mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 14:58:25 +00:00
More layout editor improvements.
Fixed texture coordinate transformations from materials. Window panes of all types, horizinal, around, and 1,4, and 8 frames are all supported. Note window pane uv coordinates are very wip, and need proper flipping and transformation from the flags. Fix bflim editor issues with filling contents.
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 560 additions and 270 deletions
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT
switch (wrapMode)
switch (wrapMode)
case WrapMode.Clamp: return (int)TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
case WrapMode.Clamp: return (int)TextureWrapMode.ClampToEdge;
case WrapMode.Mirror: return (int)TextureWrapMode.MirroredRepeat;
case WrapMode.Mirror: return (int)TextureWrapMode.MirroredRepeat;
case WrapMode.Repeat: return (int)TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
case WrapMode.Repeat: return (int)TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
default: return (int)TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
default: return (int)TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
@ -258,192 +258,434 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT
BxlytToGL.DrawRectangle(pane, pane.Rectangle, TexCoords, Colors, false, effectiveAlpha);
BxlytToGL.DrawRectangle(pane, pane.Rectangle, TexCoords, Colors, false, effectiveAlpha);
//Huge thanks to layout studio for the window pane rendering code
//Note i still need to fix UV coordinates being flips and transformed!
public static void DrawWindowPane(BasePane pane, byte effectiveAlpha, Dictionary<string, STGenericTexture> Textures)
public static void DrawWindowPane(BasePane pane, byte effectiveAlpha, Dictionary<string, STGenericTexture> Textures)
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayWindowPane)
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayWindowPane)
uint sizeX = (uint)pane.Width;
uint sizeY = (uint)pane.Height;
var window = (IWindowPane)pane;
var window = (IWindowPane)pane;
ushort FrameRight = window.FrameElementRight;
float dX = DrawnVertexX(pane.Width, pane.originX);
ushort FrameLeft = window.FrameElementLeft;
float dY = DrawnVertexY(pane.Height, pane.originY);
ushort FrameBottom = window.FrameElementBottm;
ushort FrameTop = window.FrameElementTop;
if (FrameRight == 0) FrameRight = 1;
if (FrameLeft == 0) FrameLeft = 1;
if (FrameBottom == 0) FrameBottom = 1;
if (FrameTop == 0) FrameTop = 1;
switch (window.WindowKind)
float frameLeft = 0;
float frameRight = 0;
float frameTop = 0;
float frameBottom = 0;
switch (window.FrameCount)
case WindowKind.Around:
case 1:
if (window.FrameCount == 1) //1 texture for all
float oneW, oneH;
GetTextureSize(window.WindowFrames[0].Material, Textures, out oneW, out oneH);
var mat = window.WindowFrames[0].Material;
frameLeft = frameRight = oneW;
frameTop = frameBottom = oneH;
if (mat.TextureMaps.Length == 0)
RenderWindowContent(pane, sizeX, sizeY, window.Content, effectiveAlpha, Textures);
case 4:
case 8:
GetTextureSize(window.WindowFrames[0].Material, Textures, out frameLeft, out frameTop);
var texture = mat.TextureMaps[0].Name;
GetTextureSize(window.WindowFrames[3].Material, Textures, out frameRight, out frameBottom);
if (!Textures.ContainsKey(texture))
RenderWindowContent(pane, sizeX, sizeY, window.Content, effectiveAlpha, Textures);
var image = Textures[texture];
if (frameLeft == 0) frameLeft = window.FrameElementLeft;
if (frameRight == 0) frameRight = window.FrameElementRight;
if (frameTop == 0) frameTop = window.FrameElementTop;
