using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Switch_Toolbox; using System.Windows.Forms; using Switch_Toolbox.Library; using Switch_Toolbox.Library.IO; namespace FirstPlugin { public class IGA_PAK : IArchiveFile, IFileFormat { public FileType FileType { get; set; } = FileType.Archive; public bool CanSave { get; set; } public string[] Description { get; set; } = new string[] { "Crash Team Racing Archive" }; public string[] Extension { get; set; } = new string[] { "*.pak" }; public string FileName { get; set; } public string FilePath { get; set; } public IFileInfo IFileInfo { get; set; } public bool CanAddFiles { get; set; } public bool CanRenameFiles { get; set; } public bool CanReplaceFiles { get; set; } public bool CanDeleteFiles { get; set; } public bool Identify(System.IO.Stream stream) { using (var reader = new Switch_Toolbox.Library.IO.FileReader(stream, true)) { return reader.CheckSignature(3, "IGA"); } } public Type[] Types { get { List types = new List(); return types.ToArray(); } } public List files = new List(); public IEnumerable Files => files; public void Load(System.IO.Stream stream) { using (var reader = new FileReader(stream)) { reader.ByteOrder = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.LittleEndian; uint Singnature = reader.ReadUInt32(); //IGAx01 uint Version = reader.ReadUInt32(); //13 uint FileSectionSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); //Total size of file entires that point to file data uint FileCount = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint ChunkSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); //Skip some unknowns for now reader.Seek(20, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current); uint NameTableOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint Padding = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint NameTableSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint Unknown2 = reader.ReadUInt32(); //Always 1? uint[] Hashes = reader.ReadUInt32s((int)FileCount); //Read the filenames first long pos = reader.Position; string[] FileNames = new string[FileCount]; for (int i = 0; i < FileCount; i++) { reader.SeekBegin(NameTableOffset + (i * sizeof(uint))); uint NameOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.SeekBegin(NameTableOffset + NameOffset); FileNames[i] = reader.ReadZeroTerminatedString(); } //Go back for file entries reader.Position = pos; for (int i = 0; i < FileCount; i++) { var file = new FileEntry(); file.FileName = FileNames[i]; file.Read(reader); files.Add(file); } } } public void Unload() { } public byte[] Save() { return null; } public bool AddFile(ArchiveFileInfo archiveFileInfo) { return false; } public bool DeleteFile(ArchiveFileInfo archiveFileInfo) { return false; } public class FileEntry : ArchiveFileInfo { public CompressionType FileCompressionType; public enum CompressionType : int { None = -1, LZMA = 536870957, Deflate, } public void Read(FileReader reader) { uint FileOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(); byte[] Unknown = reader.ReadBytes(4); uint DecompressedFileSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); FileCompressionType = reader.ReadEnum(false); using (reader.TemporarySeek(FileOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)) { if (FileCompressionType == CompressionType.None) { FileData = reader.ReadBytes((int)DecompressedFileSize); } else { uint FileSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.Position = FileOffset; FileData = reader.ReadBytes((int)FileSize + 0x10); } } } } } }