using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms; using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Forms; using Switch_Toolbox.Library.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.ComponentModel; namespace Switch_Toolbox.Library { public enum ArchiveFileState { Empty = 0, Archived = 1, Added = 2, Replaced = 4, Renamed = 8, Deleted = 16 } public interface IArchiveFile { bool CanAddFiles { get; } bool CanRenameFiles { get; } bool CanReplaceFiles { get; } bool CanDeleteFiles { get; } IEnumerable Files { get; } bool AddFile(ArchiveFileInfo archiveFileInfo); bool DeleteFile(ArchiveFileInfo archiveFileInfo); } public class ArchiveFileInfo { [Browsable(false)] public STContextMenuStrip STContextMenuStrip; [Browsable(false)] public virtual STToolStripItem[] Menus { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public FileType FileDataType = FileType.Default; //Wether or not to check the file magic to determine the type //This sets the icons if there's no proper extension, and may add more special operations //This should be disabled on larger archives! [Browsable(false)] public virtual bool CheckFileMagic { get; set; } = false; //Properties to show for the archive file when selected [Browsable(false)] public virtual object DisplayProperties { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public virtual bool CanLoadFile { get; set; } = true; [Browsable(false)] public virtual IFileFormat OpenFile() { return STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat( IOExtensions.RemoveIllegaleFolderNameCharacters(FileName), FileData, true); } [Browsable(false)] public bool IsSupportedFileFormat() { if (FileData == null || FileData.Length <= 4) return false; using (var stream = new MemoryStream(FileData)) { foreach (IFileFormat fileFormat in FileManager.GetFileFormats()) { fileFormat.FileName = FileName; if (fileFormat.Identify(stream)) return true; } return false; } } public virtual Dictionary ExtensionImageKeyLookup { get; } public virtual void Replace() { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(FileName.RemoveIllegaleFileNameCharacters()); OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.FileName = fileName; ofd.DefaultExt = Path.GetExtension(fileName); ofd.Filter = "Raw Data (*.*)|*.*"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { FileData = File.ReadAllBytes(ofd.FileName); } } public virtual void Export() { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(FileName.RemoveIllegaleFileNameCharacters()); SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.FileName = fileName; sfd.DefaultExt = Path.GetExtension(fileName); sfd.Filter = "Raw Data (*.*)|*.*"; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { File.WriteAllBytes(sfd.FileName, FileData); } } public virtual string FileSize { get {return STMath.GetFileSize(FileData.Length, 4); } } [Browsable(false)] public IFileFormat FileFormat = null; //Format attached for saving [Browsable(false)] protected byte[] _fileData = null; //Full File Name private string _fileName = string.Empty; [Browsable(false)] public string FileName { get { return _fileName; } set { _fileName = value; } } [Browsable(false)] public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty; //File Name (No Path) [Browsable(false)] public virtual byte[] FileData { get { if (FileFormat != null && FileFormat.CanSave) return FileFormat.Save(); else return _fileData; } set { _fileData = value; } } [Browsable(false)] public ArchiveFileState State { get; set; } = ArchiveFileState.Empty; } public class ArchiveBase : TreeNodeCustom { public IArchiveFile ArchiveFile; //The archive file being edited public ArchiveBase(IArchiveFile archiveFile) { ArchiveFile = archiveFile; } } //Wrapper for the archive file itself public class ArchiveRootNodeWrapper : ArchiveBase, IContextMenuNode { public virtual object PropertyDisplay { get; set; } public ArchiveRootNodeWrapper(string text, IArchiveFile archiveFile) : base(archiveFile) { Text = text; PropertyDisplay = new GenericArchiveProperties(archiveFile, text); } public ToolStripItem[] GetContextMenuItems() { return new ToolStripItem[] { new STToolStripItem("Save", SaveAction) { Enabled = ((IFileFormat)ArchiveFile).CanSave}, new STToolStripSeparator(), new STToolStripItem("Repack", RepackAction){ Enabled = ArchiveFile.CanReplaceFiles}, new STToolStripItem("Extract All", ExtractAllAction), new STToolStripSeparator(), new STToolStripItem("Preview Archive", PreviewAction), }; } private void EnableContextMenu(ToolStripItemCollection