if (frameBottom == 0) frameBottom = window.FrameElementBottm;
FrameRight = (ushort)image.Width;
Vector2[] texCoords = new Vector2[] {
FrameLeft = (ushort)image.Width;
new Vector2(0, 0),
FrameTop = (ushort)image.Height;
new Vector2(1, 0),
FrameBottom = (ushort)image.Height;
new Vector2(1, 1),
new Vector2(0, 1),
uint contentWidth = sizeX - (uint)FrameRight - (uint)FrameLeft;
if (window.Content.TexCoords.Count > 0)
uint contentHeight = sizeY - (uint)FrameTop - (uint)FrameBottom;
texCoords = new Vector2[] {
//Setup vertex colors
Color[] colors = new Color[] {
float contentWidth = ((window.StretchLeft + (pane.Width - frameLeft)) - frameRight) + window.StretchRight;
float contentHeight = ((window.StretchTop + (pane.Height - frameTop)) - frameBottom) + window.StretchBottm;
if (!window.NotDrawnContent)
SetupShaders(window.Content.Material, Textures);
DrawQuad(dX + frameLeft - window.StretchLeft,
dY - frameTop + window.StretchTop,
window.Content, effectiveAlpha, Textures);
texCoords, colors);
// _________
//After the content is draw, check this
//|______| |
//If it's disabled, frames do not use vertex color
//| | | |
if (!window.UseVertexColorForAll)
//| |___|__|
//Top Left
SetupShaders(mat, Textures);
mat.Shader.SetInt("flipTexture", (int)window.WindowFrames[0].TextureFlip);
CustomRectangle rect;
uint pieceWidth = sizeX - FrameRight;
colors = new Color[] {
uint pieceHeight = FrameTop;
Color.White, Color.White,
int pieceX = (int)-(FrameRight / 2);
Color.White, Color.White,
int pieceY = (int)((sizeY / 2) - (pieceHeight / 2));
GL.Translate(pieceX, pieceY, 0);
rect = pane.CreateRectangle(pieceWidth, pieceHeight);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, 0, 1);
GL.Vertex2(rect.LeftPoint, rect.BottomPoint);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, pieceWidth / FrameRight, 1);
GL.Vertex2(rect.RightPoint, rect.BottomPoint);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, pieceWidth / FrameRight, 0);
GL.Vertex2(rect.RightPoint, rect.TopPoint);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, 0, 0);
GL.Vertex2(rect.LeftPoint, rect.TopPoint);
//Top Right
//Apply pane alpha
for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
uint pieceWidth = FrameRight;
uint setalpha = (uint)((colors[i].A * effectiveAlpha) / 255);
uint pieceHeight = sizeY - FrameBottom;
colors[i] = Color.FromArgb((int)setalpha, colors[i]);
int pieceX = (int)((contentWidth / 2) + (pieceWidth / 2));
int pieceY = (int)(FrameBottom / 2);
GL.Translate(pieceX, pieceY, 0);
rect = pane.CreateRectangle(pieceWidth, pieceHeight);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, 0, pieceHeight / FrameBottom);
GL.Vertex2(rect.LeftPoint, rect.BottomPoint);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, 1, pieceHeight / FrameBottom);
GL.Vertex2(rect.RightPoint, rect.BottomPoint);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, 0, 0);
GL.Vertex2(rect.RightPoint, rect.TopPoint);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, 1, 0);
GL.Vertex2(rect.LeftPoint, rect.TopPoint);
//Bottom Right
switch (window.FrameCount)
uint pieceWidth = FrameLeft;
case 1: //1 frame. 1 texture for corners (around) or sides (horizontal)
uint pieceHeight = sizeY - FrameTop;
int pieceX = (int)-((contentWidth / 2) + (pieceWidth / 2));
int pieceY = (int)-(FrameTop / 2);
GL.Translate(pieceX, pieceY, 0);
rect = pane.CreateRectangle(pieceWidth, pieceHeight);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, 0, 0);
GL.Vertex2(rect.LeftPoint, rect.BottomPoint);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, 1, 0);
