Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/KillzXGaming/Switch-Toolbox synced 2025-02-12 20:13:31 +00:00

Some cleanup

This commit is contained in:
KillzXGaming 2020-02-08 17:17:49 -05:00
parent f86519c81c
commit 2076905094
5 changed files with 26 additions and 981 deletions

View file

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ namespace FirstPlugin
public VersionMagic Version;
public string Signature;
public uint FileSize;
public ushort FileGroupCount;
public ushort FileCount;
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ namespace FirstPlugin
public void Read(FileReader reader, List<FileEntry> files)
reader.ByteOrder = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.LittleEndian;
string Signature = reader.ReadString(4, Encoding.ASCII);
Signature = reader.ReadString(4, Encoding.ASCII);
switch (Signature)
case "ZAR\x01":
@ -123,6 +124,15 @@ namespace FirstPlugin
public void Write(FileWriter writer)
writer.Write(uint.MaxValue); //file size
writer.WriteSectionSizeU32(4, writer.BaseStream.Length);
private void ReadSystemGrezzoArchive(FileReader reader, List<FileEntry> files)
@ -207,6 +217,14 @@ namespace FirstPlugin
private void WriteZeldaArchive(FileWriter writer, List<FileEntry> files)
for (int i = 0; i < FileGroups.Count; i++)
public interface IFileGroup

