using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.Vehicles { [RequireComponent(typeof(Vehicle))] [DisallowMultipleComponent] [AddComponentMenu("RVP/Damage/Vehicle Damage", 0)] //Class for damaging vehicles public class VehicleDamage : MonoBehaviour { private Transform tr; private Rigidbody rb; private Vehicle vp; [Range(0, 1)] public float strength; public float damageFactor = 1; public float maxCollisionMagnitude = 100; [Tooltip("Maximum collision points to use when deforming, has large effect on performance")] public int maxCollisionPoints = 2; [Tooltip("Collisions underneath this local y-position will be ignored")] public float collisionIgnoreHeight; [Tooltip("If true, grounded wheels will not be damaged, but can still be displaced")] public bool ignoreGroundedWheels; [Tooltip("Minimum time in seconds between collisions")] public float collisionTimeGap = 0.1f; private float hitTime; [Tooltip("Whether the edges of adjacent deforming parts should match")] public bool seamlessDeform; [Tooltip("Add some perlin noise to deformation")] public bool usePerlinNoise = true; [Tooltip("Recalculate normals of deformed meshes")] public bool calculateNormals = true; [Tooltip("Parts that are damaged")] public Transform[] damageParts; [Tooltip("Meshes that are deformed")] public MeshFilter[] deformMeshes; private bool[] damagedMeshes; private DamageLogger[] damageLogger; private Mesh[] tempMeshes; private meshVerts[] meshVertices; [Tooltip("Mesh colliders that are deformed (Poor performance, must be convex)")] public MeshCollider[] deformColliders; // WIP: Collider private bool[] damagedCols; private Mesh[] tempCols; private meshVerts[] colVertices; [Tooltip("Parts that are displaced")] public Transform[] displaceParts; private Vector3[] initialPartPositions; private ContactPoint nullContact = new ContactPoint(); private const float lightContactDistance = 5; //Only for debug public Vector3 lastContact =; private void Awake() { TextGizmo.Init(); } private void Start() { tr = transform; rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); vp = GetComponent<Vehicle>(); //Tell VehicleParent not to play crashing sounds because this script takes care of it #if RVP vp.playCrashSounds = false; vp.playCrashSparks = false; #endif if (deformMeshes != null && deformMeshes.Length > 0) { //Set up mesh data tempMeshes = new Mesh[deformMeshes.Length]; damagedMeshes = new bool[deformMeshes.Length]; damageLogger = new DamageLogger[deformMeshes.Length]; meshVertices = new meshVerts[deformMeshes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < deformMeshes.Length; i++) { tempMeshes[i] = deformMeshes[i].mesh; meshVertices[i] = new meshVerts(); meshVertices[i].verts = deformMeshes[i].mesh.vertices; meshVertices[i].initialVerts = deformMeshes[i].mesh.vertices; damagedMeshes[i] = false; } } if (deformColliders != null && deformColliders.Length > 0) { //Set up mesh collider data tempCols = new Mesh[deformColliders.Length]; damagedCols = new bool[deformColliders.Length]; colVertices = new meshVerts[deformColliders.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < deformColliders.Length; i++) { tempCols[i] = (Mesh)Instantiate(deformColliders[i].GetSharedMesh()); colVertices[i] = new meshVerts(); colVertices[i].verts = deformColliders[i].GetSharedMesh().vertices; colVertices[i].initialVerts = deformColliders[i].GetSharedMesh().vertices; damagedCols[i] = false; } } if (displaceParts != null && displaceParts.Length > 0) { //Set initial positions for displaced parts initialPartPositions = new Vector3[displaceParts.