GL.Vertex2(rect.RightPoint, rect.BottomPoint);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, 1, pieceHeight / FrameTop);
GL.Vertex2(rect.RightPoint, rect.TopPoint);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, 0, pieceHeight / FrameTop);
GL.Vertex2(rect.LeftPoint, rect.TopPoint);
//Bottom Right
uint pieceWidth = sizeX - FrameLeft;
var windowFrame = window.WindowFrames[0];
uint pieceHeight = FrameBottom;
SetupShaders(windowFrame.Material, Textures);
int pieceX = (int)(FrameLeft / 2);
int pieceY = (int)(-(sizeY / 2) + (pieceHeight / 2));
GL.Translate(pieceX, pieceY, 0);
//2 sides, no corners
rect = pane.CreateRectangle(pieceWidth, pieceHeight);
if (window.WindowKind == WindowKind.Horizontal ||
window.WindowKind == WindowKind.HorizontalNoContent)
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, pieceWidth / FrameLeft, 1);
GL.Vertex2(rect.LeftPoint, rect.BottomPoint);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, 0, 1);
GL.Vertex2(rect.RightPoint, rect.BottomPoint);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, 0, 0);
GL.Vertex2(rect.RightPoint, rect.TopPoint);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, pieceWidth / FrameLeft, 0);
GL.Vertex2(rect.LeftPoint, rect.TopPoint);
else if (window.FrameCount == 4) //4 corners with specific texture mapping
// _________
texCoords = new Vector2[]
//|______| |
//| | | |
new Vector2(1, 0),
//| |___|__|
new Vector2(0, 0),
new Vector2(0, 1),
new Vector2(1, 1),
var frame1 = window.WindowFrames[0];
DrawQuad(dX + frameRight + contentWidth, dY, frameRight, pane.Height, texCoords, colors);
var frame2 = window.WindowFrames[0];
var frame3 = window.WindowFrames[0];
var frame4 = window.WindowFrames[0];
uint contentWidth = sizeX - (uint)FrameRight - (uint)FrameLeft;
texCoords = new Vector2[]
uint contentHeight = sizeY - (uint)FrameTop - (uint)FrameBottom;
new Vector2(0, 0),
new Vector2(1, 0),
new Vector2(1, 1),
new Vector2(0, 1),
DrawQuad(dX, dY, frameLeft, pane.Height, texCoords, colors);
else if (window.WindowKind == WindowKind.Around)
window.Content, effectiveAlpha, Textures);
// top left
float pieceWidth = pane.Width - frameRight;
float pieceHeight = frameTop;
texCoords = new Vector2[]
new Vector2(0, 0),
new Vector2((pane.Width - frameLeft) / frameLeft, 0),
new Vector2((pane.Width - frameLeft) / frameLeft, 1),
new Vector2(0, 1),
DrawQuad(dX, dY, pieceWidth, pieceHeight, texCoords, colors);
// top right
pieceWidth = frameRight;
pieceHeight = pane.Height - frameBottom;
texCoords = new Vector2[]
new Vector2(1, 0),
new Vector2(0, 0),
new Vector2(0,(pane.Height - frameTop) / frameTop),
new Vector2(1,(pane.Height - frameTop) / frameTop),
DrawQuad(dX + pane.Width - frameRight, dY, pieceWidth, pieceHeight, texCoords, colors);
// bottom left
pieceWidth = frameLeft;
pieceHeight = pane.Height - frameTop;
texCoords = new Vector2[]
new Vector2(0,(pane.Height - frameBottom) / frameBottom),
new Vector2(1,(pane.Height - frameBottom) / frameBottom),
new Vector2(1, 0),
new Vector2(0, 0),
DrawQuad(dX, dY - frameTop, pieceWidth, pieceHeight, texCoords, colors);
// bottom right
pieceWidth = pane.Width - frameLeft;
pieceHeight = frameBottom;
texCoords = new Vector2[]
new Vector2((pane.Width - frameLeft) / frameLeft, 1),
new Vector2(0, 1),
new Vector2(0, 0),
new Vector2((pane.Width - frameLeft) / frameLeft, 0),
DrawQuad(dX + frameLeft, dY - pane.Height + frameBottom, pieceWidth, pieceHeight, texCoords, colors);
case WindowKind.Horizontal:
//4 or more will always be around types
case 4: //4 each corner
case WindowKind.HorizontalNoContent:
var matTL = window.WindowFrames[0].Material;
var matTR = window.WindowFrames[1].Material;
