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// Unity C# reference source
// Copyright (c) Unity Technologies. For terms of use, see
// https://unity3d.com/legal/licenses/Unity_Reference_Only_License
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
#pragma warning disable 649
namespace SanAndreasUnity
public class RagdollBuilder
public Transform pelvis;
public Transform leftHips = null;
public Transform leftKnee = null;
public Transform leftFoot = null;
public Transform rightHips = null;
public Transform rightKnee = null;
public Transform rightFoot = null;
public Transform leftArm = null;
public Transform leftElbow = null;
public Transform rightArm = null;
public Transform rightElbow = null;
public Transform middleSpine = null;
public Transform head = null;
public Transform jaw = null;
public float totalMass = 20;
public float strength = 0.0F;
Vector3 right = Vector3.right;
Vector3 up = Vector3.up;
Vector3 forward = Vector3.forward;
Vector3 worldRight = Vector3.right;
Vector3 worldUp = Vector3.up;
Vector3 worldForward = Vector3.forward;
public bool flipForward = false;
class BoneInfo
public string name;
public Transform anchor;
public CharacterJoint joint;
public BoneInfo parent;
public float minLimit;
public float maxLimit;
public float swingLimit;
public Vector3 axis;
public Vector3 normalAxis;
public float radiusScale;
public Type colliderType;
public ArrayList children = new ArrayList();
public float density;
public float summedMass;// The mass of this and all children bodies
ArrayList bones;
BoneInfo rootBone;
string CheckConsistency()
Hashtable map = new Hashtable();
foreach (BoneInfo bone in bones)
if (bone.anchor)
if (map[bone.anchor] != null)
BoneInfo oldBone = (BoneInfo)map[bone.anchor];
return String.Format("{0} and {1} may not be assigned to the same bone.", bone.name, oldBone.name);
map[bone.anchor] = bone;
foreach (BoneInfo bone in bones)
if (bone.anchor == null)
return String.Format("{0} has not been assigned yet.\n", bone.name);
return "";
void OnDrawGizmos()
if (pelvis)
Gizmos.color = Color.red; Gizmos.DrawRay(pelvis.position, pelvis.TransformDirection(right));
Gizmos.color = Color.green; Gizmos.DrawRay(pelvis.position, pelvis.TransformDirection(up));
Gizmos.color = Color.blue; Gizmos.DrawRay(pelvis.position, pelvis.TransformDirection(forward));
void DecomposeVector(out Vector3 normalCompo, out Vector3 tangentCompo, Vector3 outwardDir, Vector3 outwardNormal)
outwardNormal = outwardNormal.normalized;
normalCompo = outwardNormal * Vector3.Dot(outwardDir, outwardNormal);
tangentCompo = outwardDir - normalCompo;
void CalculateAxes()
if (head != null && pelvis != null)
up = CalculateDirectionAxis(pelvis.InverseTransformPoint(head.position));
if (rightElbow != null && pelvis != null)
Vector3 removed, temp;
DecomposeVector(out temp, out removed, pelvis.InverseTransformPoint(rightElbow.position), up);
right = CalculateDirectionAxis(removed);
forward = Vector3.Cross(right, up);
if (flipForward)
forward = -forward;
public void PrepareBones()
if (pelvis)
worldRight = pelvis.TransformDirection(right);
worldUp = pelvis.TransformDirection(up);
worldForward = pelvis.TransformDirection(forward);
bones = new ArrayList();
rootBone = new BoneInfo();
rootBone.name = "Pelvis";
rootBone.anchor = pelvis;
rootBone.parent = null;
rootBone.density = 2.5F;
AddMirroredJoint("Hips", leftHips, rightHips, "Pelvis", worldRight, worldForward, -20, 70, 30, typeof(CapsuleCollider), 0.3F, 1.5F);
AddMirroredJoint("Knee", leftKnee, rightKnee, "Hips", worldRight, worldForward, -80, 0, 0, typeof(CapsuleCollider), 0.25F, 1.5F);
AddJoint("Middle Spine", middleSpine, "Pelvis", worldRight, worldForward, -20, 20, 10, null, 1, 2.5F);
AddMirroredJoint("Arm", leftArm, rightArm, "Middle Spine", worldUp, worldForward, -70, 10, 50, typeof(CapsuleCollider), 0.25F, 1.0F);
AddMirroredJoint("Elbow", leftElbow, rightElbow, "Arm", worldForward, worldUp, -90, 0, 0, typeof(CapsuleCollider), 0.20F, 1.0F);
AddJoint("Head", head, "Middle Spine", worldRight, worldForward, -40, 25, 25, null, 1, 1.0F);
