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synced 2025-03-03 06:37:19 +00:00
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783 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours;
using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities;
using System.Linq;
using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Paths;
namespace SanAndreasUnity.UI {
public class MapWindow : PauseMenuWindow {
public static MapWindow Instance { get; private set; }
//private Rect visibleMapRect = new Rect ();
private Vector2 m_focusPos = Vector2.one * MiniMap.mapSize / 2.0f;
private float zoomLevel = 1;
private float infoAreaHeight = 90;
private bool m_clipMapItems = false;
private Texture2D m_infoAreaTexture;
private float m_playerPointerSize = 10;
public float PlayerPointerSize { get => m_playerPointerSize; set { m_playerPointerSize = value; } }
private bool m_drawZones = false;
private bool m_drawEnexes = false;
private bool m_isWaypointPlaced = false;
private Vector2 m_waypointMapPos = Vector2.zero;
private Vector2 m_lastMousePosition = Vector2.zero;
private Vector2 m_infoAreaScrollViewPos = Vector2.zero;
public event System.Action onDrawMapItems = delegate {};
MapWindow() {
// set default parameters
this.windowName = "Map";
this.useScrollView = false;
this.isDraggable = false;
this.isModal = true;
this.m_hasExitButton = false;
this.m_hasMinimizeButton = false;
protected override void Awake () {
if (null == Instance)
Instance = this;
m_infoAreaTexture = F.CreateTexture (1, 1, Color.grey);
void Start () {
this.RegisterButtonInPauseMenu ();
// adjust rect
this.windowRect = Utilities.GUIUtils.GetCenteredRectPerc (new Vector2 (1.0f, 1.0f));
protected override void OnWindowOpened() {
this.FocusOnPlayer ();
public void FocusOnPlayer() {
if (null == Ped.Instance)
Vector3 playerWorldPos = Ped.Instance.transform.position;
// Vector2 focusWorldPos = new Vector2 (playerWorldPos.x, playerWorldPos.z);
// Vector2 focusPosNormalized = focusPos / MiniMap.mapEdge;
Vector2 focusPos = MiniMap.WorldPosToMapPos(playerWorldPos);
// flip y axis
// focusPos.y = MiniMap.mapSize - focusPos.y;
this.SetFocusPosition (focusPos);
public void SetFocusPosition(Vector2 pos) {
// Vector2 bottomLeftPos = pos;
// bottomLeftPos.x -= this.visibleMapRect.width / 2.0f;
// bottomLeftPos.y -= this.visibleMapRect.height / 2.0f;
// this.visibleMapRect.position = bottomLeftPos;
this.m_focusPos = pos;
public Vector2 GetFocusPosition() {
// return this.visibleMapRect.position + this.visibleMapRect.size / 2.0f;
return this.m_focusPos;
/// <summary>
/// Rect in which the map is displayed, relative to window area.
/// </summary>
public Rect GetMapDisplayRect() {
float mapDisplayWidth = this.windowRect.width;
float mapDisplayHeight = this.windowRect.height - this.infoAreaHeight;
Rect mapDisplayRect = new Rect (0, 0, mapDisplayWidth, mapDisplayHeight);
return mapDisplayRect;
public Vector2 GetVisibleMapSize() {
Rect mapDisplayRect = this.GetMapDisplayRect ();
float visibleMapWidth = Mathf.Min( MiniMap.mapSize / 4.0f / this.zoomLevel, MiniMap.mapSize);
float visibleMapHeight = Mathf.Min (visibleMapWidth * mapDisplayRect.height / mapDisplayRect.width, MiniMap.mapSize);
return new Vector2 (visibleMapWidth, visibleMapHeight);
public Rect GetVisibleMapRect() {
Vector2 size = GetVisibleMapSize ();
return new Rect (this.m_focusPos - size / 2.0f, size);
// private void AdjustVisibleMapRectAfterZooming() {
// Vector2 focusPos = this.GetFocusPosition ();
// // visible map size is changed after zooming
// Vector2 size = this.GetVisibleMapSize ();
// this.visibleMapRect = new Rect(focusPos - size / 2.0f, size);
// }
public static Vector2 ClampPositionInsideMap(Vector2 pos) {
pos.x = Mathf.Clamp( pos.x, 0.0f, MiniMap.mapSize);
pos.y = Mathf.Clamp( pos.y, 0.0f, MiniMap.mapSize);
return pos;
private void ClampFocusPos() {
// clamp focus position inside map
this.SetFocusPosition (ClampPositionInsideMap (this.GetFocusPosition ()));
