using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using UnityEngine; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Paths { public enum PathNodeTrafficLevel { Full = 0, High = 1, Medium = 2, Low = 3 } public struct PathNodeFlag { public PathNodeTrafficLevel TrafficLevel; public bool RoadBlocks; public bool IsWater; public bool EmergencyOnly; public bool IsHighway; public int SpawnProbability; public override string ToString() { return "TrafficLevel=" + TrafficLevel + ",Roadblocks=" + RoadBlocks + ",IsWater=" + IsWater + "\r\n" + "EmergencyOnly=" + EmergencyOnly + ",IsHighway=" + IsHighway + ",SpawnProbability=" + SpawnProbability; } } public struct PathNode { public UnityEngine.Vector3 Position { get; set; } public int BaseLinkID { get; set; } public int AreaID { get; set; } public int NodeID { get; set; } public float PathWidth { get; set; } public int NodeType { get; set; } // enum public int LinkCount { get; set; } public PathNodeFlag Flags; } public struct NavNode { public UnityEngine.Vector2 Position { get; set; } public int TargetAreaID { get; set; } public int TargetNodeID { get; set; } public UnityEngine.Vector2 Direction { get; set; } public int Width { get; set; } public int NumLeftLanes { get; set; } public int NumRightLanes { get; set; } public int TrafficLightDirection { get; set; } public int TrafficLightBehavior { get; set; } public int IsTrainCrossing { get; set; } public byte Flags { get; set; } } public struct NodeLink { public int AreaID { get; set; } public int NodeID { get; set; } public int Length { get; set; } } public struct PathIntersectionFlags { public bool IsRoadCross { get; set; } public bool IsTrafficLight { get; set; } } public struct NavNodeLink { public int NodeLink { get; set; } public int AreaID { get; set; } } public class NodeReader { public static List Nodes { get; set; } public static float[][] Borders { get; private set; } public static void Load() { int row; int col; Borders = new float[64][]; //TODO: according to only the active area and those surrounding it should be loaded at a time for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { using (Stream node = Archive.ArchiveManager.ReadFile("nodes" + i + ".dat")) { NodeFile nf = new NodeFile(i, node); AddNode(nf); } row = (int)(i % 8); col = (int)(i / 8); Borders[i] = new float[] { -3000 + (750 * row), -3000 + (750 * col) }; } } public static void AddNode(NodeFile node) { if (Nodes == null) Nodes = new List(); Nodes.Add(node); } public static NodeFile GetAreaById(int id) { return Nodes[id]; } } public class NodeFile { public int Id { get; set; } public int NumOfNodes { get; set; } public int NumOfVehNodes { get; set; } public int NumOfPedNodes { get; set; } public int NumOfNavNodes { get; set; } public int NumOfLinks { get; set; } public List PathNodes { get; set; } public List NavNodes { get; set; } public List NodeLinks { get; set; } public List NavNodeLinks { get; set; } public List PathIntersections { get; set; } public NodeFile(int id, Stream stream) { Id = id; PathNodes = new List(); NavNodes = new List(); NodeLinks = new List(); NavNodeLinks = new List(); PathIntersections = new List(); using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { ReadHeader(reader); Debug.Log(NumOfNodes); ReadNodes(reader); ReadNavNodes(reader); Debug.Log(NumOfNavNodes); ReadLinks(reader); reader.ReadBytes(768); ReadNavLinks(reader); ReadLinkLengths(reader); ReadPathIntersectionFlags(reader); } //Debug.Log($"Read paths. Nodes {NumOfNodes} VehNodes {NumOfVehNodes} PedNodes {NumOfPedNodes} NavNodes {NumOfNavNodes} Links {NumOfLinks}"); } private void ReadNodes(BinaryReader reader) { for (int i = 0; i < NumOfNodes; i++) { PathNode node = new PathNode(); reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.ReadUInt32(); float x = (float)reader.ReadInt16() / 8; float z = (float)reader.ReadInt16() / 8; float y = (float)reader.ReadInt16() / 8; node.Position = new UnityEngine.Vector3(x, y, z); short heuristic = reader.ReadInt16(); if (heuristic != 0x7FFE) UnityEngine.Debug.Log("corrupted path node?"); node.BaseLinkID = reader.ReadUInt16(); node.AreaID = reader.ReadUInt16(); node.NodeID = reader.ReadUInt16(); node.PathWidth = (float)reader.ReadByte() / 8; node.NodeType = reader.ReadByte(); int flag = reader.ReadInt32(); node.LinkCount = flag & 15; node.Flags.RoadBlocks = Convert.ToBoolean(flag & 0xF); node.Flags.IsWater = Convert.ToBoolean(flag & 0x80); node.Flags.EmergencyOnly = Convert.ToBoolean(flag & 0x100); node.Flags.IsHighway = !Convert.ToBoolean(flag & 0x1000); node.Flags.SpawnProbability = (flag & 0xF0000) >> 16; PathNodes.Add(node); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Node {i}: POS [{node.Position.x} {node.Position.y} {node.Position.z}] LinkID {node.LinkID} LinkCount {node.LinkCount} AreaID {node.AreaID} NodeID {node.NodeID} PathWidth {node.PathWidth} NodeType {node.NodeType} Flags {node.Flags}"); } } private void ReadNavNodes(BinaryReader reader) { for (int i = 0; i < NumOfNavNodes; i++) { NavNode node = new NavNode(); node.Position = new UnityEngine.Vector2(reader.ReadInt16(), reader.ReadInt16()); node.TargetAreaID = reader.ReadUInt16(); node.TargetNodeID = reader.ReadUInt16(); node.Direction = new UnityEngine.Vector2(reader.ReadSByte(), reader.ReadSByte()); node.Width = reader.ReadByte() / 8; byte flags = reader.ReadByte(); node.NumLeftLanes = flags & 7; node.NumRightLanes = (flags >> 3) & 7; node.TrafficLightDirection = (flags >> 4) & 1; flags = reader.ReadByte(); node.TrafficLightBehavior = flags & 3; node.IsTrainCrossing = (flags >> 2) & 1; node.Flags = reader.ReadByte(); NavNodes.Add(node); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"NavNode {i}: {node.Position.x} {node.Position.y} AreaID {node.AreaID} NodeID {node.NodeID} Direction {node.Direction.x} {node.Direction.y} Flags {node.Flags}"); } } private void ReadLinks(BinaryReader reader) { for (int i = 0; i < NumOfLinks; i++) { NodeLink link = new NodeLink(); link.AreaID = reader.ReadUInt16(); link.NodeID = reader.ReadUInt16(); NodeLinks.Add(link); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"NodeLink {i}: AreaID {link.AreaID} NodeID {link.NodeID}"); } } private void ReadNavLinks(BinaryReader reader) { for (int i = 0; i < NumOfNavNodes; i++) { ushort bytes = reader.ReadUInt16(); NavNodeLink link = new NavNodeLink(); link.NodeLink = bytes & 1023; link.AreaID = bytes >> 10; NavNodeLinks.Add(link); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"NavLink {i} area ID {link.AreaID} NaviNodeID {link.NaviNodeID}"); } } private void ReadLinkLengths(BinaryReader reader) { for (int i = 0; i < NumOfLinks; i++) { ushort length = reader.ReadByte(); NodeLink tmp = NodeLinks[i]; tmp.Length = length; NodeLinks[i] = tmp; //UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Link length {i}: {length}"); } } private void ReadPathIntersectionFlags(BinaryReader reader) { for (int i = 0; i < NumOfLinks; i++) { byte roadCross = reader.ReadByte(); //byte pedTrafficLight = reader.ReadByte(); /* PathIntersectionFlags pif = new PathIntersectionFlags() { IsRoadCross = (roadCross & 1) ? true : false, IsTrafficLight = (roadCross & 1) ? true : false };*/ //UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"PathIntersectionFlags {i}: roadCross {roadCross} pedTrafficLight {pedTrafficLight}"); } } private void ReadHeader(BinaryReader reader) { NumOfNodes = (int)reader.ReadUInt32(); NumOfVehNodes = (int)reader.ReadUInt32(); NumOfPedNodes = (int)reader.ReadUInt32(); NumOfNavNodes = (int)reader.ReadUInt32(); NumOfLinks = (int)reader.ReadUInt32(); } /** * Returns all the areas ID around the given areaID */ public static List GetAreaNeighborhood(int areaID) { List result = new List(); int indexX = (areaID + 1) % 8; int indexY = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(Convert.ToDecimal((areaID + 1) / 8))); if (indexY == 8) indexY = 7; int aW, aNW, aN, aNE, aE, aSE, aS, aSW; aW = (indexX == 1) ? -1 : (areaID - 1); aNW = (indexX == 1) ? -1 : ((indexY == 7) ? -1 : (areaID + 7)); aN = (indexY == 7) ? -1 : (areaID + 8); aNE = (indexX == 0) ? -1 : ((indexY == 7) ? -1 : (areaID + 9)); aE = (indexX == 0) ? -1 : (areaID + 1); aSE = (indexX == 0) ? -1 : ((indexY == 0) ? -1 : (areaID - 7)); aS = (indexY == 0) ? -1 : (areaID - 8); aSW = (indexX == 1) ? -1 : ((indexY == 0) ? -1 : (areaID - 9)); result.Add(aW); result.Add(aNW); result.Add(aN); result.Add(aNE); result.Add(aE); result.Add(aSE); result.Add(aS); result.Add(aSW); return result; } public static int GetAreaFromPosition(UnityEngine.Vector3 position) { for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { try { if (position.x > NodeReader.Borders[i][0] && position.x < (NodeReader.Borders[i][0] + 750) && position.z > NodeReader.Borders[i][1] && position.z < (NodeReader.Borders[i][1] + 750)) { return i; } } catch (Exception) { Debug.LogError("NodeReader.Borders is null"); } } return -1; } } }