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482 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities;
using SanAndreasUnity.Net;
namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.Peds.States
/// <summary>
/// Base class for all states that are scripts.
/// </summary>
public abstract class BaseScriptState : MonoBehaviour, IPedState
protected Ped m_ped;
protected PedModel m_model { get { return m_ped.PlayerModel; } }
// protected StateMachine m_stateMachine;
protected new Transform transform { get { return m_ped.transform; } }
public bool IsActiveState { get { return m_ped.CurrentState == this; } }
protected bool m_isServer { get { return Net.NetStatus.IsServer; } }
protected bool m_isClientOnly => Net.NetStatus.IsClientOnly;
protected bool m_shouldSendButtonEvents { get { return !m_isServer && m_ped.IsControlledByLocalPlayer; } }
protected virtual void Awake ()
m_ped = this.GetComponentInParent<Ped> ();
protected virtual void OnEnable ()
protected virtual void OnDisable ()
protected virtual void Start ()
public virtual void OnBecameActive ()
public virtual void OnBecameInactive ()
public virtual bool RepresentsState (System.Type type)
var myType = this.GetType ();
return myType.Equals (type) || myType.IsSubclassOf (type);
public bool RepresentsState<T> () where T : IState
return this.RepresentsState (typeof(T));
public virtual void UpdateState() {
public virtual void PostUpdateState()
public virtual void LateUpdateState()
if (m_ped.Camera)
this.UpdateCamera ();
if (m_ped.shouldPlayAnims)
this.UpdateAnims ();
public virtual void FixedUpdateState()
protected virtual void ConstrainPosition()
if (m_isServer)
protected virtual void ConstrainRotation ()
if (m_isServer)
protected virtual void UpdateHeading()
if (m_isServer)
m_ped.UpdateHeading ();
protected virtual void UpdateRotation()
if (m_isServer)
m_ped.UpdateRotation ();
protected virtual void UpdateMovement()
if (m_isServer)
m_ped.UpdateMovement ();
public virtual void UpdateCamera()
this.CheckCameraCollision ();
public virtual void RotateCamera()
BaseScriptState.RotateCamera(m_ped, m_ped.MouseMoveInput, m_ped.CameraClampValue.y);
public static void RotateCamera(Ped ped, Vector2 mouseDelta, float xAxisClampValue)
Camera cam = ped.Camera;
if (mouseDelta.sqrMagnitude < float.Epsilon)
// cam.transform.Rotate( new Vector3(-mouseDelta.y, mouseDelta.x, 0f), Space.World );
var eulers = cam.transform.eulerAngles;
// eulers.z = 0f;
eulers.x += - mouseDelta.y;
eulers.y += mouseDelta.x;
// adjust x
if (eulers.x > 180f)
eulers.x -= 360f;
// clamp
if (xAxisClampValue > 0)
eulers.x = Mathf.Clamp(eulers.x, -xAxisClampValue, xAxisClampValue);
cam.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(eulers.y, Vector3.up)
* Quaternion.AngleAxis(eulers.x, Vector3.right);
public virtual Vector3 GetCameraFocusPos()
return m_ped.transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.5f;
public virtual float GetCameraDistance()
return m_ped.CameraDistance;
public virtual void UpdateCameraZoom()
m_ped.CameraDistance = Mathf.Clamp(m_ped.CameraDistance - m_ped.MouseScrollInput.y, 2.0f, 32.0f);
public virtual void CheckCameraCollision()
BaseScriptState.CheckCameraCollision (m_ped, this.GetCameraFocusPos (), -m_ped.Camera.transform.forward,
this.GetCameraDistance ());
public static void CheckCameraCollision(Ped ped, Vector3 castFrom, Vector3 castDir, float cameraDistance)
// cast a ray from ped to camera to see if it hits anything
// if so, then move the camera to hit point
Camera cam = ped.Camera;
float distance = cameraDistance;
var castRay = new Ray(castFrom, castDir);
RaycastHit hitInfo;
int ignoreLayer = (1 << MapObject.BreakableLayer) | (1 << Vehicles.Vehicle.Layer) | Ped.LayerMask;
if (Physics.SphereCast(castRay, 0.25f, out hitInfo, distance, ~ ignoreLayer))
distance = hitInfo.distance;
cam.transform.position = castRay.GetPoint(distance);
protected virtual void UpdateAnims()
public virtual void OnFireButtonPressed()
if (m_shouldSendButtonEvents)
public virtual void OnAimButtonPressed()
if (m_shouldSendButtonEvents)
public virtual void OnSubmitPressed()
if (m_shouldSendButtonEvents)
public virtual void OnJumpPressed()
public virtual void OnCrouchButtonPressed()
if (m_shouldSendButtonEvents)
public virtual void OnNextWeaponButtonPressed()
if (m_isServer)
m_ped.WeaponHolder.SwitchWeapon (true);
else if (m_shouldSendButtonEvents)
public virtual void OnPreviousWeaponButtonPressed()
if (m_isServer)
m_ped.WeaponHolder.SwitchWeapon (false);
else if (m_shouldSendButtonEvents)
public virtual void OnFlyButtonPressed()
public virtual void OnFlyThroughButtonPressed()
public virtual void OnDamaged(DamageInfo info)
public virtual void OnDrawHUD()
if (!UIManager.Instance.UseTouchInput || !GameManager.CanPlayerReadInput())
// we are not using touch input, or we should not read input right now
// make sure that custom input is resetted
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) // repaint event is sent once per frame, when drawing
// reset input only during repaint event
// ignore mouse buttons when touch is enabled
CustomInput.Instance.SetButton("LeftClick", false);
CustomInput.Instance.SetButton("RightClick", false);
CustomInput.Instance.SetButtonDown("LeftClick", false);