// again, clamp focus position, but based on visible map rectangle - the rectangle must not go out of map boundaries, or the texture will stretch
// Vector2 visibleMapSize = this.GetVisibleMapSize();
// if (visibleMapSize.x < GetMapSize ()) {
// this.m_focusPos.x = Mathf.Clamp (this.m_focusPos.x, GetMinMapPos ().x + visibleMapSize.x / 2.0f, GetMaxMapPos ().x - visibleMapSize.x / 2.0f);
// }
// if (visibleMapSize.y < GetMapSize ()) {
// this.m_focusPos.y = Mathf.Clamp (this.m_focusPos.y, GetMinMapPos ().y + visibleMapSize.y / 2.0f, GetMaxMapPos ().y - visibleMapSize.y / 2.0f);
// }
public static Vector2 GetMinMapPos() {
return Vector2.zero;
public static Vector2 GetMaxMapPos() {
return Vector2.one * MiniMap.mapSize;
public static float GetMapSize() {
return MiniMap.mapSize;
public Vector2 ScreenPosToDisplayPos(Vector2 screenPos) {
Rect displayRect = this.GetMapDisplayRect ();
Vector2 displayPos = screenPos - displayRect.position;
// flip Y axis
displayPos.y = Screen.height - displayPos.y;
return displayPos;
public bool GetMapPosUnderMouse(out Vector2 mapPos) {
mapPos = Vector2.zero;
Vector2 displayPos = ScreenPosToDisplayPos (m_lastMousePosition);
// check if it is inside display rect
if (!this.GetMapDisplayRect ().Contains (displayPos))
return false;
mapPos = DisplayPosToMapPos (displayPos);
return true;
public bool GetWorldPosUnderMouse(out Vector3 worldPos) {
worldPos = Vector3.zero;
Vector2 mapPos;
if(!this.GetMapPosUnderMouse(out mapPos))
return false;
worldPos = MiniMap.MapPosToWorldPos (mapPos);
return true;
public Vector2 DisplayPosToMapPos(Vector2 displayPos) {
Rect mapDisplayRect = this.GetMapDisplayRect ();
Rect visibleMapRect = this.GetVisibleMapRect ();
// don't know why is this needed
// flip Y axis
displayPos.y = mapDisplayRect.height - displayPos.y;
Vector2 normalizedPos = Rect.PointToNormalized (mapDisplayRect, displayPos);
Vector2 mapPos = Rect.NormalizedToPoint (visibleMapRect, normalizedPos);
return mapPos;
private void TeleportToWaypoint() {
if (!m_isWaypointPlaced)
if (null == Ped.Instance)
Vector3 worldPos = MiniMap.MapPosToWorldPos (m_waypointMapPos);
Chat.ChatManager.SendChatMessageToAllPlayersAsLocalPlayer($"/teleport {worldPos.x} {worldPos.y} {worldPos.z}");
void Update() {
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.M)) {
// toggle map
if (this.IsOpened || GameManager.CanPlayerReadInput())
if (this.IsOpened)
this.IsOpened = false;
// also close pause menu
PauseMenu.IsOpened = false;
this.IsOpened = true;
// also open pause menu
PauseMenu.IsOpened = true;
if (!PauseMenu.IsOpened || !this.IsOpened)
// move focused position
this.m_focusPos += new Vector2 (Input.GetAxisRaw ("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"))
* 100 * Time.deltaTime / this.zoomLevel;
this.ClampFocusPos ();
// zoom
float oldZoomLevel = this.zoomLevel;
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.KeypadPlus)) {
zoomLevel *= 1.1f;
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.KeypadMinus)) {
zoomLevel /= 1.1f;
// mouse scroll
if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y > 0)
zoomLevel *= 1.1f;
else if(Input.mouseScrollDelta.y < 0)
zoomLevel /= 1.1f;
zoomLevel = Mathf.Clamp (zoomLevel, 0.25f, 10f);
if (oldZoomLevel != this.zoomLevel) {
// this.AdjustVisibleMapRectAfterZooming ();
// toggle waypoint on map
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (1)) {
Vector2 mouseMapPos;
if (this.GetMapPosUnderMouse (out mouseMapPos)) {
m_isWaypointPlaced = !m_isWaypointPlaced;
if (m_isWaypointPlaced)
m_waypointMapPos = mouseMapPos;
// focus on player key shortcut
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.F)) {
this.FocusOnPlayer ();
// teleport to waypoint key shortcut
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.T)) {
this.TeleportToWaypoint ();
// remember last mouse position
m_lastMousePosition = Input.mousePosition;
protected override void OnWindowGUI ()
if (null == MiniMap.Instance)
int uiSize = (int) this.windowRect.width;