var matBL = window.WindowFrames[2].Material;
var matBR = window.WindowFrames[3].Material;
if (matTL.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
SetupShaders(matTL, Textures);
float pieceWidth = pane.Width - frameRight;
float pieceHeight = frameTop;
texCoords = new Vector2[]
new Vector2(0, 0),
new Vector2((pane.Width - frameLeft) / frameLeft, 0),
new Vector2((pane.Width - frameLeft) / frameLeft, 1),
new Vector2(0, 1),
DrawQuad(dX, dY, pieceWidth, pieceHeight, texCoords, colors);
if (matTR.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
SetupShaders(matTR, Textures);
float pieceWidth = frameRight;
float pieceHeight = pane.Height - frameBottom;
texCoords = new Vector2[]
new Vector2(1, 0),
new Vector2(0, 0),
new Vector2(0,(pane.Height - frameTop) / frameTop),
new Vector2(1,(pane.Height - frameTop) / frameTop),
DrawQuad(dX + pane.Width - frameRight, dY, pieceWidth, pieceHeight, texCoords, colors);
if (matBL.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
SetupShaders(matBL, Textures);
float pieceWidth = frameLeft;
float pieceHeight = pane.Height - frameTop;
texCoords = new Vector2[]
new Vector2(0,(pane.Height - frameBottom) / frameBottom),
new Vector2(1,(pane.Height - frameBottom) / frameBottom),
new Vector2(1, 0),
new Vector2(0, 0),
DrawQuad(dX, dY - frameTop, pieceWidth, pieceHeight, texCoords, colors);
if (matBR.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
SetupShaders(matBR, Textures);
float pieceWidth = pane.Width - frameLeft;
float pieceHeight = frameBottom;
texCoords = new Vector2[]
new Vector2((pane.Width - frameLeft) / frameLeft, 1),
new Vector2(0, 1),
new Vector2(0, 0),
new Vector2((pane.Width - frameLeft) / frameLeft, 0),
DrawQuad(dX + frameLeft, dY - pane.Height + frameBottom, pieceWidth, pieceHeight, texCoords, colors);
case 8: //4 per corner, 4 per side
var matTL = window.WindowFrames[0].Material;
var matTR = window.WindowFrames[1].Material;
var matBL = window.WindowFrames[2].Material;
var matBR = window.WindowFrames[3].Material;
var matT = window.WindowFrames[4].Material;
var matB = window.WindowFrames[5].Material;
var matL = window.WindowFrames[6].Material;
var matR = window.WindowFrames[7].Material;
if (matTL.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
SetupShaders(matTL, Textures);
DrawQuad(dX, dY, frameLeft, frameTop, texCoords, colors);
if (matTR.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
SetupShaders(matTR, Textures);
DrawQuad(dX + pane.Width - frameRight, dY, frameRight, frameTop, texCoords, colors);
if (matBL.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
SetupShaders(matBL, Textures);
DrawQuad(dX, dY - pane.Height + frameTop, frameLeft, frameBottom, texCoords, colors);
if (matBR.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
SetupShaders(matBR, Textures);
DrawQuad(dX + pane.Width - frameLeft, dY - pane.Height + frameBottom, frameRight, frameBottom, texCoords, colors);
if (matT.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
SetupShaders(matT, Textures);
texCoords = new Vector2[]
new Vector2(0, 0),
new Vector2((pane.Width - frameLeft) / frameLeft, 0),
new Vector2((pane.Width - frameLeft) / frameLeft, 1),
new Vector2(0, 1),
DrawQuad(dX + frameLeft, dY, contentWidth, frameTop, texCoords, colors);
if (matB.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
SetupShaders(matB, Textures);
texCoords = new Vector2[]
new Vector2((pane.Width - frameLeft) / frameLeft, 1),
new Vector2(0, 1),
new Vector2(0, 0),
new Vector2((pane.Width - frameLeft) / frameLeft, 0),
DrawQuad(dX + frameRight, dY - (pane.Height - frameBottom), contentWidth, frameTop, texCoords, colors);