Items, string Key, bool Enabled) { foreach (ToolStripItem item in Items) { if (item.Text == Key) item.Enabled = Enabled; } } private void SaveAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { //Archive files are IFIleFormats var FileFormat = ((IFileFormat)ArchiveFile); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; List formats = new List(); formats.Add(FileFormat); SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.Filter = Utils.GetAllFilters(formats); sfd.FileName = FileFormat.FileName; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { STFileSaver.SaveFileFormat(FileFormat, sfd.FileName); } GC.Collect(); } private void ExtractAllAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { TreeNode node = this; var ParentPath = string.Empty; if (node.Parent != null) //Archive can be attached to another archive ParentPath = node.Parent.FullPath; TreeHelper.ExtractAllFiles(ParentPath, Nodes); } private void RepackAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { } private void PreviewAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { ArchiveListPreviewForm previewFormatList = new ArchiveListPreviewForm(); previewFormatList.LoadArchive(ArchiveFile); previewFormatList.Show(); } public override void OnClick(TreeView treeView) { STPropertyGrid editor = (STPropertyGrid)LibraryGUI.Instance.GetActiveContent(typeof(STPropertyGrid)); if (editor == null) { editor = new STPropertyGrid(); LibraryGUI.Instance.LoadEditor(editor); } editor.Text = Text; editor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; editor.LoadProperty(PropertyDisplay, OnPropertyChanged); } public virtual void OnPropertyChanged() { Text = Name; } public class GenericArchiveProperties { private IArchiveFile ArchiveFile; [Category("Archive Properties")] public string Name { get; set; } [Category("Archive Properties")] [DisplayName("File Count")] public int FileCount { get { return ArchiveFile.Files.ToList().Count; } } public GenericArchiveProperties(IArchiveFile archiveFile, string text) { ArchiveFile = archiveFile; Name = text; } } public void FillTreeNodes() { FillTreeNodes(this, ArchiveFile); } private void FillTreeNodes(TreeNode root, IArchiveFile archiveFile) { Nodes.Clear(); var rootText = root.Text; var rootTextLength = rootText.Length; var nodeFiles = archiveFile.Files; int I = 0; foreach (var node in nodeFiles) { if (!node.CanLoadFile) continue; string nodeString = node.FileName; var roots = nodeString.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // The initial parent is the root node var parentNode = root; var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(rootText, nodeString.Length + rootTextLength); for (int rootIndex = 0; rootIndex < roots.Length; rootIndex++) { // Build the node name var parentName = roots[rootIndex]; sb.Append("/"); sb.Append(parentName); var nodeName = sb.ToString(); // Search for the node var index = parentNode.Nodes.IndexOfKey(nodeName); if (index == -1) { // Node was not found, add it var folder = new ArchiveFolderNodeWrapper(parentName, archiveFile); if (rootIndex == roots.Length - 1) { ArchiveFileWrapper wrapperFile = new ArchiveFileWrapper(parentName, node, archiveFile); wrapperFile.Name = nodeName; parentNode.Nodes.Add(wrapperFile); parentNode = wrapperFile; } else { folder.Name = nodeName; parentNode.Nodes.Add(folder); parentNode = folder; } } else { // Node was found, set that as parent and continue parentNode = parentNode.Nodes[index]; } } } } } //Wrapper for folders public class ArchiveFolderNodeWrapper : ArchiveBase, IContextMenuNode { public virtual object PropertyDisplay { get; set; } public bool CanReplace { set { if (value) ContextMenuStrip.Items[1].Enabled = true; else ContextMenuStrip.Items[1].Enabled = false; } } public bool CanRename = false; public bool CanDelete { set { if (value) ContextMenuStrip.Items[2].Enabled = true; else ContextMenuStrip.Items[2].Enabled = false; } } public ArchiveFolderNodeWrapper(string text, IArchiveFile archiveFile ) : base(archiveFile) { Text = text; PropertyDisplay = new GenericFolderProperties(); ((GenericFolderProperties)PropertyDisplay).Name = Text; // ReloadMenus(archiveFile); } public ToolStripItem[] GetContextMenuItems() { return new ToolStripItem[] { new STToolStripItem("Rename", RenameAction) { Enabled = ArchiveFile.CanRenameFiles }, new STToolStripItem("Extract Folder", ExtractAction), new STToolStripItem("Replace Folder", ReplaceAction) { Enabled = ArchiveFile.CanReplaceFiles }, new STToolStripItem("Delete Folder", DeleteAction) { Enabled = ArchiveFile.CanDeleteFiles }, new STToolStripSeparator(), new STToolStripItem("Add File", AddFileAction) { Enabled = ArchiveFile.CanAddFiles }, }; } private void AddFileAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "Raw Data (*.