############## BAR ############## sketchybar -m batch --config height=25 \ blur_radius=50 \ position=top \ padding_left=10 \ padding_right=10 \ bar_color=0x44000000 ############## GLOBAL DEFAULTS ############## sketchybar -m batch --default scripting=on \ drawing=on \ cache_scripts=on \ icon_font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:17.0" \ icon_color=0xffffffff \ label_font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:14.0" \ label_color=0xffffffff ############## SPACE DEFAULTS ############## sketchybar -m batch --default label_padding_left=2 \ label_padding_right=2 \ icon_padding_left=8 \ label_padding_right=8 ############## SPACES ############## sketchybar -m add component space code left sketchybar -m batch --set code associated_space=1 \ associated_display=1 \ icon_font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:20.0" \ icon= \ icon_highlight_color=0xff48aa2a \ label_highlight_color=0xff48aa2a \ label=code \ click_script="yabai -m space --focus 1" sketchybar -m add component space writing left sketchybar -m batch --set writing associated_display=1 \ associated_space=2 \ icon_highlight_color=0xfffab402 \ label_highlight_color=0xfffab402 \ icon= \ label=tex \ click_script="yabai -m space --focus 2" sketchybar -m add component space reading left sketchybar -m batch --set reading associated_display=1 \ associated_space=3 \ icon_highlight_color=0xff7fe5f0 \ label_highlight_color=0xff7fe5f0 \ icon= \ label=web \ click_script="yabai -m space --focus 3" sketchybar -m add component space entertainment left sketchybar -m batch --set entertainment associated_display=1 \ associated_space=4 \ icon_font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:19.0" \ icon_highlight_color=0xfffff68f \ label_highlight_color=0xfffff68f \ icon= \ label=idle \ click_script="yabai -m space --focus 4" sketchybar -m add component space misc left sketchybar -m batch --set misc associated_display=2 \ associated_space=5 \ icon_font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:20.0" \ icon= \ icon_highlight_color=0xff48aa2a \ label_highlight_color=0xff48aa2a \ icon_padding_left=0 \ label=misc \ click_script="yabai -m space --focus 5" sketchybar -m add component space doc left sketchybar -m batch --set doc associated_display=2 \ associated_space=6 \ icon_highlight_color=0xfffab402 \ label_highlight_color=0xfffab402 \ icon= \ label=doc \ click_script="yabai -m space --focus 6" sketchybar -m add component space help left sketchybar -m batch --set help associated_display=2 \ associated_space=7 \ icon_highlight_color=0xff7fe5f0 \ label_highlight_color=0xff7fe5f0 \ icon= \ label=help \ click_script="yabai -m space --focus 7" sketchybar -m add component space relax left sketchybar -m batch --set relax associated_display=2 \ associated_space=8 \ icon_font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:19.0" \ icon_highlight_color=0xfffff68f \ label_highlight_color=0xfffff68f \ icon= \ label=relax \ click_script="yabai -m space --focus 8" ############## ITEM DEFAULTS ############### sketchybar -m batch --default label_padding_left=2 \ icon_padding_right=2 \ icon_padding_left=6 \ label_padding_right=6 \ label_padding_left=0 ############## LEFT ITEMS ############## sketchybar -m add item space_separator left sketchybar -m batch --set space_separator icon= \ associated_space=1 \ associated_space=3 \ icon_padding_left=15 \ label_padding_right=15 \ icon_font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:15.0" sketchybar -m add item gitNotifications left sketchybar -m batch --set gitNotifications associated_space=1 \ update_freq=100 \ icon_font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:18.0" \ icon= \ script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/gitNotifications.sh" \ click_script="open https://github.com/notifications" sketchybar -m subscribe gitNotifications system_woke sketchybar -m add item githubIndicator left sketchybar -m batch --set githubIndicator associated_space=1 \ update_freq=1000 \ icon_font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:18.0" \ icon= \ click_script="open https://github.com" \ script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/githubIndicator.sh" sketchybar -m subscribe githubIndicator system_woke sketchybar -m add item topmem left sketchybar -m batch --set topmem associated_space=1 \ icon_padding_left=10 \ update_freq=15 \ script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/topmem.sh" sketchybar -m add item network_label left sketchybar -m set network_label associated_space 3 ############## RIGHT ITEMS ############## sketchybar -m add item clock right sketchybar -m set clock update_freq 20 sketchybar -m set clock script "~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/clock.sh" sketchybar -m add item mailIndicator right sketchybar -m batch --set mailIndicator associated_space=1,2,3 \ update_freq=15 \ script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/mailIndicator.sh" \ icon_font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:20.0" \ icon= \ click_script="osascript -e 'tell application \"Mail\" to activate'" sketchybar -m add item caffeinate right sketchybar -m batch --set caffeinate associated_space=4 \ update_freq=100 \ icon_font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:19.0" \ script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/caffeinate.sh" \ click_script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/caffeinate_click.sh" # Creating Graphs sketchybar -m add component graph cpu_user right 200 nospace sketchybar -m batch --set cpu_user graph_color=0xffffffff \ update_freq=1 \ associated_space=1 \ label_padding_left=0 \ icon= \ script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/cpu_graph.sh" sketchybar -m add component graph cpu_sys right 200 sketchybar -m batch --set cpu_sys label_padding_left=0 \ associated_space=1 \ icon= \ graph_color=0xff48aa2a sketchybar -m add item topproc right sketchybar -m batch --set topproc associated_space=1 \ label_padding_right=10 \ update_freq=15 \ script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/topproc.sh" sketchybar -m add component graph network_down right 200 nospace sketchybar -m batch --set network_down associated_space=3 \ label_padding_left=0 \ icon= \ update_freq=1 \ graph_color=0xffffffff \ script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/network_graph.sh" sketchybar -m add component graph network_up right 200 sketchybar -m batch --set network_up icon= \ label_padding_left=0 \ associated_space=3 \ graph_color=0xff48aa2a ###################### CENTER ITEMS ################### # Adding custom events which can listen on distributed notifications from other running processes sketchybar -m add event spotify_change "com.spotify.client.PlaybackStateChanged" sketchybar -m add item spotifyIndicator center sketchybar -m set spotifyIndicator script "~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/spotifyIndicator.sh" sketchybar -m set spotifyIndicator click_script "osascript -e 'tell application \"Spotify\" to pause'" sketchybar -m subscribe spotifyIndicator spotify_change ############## FINALIZING THE SETUP ############## sketchybar -m update echo "sketchybar configuration loaded.."