd.DefaultExt = ".bfmat"; ofd.FileName = GetMaterial().Text; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { GetMaterial().Material.Import(ofd.FileName); } } public void Export(object sender, EventArgs args) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfobj;*.fbx;*.dae; *.obj;|" + "Bfres Object (shape/vertices) |*.bfobj|" + "FBX |*.fbx|" + "DAE |*.dae|" + "OBJ |*.obj|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; sfd.DefaultExt = ".bfobj"; sfd.FileName = Text; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sfd.FileName); ext = ext.ToLower(); switch (ext) { case ".bfobj": ExportBinaryObject(sfd.FileName); break; default: AssimpData assimp = new AssimpData(); assimp.SaveFromObject(vertices, lodMeshes[DisplayLODIndex].faces, Text, sfd.FileName); break; } } } public void ExportBinaryObject(string FileName) { Shape.Export(FileName, GetResFile()); } public void Replace(object sender, EventArgs args) { bool IsWiiU = (GetResFileU() != null); OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfobj;*.fbx;*.dae; *.obj;|" + "Bfres Object (shape/vertices) |*.bfobj|" + "FBX |*.fbx|" + "DAE |*.dae|" + "OBJ |*.obj|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(ofd.FileName); ext = ext.ToLower(); switch (ext) { case ".bfobj": Shape shp = new Shape(); shp.Import(ofd.FileName, VertexBuffer); shp.Name = Text; shp.MaterialIndex = (ushort)MaterialIndex; BfresSwitch.ReadShapesVertices(this, shp, VertexBuffer, GetModelList()[ModelIndex]); break; default: AssimpData assimp = new AssimpData(); assimp.LoadFile(ofd.FileName); AssimpMeshSelector selector = new AssimpMeshSelector(); selector.LoadMeshes(assimp, Index); if (selector.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (assimp.objects.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No models found!"); return; } BfresModelImportSettings settings = new BfresModelImportSettings(); settings.SetModelAttributes(assimp.objects[0]); if (settings.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { GenericObject obj = selector.GetSelectedMesh(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; VertexBufferIndex = obj.VertexBufferIndex; vertices = obj.vertices; CreateBoneList(obj, (FMDL)Parent.Parent); VertexSkinCount = obj.MaxSkinInfluenceCount; vertexAttributes = settings.CreateNewAttributes(); lodMeshes = obj.lodMeshes; CreateNewBoundingBoxes(); SaveShape(IsWiiU); SaveVertexBuffer(IsWiiU); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } } break; } UpdateVertexData(); } } public void CreateIndexList(GenericObject ob, FMDL mdl = null) { BoneIndices = new List(); List boneNames = new List(); foreach (Vertex v in ob.vertices) { foreach (string bn in v.boneNames) { if (!boneNames.Contains(bn)) boneNames.Add(bn); } } int index = 0; foreach (STBone bone in mdl.Skeleton.bones) { foreach (string bnam in boneNames) { if (bone.Text == bnam) { BoneIndices.Add((ushort)index); } } index++; } } public void CreateBoneList(GenericObject ob, FMDL mdl) { string[] nodeArrStrings = new string[mdl.Skeleton.Node_Array.Length]; int CurNode = 0; foreach (int thing in mdl.Skeleton.Node_Array) nodeArrStrings[CurNode++] = mdl.Skeleton.bones[thing].Text; foreach (Vertex v in ob.vertices) { foreach (string bn in v.boneNames) { foreach (var defBn in nodeArrStrings.Select((Value, Index) => new { Value, Index })) { if (bn == defBn.Value) { v.boneIds.Add(defBn.Index); } } } } } public void CreateNewBoundingBoxes() { boundingBoxes.Clear(); boundingRadius.Clear(); foreach (LOD_Mesh mesh in lodMeshes) { BoundingBox box = CalculateBoundingBox(); boundingBoxes.Add(box); boundingRadius.Add((float)(box.Center.Length + box.Extend.Length)); foreach (LOD_Mesh.SubMesh sub in mesh.subMeshes) boundingBoxes.Add(box); } } private BoundingBox CalculateBoundingBox() { Vector3 Max = new Vector3(); Vector3 Min = new Vector3(); Min = Max = vertices[0].pos; Min = CalculateBBMin(vertices); Max = CalculateBBMax(vertices); Vector3 center = (Max + Min); Vector3 extend = Max - Min; return new BoundingBox() { Center = center, Extend = extend }; } private Vector3 CalculateBBMin(List positionVectors) { Vector3 minimum = new Vector3(); foreach (Vertex vtx in positionVectors) { if (vtx.pos.X < minimum.X) minimum.X = vtx.pos.X; if (vtx.pos.Y < minimum.Y) minimum.Y = vtx.pos.Y; if (vtx.pos.Z < minimum.Z) minimum.Z = vtx.pos.Z; } return minimum; } private Vector3 CalculateBBMax(List positionVectors) { Vector3 maximum = new Vector3(); foreach (Vertex vtx in positionVectors) { if (vtx.pos.X > maximum.X) maximum.X = vtx.pos.X; if (vtx.pos.Y > maximum.Y) maximum.Y = vtx.pos.Y; if (vtx.pos.Z > maximum.Z) maximum.Z = vtx.pos.Z; } return maximum; } private void UpdateShaderAssignAttributes(FMAT material) { material.shaderassign.attributes.Clear(); foreach (VertexAttribute att in vertexAttributes) { material.shaderassign.attributes.Add(att.Name, att.Name); } } public int[] Faces; public List BoneIndices = new List(); // for drawing public int[] display; public int VertexSkinCount; public int DisplayId; public int boneIndx; public int VertexBufferIndex; public int TargetAttribCount; public List boundingRadius = new List(); public List boundingBoxes = new List(); public class BoundingBox { public Vector3 Center; public Vector3 Extend; } public int DisplayLODIndex = 0; public List vertexAttributes = new List(); public class VertexAttribute { public string Name; public ResGFX.AttribFormat Format; public override string ToString() { return Name; } public ResGFX.AttribFormat GetTypeWiiU(ResUGX2.GX2AttribFormat type) { return (ResGFX.AttribFormat)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(ResGFX.AttribFormat), $"{type.ToString()}"); } public ResUGX2.GX2AttribFormat SetTypeWiiU(ResGFX.AttribFormat type) { return (ResUGX2.GX2AttribFormat)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(ResUGX2.GX2AttribFormat), type.ToString()); } } public void SaveShape(bool IsWiiU) { if (IsWiiU) ShapeU = BfresWiiU.SaveShape(this); else Shape = BfresSwitch.SaveShape(this); } public IList GetIndices() { IList indices = new List(); List BoneNodes = new List(); foreach (Vertex vtx in vertices) { } return indices; } public Vector3 TransformLocal(Vector3 position, bool IsPos = true) { Matrix4 trans = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0, 0, 0); if (IsPos) return Vector3.TransformPosition(position, trans); else return Vector3.TransformNormal(position, trans); } public void SaveVertexBuffer(bool IsWiiU) { if (IsWiiU) { BfresWiiU.SaveVertexBuffer(this); return; } VertexBufferHelper helpernx = new VertexBufferHelper(new VertexBuffer(), Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.LittleEndian); List atrib = new List(); UpdateVertices(); foreach (VertexAttribute att in vertexAttributes) { if (att.Name == "_p0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = verts.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.Format; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_n0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = norms.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.Format; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_u0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = uv0.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.Format; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_u1") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = uv1.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.Format; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_u2") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = uv2.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.Format; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_w0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = weights.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.Format; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_i0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = boneInd.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.Format; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_b0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = bitans.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.Format; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_t0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = tans.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.Format; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_c0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = colors.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.Format; atrib.Add(vert); } } if (atrib.