*)|*.*"; ofd.Multiselect = true; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { TreeHelper.AddFiles(this, ArchiveFile, ofd.FileNames); } } public override void OnClick(TreeView treeView) { STPropertyGrid editor = (STPropertyGrid)LibraryGUI.Instance.GetActiveContent(typeof(STPropertyGrid)); if (editor == null) { editor = new STPropertyGrid(); LibraryGUI.Instance.LoadEditor(editor); } editor.Text = Text; editor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; editor.LoadProperty(PropertyDisplay, OnPropertyChanged); } public class GenericFolderProperties { [Category("Folder Properties")] public string Name { get; set; } } public virtual void OnPropertyChanged() { Text = Name; } private void ExtractAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { TreeNode node = this; var ParentPath = string.Empty; if (node.Parent != null) ParentPath = node.Parent.FullPath; TreeHelper.ExtractAllFiles(ParentPath, Nodes); } private void RenameAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog(); dialog.SetString(Text); if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Text = dialog.textBox1.Text; } } private void ReplaceAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { } private void DeleteAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { TreeHelper.RemoveFolder(this, ArchiveFile); } } //Wrapper for files public class ArchiveFileWrapper : ArchiveBase, IContextMenuNode { public virtual ArchiveFileInfo ArchiveFileInfo { get; set; } public ArchiveFileWrapper(string text, ArchiveFileInfo archiveFileInfo, IArchiveFile archiveFile) : base(archiveFile) { Text = text; // ReloadMenus(archiveFile); ArchiveFileInfo = archiveFileInfo; string Extension = Utils.GetExtension(text); if (ArchiveFileInfo.CheckFileMagic) { Extension = FindMatch(archiveFileInfo.FileData); } if (ArchiveFileInfo.ExtensionImageKeyLookup.ContainsKey(Extension)) SetImageKey(ArchiveFileInfo.ExtensionImageKeyLookup[Extension]); switch (Extension) { case ".bntx": SetImageKey("bntx"); break; case ".byaml": SetImageKey("byaml"); break; case ".byml": SetImageKey("byaml"); break; case ".aamp": SetImageKey("aamp"); break; case ".bfres": SetImageKey("bfres"); break; case ".sbfres": SetImageKey("sbfres"); break; case ".dds": case ".tga": case ".jpg": case ".jpeg": case ".tiff": case ".png": case ".gif": case ".astc": SetImageKey("texture"); break; default: SetImageKey("fileBlank"); break; } } private void SetImageKey(string Key) { ImageKey = Key; SelectedImageKey = Key; } private string FindMatch(byte[] f) { if (f.Matches("SARC")) return ".szs"; else if (f.Matches("Yaz")) return ".szs"; else if (f.Matches("YB") || f.Matches("BY")) return ".byaml"; else if (f.Matches("FRES")) return ".bfres"; else if (f.Matches("Gfx2")) return ".gtx"; else if (f.Matches("FLYT")) return ".bflyt"; else if (f.Matches("CLAN")) return ".bclan"; else if (f.Matches("CLYT")) return ".bclyt"; else if (f.Matches("FLIM")) return ".bclim"; else if (f.Matches("FLAN")) return ".bflan"; else if (f.Matches("FSEQ")) return ".bfseq"; else if (f.Matches("VFXB")) return ".pctl"; else if (f.Matches("AAHS")) return ".sharc"; else if (f.Matches("BAHS")) return ".sharcb"; else if (f.Matches("BNTX")) return ".bntx"; else if (f.Matches("BNSH")) return ".bnsh"; else if (f.Matches("FSHA")) return ".bfsha"; else if (f.Matches("FFNT")) return ".bffnt"; else if (f.Matches("CFNT")) return ".bcfnt"; else if (f.Matches("CSTM")) return ".bcstm"; else if (f.Matches("FSTM")) return ".bfstm"; else if (f.Matches("STM")) return ".bfsha"; else if (f.Matches("CWAV")) return ".bcwav"; else if (f.Matches("FWAV")) return ".bfwav"; else if (f.Matches("CTPK")) return ".ctpk"; else if (f.Matches("CGFX")) return ".bcres"; else if (f.Matches("AAMP")) return ".aamp"; else if (f.Matches("MsgStdBn")) return ".msbt"; else if (f.Matches("MsgPrjBn")) return ".msbp"; else if (f.Matches(0x00000004)) return ".gfbanm"; else if (f.Matches(0x00000014)) return ".gfbanm"; else if (f.Matches(0x00000018)) return ".gfbanmcfg"; else if (f.Matches(0x00000020)) return ".gfbmdl"; else if (f.Matches(0x00000044)) return ".gfbpokecfg"; else return ""; } public static ArchiveFileWrapper FromPath(string FilePath, IArchiveFile archiveFile) { var ArchiveFileInfo = new ArchiveFileInfo(); ArchiveFileInfo.FileName = FilePath; ArchiveFileInfo.FileData = File.ReadAllBytes(FilePath); return new ArchiveFileWrapper(Path.GetFileName(FilePath), ArchiveFileInfo, archiveFile); } public ToolStripItem[] GetContextMenuItems() { return new ToolStripItem[] { new STToolStripItem("Rename", RenameAction) { Enabled = ArchiveFile.CanRenameFiles }, new STToolStripItem("Export Raw Data", ExtractAction), new STToolStipMenuItem("Export Raw Data to File Location", null, ExportToFileLocAction, Keys.Control | Keys.F), new STToolStripItem("Replace Raw Data", ReplaceAction) { Enabled = ArchiveFile.CanReplaceFiles }, new STToolStripSeparator(), new STToolStipMenuItem("Open With Text Editor", null, OpenTextEditorAction, Keys.Control | Keys.T), new STToolStripSeparator(), new STToolStripItem("Delete", DeleteAction) { Enabled = ArchiveFile.CanDeleteFiles }, }; } private void OpenTextEditorAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { TextEditor editor = (TextEditor)LibraryGUI.Instance.GetActiveContent(typeof(TextEditor)); if (editor == null) { editor = new TextEditor(); LibraryGUI.Instance.LoadEditor(editor); } editor.Text = Text; editor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; editor.FillEditor(ArchiveFileInfo.FileData); } private void ExtractAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { ArchiveFileInfo.Export(); } private void ExportToFileLocAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; File.WriteAllBytes($"{Path.GetDirectoryName(((IFileFormat)ArchiveFile).FilePath)}/{Text}", ArchiveFileInfo.FileData); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } private void DeleteAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show($"Are your sure you want to remove {Text}? This cannot be undone!", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { ArchiveFile.DeleteFile(ArchiveFileInfo); Parent.Nodes.Remove(this); } } private void ReplaceAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { ArchiveFileInfo.Replace(); } public override void OnDoubleMouseClick(TreeView treeview) { IFileFormat file = ArchiveFileInfo.OpenFile(); if (file == null) //Format not supported so return return; ArchiveFileInfo.FileFormat = file; if (Utils.HasInterface(file.GetType(), typeof(IEditor<>))) { OpenFormDialog(file); } else if (file is TreeNode) ReplaceNode(this.Parent, this, (TreeNode)file); else if (file is IArchiveFile) { var FileRoot = new ArchiveRootNodeWrapper(file.FileName, (IArchiveFile)file); FileRoot.FillTreeNodes(); ReplaceNode(this.Parent, this, FileRoot); } } private void OpenFormDialog(IFileFormat fileFormat) { UserControl form = GetEditorForm(fileFormat); form.Text = (((IFileFormat)fileFormat).FileName); var parentForm = LibraryGUI.Instance.GetActiveForm(); GenericEditorForm editorForm = new GenericEditorForm(true, form); editorForm.FormClosing += (sender, e) => FormClosing(sender, e, fileFormat); if (editorForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (fileFormat.CanSave) { ArchiveFileInfo.FileData = fileFormat.Save(); UpdateEditor(); } } } private void FormClosing(object sender, EventArgs args, IFileFormat fileFormat) { if (((Form)sender).DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) return; } public UserControl GetEditorForm(IFileFormat fileFormat) { Type objectType = fileFormat.GetType(); foreach (var inter in objectType.GetInterfaces()) { if (inter.IsGenericType && inter.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEditor<>)) { System.Reflection.MethodInfo method = objectType.GetMethod("OpenForm"); return (UserControl)method.Invoke(fileFormat, new object[0]); } } return null; } public override void OnClick(TreeView treeView) { UpdateEditor(); } public void UpdateEditor() { ArchiveFilePanel editor = (ArchiveFilePanel)LibraryGUI.Instance.GetActiveContent(typeof(ArchiveFilePanel)); if (editor == null) { editor = new ArchiveFilePanel(); editor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; LibraryGUI.Instance.LoadEditor(editor); } editor.LoadFile(ArchiveFileInfo); editor.UpdateEditor(); } public static void ReplaceNode(TreeNode node, TreeNode replaceNode, TreeNode NewNode) { if (NewNode == null) return; int index = node.Nodes.IndexOf(replaceNode); node.Nodes.RemoveAt(index); node.Nodes.Insert(index, NewNode); NewNode.ImageKey = replaceNode.ImageKey; NewNode.SelectedImageKey = replaceNode.SelectedImageKey; NewNode.Text = replaceNode.Text; } private void RenameAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog(); dialog.SetString(Text); if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Text = dialog.textBox1.Text; } } } }