public void OnWizardCreate()
BoneInfo FindBone(string name)
foreach (BoneInfo bone in bones)
if (bone.name == name)
return bone;
return null;
void AddMirroredJoint(string name, Transform leftAnchor, Transform rightAnchor, string parent, Vector3 worldTwistAxis, Vector3 worldSwingAxis, float minLimit, float maxLimit, float swingLimit, Type colliderType, float radiusScale, float density)
AddJoint("Left " + name, leftAnchor, parent, worldTwistAxis, worldSwingAxis, minLimit, maxLimit, swingLimit, colliderType, radiusScale, density);
AddJoint("Right " + name, rightAnchor, parent, worldTwistAxis, worldSwingAxis, minLimit, maxLimit, swingLimit, colliderType, radiusScale, density);
void AddJoint(string name, Transform anchor, string parent, Vector3 worldTwistAxis, Vector3 worldSwingAxis, float minLimit, float maxLimit, float swingLimit, Type colliderType, float radiusScale, float density)
BoneInfo bone = new BoneInfo();
bone.name = name;
bone.anchor = anchor;
bone.axis = worldTwistAxis;
bone.normalAxis = worldSwingAxis;
bone.minLimit = minLimit;
bone.maxLimit = maxLimit;
bone.swingLimit = swingLimit;
bone.density = density;
bone.colliderType = colliderType;
bone.radiusScale = radiusScale;
if (FindBone(parent) != null)
bone.parent = FindBone(parent);
else if (name.StartsWith("Left"))
bone.parent = FindBone("Left " + parent);
else if (name.StartsWith("Right"))
bone.parent = FindBone("Right " + parent);
void BuildCapsules()
foreach (BoneInfo bone in bones)
if (bone.colliderType != typeof(CapsuleCollider))
int direction;
float distance;
if (bone.children.Count == 1)
BoneInfo childBone = (BoneInfo)bone.children[0];
Vector3 endPoint = childBone.anchor.position;
CalculateDirection(bone.anchor.InverseTransformPoint(endPoint), out direction, out distance);
Vector3 endPoint = (bone.anchor.position - bone.parent.anchor.position) + bone.anchor.position;
CalculateDirection(bone.anchor.InverseTransformPoint(endPoint), out direction, out distance);
if (bone.anchor.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Transform)).Length > 1)
Bounds bounds = new Bounds();
foreach (Transform child in bone.anchor.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Transform)))
if (distance > 0)
distance = bounds.max[direction];
distance = bounds.min[direction];
CapsuleCollider collider = (CapsuleCollider)bone.anchor.gameObject.AddComponent<CapsuleCollider>();
collider.direction = direction;
Vector3 center = Vector3.zero;
center[direction] = distance * 0.5F;
collider.center = center;
collider.height = Mathf.Abs(distance);
collider.radius = Mathf.Abs(distance * bone.radiusScale);
void Cleanup()
foreach (BoneInfo bone in bones)
if (!bone.anchor)
Component[] joints = bone.anchor.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Joint));
foreach (Joint joint in joints)
Component[] bodies = bone.anchor.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Rigidbody));
foreach (Rigidbody body in bodies)
Component[] colliders = bone.anchor.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Collider));
foreach (Collider collider in colliders)
void BuildBodies()
foreach (BoneInfo bone in bones)
bone.anchor.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().mass = bone.density;
void BuildJoints()
foreach (BoneInfo bone in bones)
if (bone.parent == null)
CharacterJoint joint = bone.anchor.gameObject.AddComponent<CharacterJoint>();
bone.joint = joint;
// Setup connection and axis
joint.axis = CalculateDirectionAxis(bone.anchor.InverseTransformDirection(bone.axis));
joint.swingAxis = CalculateDirectionAxis(bone.anchor.InverseTransformDirection(bone.normalAxis));
joint.anchor = Vector3.zero;
joint.connectedBody = bone.parent.anchor.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
joint.enablePreprocessing = false; // turn off to handle degenerated scenarios, like spawning inside geometry.
// Setup limits
SoftJointLimit limit = new SoftJointLimit();
limit.contactDistance = 0; // default to zero, which automatically sets contact distance.