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Attributes are empty?"); return; } helpernx.Attributes = atrib; VertexBuffer = helpernx.ToVertexBuffer(); } internal List verts = new List(); internal List norms = new List(); internal List uv0 = new List(); internal List uv1 = new List(); internal List uv2 = new List(); internal List tans = new List(); internal List bitans = new List(); internal List weights = new List(); internal List boneInd = new List(); internal List colors = new List(); public string GetBoneNameFromIndex(FMDL mdl, int index) { if (index == 0) return ""; return mdl.Skeleton.bones[mdl.Skeleton.Node_Array[index]].Text; } public void UpdateVertices() { // CalculateTangentBitangent(); foreach (Vertex vtx in vertices) { if (VertexSkinCount == 0 || VertexSkinCount == 1) { // Console.WriteLine("Old " + vtx.pos); // vtx.pos = TransformLocal(vtx.pos); // vtx.nrm = TransformLocal(vtx.nrm, false); // Console.WriteLine("New " + vtx.pos); } //Console.WriteLine($"Weight count {vtx.boneWeights.Count}"); //Console.WriteLine($"Index count {vtx.boneIds.Count}"); verts.Add(new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F(vtx.pos.X, vtx.pos.Y, vtx.pos.Z, 1.0f)); norms.Add(new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F(vtx.nrm.X, vtx.nrm.Y, vtx.nrm.Z, 0)); uv0.Add(new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F(vtx.uv0.X, vtx.uv0.Y, 0, 0)); uv1.Add(new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F(vtx.uv1.X, vtx.uv1.Y, 0, 0)); uv2.Add(new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F(vtx.uv2.X, vtx.uv2.Y, 0, 0)); tans.Add(new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F(vtx.tan.X, vtx.tan.Y, vtx.tan.Z, vtx.tan.W)); bitans.Add(new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F(vtx.bitan.X, vtx.bitan.Y, vtx.bitan.Z, vtx.bitan.W)); if (vtx.boneWeights.Count == 0) { vtx.boneWeights.Add(0); vtx.boneWeights.Add(0); vtx.boneWeights.Add(0); vtx.boneWeights.Add(0); } if (vtx.boneWeights.Count == 1) { vtx.boneWeights.Add(0); vtx.boneWeights.Add(0); vtx.boneWeights.Add(0); } if (vtx.boneWeights.Count == 2) { vtx.boneWeights.Add(0); vtx.boneWeights.Add(0); } if (vtx.boneWeights.Count == 3) { vtx.boneWeights.Add(0); } if (vtx.boneIds.Count == 0) { vtx.boneIds.Add(0); vtx.boneIds.Add(0); vtx.boneIds.Add(0); vtx.boneIds.Add(0); } if (vtx.boneIds.Count == 1) { vtx.boneIds.Add(0); vtx.boneIds.Add(0); vtx.boneIds.Add(0); } if (vtx.boneIds.Count == 2) { vtx.boneIds.Add(0); vtx.boneIds.Add(0); } if (vtx.boneIds.Count == 3) { vtx.boneIds.Add(0); } weights.Add(new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F(vtx.boneWeights[0], vtx.boneWeights[1], vtx.boneWeights[2], vtx.boneWeights[3])); boneInd.Add(new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F(vtx.boneIds[0], vtx.boneIds[1], vtx.boneIds[2], vtx.boneIds[3])); colors.Add(new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F(vtx.col.X, vtx.col.Y, vtx.col.Z, vtx.col.W)); } } public List CreateDisplayVertices() { // rearrange faces display = lodMeshes[DisplayLODIndex].getDisplayFace().ToArray(); List displayVertList = new List(); if (lodMeshes[DisplayLODIndex].faces.Count <= 3) return displayVertList; foreach (Vertex v in vertices) { DisplayVertex displayVert = new DisplayVertex() { pos = v.pos, nrm = v.nrm, tan = v.tan.Xyz, bit = v.bitan.Xyz, col = v.col, uv = v.uv0, uv2 = v.uv1, uv3 = v.uv2, node = new Vector4( v.boneIds.Count > 0 ? v.boneIds[0] : -1, v.boneIds.Count > 1 ? v.boneIds[1] : -1, v.boneIds.Count > 2 ? v.boneIds[2] : -1, v.boneIds.Count > 3 ? v.boneIds[3] : -1), weight = new Vector4( v.boneWeights.Count > 0 ? v.boneWeights[0] : 0, v.boneWeights.Count > 1 ? v.boneWeights[1] : 0, v.boneWeights.Count > 2 ? v.boneWeights[2] : 0, v.boneWeights.Count > 3 ? v.boneWeights[3] : 0), }; displayVertList.Add(displayVert); /* Console.WriteLine($"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Position {displayVert.pos.X} {displayVert.pos.Y} {displayVert.pos.Z}"); Console.WriteLine($"Normal {displayVert.nrm.X} {displayVert.nrm.Y} {displayVert.nrm.Z}"); Console.WriteLine($"Binormal {displayVert.bit.X} {displayVert.bit.Y} {displayVert.bit.Z}"); Console.WriteLine($"Tanget {displayVert.tan.X} {displayVert.tan.Y} {displayVert.tan.Z}"); Console.WriteLine($"Color {displayVert.col.X} {displayVert.col.Y} {displayVert.col.Z} {displayVert.col.W}"); Console.WriteLine($"UV Layer 1 {displayVert.uv.X} {displayVert.uv.Y}"); Console.WriteLine($"UV Layer 2 {displayVert.uv2.X} {displayVert.uv2.Y}"); Console.WriteLine($"UV Layer 3 {displayVert.uv3.X} {displayVert.uv3.Y}"); Console.WriteLine($"Bone Index {displayVert.node.X} {displayVert.node.Y} {displayVert.node.Z} {displayVert.node.W}"); Console.WriteLine($"Weights {displayVert.weight.X} {displayVert.weight.Y} {displayVert.weight.Z} {displayVert.weight.W}"); Console.WriteLine($"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");*/ } return displayVertList; } } }