Texture2D mapTexture = MiniMap.Instance.MapTexture;
Texture2D blackPixel = MiniMap.Instance.BlackPixel;
Texture2D seaPixel = MiniMap.Instance.SeaPixel;
Rect mapDisplayRect = this.GetMapDisplayRect ();
Rect visibleMapRect = this.GetVisibleMapRect ();
// this.visibleMapRect.size = this.GetVisibleMapSize();
//if (!toggleMap) {
if(false) {
//GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (Screen.width - uiSize - 10, uiSize + 20, uiSize, 80));
GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle ("label") { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter };
// draw some info in upper left corner
Vector2 labelSize = new Vector2 (uiSize, 25);
Rect labelRect = new Rect (Vector2.zero, labelSize);
GUI.DrawTexture (labelRect, blackPixel);
if (Ped.Instance != null) {
Vector3 pPos = Ped.Instance.transform.position;
GUI.Label (labelRect,
string.Format ("x: {0}, y: {1}, z: {2}", pPos.x.ToString ("F2"), pPos.y.ToString ("F2"), pPos.z.ToString ("F2")),
// draw zone name
//Rect zoneRect = new Rect (uiSize / 2 - uiSize / (2 * 3), 25, uiSize / 3, 25);
//GUI.DrawTexture (zoneRect, blackPixel);
//GUI.Label (zoneRect, ZoneName, style);
bool showZoomPanel = true;
if (showZoomPanel) {
// display zoom panel
Color previousColor = GUI.color;
Rect zoomPanel = new Rect (uiSize / 2 - uiSize / (2 * 4), 55, uiSize / 4, 25);
float fAlpha = 1;
GUI.color = new Color (0, 0, 0, fAlpha);
// fill everything with black
GUI.DrawTexture (zoomPanel, blackPixel);
GUI.color = new Color (255, 255, 255, fAlpha);
// display zoom percentage
float curZoomPercentage = 1;
GUI.Label (zoomPanel, string.Format ("x{0}", curZoomPercentage.ToString ("F2")), style);
GUI.color = previousColor;
//GUILayout.EndArea ();
} else {
//mapRect = new Vector2 (mapTexture.width, mapTexture.height) * (baseScale * (mapScale / mapMaxScale) * 2);
// fill everything with black - why ?
//GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect (50, 50, Screen.width - 100, Screen.height - 100), blackPixel);
// fill everything with sea
GUI.DrawTexture (mapDisplayRect, seaPixel);
//GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (mapUpperLeftCorner, windowSize));
//GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (mapScroll, mapRect));
// draw the map texture
this.DrawMapTexture( mapDisplayRect, visibleMapRect );
// what's this ?
//GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect (Vector2.zero, Vector2.one * 16), blackPixel);
//GUILayout.EndArea ();
//GUILayout.EndArea ();
// draw 2 lines crossing under cursor
Vector2 mouseDisplayPos = ScreenPosToDisplayPos( m_lastMousePosition );
float linesWidth = 4;
Color linesColor = (Color.yellow + Color.black) / 2.0f;
// vertical line
GUIUtils.DrawRect (new Rect(mouseDisplayPos.x - linesWidth / 2.0f, 0, linesWidth, mapDisplayRect.height), linesColor);
// horizontal line
GUIUtils.DrawRect (new Rect(0, mouseDisplayPos.y - linesWidth / 2.0f, mapDisplayRect.width, linesWidth), linesColor);
// draw map items
this.DrawMapItems (mapDisplayRect);
// draw info area
this.DrawInfoArea( mapDisplayRect );
private void DrawMapTexture(Rect mapDisplayRect, Rect visibleMapRect) {
Texture2D mapTexture = MiniMap.Instance.MapTexture;
//GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect (mapZoomPos, mapRect), mapTexture);
//GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect (Vector2.zero, this.windowRect.size), MiniMap.Instance.MapTexture);
Rect texCoords = new Rect(visibleMapRect.x / mapTexture.width, visibleMapRect.y / mapTexture.height,
visibleMapRect.width / mapTexture.width, visibleMapRect.height / mapTexture.height);
texCoords = Utilities.F.Clamp01 (texCoords);
// adjust display rect
Rect renderRect = mapDisplayRect;
// float mulX = mapDisplayRect.width / GetMapSize ();
// float mulY = mapDisplayRect.height / GetMapSize ();
if(visibleMapRect.xMax > GetMapSize()) {
// reduce display width
// renderRect.width -= (visibleMapRect.xMax - GetMapSize()) * mulX ;
float perc = (visibleMapRect.xMax - GetMapSize()) / visibleMapRect.width;
