using UnityEngine; using SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours; using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities; using UnityEngine.UI; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Conversion; using SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.Vehicles; using SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.World; namespace SanAndreasUnity.UI { public class HUD : MonoBehaviour { public static HUD Instance { get; private set; } public Canvas canvas; public RawImage weaponImage; public Text weaponAmmoText; public RawImage healthBackgroundImage; public RawImage healthForegroundImage; public RawImage crosshairImage; public Text pedStateText; public Text pedVelocityText; public Text radioStationText; public Text dayTimeText; [SerializeField] [Range(0.3f, 10f)] float m_radioStationLabelDuration = 3f; public static Texture2D LeftArrowTexture { get; set; } public static Texture2D RightArrowTexture { get; set; } public static Texture2D UpArrowTexture { get; set; } public static Texture2D DownArrowTexture { get; set; } public float regularCrosshairTextureSizeMultiplier = 1.0f; public float rocketCrosshairTextureSizeMultiplier = 1.5f; public float regularCrosshairUiSizeMultiplier = 1.0f; public float rocketCrosshairUiSizeMultiplier = 1.5f; private Vector2 m_defaultCrosshairSize; void Awake () { Instance = this; Loader.onLoadSpecialTextures += LoadTextures; m_defaultCrosshairSize = this.crosshairImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta; } void LoadTextures() { // load arrow textures F.RunExceptionSafe(() => { var pcbtnsTxd = TextureDictionary.Load("pcbtns"); LeftArrowTexture = pcbtnsTxd.GetDiffuse("left").Texture; RightArrowTexture = pcbtnsTxd.GetDiffuse("right").Texture; UpArrowTexture = pcbtnsTxd.GetDiffuse("up").Texture; DownArrowTexture = pcbtnsTxd.GetDiffuse("down").Texture; }); LoadCrosshairTextures(); } void LoadCrosshairTextures() { Texture2D regularCrosshairTex = ConstructCrosshairTexture("siteM16", this.regularCrosshairTextureSizeMultiplier); Texture2D rocketCrosshairTex = ConstructCrosshairTexture("siterocket", this.rocketCrosshairTextureSizeMultiplier); Weapon.CrosshairTexture = regularCrosshairTex; Weapon.RocketCrosshairTexture = rocketCrosshairTex; this.crosshairImage.enabled = true; this.crosshairImage.texture = regularCrosshairTex; } static Texture2D ConstructCrosshairTexture(string textureName, float sizeMultiplier) { Texture2D originalTex = TextureDictionary.Load("hud") .GetDiffuse(textureName, new TextureLoadParams { makeNoLongerReadable = false }) .Texture; return ConstructCrosshairTexture(originalTex, sizeMultiplier); } static Texture2D ConstructCrosshairTexture(Texture2D originalTex, float sizeMultiplier) { int originalWidth = originalTex.width; int originalHeight = originalTex.height; int newWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(originalWidth * 2 * sizeMultiplier); int newHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(originalHeight * 2 * sizeMultiplier); Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(newWidth, newHeight, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false, true); if (sizeMultiplier > 1) { // set all pixels to transparent Color[] emptyColors = new Color[newWidth * newHeight]; tex.SetPixels(emptyColors); } // bottom left for (int i = 0; i < originalWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < originalHeight; j++) { tex.SetPixel(i, j, originalTex.GetPixel(i, j)); } } // bottom right - flip around X axis for (int i = 0; i < originalWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < originalHeight; j++) { tex.SetPixel(newWidth - i - 1 + newWidth, j, originalTex.GetPixel(i, j)); } } // top left - flip Y axis for (int i = 0; i < originalWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < originalHeight; j++) { tex.SetPixel(i, newHeight - j - 1 + newHeight, originalTex.GetPixel(i, j)); } } // top right - flip both X and Y axes for (int i = 0; i < originalWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < originalHeight; j++) { tex.SetPixel(newWidth - i - 1 + newWidth, newHeight - j - 1 + newHeight, originalTex.GetPixel(i, j)); } } tex.Apply(false, true); return tex; } void Update() { if (!Loader.HasLoaded) { this.canvas.enabled = false; return; } this.canvas.enabled = true; var ped = Ped.Instance; bool showPedUi = ped != null; this.UpdateWeaponUi(ped, showPedUi); this.UpdateOtherUi(ped, showPedUi); this.UpdateDayTimeUi(); this.UpdateRadioStationUi(ped, showPedUi); } void UpdateWeaponUi(Ped ped, bool enableUi) { if (!enableUi) { this.crosshairImage.enabled = false; this.weaponImage.enabled = false; this.weaponAmmoText.enabled = false; return; } var weapon = ped.CurrentWeapon; this.crosshairImage.enabled = ped.IsAiming; if (this.crosshairImage.enabled) { if (weapon != null) { Texture2D crosshairTextureToDisplay = Weapon.CrosshairTexture; float uiSizeMultiplier = this.regularCrosshairUiSizeMultiplier; if (weapon.Data.modelId1 == WeaponId.RocketLauncher || weapon.Data.modelId1 == WeaponId.RocketLauncherHS) { crosshairTextureToDisplay = Weapon.RocketCrosshairTexture; uiSizeMultiplier = this.rocketCrosshairUiSizeMultiplier; } if (this.crosshairImage.texture != crosshairTextureToDisplay) this.crosshairImage.texture = crosshairTextureToDisplay; Vector2 uiSize = m_defaultCrosshairSize * uiSizeMultiplier; if (this.crosshairImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta != uiSize) this.crosshairImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta = uiSize; } } this.weaponImage.enabled = true; Texture2D weaponTextureToDisplay = weapon != null ? weapon.HudTexture : Weapon.FistTexture; if (this.weaponImage.texture != weaponTextureToDisplay) this.weaponImage.texture = weaponTextureToDisplay; this.weaponAmmoText.enabled = true; string ammoText = weapon != null ? weapon.AmmoOutsideOfClip + "-" + weapon.AmmoInClip : string.Empty; if (this.weaponAmmoText.text != ammoText) this.weaponAmmoText.text = ammoText; } void UpdateRadioStationUi(Ped ped, bool enableUi) { if (!enableUi) { this.radioStationText.enabled = false; return; } string textForRadioStation = ""; var vehicle = ped.CurrentVehicle; if (vehicle != null) { var seat = ped.CurrentVehicleSeat; if (vehicle.TimeSinceRadioStationChanged < m_radioStationLabelDuration || (seat != null && seat.TimeSincePedChanged < m_radioStationLabelDuration)) { textForRadioStation = vehicle.CurrentRadioStationIndex >= 0 ? RadioStation.StationNames[vehicle.CurrentRadioStationIndex] : "Radio Off"; } } this.radioStationText.enabled = true; if (this.radioStationText.text != textForRadioStation) this.radioStationText.text = textForRadioStation; } void UpdateOtherUi(Ped ped, bool enableUi) { if (!enableUi) { this.healthBackgroundImage.enabled = false; this.healthForegroundImage.enabled = false; this.pedStateText.enabled = false; this.pedVelocityText.enabled = false; return; } this.healthForegroundImage.enabled = true; this.healthBackgroundImage.enabled = true; float healthPerc = Mathf.Clamp01( ped.Health / ped.MaxHealth ); this.healthForegroundImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(this.healthBackgroundImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x * healthPerc, this.healthForegroundImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y); this.pedStateText.enabled = true; string pedStateDisplayText = "Current ped state: " + (ped.CurrentState != null ? ped.CurrentState.GetType().Name : "none"); if (pedStateDisplayText != this.pedStateText.text) this.pedStateText.text = pedStateDisplayText; this.pedVelocityText.enabled = PedManager.Instance.showPedSpeedometer; if (this.pedVelocityText.enabled) { string pedVelocityDisplayText = string.Format("{0:0.0} km/h", ped.GetComponent().CurVelocity); if (pedVelocityDisplayText != this.pedVelocityText.text) this.pedVelocityText.text = pedVelocityDisplayText; } } void UpdateDayTimeUi() { this.dayTimeText.enabled = DayTimeManager.Singleton != null; if (this.dayTimeText.enabled) { string dayTimeDisplayText = DayTimeManager.Singleton.CurrentTimeAsString; if (this.dayTimeText.text != dayTimeDisplayText) this.dayTimeText.text = dayTimeDisplayText; } } } }