View file

@ -11,987 +11,16 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT
public class FLYT
private static ColorRGBA WhiteRGBA => new ColorRGBA() { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255 };
private static ColorRGBA BlackRGBA => new ColorRGBA() { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0 };
public static BFLYT.Header FromXml(string text)
BFLYT.Header header = new BFLYT.Header();
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(XmlRoot));
XmlRoot flyt = (XmlRoot)serializer.Deserialize(new StringReader(text));
var layout = flyt.body.lyt;
//Do layout screen settings
header.LayoutInfo = new BFLYT.LYT1();
var layoutSize = ConvertVector2(layout.screenSetting.layoutSize);
header.LayoutInfo.Name = "";
header.LayoutInfo.Width = layoutSize.X;
header.LayoutInfo.Height = layoutSize.Y;
header.LayoutInfo.DrawFromCenter = layout.screenSetting.origin == "Normal";
//Setup root pane
header.RootPane = new BFLYT.PAN1();
header.RootPane.Width = layoutSize.X;
header.RootPane.Height = layoutSize.Y;
header.RootPane.Name = layout.paneHierarchy.paneTree[0].name;
//Go through each pane set
Dictionary<string, BFLYT.PAN1> PaneSet = new Dictionary<string, BFLYT.PAN1>();
foreach (var pane in layout.paneSet)
PaneSet.Add(pane.name, ParsePane(pane, header));
//Go through the tree
foreach (var node in layout.paneHierarchy.paneTree)
LoadTree(PaneSet, header.RootPane, node);
header.RootGroup = new BFLYT.GRP1();
return header;
private static void LoadTree(Dictionary<string, BFLYT.PAN1> PaneSet, BasePane parentPane, PaneTree tree)
foreach (var node in tree.paneTree)
var childPane = PaneSet[node.name];
childPane.Parent = parentPane;
LoadTree(PaneSet, childPane, node);
private static BFLYT.PAN1 ParsePane(Pane pane, BFLYT.Header header)
BFLYT.PAN1 pan1 = new BFLYT.PAN1();
/* switch (pane.kind)
case "Picture":
pan1 = new BFLYT.PIC1(header);
ParsePicturePane(ref pan1, (PicturePane)pane.Items[0],ref header);
case "TextBox":
pan1 = new BFLYT.TXT1();
case "Parts":
pan1 = new BFLYT.PRT1();
case "Null":
pan1 = new BFLYT.PAN1();
throw new Exception("Unknown pane type found! " + pane.kind);
ParsePane(ref pan1, pane);
return pan1;
private static void ParsePane(ref BFLYT.PAN1 pan1, Pane pane)
var size = ConvertVector2(pane.size);
string originX = pane.basePositionType.x;
string originY = pane.basePositionType.y;
string parentX = pane.parentRelativePositionType.x;
string parentY = pane.parentRelativePositionType.y;
pan1.Name = pane.name;
pan1.Width = size.X;
pan1.Height = size.Y;
pan1.Scale = ConvertVector2(pane.scale);
pan1.Translate = ConvertVector3(pane.translate);
pan1.Rotate = ConvertVector3(pane.rotate);
pan1.Visible = true;
if (originX == "Center")
pan1.originX = OriginX.Center;
if (originX == "Left")
pan1.originX = OriginX.Left;
if (originX == "Right")
pan1.originX = OriginX.Right;
if (originY == "Top")
pan1.originY = OriginY.Top;
if (originY == "Center")
pan1.originY = OriginY.Center;
if (originY == "Bottom")
pan1.originY = OriginY.Bottom;
if (parentX == "Center")
pan1.ParentOriginX = OriginX.Center;
if (parentX == "Left")
pan1.ParentOriginX = OriginX.Left;
if (parentX == "Right")
pan1.ParentOriginX = OriginX.Right;
if (parentY == "Top")
pan1.ParentOriginY = OriginY.Top;
if (parentY == "Center")
pan1.ParentOriginY = OriginY.Center;
if (parentY == "Bottom")
pan1.ParentOriginY = OriginY.Bottom;
private static void ParsePicturePane(ref BFLYT.PAN1 pan1, PicturePane pane, ref BFLYT.Header header)
var pic1 = (BFLYT.PIC1)pan1;
var mat = new BFLYT.Material(pan1.Name, header);
pic1.MaterialIndex = AddMaterial(ref header, mat);
private static ushort AddMaterial(ref BFLYT.Header header, BFLYT.Material mat)
if (header.MaterialList == null)
header.MaterialList = new BFLYT.MAT1();
return (ushort)header.MaterialList.Materials.IndexOf(mat);
public static Syroot.Maths.Vector4F ConvertVector4(Vector4 value)
float X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0, W = 0;
float.TryParse(value.x, out X);
float.TryParse(value.y, out Y);
float.TryParse(value.z, out Z);
float.TryParse(value.w, out W);
return new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F(X, Y, Z, W);
public static Syroot.Maths.Vector3F ConvertVector3(Vector3 value)
float X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0;
float.TryParse(value.x, out X);
float.TryParse(value.y, out Y);
float.TryParse(value.z, out Z);
return new Syroot.Maths.Vector3F(X, Y, Z);
public static Syroot.Maths.Vector2F ConvertVector2(Vector2 value)
float X = 0, Y = 0;
float.TryParse(value.x, out X);
float.TryParse(value.y, out Y);
return new Syroot.Maths.Vector2F(X, Y);
public static string ToXml(BFLYT.Header header)
XmlRoot root = new XmlRoot();