renderRect.xMax -= perc * mapDisplayRect.width;
if (visibleMapRect.xMin < 0) {
// increase x pos
// renderRect.xMin += - visibleMapRect.xMin * mulX;
float perc = - visibleMapRect.xMin / visibleMapRect.width;
renderRect.xMin += perc * mapDisplayRect.width;
if(visibleMapRect.yMax > GetMapSize()) {
// reduce display height from top
// renderRect.yMin += (visibleMapRect.yMax - GetMapSize()) * mulY ;
float perc = (visibleMapRect.yMax - GetMapSize()) / visibleMapRect.height;
renderRect.yMin += perc * mapDisplayRect.height;
if (visibleMapRect.yMin < 0) {
// reduce display height from bottom
// renderRect.yMax -= - visibleMapRect.yMin * mulY;
float perc = - visibleMapRect.yMin / visibleMapRect.height;
renderRect.yMax -= perc * mapDisplayRect.height;
// mapTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(renderRect, mapTexture, texCoords);
private void DrawInfoArea (Rect mapDisplayRect) {
Rect infoAreaRect = new Rect (3, mapDisplayRect.yMax, mapDisplayRect.width - 3, this.infoAreaHeight);
GUILayout.BeginArea (infoAreaRect);
GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect(new Vector2(-infoAreaRect.x, 0), infoAreaRect.size), m_infoAreaTexture);
m_infoAreaScrollViewPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView (m_infoAreaScrollViewPos);
GUILayout.Space (10);
// first row - controls
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (GUILayout.MaxWidth (infoAreaRect.width));
if (GUILayout.Button ("Focus on player [F]", GUILayout.MinHeight(25))) {
this.FocusOnPlayer ();
if (GUILayout.Button ("Teleport to waypoint [T]", GUILayout.MinHeight(25))) {
this.TeleportToWaypoint ();
GUILayout.Space (5);
GUILayout.Label ("Player size: " + (int) m_playerPointerSize, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
m_playerPointerSize = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider (m_playerPointerSize, 1, 50, GUILayout.MinWidth(40));
m_drawZones = GUILayout.Toggle (m_drawZones, "Draw zones");
m_drawEnexes = GUILayout.Toggle(m_drawEnexes, "Draw enexes");
GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
// second row - info
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (GUILayout.MaxWidth (infoAreaRect.width));
if (Ped.Instance != null)
GUILayout.Label ("Player world pos: " + Ped.Instance.transform.position);
GUILayout.Space (5);
GUILayout.Label ("Player minimap pos: " + MiniMap.WorldPosToMapPos (Ped.Instance.transform.position));
GUILayout.Space (5);
GUILayout.Label ("Focus pos: " + this.GetFocusPosition ());
GUILayout.Space (5);
Vector2 cursorMapPos;
if (this.GetMapPosUnderMouse (out cursorMapPos))
GUILayout.Label ("Cursor pos: " + cursorMapPos);
GUILayout.Space (5);
GUILayout.Label ("Zoom: " + this.zoomLevel);
// zone name under cursor
GUILayout.Space (5);
Vector3 mouseWorldPos;
if (this.GetWorldPosUnderMouse (out mouseWorldPos)) {
GUILayout.Label ("cursor world pos: " + mouseWorldPos);
GUILayout.Label ("Zone: " + Zone.GetZoneName (mouseWorldPos, true), GUILayout.Width(80));
GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
GUILayout.Space (5);
GUILayout.Label ("Controls: arrows/WASD - move, +/-/scroll - zoom, right click - place waypoint");
GUILayout.EndScrollView ();
GUILayout.EndArea ();
private void DrawMapItems(Rect mapDisplayRect) {
if (!m_clipMapItems) {
GUI.EndClip ();
// GUI.EndGroup ();
} else {
GUI.BeginGroup (mapDisplayRect); // ensure that all map items are drawn inside this rect - doesn't work when items are rotated
// draw registered items
// draw enexes
if (m_drawEnexes)
foreach (var enex in Importing.Items.Item.Enexes.Where(enex => Behaviours.World.Cell.IsExteriorLevel(enex.TargetInterior)))
Behaviours.World.Cell.Instance.GetPositionBasedOnInteriorLevel(enex.EntrancePos, enex.TargetInterior),
// draw player pointer
if (Ped.Instance != null)
this.DrawItemOnMapRotated( MiniMap.Instance.PlayerBlip, Ped.Instance.transform.position, Ped.Instance.transform.forward, (int) m_playerPointerSize );
// draw all zones
if (m_drawZones) {
