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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities;
using SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours;
using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Items;
using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Items.Definitions;
using System.Linq;
namespace SanAndreasUnity.UI {
public class PedsWindow : PauseMenuWindow {
public int numPedsPerPage = 40;
private Vector2 m_scrollPos = Vector2.zero;
private List<PedestrianDef> m_pedDefs = new List<PedestrianDef> ();
private int m_currentPageNumber = 1;
private int m_currentPedIdWithOptions = -1;
PedsWindow() {
// set default parameters
this.windowName = "Peds";
this.useScrollView = false;
void Start () {
this.RegisterButtonInPauseMenu ();
// adjust rect
this.windowRect = GUIUtils.GetCenteredRect( new Vector2(550, 450) );
void OnLoaderFinished ()
m_pedDefs = Item.GetDefinitions<PedestrianDef> ().ToList ();
protected override void OnWindowGUI ()
bool playerExists = Ped.Instance != null;
float[] widthPercsLabels = new float[]{ 0.1f, 0.3f, 0.25f, 0.25f };
float[] widthPercsButtons = new float[]{ 0.1f, 0.15f, 0.15f, 0.2f };
float rowHeight = 40;
float buttonSpacing = 3;
// info about current ped
if (playerExists && Ped.Instance.PedDef != null) {
GUILayout.Label ("Current ped:");
this.DisplayPed( GetLayoutRect( rowHeight ), Ped.Instance.PedDef, false, true, widthPercsLabels,
widthPercsButtons, buttonSpacing );
if (NetUtils.IsServer)
// button to kill all peds
if (GUILayout.Button ("Kill all peds", GUILayout.Width (100))) {
KillAllPeds ();
GUILayout.Space (5);
// page view numbers
m_currentPageNumber = GUIUtils.DrawPagedViewNumbers( GetLayoutRect(20), m_currentPageNumber, m_pedDefs.Count, this.numPedsPerPage );
GUILayout.Space (5);
// column descriptions
GUIUtils.DrawItemsInARowPerc (this.GetLayoutRect (rowHeight), (r, item) => GUI.Label (r, item),
new string[]{ "Id", "Model name", "Default type", "Behaviour name" }, widthPercsLabels);
GUILayout.Space (7);
// scroll view with all peds
m_scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView (m_scrollPos);
foreach (var def in m_pedDefs.Skip ((m_currentPageNumber - 1) * this.numPedsPerPage).Take (this.numPedsPerPage)) {
Rect rect = GetLayoutRect (rowHeight);
this.DisplayPed (rect, def, true, playerExists, widthPercsLabels, widthPercsButtons, buttonSpacing);
GUILayout.Space (12);
GUILayout.EndScrollView ();
public void DisplayPed (Rect rect, PedestrianDef def, bool displayOptions, bool playerExists, float[] widthPercsLabels,
float[] widthPercsButtons, float buttonSpacing)
rect.height *= 0.5f;
GUIUtils.DrawItemsInARowPerc( rect,
(r, item) => GUI.Label(r, item),
new string[]{def.Id.ToString(), def.ModelName, def.DefaultType.ToString(), def.BehaviourName},
if (displayOptions) {
rect.position += new Vector2 (0, rect.height);
int i = 0;
Rect itemRect;
// display button which will open additional options
itemRect = GUIUtils.GetNextRectInARowPerc (rect, ref i, buttonSpacing, widthPercsButtons);
if (GUI.Button (itemRect, "...")) {
m_currentPedIdWithOptions = def.Id;
if (m_currentPedIdWithOptions == def.Id) {
// display additional options
if (playerExists) {
if (NetUtils.IsServer)
itemRect = GUIUtils.GetNextRectInARowPerc (rect, ref i, buttonSpacing, widthPercsButtons);
if (GUI.Button (itemRect, "Switch")) {
Ped.Instance.PlayerModel.Load (def.Id);
itemRect = GUIUtils.GetNextRectInARowPerc (rect, ref i, buttonSpacing, widthPercsButtons);
if (GUI.Button (itemRect, "Spawn")) {
Ped.SpawnPed (def.Id, Ped.Instance.transform);
itemRect = GUIUtils.GetNextRectInARowPerc (rect, ref i, buttonSpacing, widthPercsButtons);
if (GUI.Button (itemRect, "Spawn stalker")) {
Ped.SpawnPedStalker (def.Id, Ped.Instance.transform, Ped.Instance);
private Rect GetLayoutRect (float height)
return GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (this.WindowSize.x, height);
private static void KillAllPeds ()
foreach (var p in Ped.AllPeds) {
Destroy (p.gameObject);