root.head = new Head();
root.body = new Body();
root.body.lyt = new Layout();
var generator = new Generator();
root.head.generator = generator;
generator.name = "ST";
generator.version = "1.0"
var create = new Create();
root.head.create = create;
create.date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss");
BinaryInfo info = new BinaryInfo();
info.layout.name = header.LayoutInfo.Name;
info.version.major = (byte)header.VersionMajor;
info.version.minor = (byte)header.VersionMinor;
info.version.micro = (byte)header.VersionMicro;
info.version.micro2 = (byte)header.VersionMicro2;
root.head.binaryInfo = info;
var layout = new Layout();
root.body.lyt = layout;
List<Pane> panes = new List<Pane>();
layout.paneSet = panes;
layout.paneHierarchy.paneTree = new List<PaneTree>();
var paneTreeRoot = new PaneTree() { name = header.RootPane.Name };
LoadPaneTree(header.RootPane, paneTreeRoot);
var screenSettings = new ScreenSettings();
screenSettings.layoutSize.x = header.LayoutInfo.Width.ToString();
screenSettings.layoutSize.y = header.LayoutInfo.Height.ToString();
if (header.LayoutInfo.DrawFromCenter)
screenSettings.origin = "Normal";
screenSettings.origin = "Classic";
screenSettings.backGround.color.r = 169;
screenSettings.backGround.color.g = 169;
screenSettings.backGround.color.b = 169;
screenSettings.backGround.color.a = 255;
screenSettings.grid = new Grid();
screenSettings.grid.color.r = 128;
screenSettings.grid.color.g = 128;
screenSettings.grid.color.b = 128;
screenSettings.grid.color.a = 128;
layout.screenSetting = screenSettings;
layout.metrics.totalPaneCount = header.TotalPaneCount();
int i = 0;
foreach (var pane in header.GetPanes())
if (i > 0) //Skip root
var basePane = new Pane();
if (pane is BFLYT.PIC1)
basePane.kind = "Picture";
basePane.Items = new object[1];
basePane.Items[0] = new PicturePane();
else if (pane is BFLYT.TXT1)
basePane.kind = "TextBox";
else if (pane is BFLYT.WND1)
basePane.kind = "Window";
else if (pane is BFLYT.PRT1)
basePane.kind = "Parts";
basePane.kind = "Null";
basePane.name = pane.Name;
basePane.translate.x = pane.Translate.X.ToString();
basePane.translate.y = pane.Translate.Y.ToString();
basePane.translate.z = pane.Translate.Z.ToString();
basePane.rotate.x = pane.Rotate.X.ToString();
basePane.rotate.y = pane.Rotate.Y.ToString();
basePane.rotate.z = pane.Rotate.Z.ToString();
basePane.scale.x = pane.Scale.X.ToString();
basePane.scale.y = pane.Scale.Y.ToString();
basePane.size.x = pane.Width.ToString();
basePane.size.y = pane.Height.ToString();
basePane.influencedAlpha = pane.InfluenceAlpha;
basePane.basePositionType.x = $"{pane.originX.ToString()}";
basePane.basePositionType.y = $"{pane.originY.ToString()}";
basePane.parentRelativePositionType.x = $"{pane.ParentOriginX}";
basePane.parentRelativePositionType.y = $"{pane.ParentOriginY}";
if (pane is BFLYT.PIC1)
var pictureBflytPane = pane as BFLYT.PIC1;
var pictureBasePane = basePane.Items[0] as PicturePane;
pictureBasePane.vtxColRT = ToColorRGBA(pictureBflytPane.ColorTopRight);
pictureBasePane.vtxColLT = ToColorRGBA(pictureBflytPane.ColorTopLeft);
pictureBasePane.vtxColRB = ToColorRGBA(pictureBflytPane.ColorBottomRight);
pictureBasePane.vtxColLB = ToColorRGBA(pictureBflytPane.ColorBottomLeft);
foreach (var texCoord in pictureBflytPane.TexCoords)
var uvs = new TexCoord();
uvs.texLT.s = texCoord.TopLeft.X;
uvs.texLT.t = texCoord.TopLeft.Y;
uvs.texRT.s = texCoord.TopRight.X;
uvs.texRT.t = texCoord.TopRight.Y;
uvs.texLB.s = texCoord.BottomLeft.X;
uvs.texLB.t = texCoord.BottomLeft.Y;
uvs.texRB.s = texCoord.BottomRight.X;
uvs.texRB.t = texCoord.BottomRight.Y;
pictureBasePane.material = SetMaterialData((BFLYT.Material)pictureBflytPane.Material);
pictureBasePane.materialCtr = SetMaterialCtrData((BFLYT.Material)pictureBflytPane.Material);
XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings
Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,
Indent = true,
IndentChars = " ",
XmlSerializerNamespaces ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
ns.Add("", "");
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlDeclaration xmldecl = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", null, null);
xmldecl.Encoding = "UTF-8";
xmldecl.Standalone = "yes";
var stringWriter = new StringWriter();
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(XmlRoot));
XmlWriter output = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter, settings);
serializer.Serialize(output, root, ns);
return stringWriter.ToString();
private static MaterialCtr SetMaterialCtrData(BFLYT.Material material)
MaterialCtr mat = new MaterialCtr();
mat.name = material.Name;
mat.tevColReg = BlackRGBA;