if (matL.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
SetupShaders(matL, Textures);
texCoords = new Vector2[]
new Vector2(0,(pane.Height - frameTop) / frameTop),
new Vector2(1,(pane.Height - frameTop) / frameTop),
new Vector2(1, 0),
new Vector2(0, 0),
DrawQuad(dX, dY - frameTop, frameLeft, contentHeight, texCoords, colors);
if (matR.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
SetupShaders(matR, Textures);
texCoords = new Vector2[]
new Vector2(0, 0),
new Vector2(1, 0),
new Vector2(1,(pane.Height - frameBottom) / frameBottom),
new Vector2(0,(pane.Height - frameBottom) / frameBottom),
DrawQuad(dX + (pane.Width - frameRight), dY - frameTop, frameRight, contentHeight, texCoords, colors);
private static void GetTextureSize(BxlytMaterial pane, Dictionary<string, STGenericTexture> Textures, out float width, out float height)
width = 0;
height = 0;
if (pane.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
if (Textures.ContainsKey(pane.TextureMaps[0].Name))
var tex = Textures[pane.TextureMaps[0].Name];
width = tex.Width;
height = tex.Height;
private static float DrawnVertexX(float width, OriginX originX)
switch (originX)
case OriginX.Center: return -width / 2.0f;
case OriginX.Right: return -width;
default: return 0.0f;
private static float DrawnVertexY(float height, OriginY originX)
switch (originX)
case OriginY.Center: return height / 2.0f;
case OriginY.Bottom: return height;
default: return 0.0f;
private static void DrawQuad(float x, float y, float w, float h, Vector2[] texCoords, Color[] colors)
GL.Vertex2(x, y);
GL.Vertex2(x + w, y);
GL.Vertex2(x + w, y - h);
GL.Vertex2(x, y - h);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, texCoords[0].X, texCoords[0].Y);
GL.Vertex2(x, y);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, texCoords[1].X, texCoords[1].Y);
GL.Vertex2(x + w, y);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, texCoords[2].X, texCoords[2].Y);
GL.Vertex2(x + w, y - h);
GL.MultiTexCoord2(TextureUnit.Texture0, texCoords[3].X, texCoords[3].Y);
GL.Vertex2(x, y - h);
enum FrameType
enum FrameType
@ -241,11 +241,6 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT.Cafe
if (header != null)
if (header != null)
foreach (var mat in header.GetMaterials())
if (mat.Shader != null)
@ -926,9 +921,57 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT.Cafe
public BxlytWindowContent Content { get; set; }
public BxlytWindowContent Content { get; set; }
public List<BxlytWindowFrame> WindowFrames { get; set; }
public List<BxlytWindowFrame> WindowFrames { get; set; }
public BxlytWindowFrame TopLeftFrame
get { return WindowFrames.Count >= 1 ? WindowFrames[0] : null; }
public BxlytWindowFrame TopRightFrame
get { return WindowFrames.Count >= 2 ? WindowFrames[1] : null; }
public BxlytWindowFrame BottomLeftFrame
get { return WindowFrames.Count >= 3 ? WindowFrames[2] : null; }
public BxlytWindowFrame BottomRightFrame
get { return WindowFrames.Count >= 4 ? WindowFrames[3] : null; }
public BxlytWindowFrame TopFrame
get { return WindowFrames.Count >= 5 ? WindowFrames[4] : null; }
public BxlytWindowFrame BottomFrame
get { return WindowFrames.Count >= 6 ? WindowFrames[5] : null; }
public BxlytWindowFrame LeftFrame
get { return WindowFrames.Count >= 7 ? WindowFrames[6] : null; }
public BxlytWindowFrame RightFrame
get { return WindowFrames.Count >= 8 ? WindowFrames[7] : null; }
public WND1(FileReader reader, Header header) : base(reader)
public WND1(FileReader reader, Header header) : base(reader)
WindowFrames = new List<BxlytWindowFrame>();
WindowFrames = new List<BxlytWindowFrame>();
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT
SetInt("hasTexture0", 0);
SetInt("hasTexture0", 0);
SetInt("numTextureMaps", 0);
SetInt("numTextureMaps", 0);
SetInt("flipTexture", 0);
SetInt("flipTexture", 0);
SetInt("textures0", 0);
SetInt("textures1", 0);
SetInt("textures2", 0);
SetVec2("uvScale0", new Vector2(1,1));
SetVec2("uvScale0", new Vector2(1,1));
SetFloat("uvRotate0", 0);
SetFloat("uvRotate0", 0);
@ -51,14 +54,18 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT
if (material.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
if (material.TextureMaps.Length > 0)
textureMap0 = material.GetTexture(0);
textureMap0 = material.GetTexture(0);
if (textures.ContainsKey(textureMap0))
for (int i = 0; i < material.TextureMaps.Length; i++)
if (textures.ContainsKey(material.TextureMaps[i].Name))
SetInt("textures0", 0);
bool isBinded = BxlytToGL.BindGLTexture(material.TextureMaps[0], textures[textureMap0]);
GL.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture0 + i);
SetInt($"textures{i}", 0);
bool isBinded = BxlytToGL.BindGLTexture(material.TextureMaps[i], textures[textureMap0]);
if (isBinded)
if (isBinded)
SetInt("hasTexture0", 1);
SetInt($"hasTexture{i}", 1);
if (material.TextureTransforms.Length > 0)
if (material.TextureTransforms.Length > 0)
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT.Cafe
public class AlphaCompare
public class AlphaCompare
public byte CompareMode;
public byte CompareMode { get; set; }
public uint Value;
public uint Value { get; set; }
public AlphaCompare(FileReader reader, BFLYT.Header header)
public AlphaCompare(FileReader reader, BFLYT.Header header)
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT.Cafe
public class TevStage
public class TevStage
byte RGBMode;
public byte RGBMode { get; set; }
byte AlphaMode;
public byte AlphaMode { get; set; }
ushort unk;
public ushort unk { get; set; }
public TevStage(FileReader reader, BFLYT.Header header)
public TevStage(FileReader reader, BFLYT.Header header)
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT.Cafe
public class TexCoordGen
public class TexCoordGen
public MatrixType GenType;
public MatrixType GenType { get; set; }
public TextureGenerationType Source;
public TextureGenerationType Source { get; set; }
byte[] unkData;
byte[] unkData;
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT.Cafe
public class TextureTransform
public class TextureTransform
public Vector2F Translate;
public Vector2F Translate { get; set; }
public float Rotate;
public float Rotate { get; set; }
public Vector2F Scale;
public Vector2F Scale { get; set; }
public TextureTransform() { }
public TextureTransform() { }
@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT
private void UpdateRectangle() {
private void UpdateRectangle()
rectangle = CreateRectangle();
rectangle = CreateRectangle();
@ -456,6 +457,7 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT
BxlytWindowContent Content { get; set; }
BxlytWindowContent Content { get; set; }
List<BxlytWindowFrame> WindowFrames { get; set; }
List<BxlytWindowFrame> WindowFrames { get; set; }
@ -74,27 +74,7 @@ namespace FirstPlugin
public ImageEditorBase OpenForm()
public ImageEditorBase OpenForm()
bool IsDialog = IFileInfo != null && IFileInfo.InArchive;
Properties prop = new Properties();
prop.Width = Width;
prop.Height = Height;
prop.Depth = Depth;
prop.MipCount = MipCount;
prop.ArrayCount = ArrayCount;
prop.ImageSize = (uint)ImageData.Length;
prop.Format = Format;
prop.TileMode = image.TileMode;
prop.Swizzle = image.Swizzle;
form = new ImageEditorBase();
form = new ImageEditorBase();
form.Text = Text;
