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using UnityEngine;
using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities;
using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Animation;
namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.Peds.States
public class CrouchAimState : BaseAimMovementState
// not used
public override AnimId aimWithArm_LowerAnim { get { throw new System.InvalidOperationException(); } }
// override aim anim timings
public override float AimAnimMaxTime { get { return m_weapon.CrouchAimAnimMaxTime; } }
public override float AimAnimFireMaxTime { get { return m_weapon.CrouchAimAnimFireMaxTime; } }
public float cameraFocusPosOffsetY = 0.25f;
protected override bool SwitchToNonAimMovementState ()
// switch to Crouch state
if( !m_ped.IsAimOn || !m_ped.IsHoldingWeapon )
return true;
// switch to Roll state
if(m_ped.Movement.sqrMagnitude > float.Epsilon && m_ped.GetStateOrLogError<RollState>().CanRoll())
float angle = Vector3.Angle(m_ped.Movement, m_ped.transform.forward);
if( angle > 50 && angle < 130 )
float rightAngle = Vector3.Angle( m_ped.Movement, m_ped.transform.right );
bool left = rightAngle > 90;
m_ped.GetState<RollState>().Roll( left );
return true;
return false;
protected override bool SwitchToFiringState ()
return false;
protected override bool SwitchToOtherAimMovementState ()
// there are no other states to switch to
return false;
protected override void RotateSpine ()
if( null == m_model.Spine || null == m_weapon )
Vector3 forward = m_ped.transform.forward.WithXAndZ();
float xzLength = m_ped.AimDirection.WithXAndZ().magnitude;
forward = forward.normalized * xzLength;
forward.y = m_ped.AimDirection.y;
m_model.Spine.forward = forward;
// apply rotation offset
m_model.Spine.Rotate( m_weapon.CrouchSpineRotationOffset );
public override void StartFiring ()
// switch to CrouchFire state
protected override void UpdateAnims ()
// if( !this.IsActiveState )
// return;
// anim does not set correct velocity
// set it to zero to make the ped stand in place
// this should be done even if parent method changed active state
if (m_model.RootFrame != null)
m_model.RootFrame.LocalVelocity = Vector3.zero;
// if( !this.IsActiveState )
// return;
protected override AnimationState UpdateAnimsNonAWA ()
return this.UpdateAnimsAll();
protected override AnimationState UpdateAnimsAWA ()
return this.UpdateAnimsAll();
protected virtual AnimationState UpdateAnimsAll()
var state = m_model.PlayAnim(m_weapon.CrouchAimAnim);
state.wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
return state;
protected override void UpdateArmTransformsForAWA ()
// ignore
protected override void RotatePedInDirectionOfAiming ()
BaseAimMovementState.RotatePedInDirectionOfAiming( m_ped );
protected override void UpdateHeading ()
// we need to override default behaviour, because otherwise ped will be turning around while aiming
// with AWA weapons
if (m_isServer || m_ped.IsControlledByLocalPlayer)
m_ped.Heading = m_ped.AimDirection.WithXAndZ ().normalized;
public override Vector3 GetCameraFocusPos ()
return m_ped.transform.position + Vector3.up * this.cameraFocusPosOffsetY;
public override void OnJumpPressed ()
// ignore
public override void OnCrouchButtonPressed ()
// ignore