mat.tevConstReg = new ColorRGBA[6];
mat.tevConstReg[0] = WhiteRGBA;
mat.tevConstReg[1] = WhiteRGBA;
mat.tevConstReg[2] = WhiteRGBA;
mat.tevConstReg[3] = WhiteRGBA;
mat.tevConstReg[4] = WhiteRGBA;
mat.tevConstReg[5] = WhiteRGBA;
mat.texMatrix = new List<TexMatrix>();
if (material.TextureMaps != null)
for (int i = 0; i < material.TextureMaps.Length; i++)
var texMap = new TexMap();
texMap.imageName = material.TextureMaps[i].Name;
texMap.wrap_s = material.TextureMaps[i].WrapModeU.ToString();
texMap.wrap_t = material.TextureMaps[i].WrapModeU.ToString();
mat.blendMode = new BlendMode();
mat.blendMode.blendOp = "Add";
mat.blendMode.srcFactor = "SrcAlpha";
mat.blendMode.dstFactor = "InvSrcAlpha";
if (material.TextureTransforms != null)
for (int i = 0; i < material.TextureTransforms.Length; i++)
var texMatrix = new TexMatrix();
texMatrix.rotate = material.TextureTransforms[i].Rotate;
texMatrix.translate.x = material.TextureTransforms[i].Translate.X.ToString();
texMatrix.translate.y = material.TextureTransforms[i].Translate.Y.ToString();
texMatrix.scale.x = material.TextureTransforms[i].Scale.X.ToString();
texMatrix.scale.y = material.TextureTransforms[i].Scale.Y.ToString();
mat.texMatrix.Add(new TexMatrix());
if (material.TextureTransforms != null)
for (int i = 0; i < material.TexCoords.Length; i++)
var texCoordGen = new TexCoordGen();
texCoordGen.srcParam = material.TexCoords[i].Source.ToString();
mat.texCoordGen.Add(new TexCoordGen());
if (material.BlendMode != null)
mat.blendMode.blendOp = BlendOperations[material.BlendMode.BlendOp];
mat.blendMode.dstFactor = BlendFactors[material.BlendMode.DestFactor];
mat.blendMode.srcFactor = BlendFactors[material.BlendMode.SourceFactor];
if (material.AlphaCompare != null)
mat.alphaCompare.comp = ((CompareMode)material.AlphaCompare.CompareMode).ToString();
mat.alphaCompare.reference = material.AlphaCompare.Value;
mat.tevStageNum = 1;
return mat;
enum CompareMode
Never = 0,
Less = 1,
LEqual = 2,
Equal = 3,
NEqual = 4,
GEqual = 5,
Greater = 6,
Always = 7,
private static Dictionary<BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp, string> LogicalOperations = new Dictionary<BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp, string>()
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.Disable, "None" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.NoOp, "NoOp" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.Clear, "Clear" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.Set, "Set" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.Copy, "Copy" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.InvCopy, "InvCopy" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.Inv, "Inv" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.And, "And" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.Nand, "Nand" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.Or, "Or" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.Xor, "Xor" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.Equiv, "Equiv" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.RevAnd, "RevAnd" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.RevOr, "RevOr" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2LogicOp.InvOr, "InvOr" },
private static Dictionary<BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendOp, string> BlendOperations = new Dictionary<BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendOp, string>()
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendOp.Disable, "None" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendOp.Add, "Add" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendOp.Subtract, "Subtract" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendOp.ReverseSubtract, "ReverseSubtract" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendOp.SelectMin, "SelectMin" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendOp.SelectMax, "SelectMax" },
private static Dictionary<BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendFactor, string> BlendFactors = new Dictionary<BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendFactor, string>()
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendFactor.Factor0, "V0" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendFactor.Factor1, "V1_0" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendFactor.DestColor, "DstClr" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendFactor.DestInvColor, "InvDstClr" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendFactor.SourceAlpha, "SrcAlpha" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendFactor.SourceInvAlpha, "InvSrcAlpha" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendFactor.DestAlpha, "DstAlpha" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendFactor.DestInvAlpha, "InvDstAlpha" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendFactor.SourceColor, "SrcClr" },
