in0finite 32c0be1af2
new world loading system (#110)
* wip

* much faster world creation

* add StaticGeometryInspector

* disable child/parent logic and fading

* rename

* (de)activate objects based on parent

* set draw distance based on layers

* ...

* wip

* wip

* wip

* remove unused param

* prevent concurrent modification

* ...

* catch exceptions when notifying

* ...

* notify about area, not objects

* limit public access to Area

* ...

* ...

* allow public access

* add public api

* adapt code

* pass callback to ctor

* adapt focus points

* fix

* fix intersection check

* support rectangles

* adjust parameters in prefab

* this should fix IsInsideOf()

* ...

* ...

* fix getting area by index

* create area if not exists

* ...

* ...

* ...

* wip for distance levels

* remove constraint on generic parameter

* add some validation

* fix

* fix draw distance per level

* change time of day in which lights are visible

* add todos

* don't use id for UnRegisterFocusPoint()

* use hash set for storing focus points

* add 1 more level

* mark area for update only if visibility changes

* profile WorldSystem calls

* add some profiling sections

* limit time per frame for LoadingThread

* switch custom concurrent queue

* copy jobs to buffer

* rename

* change max draw distance setting

* wait one more frame

* try to remove 801 distance level to remove holes

* attempt to hide interiors, but failed

* delete no longer needed script

* optimization

* some error checking

* add camera as focus point

* dont add camera as focus point in headless mode

* working on load priority

* fix bug - load priority finished

* ...

* small optimizations

* ...

* ...

* remove unneeded variable

* add fading

* dont do fading in headless mode

* fadeRate available in inspector

* change fade rate

* take into account if geometry is loaded when checking if object should be visible, and if fading should be done

* small optimization

* cache IsInHeadlessMode

* display Instance info in inspector

* move interiors up in the sky

* rename

* adapt code to different y pos of interiors

* refactor

* fix finding matched enex for enexes that lead to the same interior level

* display new world stats

* rename

* rename class

* ...

* ...

* extract function

* extract parameters into a struct

* add focus point to dead body

* add focus point to vehicle

* add focus point to vehicle detached parts

* remove OutOfRangeDestroyer from vehicle, and destroy vehicle if it falls below the map

* dont use focus points on vehicle and vehicle detached parts, when not on server

* add focus point for npc peds

* add possibility to set timeout during which focus point keeps revealing after it's destroyed

* adapt UnRegisterFocusPoint() to timeout

* rename

* adapt code

* cleanup MapObject class

* ...

* converting to `lock()`

* optimize method: use 1 lock instead of 3

* call OnObjectFinishedLoading() instead of AddToLoadedObjects()

* ...

* make sure it's main thread

* AsyncLoader is no longer thread safe

* convert static members to non-static in LoadingThread

* fix

* ...

* store indexes for each area

* impl GetAreaCenter()

* calculate load priority based on distance to area, not objects ; limit time per frame ; sort area in Cell, not in concurrent SortedSet ;

* add support for changing draw distance at runtime

* delay setting the new value by 0.2 s

* have a separate default max draw distance for mobile platforms

* adjust y axis world params so that number of visible areas is reduced

* remove "camera far clip plane" setting

* rename

* document flags

* rename

* disable shadow casting and receiving for some objects

* allow casting shadows for LODs with large draw distance

* remove "WorldSystem" layer

* revert layer
2021-07-18 06:03:43 +02:00

379 lines
12 KiB

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