CustomInput.Instance.SetButtonDown("RightClick", false);
// left side: movement buttons: arrows
// right side: action buttons: crouch, enter, fly, toggle sprint/walk, jump (repeat button), toggle aim
protected virtual void ResetCustomInput()
protected virtual void DrawMovementTouchInput()
// movement buttons
float height = Screen.height * 0.4f;
float bottomMargin = Screen.height * 0.05f;
float horizontalMargin = bottomMargin;
// we'll need 3 rows of buttons: up, left & right, down
float buttonHeight = height / 3;
float buttonWidth = buttonHeight;
CustomInput customInput = CustomInput.Instance;
float movementVertical = 0f, movementHorizontal = 0f;
float topY = Screen.height - bottomMargin - buttonHeight;
if (GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(horizontalMargin + buttonWidth, topY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), UI.HUD.DownArrowTexture))
movementVertical -= 1f;
topY -= buttonHeight;
if (GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(horizontalMargin, topY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), UI.HUD.LeftArrowTexture))
movementHorizontal -= 1f;
if (GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(horizontalMargin + buttonWidth * 2, topY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), UI.HUD.RightArrowTexture))
movementHorizontal += 1f;
topY -= buttonHeight;
if (GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(horizontalMargin + buttonWidth, topY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), UI.HUD.UpArrowTexture))
movementVertical += 1f;
// set input for vertical and horizontal axis
customInput.SetAxis("Vertical", movementVertical);
customInput.SetAxis("Horizontal", movementHorizontal);
protected virtual void DrawActionsTouchInput()
// it's on the right side
// create buttons from bottom to top
CustomInput customInput = CustomInput.Instance;
float buttonHeight = Screen.height / 5f * 0.6f;
float buttonWidth = buttonHeight;
float bottomMargin = Screen.height * 0.05f;
float horizontalMargin = bottomMargin;
float xPos = Screen.width - horizontalMargin - buttonWidth;
float originalXPos = xPos;
float horizontalSpace = 5f;
// sprint/walk toggle button
bool isWalkOn = m_ped.IsWalkOn; // preserve current value
bool isSprintOn = m_ped.IsSprintOn; // preserve current value
float topY = Screen.height - bottomMargin - buttonHeight;
GUI.contentColor = m_ped.IsWalkOn ? Color.blue : Color.white;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, topY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Walk"))
isWalkOn = !isWalkOn;
//topY -= buttonHeight;
xPos -= buttonWidth + horizontalSpace;
GUI.contentColor = m_ped.IsSprintOn ? Color.blue : Color.white;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, topY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Sprint"))
isSprintOn = !isSprintOn;
GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
xPos = originalXPos;
// assign input
customInput.SetButton("Walk", isWalkOn);
customInput.SetButton("Sprint", isSprintOn);
// jump - repeat button
bool isJumpOn = false;
topY -= buttonHeight;
GUI.contentColor = m_ped.IsJumpOn ? Color.blue : Color.white;
if (GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(xPos, topY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Jump"))
isJumpOn = true;
GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
customInput.SetButton("Jump", isJumpOn);
// crouch
//topY -= buttonHeight;
xPos -= buttonWidth + horizontalSpace;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, topY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Crouch"))
customInput.SetKeyDown(KeyCode.C, true);
xPos = originalXPos;
// enter
topY -= buttonHeight;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, topY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Enter"))
customInput.SetButtonDown("Use", true);
// aim
bool isAimOn = m_ped.IsAimOn; // preserve current value
topY -= buttonHeight;
GUI.contentColor = m_ped.IsAimOn ? Color.blue : Color.white;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, topY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Aim"))
isAimOn = !isAimOn;
GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
customInput.SetButton("RightClick", isAimOn);
// fire - repeat button
bool isFireOn = false;
xPos -= buttonWidth + horizontalSpace;
GUI.contentColor = m_ped.IsFireOn ? Color.blue : Color.white;
if (GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(xPos, topY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Fire"))
isFireOn = true;
GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
xPos = originalXPos;
customInput.SetButton("LeftClick", isFireOn);
// fly
topY -= buttonHeight;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, topY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Fly"))
customInput.SetKeyDown(KeyCode.T, true);
public virtual void OnSwitchedStateByServer(byte[] data)
public virtual byte[] GetAdditionalNetworkData()
return null;
public virtual void OnChangedWeaponByServer(int newSlot)
public virtual void OnWeaponFiredFromServer(Weapon weapon, Vector3 firePos)
// if (m_ped.IsControlledByLocalPlayer)
// return;
// update gun flash
if (weapon.GunFlash != null)
weapon.GunFlash.gameObject.SetActive (true);
weapon.UpdateGunFlashRotation ();