{BxlytBlendMode.GX2BlendFactor.SourceInvColor, "InvSrcClr" },
private static Material SetMaterialData(BFLYT.Material material)
Material mat = new Material();
mat.name = material.Name;
mat.blackColor = ToColorRGB(material.BlackColor);
mat.whiteColor = ToColorRGB(material.WhiteColor);
if (material.IndParameter != null)
mat.hsbAdjustment.hOffset = material.IndParameter.Rotation;
mat.hsbAdjustment.bScale = material.IndParameter.ScaleX;
mat.hsbAdjustment.sScale = material.IndParameter.ScaleY;
if (material.TextureMaps != null)
for (int i = 0; i < material.TextureMaps.Length; i++)
var texMap = new TexMap();
texMap.imageName = material.TextureMaps[i].Name;
texMap.wrap_s = material.TextureMaps[i].WrapModeU.ToString();
texMap.wrap_t = material.TextureMaps[i].WrapModeU.ToString();
if (material.TextureTransforms != null)
for (int i = 0; i < material.TextureTransforms.Length; i++)
var texMatrix = new TexMatrix();
texMatrix.rotate = material.TextureTransforms[i].Rotate;
texMatrix.translate.x = material.TextureTransforms[i].Translate.X.ToString();
texMatrix.translate.y = material.TextureTransforms[i].Translate.Y.ToString();
texMatrix.scale.x = material.TextureTransforms[i].Scale.X.ToString();
texMatrix.scale.y = material.TextureTransforms[i].Scale.Y.ToString();
mat.texMatrix.Add(new TexMatrix());
if (material.TextureTransforms != null)
for (int i = 0; i < material.TexCoords.Length; i++)
var texCoordGen = new TexCoordGen();
texCoordGen.srcParam = material.TexCoords[i].Source.ToString();
mat.texCoordGen.Add(new TexCoordGen());
return mat;
private static ColorRGB ToColorRGB(Toolbox.Library.STColor8 color)
ColorRGB col = new ColorRGB();
col.r = color.R;
col.g = color.G;
col.b = color.B;
return col;
private static ColorRGBA ToColorRGBA(Toolbox.Library.STColor8 color)
ColorRGBA col = new ColorRGBA();
col.r = color.R;
col.g = color.G;
col.b = color.B;
col.a = color.A;
return col;
private static void LoadPaneTree(BasePane parentPane, PaneTree paneEntry)
if (parentPane.Childern != null && parentPane.Childern.Count > 0)
paneEntry.paneTree = new List<PaneTree>();
foreach (var child in parentPane.Childern)
var paneTreeChild = new PaneTree() { name = child.Name };
LoadPaneTree(child, paneTreeChild);
public class XmlRoot
public string version = "1.5.16";
public Head head = new Head();
public Body body = new Body();
public class BinaryInfo
public BinaryLayout layout = new BinaryLayout();
public BinaryVersion version = new BinaryVersion();
public class BinaryLayout
public string name = "";
public class BinaryVersion
public byte major;
public byte minor;
public byte micro;
public byte micro2;
public class Head
public Create create = new Create();
public Title title = new Title();
public Comment comment = new Comment();
public Generator generator = new Generator();
public BinaryInfo binaryInfo = new BinaryInfo();
public class Comment
public class Title
public class Create
public string user = "";
public string host = "";
public string date = "";
public string source = "";
public class Generator
public string name = "";
public string version = "";
public class Body
public Layout lyt = new Layout();
public class Layout
public List<Pane> paneSet = new List<Pane>();
public PaneHiearchy paneHierarchy = new PaneHiearchy();
public Groups groupSet = new Groups();
public ScreenSettings screenSetting = new ScreenSettings();
public FontFile[] fontFile = new FontFile[0];
public TextureFile[] textureFilenew = new TextureFile[0];
public Metrics metrics = new Metrics();
public UserData userData = new UserData();
public class PicturePane
public bool detailSetting = true;
public ColorRGBA vtxColLT = new ColorRGBA();
public ColorRGBA vtxColRT = new ColorRGBA();
public ColorRGBA vtxColLB = new ColorRGBA();
public ColorRGBA vtxColRB = new ColorRGBA();
public List<TexCoord> texCoord = new List<TexCoord>();
public Material material = new Material();
public MaterialCtr materialCtr = new MaterialCtr();
public class TexCoord
public TexCoordST texLT = new TexCoordST();
public TexCoordST texRT = new TexCoordST();
public TexCoordST texLB = new TexCoordST();
public TexCoordST texRB = new TexCoordST();
public class Material
public string name = "";
public ColorRGB blackColor = new ColorRGB();
public ColorRGB whiteColor = new ColorRGB();
public HsbAdjustment hsbAdjustment = new HsbAdjustment();
public List<TexMap> texMap = new List<TexMap>();
public List<TexMatrix> texMatrix = new List<TexMatrix>();
public List<TexCoordGen> texCoordGen = new List<TexCoordGen>();
