using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Forms; using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; namespace Toolbox.Library { public class STBone : TreeNodeCustom { private bool visbile = true; public bool Visible { get { return visbile; } set { visbile = value; } } public bool UseSegmentScaleCompensate; public STSkeleton skeletonParent; public BoneRotationType RotationType; public short BillboardIndex; public short RigidMatrixIndex; public short SmoothMatrixIndex; public float[] position = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }; public float[] rotation = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }; public float[] scale = new float[] { 1, 1, 1 }; public Vector3 pos = Vector3.Zero, sca = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); public Quaternion rot = Quaternion.FromMatrix(Matrix3.Zero); public Matrix4 Transform, invert; public Matrix4 GetTransform() { Vector3 mPos = new Vector3(position[0], position[1],position[2]); Quaternion mRot; if (RotationType == STBone.BoneRotationType.Quaternion) mRot = (STSkeleton.FromQuaternionAngles(rotation[2], rotation[1],rotation[0], rotation[3])); else mRot = (STSkeleton.FromEulerAngles(rotation[2],rotation[1],rotation[0])); Vector3 mSca = new Vector3(scale[0], scale[1],scale[2]); return Matrix4.CreateScale(mSca) * Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(mRot) * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(mPos); } //Used for shifting models with the bones in the shader public Matrix4 ModelMatrix = Matrix4.Identity; public Vector3 GetPosition() { return pos; } public Quaternion GetRotation() { return rot; } public Vector3 GetScale() { return sca; } public void FromTransform(Matrix4 Transform) { var pos = Transform.ExtractTranslation(); var quat = Transform.ExtractRotation(); var scale = Transform.ExtractScale(); position[0] = pos.X; position[1] = pos.X; position[2] = pos.Z; var eul = Toolbox.Library.Animations.ANIM.quattoeul(quat); rotation = new float[] { eul.X, eul.Y, eul.Z, 1 }; scale[0] = scale.X; scale[1] = scale.X; scale[2] = scale.Z; } private void ApplyTransforms() { position = new float[] { pos.X, pos .Y, pos .Z}; if (RotationType == BoneRotationType.Quaternion) rotation = new float[] { rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z, rot.W }; else { var eul = Toolbox.Library.Animations.ANIM.quattoeul(rot); rotation = new float[] { eul.X, eul.Y, eul.Z, 1 }; } scale = new float[] { sca.X, sca.Y, sca.Z }; } public int GetIndex() { if (skeletonParent != null) return skeletonParent.bones.IndexOf(this); else return -1; } public void ConvertToQuaternion() { if (RotationType == BoneRotationType.Quaternion) return; RotationType = STBone.BoneRotationType.Quaternion; ApplyTransforms(); //Update matrices skeletonParent.reset(); skeletonParent.update(); } public void ConvertToEular() { if (RotationType == BoneRotationType.Euler) return; RotationType = STBone.BoneRotationType.Euler; ApplyTransforms(); //Update matrices skeletonParent.reset(); skeletonParent.update(); } public override void OnClick(TreeView treeView) { } public enum BoneRotationType { Euler, Quaternion, } public int parentIndex { set { if (Parent != null) Parent.Nodes.Remove(this); if (value > -1 && value < skeletonParent.bones.Count) { skeletonParent.bones[value].Nodes.Add(this); } } get { if (Parent == null || !(Parent is STBone)) return -1; return skeletonParent.bones.IndexOf((STBone)Parent); } } public List GetChildren() { List l = new List(); foreach (STBone b in skeletonParent.bones) if (b.Parent == this) l.Add(b); return l; } public STBone(STSkeleton skl) { skeletonParent = skl; ImageKey = "bone"; SelectedImageKey = "bone"; Checked = true; } public STBone() { ImageKey = "bone"; SelectedImageKey = "bone"; } public void RenderLegacy() { if (!Runtime.OpenTKInitialized || !Runtime.renderBones) return; Vector3 pos_c = Vector3.TransformPosition(Vector3.Zero, Transform); if (IsSelected) { GL.Color3(Color.Red); } else GL.Color3(Color.GreenYellow); RenderTools.DrawCube(pos_c, 0.1f); // now draw line between parent GL.Color3(Color.LightBlue); GL.LineWidth(2f); GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.Lines); if (Parent != null && Parent is STBone) { Vector3 pos_p = Vector3.TransformPosition(Vector3.Zero, ((STBone)Parent).Transform); GL.Vertex3(pos_c); GL.Color3(Color.Blue); GL.Vertex3(pos_p); } GL.End(); } } }