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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using SanAndreasUnity.Net;
using UnityEngine;
namespace SanAndreasUnity.Commands
public class CommandManager : MonoBehaviour
public static CommandManager Singleton { get; private set; }
readonly Dictionary<string, CommandInfo> m_registeredCommands = new Dictionary<string, CommandInfo>();
public IEnumerable<string> RegisteredCommands => m_registeredCommands.Keys;
public static string invalidSyntaxText => "Invalid syntax";
[SerializeField] private List<string> m_forbiddenCommands = new List<string>();
/// <summary> Forbidden commands can not be registered. </summary>
public List<string> ForbiddenCommands => m_forbiddenCommands;
[SerializeField] private bool m_registerHelpCommand = true;
private struct PlayerData
public float timeWhenLastExecutedCommand;
readonly Dictionary<Player, PlayerData> m_perPlayerData = new Dictionary<Player, PlayerData>();
public struct CommandInfo
public string command;
public string description;
public System.Func<ProcessCommandContext, ProcessCommandResult> commandHandler;
public bool allowToRunWithoutServerPermissions;
public bool runOnlyOnServer;
public float limitInterval;
public CommandInfo(string command, bool allowToRunWithoutServerPermissions)
: this()
this.command = command;
this.allowToRunWithoutServerPermissions = allowToRunWithoutServerPermissions;
public CommandInfo(string command, string description, bool allowToRunWithoutServerPermissions, bool runOnlyOnServer, float limitInterval)
: this()
this.command = command;
this.description = description;
this.allowToRunWithoutServerPermissions = allowToRunWithoutServerPermissions;
this.runOnlyOnServer = runOnlyOnServer;
this.limitInterval = limitInterval;
public class ProcessCommandResult
public string response;
public static ProcessCommandResult UnknownCommand => new ProcessCommandResult {response = "Unknown command"};
public static ProcessCommandResult InvalidCommand => new ProcessCommandResult {response = "Invalid command"};
public static ProcessCommandResult NoPermissions => new ProcessCommandResult {response = "You don't have permissions to run this command"};
public static ProcessCommandResult CanOnlyRunOnServer => new ProcessCommandResult {response = "This command can only run on server"};
public static ProcessCommandResult LimitInterval(float interval) => new ProcessCommandResult {response = $"This command can only be used on an interval of {interval} seconds"};
public static ProcessCommandResult Error(string errorMessage) => new ProcessCommandResult {response = errorMessage};
public static ProcessCommandResult Success => new ProcessCommandResult();
public class ProcessCommandContext
public string command;
public bool hasServerPermissions;
public Player player;
void Awake()
if (null == Singleton)
Singleton = this;
Player.onDisable += PlayerOnDisable;
if (m_registerHelpCommand)
RegisterCommand(new CommandInfo { command = "help", commandHandler = ProcessHelpCommand, allowToRunWithoutServerPermissions = true });
void PlayerOnDisable(Player player)
public bool RegisterCommand(CommandInfo commandInfo)
commandInfo.command = commandInfo.command.Trim();
if (this.ForbiddenCommands.Contains(commandInfo.command))
return false;
if (m_registeredCommands.ContainsKey(commandInfo.command))
return false;
m_registeredCommands.Add(commandInfo.command, commandInfo);
return true;
public bool RemoveCommand(string command)
return m_registeredCommands.Remove(command);
public static string[] SplitCommandIntoArguments(string command)
// TODO: add support for arguments that have spaces, i.e. those enclosed with quotes
return command.Split(new string[] {" ", "\t"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
public static string GetRestOfTheCommand(string command, int argumentIndex)
if (argumentIndex < 0)
return "";
string[] args = SplitCommandIntoArguments(command);
if (argumentIndex > args.Length - 2)
return "";
return string.Join(" ", args, argumentIndex + 1, args.Length - argumentIndex - 1);
public static Vector3 ParseVector3(string[] arguments, int startIndex)
if (startIndex + 2 >= arguments.Length)
throw new System.ArgumentException("Failed to parse Vector3: not enough arguments");
Vector3 v = Vector3.zero;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (!float.TryParse(arguments[startIndex + i], out float f))
throw new System.ArgumentException("Failed to parse Vector3: invalid number");
v[i] = f;
return v;
public static Quaternion ParseQuaternion(string[] arguments, int startIndex)
if (startIndex + 3 >= arguments.Length)
throw new System.ArgumentException("Failed to parse Quaternion: not enough arguments");
Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.identity;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (!float.TryParse(arguments[startIndex + i], out float f))
throw new System.ArgumentException("Failed to parse Quaternion: invalid number");
quaternion[i] = f;
return quaternion;
public static Color ParseColor(string[] arguments, int startIndex)
if (startIndex >= arguments.Length)
throw new System.ArgumentException("Failed to parse color: not enough arguments");
if (!ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(arguments[startIndex], out Color color))
throw new System.ArgumentException("Failed to parse color");
return color;
ProcessCommandResult ProcessCommand(ProcessCommandContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.command))
return ProcessCommandResult.UnknownCommand;
string[] arguments = SplitCommandIntoArguments(context.command);
if (0 == arguments.Length)
return ProcessCommandResult.InvalidCommand;
if (!m_registeredCommands.TryGetValue(arguments[0], out CommandInfo commandInfo))
return ProcessCommandResult.UnknownCommand;
if (commandInfo.runOnlyOnServer && !NetStatus.IsServer)
return ProcessCommandResult.CanOnlyRunOnServer;
if (!context.hasServerPermissions && !commandInfo.allowToRunWithoutServerPermissions)
return ProcessCommandResult.NoPermissions;
if (context.player != null)
m_perPlayerData.TryGetValue(context.player, out PlayerData playerData);
if (commandInfo.limitInterval > 0 && Time.time - playerData.timeWhenLastExecutedCommand < commandInfo.limitInterval)
return ProcessCommandResult.LimitInterval(commandInfo.limitInterval);
playerData.timeWhenLastExecutedCommand = Time.time;
m_perPlayerData[context.player] = playerData;
return commandInfo.commandHandler(context);
public ProcessCommandResult ProcessCommandAsServer(string command)
return ProcessCommand(new ProcessCommandContext {command = command, hasServerPermissions = true});
public ProcessCommandResult ProcessCommandForPlayer(Player player, string command)
bool hasServerPermissions = player == Player.Local;
return ProcessCommand(new ProcessCommandContext
command = command,
hasServerPermissions = hasServerPermissions,
player = player,
ProcessCommandResult ProcessHelpCommand(ProcessCommandContext context)
string response = "List of available commands: " +
string.Join(", ", m_registeredCommands
.Where(pair => context.hasServerPermissions || pair.Value.allowToRunWithoutServerPermissions)
.Select(pair => pair.Key));
return new ProcessCommandResult {response = response};
public bool HasCommand(string command)
return m_registeredCommands.ContainsKey(command);