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < displaceParts.Length; i++) { initialPartPositions[i] = displaceParts[i].localPosition; } } } private void FixedUpdate() { //Decrease timer for collisionTimeGap hitTime = Mathf.Max(0, hitTime - Time.fixedDeltaTime); //Make sure damageFactor is not negative damageFactor = Mathf.Max(0, damageFactor); } //Apply damage on collision private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) { if (hitTime == 0 && col.relativeVelocity.sqrMagnitude * damageFactor > 1 && strength < 1) { Vector3 normalizedVel = col.relativeVelocity.normalized; int colsChecked = 0; bool soundPlayed = false; bool sparkPlayed = false; hitTime = collisionTimeGap; foreach (ContactPoint curCol in col.contacts) { // WIP: Look deeper into GlobalControl if (tr.InverseTransformPoint(curCol.point).y > collisionIgnoreHeight) //&& GlobalControl.damageMaskStatic == (GlobalControl.damageMaskStatic | (1 << curCol.otherCollider.gameObject.layer))) { colsChecked++; #if RVP //Play crash sound if (vp.crashSnd && vp.crashClips.Length > 0 && !soundPlayed) { vp.crashSnd.PlayOneShot(vp.crashClips[Random.Range(0, vp.crashClips.Length)], Mathf.Clamp01(col.relativeVelocity.magnitude * 0.1f)); soundPlayed = true; } //Play crash sparks if (vp.sparks && !sparkPlayed) { vp.sparks.transform.position = curCol.point; vp.sparks.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(normalizedVel, curCol.normal); vp.sparks.Play(); sparkPlayed = true; } #endif DamageApplication(curCol.point, col.relativeVelocity, maxCollisionMagnitude, curCol.normal, curCol, true); } //Stop checking collision points when limit reached if (colsChecked >= maxCollisionPoints) { break; } } FinalizeDamage(); } } //Damage application from collision contact point public void ApplyDamage(ContactPoint colPoint, Vector3 colVel) { DamageApplication(colPoint.point, colVel, Mathf.Infinity, colPoint.normal, colPoint, true); FinalizeDamage(); } //Same as above, but with extra float for clamping collision force public void ApplyDamage(ContactPoint colPoint, Vector3 colVel, float damageForceLimit) { DamageApplication(colPoint.point, colVel, damageForceLimit, colPoint.normal, colPoint, true); FinalizeDamage(); } //Damage application from source other than collisions, e.g., an explosion public void ApplyDamage(Vector3 damagePoint, Vector3 damageForce) { DamageApplication(damagePoint, damageForce, Mathf.Infinity, damageForce.normalized, nullContact, false); FinalizeDamage(); } //Same as above, but with extra float for clamping damage force public void ApplyDamage(Vector3 damagePoint, Vector3 damageForce, float damageForceLimit) { DamageApplication(damagePoint, damageForce, damageForceLimit, damageForce.normalized, nullContact, false); FinalizeDamage(); } //Damage application from array of points public void ApplyDamage(Vector3[] damagePoints, Vector3 damageForce) { foreach (Vector3 curDamagePoint in damagePoints) { DamageApplication(curDamagePoint, damageForce, Mathf.Infinity, damageForce.normalized, nullContact, false); } FinalizeDamage(); } //Damage application from array of points, but with extra float for clamping damage force public void ApplyDamage(Vector3[] damagePoints, Vector3 damageForce, float damageForceLimit) { foreach (Vector3 curDamagePoint in damagePoints) { DamageApplication(curDamagePoint, damageForce, damageForceLimit, damageForce.normalized, nullContact, false); } FinalizeDamage(); } //Where the damage is actually applied private void DamageApplication(Vector3 damagePoint, Vector3 damageForce, float damageForceLimit, Vector3 surfaceNormal, ContactPoint colPoint, bool useContactPoint) { float colMag = Mathf.Min(damageForce.magnitude, maxCollisionMagnitude) * (1 - strength) * damageFactor; //Magnitude of collision float clampedColMag = Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Sqrt(colMag) * 0.5f, 1.5f); //Clamped magnitude of collision