* Updater Fix/Improvements
In SetAccessRule():
A call to the Directory.SetAccessControl method was added to apply the changes made to the DirectorySecurity object. Additionally, the function does not handle possible exceptions that may occur during code execution. This version of the function attempts to set the access rule for the specified directory and, if an error occurs during the process, prints an error message on the screen. This helps to identify and fix possible problems that may occur during code execution.
In Install():
The function checks if the destination directory exists before attempting to delete it. Additionally, a destDir variable was created to store the path of the 'destination directory' and a destFile variable to store the path of the 'destination file'. This makes the code a little more readable.
In Application_Idle():
A MessageBox.Show was included to display a dialog box with the message "Updates are available. Do you want to update now?" and two buttons: "Yes" and "No". If the user clicks on the "Yes" button, the UpdateNotifcationClick method is called to start the update process. Otherwise, the dialog box is closed and no action is taken.
The dialog box will only be shown once for each available update, as the UsePrompt variable is set to false after the dialog box is shown for the first time.
when trying to update, updater.exe crashed and presented the following error, as shown in the print below:
unhandled exception: Unable to create a file that already exists.
* Updater Fix/Improvements
Supports loading rigged models and viewing textures for both the Wii U and Switch versions of the game.
Keep in mind the Switch version lacks LZSS 3 byte compression and will be missing vertex data for certain models.
* avoid using LINQ for array slicing
* separate pitch and block linear swizzle functions
* use tegra_swizzle lib for swizzle/deswizzle for block linear
* clean up tegra swizzle and remove redundant allocation
* add an additional binary for 32 bit
* add check to force valid block heights
* fix sizes for 32 bit swizzle ffi
* simplify mipmap offsets, fix clamping blockHeightLog2
* prevent 0 values for width/height
* port updated nutexb block height function from Cross Mod
* update tegra_swizzle to include corrected block height functions