foreach (var zone in Zone.AllZones) {
Vector2 min = MiniMap.WorldPosToMapPos (zone.vmin);
Vector2 max = MiniMap.WorldPosToMapPos (zone.vmax);
Rect rect = new Rect (min, max - min);
Rect renderRect;
if (this.GetMapItemRenderRect (rect, out renderRect)) {
if (renderRect.height > 2 && renderRect.width > 2)
// add some space between zones
renderRect.xMin ++;
renderRect.xMax --;
renderRect.yMin ++;
renderRect.yMax --;
GUI.Box (renderRect, "");
GUIUtils.CenteredLabel (renderRect.center, zone.name);
// draw waypoint
if (m_isWaypointPlaced) {
this.DrawItemOnMap (MiniMap.Instance.WaypointTexture, m_waypointMapPos, 12);
if (!m_clipMapItems) {
// GUI.BeginGroup (new Rect (0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height));
GUI.BeginClip (this.windowRect);
} else {
GUI.EndGroup ();
public bool GetMapItemRenderRect( Rect itemMapBoundsRect, out Rect renderRect ) {
renderRect = Rect.zero;
// Texture2D mapTexture = MiniMap.Instance.MapTexture;
Rect visibleMapRect = this.GetVisibleMapRect ();
if (!visibleMapRect.Overlaps (itemMapBoundsRect) && !visibleMapRect.Contains (itemMapBoundsRect)) {
// Debug.LogFormat ("Item rect {0} is not within visible rect {1}", itemRect, visibleMapRect);
return false;
// just convert map pos to screen pos
Rect displayRectNormalized = itemMapBoundsRect.Normalized( visibleMapRect );
// get intersection between these rects
Rect intersectionRect = itemRect.Intersection (visibleMapRect);
Rect displayRectNormalized = intersectionRect.Normalized (visibleMapRect);
// displayRectNormalized.y = 1.0f - displayRectNormalized.y;
Rect texCoords = intersectionRect.Normalized (itemRect);
// just in case
displayRectNormalized = displayRectNormalized.Clamp01();
texCoords = texCoords.Clamp01 ();
// adjust display rect
Rect mapDisplayRect = this.GetMapDisplayRect ();
Vector2 renderRectPos = mapDisplayRect.position + Vector2.Scale (mapDisplayRect.size, displayRectNormalized.position);
renderRectPos.y = mapDisplayRect.height - renderRectPos.y;
Vector2 renderRectSize = Vector2.Scale (mapDisplayRect.size, displayRectNormalized.size);
renderRectPos.y -= renderRectSize.y;
renderRect = new Rect (renderRectPos, renderRectSize);
// GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(renderRect, itemTexture, texCoords);
// Debug.LogFormat ("Drawn item: item rect {0} visible map rect {1} intersection rect {2} displayRectNormalized {3} " +
// "texCoords {4} mapDisplayRect {5} renderRect {6}", itemRect, visibleMapRect, intersectionRect, displayRectNormalized,
// texCoords, mapDisplayRect, renderRect);
return true;
public void DrawItemOnMap( Texture2D itemTexture, Rect itemRect ) {
Rect renderRect;
if (GetMapItemRenderRect (itemRect, out renderRect)) {
GUI.DrawTexture (renderRect, itemTexture);
public void DrawItemOnMap( Texture2D itemTexture, Vector2 mapPos, int itemSize ) {
this.DrawItemOnMap (itemTexture, F.CreateRect (mapPos, Vector2.one * itemSize));
public void DrawItemOnMap( Texture2D itemTexture, Vector3 worldPos, int itemSize ) {
Vector2 mapPos = MiniMap.WorldPosToMapPos (worldPos);
this.DrawItemOnMap (itemTexture, mapPos, itemSize);
public void DrawItemOnMapRotated( Texture2D itemTexture, Vector3 worldPos, Vector3 worldDir, int itemSize ) {
Vector2 mapPos = MiniMap.WorldPosToMapPos (worldPos);
this.DrawItemOnMapRotated (itemTexture, F.CreateRect (mapPos, Vector2.one * itemSize), worldDir);
public void DrawItemOnMapRotated( Texture2D itemTexture, Rect itemRect, Vector3 worldDir ) {
Rect renderRect;
if (!GetMapItemRenderRect (itemRect, out renderRect)) {
// find angle around Y axis
Vector3 dir = new Vector3(worldDir.x, 0, worldDir.z).normalized;
Quaternion q = Quaternion.LookRotation (dir, Vector3.up);
float angle = q.eulerAngles.y - 180.0f;
// save matrix
var oldMatrix = GUI.matrix;
// rotate around center of item
GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot( angle, renderRect.center );
// draw
GUI.DrawTexture (renderRect, itemTexture);
// restore matrix
GUI.matrix = oldMatrix;