Vector3 clampedVel = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(damageForce, damageForceLimit); //Clamped velocity of collision Vector3 normalizedVel = damageForce.normalized; float surfaceDot; //Dot production of collision velocity and surface normal float massFactor = 1; //Multiplier for damage based on mass of other rigidbody Transform curDamagePart; float damagePartFactor; MeshFilter curDamageMesh; Transform curDisplacePart; Transform seamKeeper = null; //Transform for maintaining seams on shattered parts Vector3 seamLocalPoint; Vector3 vertProjection; Vector3 translation; Vector3 clampedTranslation; Vector3 localPos; float vertDist; float distClamp; DetachablePart detachedPart; #if RVP Suspension damagedSus; #endif //Get mass factor for multiplying damage if (useContactPoint) { damagePoint = colPoint.point; surfaceNormal = colPoint.normal; if (colPoint.otherCollider.attachedRigidbody) { massFactor = Mathf.Clamp01(colPoint.otherCollider.attachedRigidbody.mass / rb.mass); } } surfaceDot = Mathf.Clamp01(Vector3.Dot(surfaceNormal, normalizedVel)) * (Vector3.Dot((tr.position - damagePoint).normalized, normalizedVel) + 1) * 0.5f; #if RVP //Damage damageable parts for (int i = 0; i < damageParts.Length; i++) { curDamagePart = damageParts[i]; damagePartFactor = colMag * surfaceDot * massFactor * Mathf.Min(clampedColMag * 0.01f, (clampedColMag * 0.001f) / Mathf.Pow(Vector3.Distance(curDamagePart.position, damagePoint), clampedColMag)); //Damage motors Motor damagedMotor = curDamagePart.GetComponent<Motor>(); if (damagedMotor) { -= damagePartFactor * (1 - damagedMotor.strength); } //Damage transmissions Transmission damagedTransmission = curDamagePart.GetComponent<Transmission>(); if (damagedTransmission) { -= damagePartFactor * (1 - damagedTransmission.strength); } } #endif if (deformMeshes != null && deformMeshes.Length > 0) //Deform meshes for (int i = 0; i < deformMeshes.Length; i++) { curDamageMesh = deformMeshes[i]; localPos = curDamageMesh.transform.InverseTransformPoint(damagePoint); translation = curDamageMesh.transform.InverseTransformDirection(clampedVel); clampedTranslation = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(translation, clampedColMag); //Shatter parts that can shatter ShatterPart shattered = curDamageMesh.GetComponent<ShatterPart>(); if (shattered != null) { seamKeeper = shattered.seamKeeper; if (Vector3.Distance(curDamageMesh.transform.position, damagePoint) < colMag * surfaceDot * 0.1f * massFactor && colMag * surfaceDot * massFactor > shattered.breakForce) { shattered.Shatter(); } } //Actual deformation if (translation.sqrMagnitude > 0 && strength < 1) { for (int j = 0; j < meshVertices[i].verts.Length; j++) { vertDist = Vector3.Distance(meshVertices[i].verts[j], localPos); distClamp = (clampedColMag * 0.001f) / Mathf.Pow(vertDist, clampedColMag); if (distClamp > 0.001f) { damagedMeshes[i] = true; if (seamKeeper == null || seamlessDeform) { vertProjection = seamlessDeform ? : Vector3.Project(normalizedVel, meshVertices[i].verts[j]); meshVertices[i].verts[j] += (clampedTranslation - vertProjection * (usePerlinNoise ? 1 + Mathf.PerlinNoise(meshVertices[i].verts[j].x * 100, meshVertices[i].verts[j].y * 100) : 1)) * surfaceDot * Mathf.Min(clampedColMag * 0.01f, distClamp) * massFactor; } else { seamLocalPoint = seamKeeper.InverseTransformPoint(curDamageMesh.transform.TransformPoint(meshVertices[i].verts[j])); meshVertices[i].verts[j] += (clampedTranslation - Vector3.Project(normalizedVel, seamLocalPoint) * (usePerlinNoise ? 