# SketchyBar This is a rewrite of the spacebar project, which itself is a rewrite of the statusbar code from yabai. What I have added: * As many widgets as you like at any of the three positions: left, center, right * The order of the widgets in the sketchybarrc file will be the order in which they show in the bar * Associate widgets to certain displays or spaces, to show specific information on the relevant screens/displays * The widgets are highly customizable with settings for different fonts, colors, icon paddings, label paddings, etc. for each individual element * Relocate *all* visible components of the bar (even spaces or the window title, etc.) * Draw arbitrary graphs in the bar with external data provider scripts that push the data into the graph * Overlay as many graphs as wanted, like system cpu usage and user cpu usage in one figure * Individual refresh frequencies for each widget * Let items subscribe to system events (e.g. space changed, window focused, etc.) for their refresh action (like in yabai) * "click" events for the widgets, where a script can be specified to run on a mouse click * ... feel free to explore my sketchybarrc file for more details on the options I have many more plans for the project: * ~~Let items subscribe to system events (e.g. space changed, window focused, etc.) for their refresh action (like in yabai)~~ (DONE) * Cache the scripts in RAM to reduce I/O operations * ~~Make the associated_space / associated_display properties more powerful by allowing to associate to more than one screen/display~~ (DONE) * Make application specific widgets with associated_app argument (e.g. when gvim is open show the vim mode indicator in the status bar) * ~~Fix the currently static positioning of the bar~~ (DONE) * A y_offset property for all items to create (in combination with the nospace modifier) vertically stacked labels * ~~"click" events for the widgets, where a script can be specified to run on a mouse click~~ (DONE) * Create more plugins * ...... This is my setup: ![](images/mySetup.png) where I have my screens and a vim mode indicator on the left. Not shown is the high memory warning which shows the process that is using high system memory on demand. In the center I have a spotify indicator (only when music is playing) and on the right I have (not shown) a high cpu process indicator, as well as a cpu graph, a github contribution counter, a new mail counter and the current date. The cpu and memory indicators are only shown on the "code" screen and are not visible on the other screens. ## Installation Clone the repo and in it run ```bash make install ``` This installs the app with my configuration preinstalled. You can customize the configuration inside of $HOME/.config/sketchybar/sketchybarrc and run the bar via ```bash sketchybar ``` If you want to use your own plugins, make sure that they are referenced in the rc with the correct path and that they are made executable via ```bash chmod +x name/of/plugin.sh ``` You should of course vet the code from all plugins before granting them the executable bit to make sure they are not harming your computer. If you have problems with missing fonts you might need to install the Hack Nerd Font: ```bash brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts brew install --cask font-hack-nerd-font ``` ## Updating Since this is a work-in-progress project, there might be big and radical changes along the way. You can update by pulling from master and in the up to date repo folder run: ```bash make update ``` This will not touch your configuration and the plugins, so if there is a radical change to the source code you might need to update those files too. ## Configuration Below is a list of all possible commands you can currently use in the configuration file located in *~/.config/sketchybar/sketchybarrc*: ### Global configuration of the bar ```bash sketchybar -m config ``` where the settings currently are: * *position*: *top* or *bottom* * *height*: the height of the bar in pixels * *padding_left*: padding on the left before first item * *padding_right*: just as padding_right * *bar_color*: the color of the bar itself * *display*: on which display to show bar (*main* or *all*) ### Adding a simple menubar item (items will appear in the bar in the order they are added) ```bash sketchybar -m add item ``` where the *name* should not contain whitespaces, it can be used to further configure the item, which is covered later. The *position* is the placement in the bar and can be either *left*, *right* or *center*. ### Adding a component ```bash sketchybar -m add component ``` Components are essentially items, but with special properties. Currently there are the component *types*: * *title*: Showing the current window title, * *graph*: showing a graph, * *space*: representing a mission control space ### Changing the properties of an item ```bash sketchybar -m set ``` where the *name* is used to target the item with this name. A list of properties is listed below: * *associated_space*: on which space to show this item (can be multiple, not specifying anything will show item on all screens) * *associated_display*: on which displays to show this item (can be multiple, not specifying anything will show item on all displays) * *label*: the label of the item * *label_font*: the font for the label * *label_color*: the color of the label * *label_padding_left*: left padding of label * *label_padding_right*: right padding of label * *icon*: the icon of the item * *icon_font*: the font for the icon * *icon_color*: the color of the icon * *icon_highlight_color*: the highlight color of the icon (e.g. for active space icon) * *icon_padding_left*: left padding of icon * *icon_padding_right*: right padding of icon * *graph_color*: color of the associated graph * *script*: a script to run every *update_freq* seconds * *update_freq*: time in seconds between script executions * *click_script*: script to run when left clicking on item ### Subscribing items to system events for their script execution ```bash sketchybar -m subscribe ``` where the events are: * *front_app_switched*: when frontmost application changes * *window_focus*: when a window is focused * *space_change*: when the space is changed * *display_change*: when the display is changed * *title_change*: when the title of the window changes * *system_woke*: when the system has awaken from sleep ### Supplying data for graphs ```bash sketchybar -m push ``` This pushes the data point into the graph with name *name*. ### Forcing all shell scripts to run and the bar to refresh ```bash sketchybar -m update ``` ## Credits yabai, spacebar, reddit, many more for the great code base and inspiration