public TexStage textureStage = new TexStage();
public class MaterialCtr
public string name = "";
public int tevStageNum = 0;
public bool useDefaultBlendSettings = true;
public bool useDefaultAlphaTestSettings = true;
public ColorRGBA tevColReg = new ColorRGBA();
public ColorRGBA[] tevConstReg;
public List<TexMap> texMap = new List<TexMap>();
public List<TexMatrix> texMatrix = new List<TexMatrix>();
public List<TexCoordGen> texCoordGen = new List<TexCoordGen>();
public AlphaCompare alphaCompare = new AlphaCompare();
public BlendMode blendMode = new BlendMode();
public BlendModeAlpha blendModeAlpha = new BlendModeAlpha();
public class AlphaCompare
public string comp = "Always";
public float reference = 0;
public class BlendMode
public string type = "Blend";
public string srcFactor = "SrcAlpha";
public string dstFactor = "InvSrcAlpha";
public string blendOp = "Add";
public class BlendModeAlpha
public string type = "None";
public class HsbAdjustment
public float hOffset = 0;
public float sScale = 1;
public float bScale = 1;
public class TexMap
public string imageName = "";
public string wrap_s = "Clamp";
public string wrap_t = "Clamp";
public class TexCoordGen
public string srcParam = "Tex0";
public Vector2 projectionScale = new Vector2() { x = "1", y = "1" };
public Vector2 projectionTrans = new Vector2() { x = "0", y = "0" };
public class TexStage
public string texMap = "0";
public class TexMatrix
public float rotate = 0;
public Vector2 scale = new Vector2();
public Vector2 translate = new Vector2();
public class TextureFile
public string imagePath = "";
public string format = "";
public class FontFile
public string path = "";
public string name = "";
public class Pane
public string kind = "";
public string name = "";
public bool influencedAlpha;
public Comment comment = new Comment();
public Vector2 basePositionType = new Vector2();
public Vector2 parentRelativePositionType = new Vector2();
public Vector3 translate = new Vector3();
public Vector3 rotate = new Vector3();
public Vector2 scale = new Vector2();
public Vector2 size = new Vector2();
private object[] items;
[XmlElement("picture", typeof(PicturePane))]
public object[] Items
get { return items; }
set { items = value; }
public UserDataPane userData = new UserDataPane();
public class UserDataPane
public XmlString UserString = new XmlString();
public class XmlString
public string name = "";
public class TextboxPane : Pane
public class PaneHiearchy
public List<PaneTree> paneTree = new List<PaneTree>();
public class PaneTree
public string name = "";
public List<PaneTree> paneTree;
public class Groups
public class ScreenSettings
public string origin = "Normal";
public Vector2 layoutSize = new Vector2();
public Background backGround = new Background();
public Grid grid = new Grid();
public class Background
public ColorRGBA color = new ColorRGBA();
public class Grid
public float thickLineInterval = 40;
public float thinDivisionNum = 4;
public bool visible = true;
public string moveMethod = "None";
public ColorRGBA color = new ColorRGBA();
public class Metrics
public int totalPaneCount = 0;
public int totalPixelCount = 0;
public class UserData
public class TexCoordST
public float s = 0;
public float t = 0;
public class Vector2
public string x = "";
public string y = "";
public class Vector3
public string x = "";
public string y = "";
public string z = "";
public class Vector4
public string x = "";
public string y = "";
public string z = "";
public string w = "";
public class ColorRGB
public int r = 0;
public int g = 0;
public int b = 0;
public class ColorRGBA
public int r = 0;
public int g = 0;
public int b = 0;
public int a = 0;
return "";

View file

@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ namespace FirstPlugin
Nca Control { get; set; }
RomfsNodeWrapper romfsWrapper;
public bool CanAddFiles { get; set; }
public bool CanRenameFiles { get; set; }

View file

@ -121,10 +121,6 @@ namespace FirstPlugin
else if (byml is List<dynamic>)
if (((List<dynamic>)byml).Count == 0)
MessageBox.Show("This byml is empty");
parseArrayNode(byml, root.Nodes);
else if (byml is List<ByamlPathPoint>)

View file

@ -128,11 +128,14 @@ namespace Toolbox.Library.IO
//Writes the total size of a section as a uint.
public void WriteSectionSizeU32(long position, long startPosition, long endPosition)
public void WriteSectionSizeU32(long position, long startPosition, long endPosition) {
WriteSectionSizeU32(position, endPosition - startPosition);
public void WriteSectionSizeU32(long position, long size) {
using (TemporarySeek(position, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin))
Write((uint)(endPosition - startPosition));