1 + Mathf.PerlinNoise(seamLocalPoint.x * 100, seamLocalPoint.y * 100) : 1)) * surfaceDot * Mathf.Min(clampedColMag * 0.01f, distClamp) * massFactor; } if (damageLogger[i] == null) damageLogger[i] = new DamageLogger(meshVertices[i].verts); else damageLogger[i].UpdateVertice(j, meshVertices[i].verts[j]); // Implemented: Broke light on impact if (lastContact != damagePoint) { //Debug.Log("Impact from left side: " + (damagePoint - vp.m_frontLeftLight.transform.position).sqrMagnitude); lastContact = damagePoint; } if (vp != null) { if (vp.m_frontLeftLight != null && vp.m_frontLeftLightOk && (damagePoint - vp.m_frontLeftLight.transform.position).sqrMagnitude < lightContactDistance) vp.m_frontLeftLightOk = false; if (vp.m_frontRightLight != null && vp.m_frontRightLightOk && (damagePoint - vp.m_frontRightLight.transform.position).sqrMagnitude < lightContactDistance) vp.m_frontRightLightOk = false; if (vp.m_rearLeftLight != null && vp.m_rearLeftLightOk && (damagePoint - vp.m_rearLeftLight.transform.position).sqrMagnitude < lightContactDistance) vp.m_rearLeftLightOk = false; if (vp.m_rearRightLight != null && vp.m_rearRightLightOk && (damagePoint - vp.m_rearRightLight.transform.position).sqrMagnitude < lightContactDistance) vp.m_rearRightLightOk = false; } } } //Affect handling float avg = damageLogger[i] != null ? damageLogger[i].DamageAverage() : 0; // WIP: Name could be the same // WIP: I will not use "me" more //if (Mathf.Abs(avg) > 0 &&"wheel")) // Debug.LogFormat("Damage Avg: {0} (Name: {1} from {2})", avg,,; if (false) if (Mathf.Abs(avg) > .01f && curDamageMesh.transform.parent != null &&"wheel") && curDamageMesh.GetComponent<MeshCollider>() == null) { curDamageMesh.transform.parent.GetComponent<WheelCollider>().enabled = false; var col = curDamageMesh.gameObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); col.convex = true; // WIP: Explode wheel } } } seamKeeper = null; if (deformColliders != null && deformColliders.Length > 0) //Deform mesh colliders for (int i = 0; i < deformColliders.Length; i++) { localPos = deformColliders[i].transform.InverseTransformPoint(damagePoint); translation = deformColliders[i].transform.InverseTransformDirection(clampedVel); clampedTranslation = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(translation, clampedColMag); if (translation.sqrMagnitude > 0 && strength < 1) { for (int j = 0; j < colVertices[i].verts.Length; j++) { vertDist = Vector3.Distance(colVertices[i].verts[j], localPos); distClamp = (clampedColMag * 0.001f) / Mathf.Pow(vertDist, clampedColMag); if (distClamp > 0.001f) { damagedCols[i] = true; colVertices[i].verts[j] += clampedTranslation * surfaceDot * Mathf.Min(clampedColMag * 0.01f, distClamp) * massFactor; } } } } if (displaceParts != null && displaceParts.Length > 0) //Displace parts for (int i = 0; i < displaceParts.Length; i++) { curDisplacePart = displaceParts[i]; translation = clampedVel; clampedTranslation = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(translation, clampedColMag); if (translation.sqrMagnitude > 0 && strength < 1) { vertDist = Vector3.Distance(curDisplacePart.position, damagePoint); distClamp = (clampedColMag * 0.001f) / Mathf.Pow(vertDist, clampedColMag); if (distClamp > 0.001f) { curDisplacePart.position += clampedTranslation * surfaceDot * Mathf.Min(clampedColMag * 0.01f, distClamp) * massFactor; //Detach detachable parts if (curDisplacePart.GetComponent<DetachablePart>()) { detachedPart = curDisplacePart.GetComponent<DetachablePart>(); if (colMag * surfaceDot * massFactor > detachedPart.looseForce && detachedPart.looseForce >= 0) { detachedPart.initialPos = curDisplacePart.localPosition; detachedPart.Detach(true); } else if (colMag * surfaceDot * massFactor > detachedPart.breakForce) { detachedPart.Detach(false); } } //Maybe the parent of this part is what actually detaches, useful for displacing compound colliders that represent single detachable objects else if (curDisplacePart.parent != null && curDisplacePart.parent.GetComponent<DetachablePart>()) { detachedPart = curDisplacePart.parent.GetComponent<DetachablePart>(); if (!detachedPart.detached) { if (colMag * surfaceDot * massFactor > detachedPart.looseForce && detachedPart.looseForce >= 0) { detachedPart.initialPos = curDisplacePart.parent.localPosition; detachedPart.Detach(true); } else if (colMag * surfaceDot * massFactor > detachedPart.breakForce) { detachedPart.Detach(false); } } else if (detachedPart.hinge) { detachedPart.displacedAnchor += curDisplacePart.parent.InverseTransformDirection(clampedTranslation * surfaceDot * Mathf.Min(clampedColMag * 0.01f, distClamp) * massFactor); } } #if RVP //Damage suspensions and wheels damagedSus = curDisplacePart.GetComponent<Suspension>(); if (damagedSus) { if ((!damagedSus.wheel.grounded && ignoreGroundedWheels) || !ignoreGroundedWheels) { curDisplacePart.RotateAround(, Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(damagePoint - curDisplacePart.position, -translation.normalized), clampedColMag * surfaceDot * distClamp * 20 * massFactor); damagedSus.wheel.damage += clampedColMag * surfaceDot * distClamp * 10 * massFactor; if (clampedColMag * surfaceDot * distClamp * 10 * massFactor > damagedSus.jamForce) { damagedSus.jammed = true; } if (clampedColMag * surfaceDot * distClamp * 10 * massFactor > damagedSus.wheel.detachForce) { damagedSus.wheel.Detach(); } foreach (SuspensionPart curPart in damagedSus.movingParts) { if (curPart.connectObj && !curPart.isHub && !curPart.solidAxle) { if (!curPart.connectObj.GetComponent<SuspensionPart>()) { curPart.connectPoint += curPart.connectObj.InverseTransformDirection(clampedTranslation * surfaceDot * Mathf.Min(clampedColMag * 0.01f, distClamp) * massFactor); } } } } } //Damage hover wheels HoverWheel damagedHoverWheel = curDisplacePart.GetComponent<HoverWheel>(); if (damagedHoverWheel) { if ((!damagedHoverWheel.grounded && ignoreGroundedWheels) || !ignoreGroundedWheels) { if (clampedColMag * surfaceDot * distClamp * 10 * massFactor > damagedHoverWheel.detachForce) { damagedHoverWheel.Detach(); } } } #endif } } } } //Apply damage to meshes private void FinalizeDamage() { if (deformMeshes != null && deformMeshes.Length > 0) { //Apply vertices to actual meshes for (int i = 0; i < deformMeshes.Length; i++) { if (damagedMeshes[i]) { tempMeshes[i].vertices = meshVertices[i].verts; if (calculateNormals) { tempMeshes[i].RecalculateNormals(); } tempMeshes[i].RecalculateBounds(); } damagedMeshes[i] = false; } } if (deformColliders != null && deformColliders.Length > 0) { //Apply vertices to actual mesh colliders for (int i = 0; i < deformColliders.Length; i++) { if (damagedCols[i]) { tempCols[i].vertices = colVertices[i].verts; deformColliders[i].sharedMesh = null; deformColliders[i].sharedMesh = tempCols[i]; } damagedCols[i] = false; } } } public void Repair() { #if RVP //Fix damaged parts for (int i = 0; i < damageParts.Length; i++) { if (damageParts[i].GetComponent<Motor>()) { damageParts[i].GetComponent<Motor>().health = 1; } if (damageParts[i].GetComponent<Transmission>()) { damageParts[i].GetComponent<Transmission>().health = 1; } } #endif if (deformMeshes != null && deformMeshes.Length > 0) //Restore deformed meshes for (int i = 0; i < deformMeshes.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < meshVertices[i].verts.Length; j++) { meshVertices[i].verts[j] = meshVertices[i].initialVerts[j]; } tempMeshes[i].vertices = meshVertices[i].verts; tempMeshes[i].RecalculateNormals(); tempMeshes[i].RecalculateBounds(); //Fix shattered parts ShatterPart fixedShatter = deformMeshes[i].GetComponent<ShatterPart>(); if (fixedShatter) { fixedShatter.shattered = false; if (fixedShatter.brokenMaterial) { fixedShatter.rend.sharedMaterial = fixedShatter.initialMat; } else { fixedShatter.rend.enabled = true; } } } if (deformColliders != null && deformColliders.Length > 0) //Restore deformed mesh colliders for (int i = 0; i < deformColliders.