name size_nx size_wiiu alignment parse_size_nx parse_size_wiiu other_extensions multiplier constant subsystem details BASE 0x20 0x14 8 0 0 1 0 General * 0x38 0x20 4 0 0 Tex.bfres, Tex1.bfres, Tex2.bfres, Tex1.1.bfres, Tex1.2.bfres, Tex1.3.bfres, Tex1.4.bfres 1 0 General sarc 0x68 0x3c 0x80 0 0 pack, bactorpack, bmodelsh, beventpack, stera, stats 1 0 General bfres 0x1a8 0x13c 0x1000 complex complex 2.5 0x400000 General bcamanim 0x50 0x2c 0x2000 complex complex 1 0x680 General 0x2f8 + graphics resources batpl, bnfprl 0x40 0x24 4 0 0 1 0 General bplacement 0x48 0x14 4 0 0 1 0 General hks, lua 0x38 0x14 4 0 0 1 0 General bactcapt 0x538 0x3b4 4 0 0 1 0x1000 ActorCaptureMgr bitemico 0x60 0xd0 0x2000 0 0 1 0 UI jpg 0x80 0x174 0x2000 0 0 1 0 UI bmaptex 0x60 0xd0 0x2000 0 0 1 0 UI bstftex 0x60 0xd0 0x2000 0 0 bmapopen, breviewtex 1 0 UI bgdata 0x140 0xcc 4 0 0 5 0xc0000 GameData bgsvdata 0x38 0x14 4 0 0 1 0x300000 GameData hknm2 0x48 0x28 4 complex complex 1 0xb28 HavokAI bmscdef 0x2a8 0x1fc 4 complex complex 1 0 Sound bars 0xb0 0x84 0x80 complex complex 1 0 Sound allocates (0x18 + string data on heap) in some cases + 0xa8 and calls sead::ResourceMgr::create with the heap bxml 0x778 0x4a8 4 complex complex 1 0x1000 ActorParam 0 or (4 * n) (depending on contents) bgparamlist 0x2c0 0x248 4 complex complex 1 0xdb18 ActorParam complex. allocates depending on nodes that are present in the gparamlist bmodellist 0x7d0 0x508 4 complex complex 2 0 ActorParam baslist 0x410 0x2f4 4 complex complex 0 0x80000 ActorParam baiprog 0x448 0x30c 4 complex complex 1 0x300000 ActorParam bphysics 0x470 0x324 4 complex complex 6 0 ActorParam bchemical 0x3c0 0x2cc 4 complex complex 0 0x2000 ActorParam bas 0x3c8 0x2d0 4 complex complex 0 0x80000 ActorParam batcllist 0x3f0 0x2e4 4 0 0 1 0x2000 ActorParam batcl 0x428 0x344 4 complex complex 1 0x2000 ActorParam baischedule 0x2b8 0x244 4 0 0 1 0x800 ActorParam bdmgparam 0x11d0 0x9f0 4 0x790 0x3c0 1 0x20000 ActorParam brgconfiglist 0x3d0 0x2d4 4 complex complex 1 0x2000 ActorParam brgconfig 0x42d8 0x2acc 4 0 0 1 0x20000 ActorParam brgbw 0x2c0 0x248 4 complex complex 1 0x20000 ActorParam bawareness 0xb38 0x70c 4 0 0 1 0 ActorParam bdrop 0x320 0x27c 4 complex complex 1 0x5000 ActorParam bshop 0x320 0x27c 4 complex complex 1 0x20000 ActorParam brecipe 0x320 0x27c 4 complex complex 1 0x20000 ActorParam blod 0x3c0 0x2cc 4 0 0 1 0x20000 ActorParam bbonectrl 0x8d0 0x564 4 complex complex 1 0x40000 ActorParam blifecondition 0x4b0 0x35c 4 complex complex 1 0x20000 ActorParam bumii 0x2b8 0x244 4 0 0 1 0 ActorParam baniminfo 0x2c8 0x24c 4 complex complex 1.5 0 ActorParam byaml 0x20 0x14 4 0 0 1 0 ActorParam bassetting 0x260 0x1d8 4 complex complex 0 0x80000 ActorParam hkrb 0x20 0x14 4 0 0 1 0x400 Physics hkrg 0x20 0x14 4 0 0 1 0x400 Physics bphyssb 0x5b0 0x384 4 complex complex 1 0x100000 Physics hkcl 0xe8 0xb8 4 complex complex 2 0x2800 Physics hksc 0x140 0xe8 4 complex complex 1.3 0x40000 Physics hktmrb 0x48 0x28 4 complex complex 1 0x800 Physics brgcon 0x48 0x28 4 complex complex 1 0x4000 Physics esetlist 0x38 0x20 0x4000 0 0 1 0 Effect bdemo 0xb20 0x6cc 4 0 0 1 0xb20 Event bfevfl 0x40 0x24 4 0 0 1 0x40 Event bfevtm 0x40 0x24 4 0 0 1 0x40 Event