using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Drawing; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using Switch_Toolbox.Library; using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Forms; using Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres; using Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres.GX2; using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; using Smash_Forge.Rendering; using WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking; using Switch_Toolbox.Library.IO; namespace FirstPlugin { public class FTEXContainer : TreeNodeCustom { public Dictionary Textures = new Dictionary(); //To get instance of classes public FTEXContainer() { Text = "Textures"; Name = "FTEX"; ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem importTex = new MenuItem("Import"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(importTex); importTex.Click += Import; MenuItem exportAll = new MenuItem("Export All Textures"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(exportAll); exportAll.Click += ExportAll; MenuItem clear = new MenuItem("Clear"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(clear); clear.Click += Clear; } private void Clear(object sender, EventArgs args) { Nodes.Clear(); Textures.Clear(); } public void RefreshGlTexturesByName() { } public void RemoveTexture(FTEX textureData) { Nodes.Remove(textureData); Textures.Remove(textureData.Text); Viewport.Instance.UpdateViewport(); } private void Import(object sender, EventArgs args) { ImportTexture(); } public void ImportTexture() { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.dds; *.png;*.tga;*.jpg;*.tiff|" + "Microsoft DDS |*.dds|" + "Portable Network Graphics |*.png|" + "Joint Photographic Experts Group |*.jpg|" + "Bitmap Image |*.bmp|" + "Tagged Image File Format |*.tiff|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; ofd.Multiselect = true; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { BinaryTextureImporterList importer = new BinaryTextureImporterList(); List settings = new List(); foreach (string name in ofd.FileNames) { settings.Clear(); GC.Collect(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } } } private void ExportAll(object sender, EventArgs args) { List Formats = new List(); Formats.Add("Cafe Binary Textures (.bftex)"); Formats.Add("Microsoft DDS (.dds)"); Formats.Add("Portable Graphics Network (.png)"); Formats.Add("Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg)"); Formats.Add("Bitmap Image (.bmp)"); Formats.Add("Tagged Image File Format (.tiff)"); FolderSelectDialog sfd = new FolderSelectDialog(); if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string folderPath = sfd.SelectedPath; TextureFormatExport form = new TextureFormatExport(Formats); if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (FTEX tex in Nodes) { if (form.Index == 0) tex.SaveBinaryTexture(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".bftex"); else if (form.Index == 1) tex.SaveDDS(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".dds"); else if (form.Index == 2) tex.SaveBitMap(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".png"); else if (form.Index == 3) tex.SaveBitMap(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".jpg"); else if (form.Index == 4) tex.SaveBitMap(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".bmp"); else if (form.Index == 5) tex.SaveBitMap(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".tiff"); } } } } } public class FTEX : STGenericTexture { public int format; public Texture texture; public FTEX() { ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem export = new MenuItem("Export"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(export); export.Click += Export; MenuItem replace = new MenuItem("Replace"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(replace); replace.Click += Replace; MenuItem remove = new MenuItem("Remove"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(remove); remove.Click += Remove; MenuItem rename = new MenuItem("Rename"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(rename); rename.Click += Rename; } //For determining mip map file for botw (Tex2) public string GetFilePath() { if (Parent == null) throw new Exception("Parent is null!"); return ((BFRES)Parent.Parent).FilePath; } private void Replace(object sender, EventArgs args) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.dds; *.png;*.tga;*.jpg;*.tiff|" + "Microsoft DDS |*.dds|" + "Portable Network Graphics |*.png|" + "Joint Photographic Experts Group |*.jpg|" + "Bitmap Image |*.bmp|" + "Tagged Image File Format |*.tiff|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; ofd.Multiselect = false; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Replace(ofd.FileName); } } public void Replace(string FileName) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName); ext = ext.ToLower(); TextureImporterSettings setting = new TextureImporterSettings(); BinaryTextureImporterList importer = new BinaryTextureImporterList(); } //We reuse GX2 data as it's the same thing public Texture FromGx2Surface(GTX.GX2Surface surf, TextureImporterSettings settings) { Texture tex = new Texture(); tex.Name = settings.TexName; tex.AAMode = (GX2AAMode)surf.aa; tex.Alignment = (uint)surf.alignment; tex.ArrayLength = 1; tex.Data =; tex.MipData = surf.mipData; tex.Format = (GX2SurfaceFormat)surf.format; tex.Dim = (GX2SurfaceDim)surf.dim; tex.Use = (GX2SurfaceUse)surf.use; tex.TileMode = (GX2TileMode)surf.tileMode; tex.Swizzle = surf.swizzle; tex.Pitch = surf.pitch; tex.Depth = surf.depth; tex.MipCount = surf.numMips; tex.MipOffsets = new uint[13]; for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { if (i < surf.mipOffset.Length) tex.MipOffsets[i] = surf.mipOffset[i]; } tex.Height = surf.height; tex.Width = surf.width; tex.Regs = new uint[5]; tex.ArrayLength = 1; var channels = SetChannelsByFormat((GX2SurfaceFormat)surf.format); tex.CompSelR = channels[0]; tex.CompSelG = channels[1]; tex.CompSelB = channels[2]; tex.CompSelA = channels[3]; tex.UserData = new ResDict(); return tex; } private void Rename(object sender, EventArgs args) { RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog(); dialog.SetString(Text); if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ((FTEXContainer)Parent).Textures.Remove(Text); Text = dialog.textBox1.Text; ((FTEXContainer)Parent).Textures.Add(Text, this); } } private void Remove(object sender, EventArgs args) { ((FTEXContainer)Parent).RemoveTexture(this); } private void Export(object sender, EventArgs args) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.FileName = Text; sfd.DefaultExt = "bftex"; sfd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bftex;*.dds; *.png;*.tga;*.jpg;*.tiff|" + "Binary Texture |*.bftex|" + "Microsoft DDS |*.dds|" + "Portable Network Graphics |*.png|" + "Joint Photographic Experts Group |*.jpg|" + "Bitmap Image |*.bmp|" + "Tagged Image File Format |*.tiff|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Export(sfd.FileName); } } public void Read(Texture tex) { ImageKey = "Texture"; SelectedImageKey = "Texture"; Text = tex.Name; texture = tex; Width = tex.Width; Height = tex.Height; Format = ConvertFormat(tex.Format); format = (int)tex.Format; int swizzle = (int)tex.Swizzle; int pitch = (int)tex.Pitch; uint bpp = GTX.surfaceGetBitsPerPixel((uint)format) >> 3; GTX.GX2Surface surf = new GTX.GX2Surface(); surf.bpp = bpp; surf.height = tex.Height; surf.width = tex.Width; surf.aa = (uint)tex.AAMode; surf.alignment = tex.Alignment; surf.depth = tex.Depth; surf.dim = (uint)tex.Dim; surf.format = (uint)tex.Format; surf.use = (uint)tex.Use; surf.pitch = tex.Pitch; = tex.Data; surf.numMips = tex.MipCount; surf.mipOffset = tex.MipOffsets; surf.mipData = tex.MipData; surf.tileMode = (uint)tex.TileMode; surf.swizzle = tex.Swizzle; //Determine tex2 botw files to get mip maps string Tex1 = GetFilePath(); if (Tex1.Contains(".Tex1")) { string Tex2 = Tex1.Replace(".Tex1", ".Tex2"); Console.WriteLine(Tex2); if (System.IO.File.Exists(Tex2)) { ResFile resFile2 = new ResFile(new System.IO.MemoryStream( EveryFileExplorer.YAZ0.Decompress(Tex2))); if (resFile2.Textures.ContainsKey(tex.Name)) { surf.mipData = resFile2.Textures[tex.Name].MipData; surf.mipOffset = resFile2.Textures[tex.Name].MipOffsets; } } } if (surf.mipData == null) surf.numMips = 1; List mips = GTX.Decode(surf); Surfaces.Add(new Surface() { mipmaps = mips }); RenderableTex.LoadOpenGLTexture(this); } private TEX_FORMAT ConvertFormat(GX2SurfaceFormat Format) { return TEX_FORMAT.UNKNOWN; } public static GX2CompSel[] SetChannelsByFormat(GX2SurfaceFormat Format) { GX2CompSel[] channels = new GX2CompSel[4]; switch (Format) { case GX2SurfaceFormat.T_BC5_UNorm: case GX2SurfaceFormat.T_BC5_SNorm: channels[0] = GX2CompSel.ChannelR; channels[1] = GX2CompSel.ChannelG; channels[2] = GX2CompSel.Always0; channels[3] = GX2CompSel.Always1; break; case GX2SurfaceFormat.T_BC4_SNorm: case GX2SurfaceFormat.T_BC4_UNorm: channels[0] = GX2CompSel.ChannelR; channels[1] = GX2CompSel.ChannelR; channels[2] = GX2CompSel.ChannelR; channels[3] = GX2CompSel.ChannelR; break; default: channels[0] = GX2CompSel.ChannelR; channels[1] = GX2CompSel.ChannelG; channels[2] = GX2CompSel.ChannelB; channels[3] = GX2CompSel.Always1; break; } return channels; } public void Export(string FileName, bool ExportSurfaceLevel = false, bool ExportMipMapLevel = false, int SurfaceLevel = 0, int MipLevel = 0) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName); ext = ext.ToLower(); switch (ext) { case ".bftex": SaveBinaryTexture(FileName); break; case ".dds": SaveDDS(FileName); break; default: SaveBitMap(FileName); break; } } internal void SaveBinaryTexture(string FileName) { Console.WriteLine("Test"); // Texture.Export(FileName, bntxFile); } public override void OnClick(TreeView treeView) { } } }