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < colVertices[i].verts.Length; j++) { colVertices[i].verts[j] = colVertices[i].initialVerts[j]; } tempCols[i].vertices = colVertices[i].verts; deformColliders[i].sharedMesh = null; deformColliders[i].sharedMesh = tempCols[i]; } #if RVP //Fix displaced parts Suspension fixedSus; Transform curDisplacePart; for (int i = 0; i < displaceParts.Length; i++) { curDisplacePart = displaceParts[i]; curDisplacePart.localPosition = initialPartPositions[i]; if (curDisplacePart.GetComponent<DetachablePart>()) { curDisplacePart.GetComponent<DetachablePart>().Reattach(); } else if (curDisplacePart.parent.GetComponent<DetachablePart>()) { curDisplacePart.parent.GetComponent<DetachablePart>().Reattach(); } fixedSus = curDisplacePart.GetComponent<Suspension>(); if (fixedSus) { curDisplacePart.localRotation = fixedSus.initialRotation; fixedSus.jammed = false; foreach (SuspensionPart curPart in fixedSus.movingParts) { if (curPart.connectObj && !curPart.isHub && !curPart.solidAxle) { if (!curPart.connectObj.GetComponent<SuspensionPart>()) { curPart.connectPoint = curPart.initialConnectPoint; } } } } } //Fix wheels foreach (Wheel curWheel in vp.wheels) { curWheel.Reattach(); curWheel.FixTire(); curWheel.damage = 0; } //Fix hover wheels foreach (HoverWheel curHoverWheel in vp.hoverWheels) { curHoverWheel.Reattach(); } #endif } //Draw collisionIgnoreHeight gizmos private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { Vector3 startPoint = transform.TransformPoint(Vector3.up * collisionIgnoreHeight); Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawRay(startPoint, transform.forward); Gizmos.DrawRay(startPoint, -transform.forward); Gizmos.DrawRay(startPoint, transform.right); Gizmos.DrawRay(startPoint, -transform.right); foreach (var t in gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>().Where(x =>"wheel"))) try { TextGizmo.Draw(t.position, damageLogger[System.Array.IndexOf(deformMeshes.Select(x =>,].ToString()); } catch { } } //Destroy loose parts private void OnDestroy() { if (displaceParts != null) foreach (Transform curPart in displaceParts) { if (curPart != null && curPart.GetComponent<DetachablePart>() != null && curPart.parent == null) { if (curPart.GetComponent<DetachablePart>() && curPart.parent == null) { Destroy(curPart.gameObject); } else if (curPart.parent.GetComponent<DetachablePart>() && curPart.parent.parent == null) { Destroy(curPart.parent.gameObject); } } } } } //Class for easier mesh data manipulation internal class meshVerts { public Vector3[] verts; //Current mesh vertices public Vector3[] initialVerts; //Original mesh vertices } internal class DamageLogger { private Vector3[] verticePosition; private Vector3[] lastVerticePosition; public DamageLogger(Vector3[] firstRead) { int len = firstRead.Length; verticePosition = new Vector3[len]; lastVerticePosition = new Vector3[len]; // Set first read for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) verticePosition[i] = new Vector3(firstRead[i].x, firstRead[i].y, firstRead[i].z); } public void UpdateVertice(int index, Vector3 value) { lastVerticePosition[index] = value; } public float DamageAverage() { return GetDistances().Average(); } private IEnumerable<float> GetDistances() { for (int i = 0; i < verticePosition.Length; ++i) yield return Vector3.Distance(verticePosition[i], lastVerticePosition[i]); } public string ToString() { return string.Format("Damage Avg: {0}", DamageAverage()); } } }