* [Components -- Special Items with special properties](#components----special-items-with-special-properties)
* [Data Graph -- Draws an arbitrary graph into the bar](#data-graph----draws-an-arbitrary-graph-into-the-bar)
* [Space -- Associate mission control spaces with an item](#space----associate-mission-control-spaces-with-an-item)
* [Item Bracket -- Group Items in e.g. colored sections](#item-bracket----group-items-in-eg-colored-sections)
* [Item Alias -- Mirror items of the original macOS status bar into sketchybar](#item-alias----mirror-items-of-the-original-macos-status-bar-into-sketchybar)
* As many widgets as you like at any of the three positions: left, center, right
* Popup Menus
* Associate widgets to certain displays or spaces, to show specific information on the relevant screens/displays
* The widgets are highly customizable with settings for different fonts, colors, icon paddings, label paddings, etc. for each individual element
* Display items from the default menu bar and configure them in sketchybar
* Draw arbitrary graphs in the bar with external data provider scripts that push the data into the graph
* Overlay as many graphs as wanted, like system cpu usage and user cpu usage in one figure
* Individual refresh frequencies for each widget
* Let items subscribe to system events (e.g. space changed, etc.) for their refresh action
* Create custom events and trigger them externaly
* "click" events for the widgets, where a script can be specified to run on a mouse click
* Offset the bar from its original location, rounded corners and background blur
* Batch configuration messages for easy configuration
The configuration of the bar takes place in a confiuration file where almost everything can be configured.
Bascially, the bar itself is a rectangle that can hold arbitrarily many *items*, which can be configured to do awesome stuff.
An *item* will occupy a space in the bar and can be equipped to show an *icon* and a *label*. The *icon* and *label* can be changed through
*scripts* that can be attached to the *item*. It is also possible to *subscribe* an *item* to certain *events* for their *script* execution action,
which makes very powerful items possible. Additionally, an *item* can be assigned a *click_script*, which executes on a mouse click.
Furthermore, an *item* can be assigned to mission control spaces or displays, such that they only show on a certain space or display, which makes multi-desktop configuration
of the bar possible and opens the possibility to create individualized bar configuration on a per display and per space level.
These simple ingredients make *items* almost endlessly customizable and can be used to display arbitrary information and perform useful actions. For some examples see my sketchybarrc and
the plugins folder.
Some special features can not be accomplished with a simple *item*, this is where the *components* come into play. They basically are *items* with
extra steps. They contain all the properties a regular item does, but they can do specialized tasks a simple item can not. For example, there
is a *graph* component, which can be used to display graphs in the bar.
For more details on how the configuration works, see the Configuration section below.
Do not forget to copy the example configuration files to your home directory (the brew installation specific commands are listed in the caveats section after the brew install is finished).
A list of properties available to the *set* command is listed below (components might have additional properties, see the respective component section for them):
* *width*: overrides the width of the item (useful for items which frequently change in width and thus move all other items) (values: width in points and *dynamic*)
* *y_offset*: the vertical offset of this item (default: 0)
* *drawing*: If the item should be drawn into the bar (values: *on*, *off*, *toggle*, default: *on*)
* *lazy*: Changes do not trigger a redraw of the bar, item is refreshed when the bar is redrawn anyways (values: *on*, *off*, *toggle*, default: *off*)
* *graph.fill_color*: optional property to override the automatically calculated fill color of the graph
* *graph.line_width*: sets the line width of the associated graph
Push data points into the graph via:
sketchybar -m --push <name><datapoint>
### Space -- Associate mission control spaces with an item
sketchybar -m --add space <name><position>
The space component overrides the definition of the following properties and they must be set to correctly associate a mission control space with this item:
* *associated_space*: Which space this item represents
* *associated_display*: On which display the *associated_space* is shown.
The space component has additional variables available in *scripts*:
where *$SELECTED* has the value *true* if the associated space is selected and *false* if the selected space is not selected, while
*$SID* holds the space id and *$DID* the display id.
By default the space component invokes the following script:
For performance reasons the space script is only run on change.
### Item Bracket -- Group Items in e.g. colored sections
It is possible to bracket together items via the command (see [this](https://github.com/FelixKratz/SketchyBar/discussions/12#discussioncomment-1455842) discussion for an example):
set properties for the bracket, just as for any item or component. Brackets currently only support all background features.
E.g., if I wanted a colored background around *all* my space components (which are named *code*, *writing*, *reading* and *entertainment*) I would set it up like this:
this draws a white background below all my space components. I plan to expand the capability of item brackets significantly in the future.
### Item Alias -- Mirror items of the original macOS status bar into sketchybar
It is possible to create an alias for default menu bar items (such as MeetingBar, etc.) in sketchybar. The default menu bar can be set to autohide and this should still work.
Important: <br>
I highly recommend setting a wallpaper on all spaces that makes the default menu bar items appear in either the light or the dark theme consitently.
It is now possible to create an alias of a default menu bar item with the following syntax:
* *popup.y_offset*: The vertical offset for the popup anchor (default: 0)
Items can be added to a popup menu by setting the `position` of those items to `popup.<name>` where <name> is the name of the item containing the popup.
You can find a demo implementation of this [here](https://github.com/FelixKratz/SketchyBar/discussions/12?sort=new#discussioncomment-1843975).
When an item is subscribed to these events the *script* is run and it gets passed the *$SENDER* variable, which holds exactly the above names, to distinguish between the different events.
If an item is *clicked* the script has access to the additional variables:
where the $BUTTON can be *left*, *right* or *other* and specifies the mouse button that was used to click the item, while the $MODIFIER is either *shift*, *ctrl*, *alt* or *cmd* and
specifies the modifier key held down while clicking the item.
This allows to define events which are triggered by a different application (see Trigger custom events). Items can also subscribe to these events for their script execution.
Optional: You can subscribe to the notifications sent to the NSDistributedNotificationCenter e.g.
the notification Spotify sends on track change: "com.spotify.client.PlaybackStateChanged" [example](https://github.com/FelixKratz/SketchyBar/discussions/12#discussioncomment-1455842), or the
notification sent by the system when a bluetooth device connected, or disconnected: *com.apple.bluetooth.state* ([example](https://github.com/FelixKratz/SketchyBar/discussions/12#discussioncomment-1465761))
where a new order can be supplied for arbitrary items. Only the specified items get reordered, by swapping them around, everything else stays the same. E.g. if you want to swap two items
*SketchyBar* can be configured to have a *very* small performance footprint. In the following I will highlight some optimizations that can be used to reduce the footprint further.