limit.limit = bone.minLimit;
joint.lowTwistLimit = limit;
limit.limit = bone.maxLimit;
joint.highTwistLimit = limit;
limit.limit = bone.swingLimit;
joint.swing1Limit = limit;
limit.limit = 0;
joint.swing2Limit = limit;
void CalculateMassRecurse(BoneInfo bone)
float mass = bone.anchor.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().mass;
foreach (BoneInfo child in bone.children)
mass += child.summedMass;
bone.summedMass = mass;
void CalculateMass()
// Calculate allChildMass by summing all bodies
// Rescale the mass so that the whole character weights totalMass
float massScale = totalMass / rootBone.summedMass;
foreach (BoneInfo bone in bones)
bone.anchor.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().mass *= massScale;
// Recalculate allChildMass by summing all bodies
static void CalculateDirection(Vector3 point, out int direction, out float distance)
// Calculate longest axis
direction = 0;
if (Mathf.Abs(point[1]) > Mathf.Abs(point[0]))
direction = 1;
if (Mathf.Abs(point[2]) > Mathf.Abs(point[direction]))
direction = 2;
distance = point[direction];
static Vector3 CalculateDirectionAxis(Vector3 point)
int direction = 0;
float distance;
CalculateDirection(point, out direction, out distance);
Vector3 axis = Vector3.zero;
if (distance > 0)
axis[direction] = 1.0F;
axis[direction] = -1.0F;
return axis;
static int SmallestComponent(Vector3 point)
int direction = 0;
if (Mathf.Abs(point[1]) < Mathf.Abs(point[0]))
direction = 1;
if (Mathf.Abs(point[2]) < Mathf.Abs(point[direction]))
direction = 2;
return direction;
static int LargestComponent(Vector3 point)
int direction = 0;
if (Mathf.Abs(point[1]) > Mathf.Abs(point[0]))
direction = 1;
if (Mathf.Abs(point[2]) > Mathf.Abs(point[direction]))
direction = 2;
return direction;
static int SecondLargestComponent(Vector3 point)
int smallest = SmallestComponent(point);
int largest = LargestComponent(point);
if (smallest < largest)
int temp = largest;
largest = smallest;
smallest = temp;
if (smallest == 0 && largest == 1)
return 2;
else if (smallest == 0 && largest == 2)
return 1;
return 0;
Bounds Clip(Bounds bounds, Transform relativeTo, Transform clipTransform, bool below)
int axis = LargestComponent(bounds.size);
if (Vector3.Dot(worldUp, relativeTo.TransformPoint(bounds.max)) > Vector3.Dot(worldUp, relativeTo.TransformPoint(bounds.min)) == below)
Vector3 min = bounds.min;
min[axis] = relativeTo.InverseTransformPoint(clipTransform.position)[axis];
bounds.min = min;
Vector3 max = bounds.max;
max[axis] = relativeTo.InverseTransformPoint(clipTransform.position)[axis];
bounds.max = max;
return bounds;
Bounds GetBreastBounds(Transform relativeTo)
// Pelvis bounds
Bounds bounds = new Bounds();
Vector3 size = bounds.size;
size[SmallestComponent(bounds.size)] = size[LargestComponent(bounds.size)] / 2.0F;
bounds.size = size;
return bounds;
void AddBreastColliders()
// Middle spine and pelvis
if (middleSpine != null && pelvis != null)
Bounds bounds;
BoxCollider box;
// Middle spine bounds
bounds = Clip(GetBreastBounds(pelvis), pelvis, middleSpine, false);
box = (BoxCollider)pelvis.gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
box.center = bounds.center;
box.size = bounds.size;
bounds = Clip(GetBreastBounds(middleSpine), middleSpine, middleSpine, true);
box = (BoxCollider)middleSpine.gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
box.center = bounds.center;
box.size = bounds.size;
// Only pelvis
Bounds bounds = new Bounds();
Vector3 size = bounds.size;
size[SmallestComponent(bounds.size)] = size[LargestComponent(bounds.size)] / 2.0F;
BoxCollider box = pelvis.gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
box.center = bounds.center;
box.size = size;
void AddHeadCollider()
if (head.GetComponent<Collider>())
float radius = Vector3.Distance(leftArm.transform.position, rightArm.transform.position);
radius /= 4;
SphereCollider sphere = head.gameObject.AddComponent<SphereCollider>();
sphere.radius = radius;
Vector3 center = Vector3.zero;
int direction;
float distance;
CalculateDirection(head.InverseTransformPoint(pelvis.position), out direction, out distance);
if (distance > 0)
center[direction] = -radius;
center[direction] = radius;
sphere.center = center;
// jaw
SphereCollider jawSphere = jaw.gameObject.AddComponent<SphereCollider>();
jawSphere.radius = radius * 0.75f;
// box collider for area around neck
// width = 0.75 * breast width
// depth = 0.5 * breast depth
// height = head radius * 0.65
BoxCollider breastBox = middleSpine.gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
BoxCollider newBox = middleSpine.gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
newBox.size = new Vector3(radius * 0.65f, 0.75f * breastBox.size.y, 0.5f * breastBox.size.z);
newBox.center = breastBox.center + Vector3.right * (breastBox.size.x * 0.5f + newBox.size.x * 0.5f);