form.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
form.AddFileContextEvent("Save", Save);
form.AddFileContextEvent("Replace", Replace);
return form;
return form;
@ -107,8 +87,7 @@ namespace FirstPlugin
public void FillEditor(UserControl control)
public void FillEditor(UserControl control)
form = (ImageEditorBase)control;
private void UpdateForm(ImageEditorBase form)
private void UpdateForm(ImageEditorBase form)
@ -126,6 +105,10 @@ namespace FirstPlugin
prop.TileMode = image.TileMode;
prop.TileMode = image.TileMode;
prop.Swizzle = image.Swizzle;
prop.Swizzle = image.Swizzle;
form.Text = Text;
form.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
form.AddFileContextEvent("Save", Save);
form.AddFileContextEvent("Replace", Replace);
@ -606,7 +589,6 @@ namespace FirstPlugin
public void Unload()
public void Unload()
public void Save(System.IO.Stream stream)
public void Save(System.IO.Stream stream)
@ -186,6 +186,13 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT
/*Matrix4 translate = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(pane.Translate.X, pane.Translate.Y, 0);
Matrix4 rotateX = Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(pane.Rotate.X));
Matrix4 rotateY = Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(pane.Rotate.Y));
Matrix4 rotateZ = Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(pane.Rotate.Z));
Matrix4 scale = Matrix4.CreateScale(pane.Scale.X, pane.Scale.Y, 0);
Matrix4 transform = scale * (rotateX * rotateY * rotateZ) * translate;*/
GL.Translate(pane.Translate.X, pane.Translate.Y, 0);
GL.Translate(pane.Translate.X, pane.Translate.Y, 0);
GL.Rotate(pane.Rotate.X, 1, 0, 0);
GL.Rotate(pane.Rotate.X, 1, 0, 0);
GL.Rotate(pane.Rotate.Y, 0, 1, 0);
GL.Rotate(pane.Rotate.Y, 0, 1, 0);
@ -461,7 +468,8 @@ namespace LayoutBXLYT
private void SearchHit(BasePane pane, int X, int Y, ref BasePane SelectedPane)
private void SearchHit(BasePane pane, int X, int Y, ref BasePane SelectedPane)
if (pane.IsHit(X, Y)){
if (pane.IsHit(X, Y))
SelectedPane = pane;
SelectedPane = pane;
@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ namespace Toolbox.Library
if (format == TEX_FORMAT.L8 || format == TEX_FORMAT.LA8)
if (format == TEX_FORMAT.L8 || format == TEX_FORMAT.LA8)
compSel = new byte[4] { 2, 2, 2, 3 };
compSel = new byte[4] { 2, 2, 2, 3 };
for (int Y = 0; Y < height; Y++)
for (int Y = 0; Y < height; Y++)
for (int X = 0; X < width; X++)
for (int X = 0; X < width; X++)
@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
uniform vec4 blackColor;
uniform vec4 blackColor;
uniform vec4 whiteColor;
uniform vec4 whiteColor;
uniform int hasTexture0;
uniform int debugShading;
uniform int debugShading;
uniform int numTextureMaps;
uniform int numTextureMaps;
uniform sampler2D textures0;
uniform sampler2D textures0;
uniform sampler2D textures1;
uniform sampler2D textures2;
uniform int hasTexture0;
uniform int hasTexture1;
uniform int hasTexture2;
uniform sampler2D uvTestPattern;
uniform sampler2D uvTestPattern;
void main()
void main()
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ vec2 SetFlip(vec2 tex)
void main()
void main()
gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;
gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;
vec2 texCoord0 = uvScale0 * gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy + uvTranslate0;
vec2 texCoord0 = uvScale0 * (gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy + uvTranslate0);
gl_TexCoord[0].st = SetFlip(texCoord0);
gl_TexCoord[0].st = SetFlip(texCoord0);
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
Add table
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