using System; using SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.Vehicles; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Items; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Items.Placements; using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.WorldSystem; using UnityEngine; using Profiler = UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.World { public class Cell : MonoBehaviour { private Dictionary m_insts; public int NumStaticGeometries => m_insts.Count; private MapObject[] m_cars; private List m_enexes; private List CellIds = Enumerable.Range(0, 19).ToList(); public bool HasMainExterior => this.CellIds.Contains(0); public Camera PreviewCamera; public FocusPointManager FocusPointManager { get; private set; } private struct AreaWithDistance { public WorldSystem.Area area; public float distance; } private class AreaWithDistanceComparer : IComparer { public int Compare(AreaWithDistance a, AreaWithDistance b) { if (a.distance < b.distance) return -1; if (a.distance > b.distance) return 1; // solve potential problem that 2 areas have same distance // - these areas may not be equal, they may belong to different world systems and have same index, // therefore their distances will be equal // - by comparing their ids, we are sure that comparer is always deterministic return a.area.Id.CompareTo(b.area.Id); } } private readonly SortedSet _areasToUpdate = new SortedSet(new AreaWithDistanceComparer()); private readonly AreaWithDistance[] _bufferOfAreasToUpdate = new AreaWithDistance[64]; private int _indexOfBufferOfAreasToUpdate = 0; private int _numElementsInBufferOfAreasToUpdate = 0; public ushort maxTimeToUpdatePerFrameMs = 10; private System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch _updateTimeLimitStopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); public Water Water; public static Cell Instance { get ; private set; } public float divisionRefreshDistanceDelta = 20; private float _maxDrawDistance = 0; public float MaxDrawDistance { get => _maxDrawDistance; set { if (_maxDrawDistance == value) return; _maxDrawDistance = value; this.OnMaxDrawDistanceChanged(); } } public int WorldSize => 6000; // current world size - in the future, this will be configurable public static int DefaultWorldSize => 6000; public float[] drawDistancesPerLayers = new float[] { 301, 801, 1501 }; private WorldSystemWithDistanceLevels _worldSystem; public WorldSystemWithDistanceLevels WorldSystem => _worldSystem; public uint yWorldSystemSize = 25000; public ushort yWorldSystemNumAreas = 3; public ushort[] xzWorldSystemNumAreasPerDrawDistanceLevel = { 100, 100, 100 }; public float interiorHeightOffset = 5000f; public float fadeRate = 2f; public bool loadParkedVehicles = true; public GameObject mapObjectActivatorPrefab; public GameObject staticGeometryPrefab; public GameObject enexPrefab; public GameObject lightSourcePrefab; public float lightScaleMultiplier = 1f; public float redTrafficLightDuration = 7; public float yellowTrafficLightDuration = 2; public float greenTrafficLightDuration = 7; private void Awake() { if (null == Instance) Instance = this; } internal void CreateStaticGeometry () { var placements = Item.GetPlacements(CellIds.ToArray()); m_insts = new Dictionary (48 * 1024); foreach (var plcm in placements) { m_insts.Add (plcm, StaticGeometry.Create ()); } //m_insts = placements.ToDictionary(x => x, x => StaticGeometry.Create()); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Num static geometries " + m_insts.Count); _worldSystem = new WorldSystemWithDistanceLevels( this.drawDistancesPerLayers, this.xzWorldSystemNumAreasPerDrawDistanceLevel.Select(_ => new WorldSystemParams { worldSize = (uint) this.WorldSize, numAreasPerAxis = _ }).ToArray(), Enumerable.Range(0, this.drawDistancesPerLayers.Length).Select(_ => new WorldSystemParams { worldSize = this.yWorldSystemSize, numAreasPerAxis = this.yWorldSystemNumAreas }).ToArray(), this.OnAreaChangedVisibility); this.FocusPointManager = new FocusPointManager(_worldSystem, this.MaxDrawDistance); } internal void InitStaticGeometry () { foreach (var inst in m_insts) { var staticGeometry = inst.Value; staticGeometry.Initialize(inst.Key, m_insts); _worldSystem.AddObjectToArea( staticGeometry.transform.position, staticGeometry.ObjectDefinition?.DrawDist ?? 0, staticGeometry); } } internal void LoadParkedVehicles () { if (loadParkedVehicles) { var parkedVehicles = Item.GetPlacements (CellIds.ToArray ()); m_cars = parkedVehicles.Select (x => VehicleSpawnMapObject.Create (x)) .Cast () .ToArray (); UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("Num parked vehicles " + m_cars.Length); } } internal void CreateEnexes() { m_enexes = new List(256); foreach(var enex in Item.Enexes.Where(enex => this.CellIds.Contains(enex.TargetInterior))) { var enexComponent = EntranceExitMapObject.Create(enex); m_enexes.Add(enexComponent); _worldSystem.AddObjectToArea(enexComponent.transform.position, 100f, enexComponent); } } internal void LoadWater () { if (F.IsInHeadlessMode) return; if (Water != null) { Water.Initialize( new WaterFile(Importing.Archive.ArchiveManager.PathToCaseSensitivePath(Config.GetPath("water_path"))), * this.WorldSize); } } internal void FinalizeLoad () { // set layer recursively for all game objects // this.gameObject.SetLayerRecursive( this.gameObject.layer ); } private void OnAreaChangedVisibility(WorldSystem.Area area, bool visible) { if (null == area.ObjectsInside || area.ObjectsInside.Count == 0) return; Profiler.BeginSample("OnAreaChangedVisibility"); Vector3 areaCenter = area.WorldSystem.GetAreaCenter(area); float minSqrDistance = area.FocusPointsThatSeeMe?.Min(f => (areaCenter - f.Position).sqrMagnitude) ?? float.PositiveInfinity; _areasToUpdate.Add(new AreaWithDistance { area = area, distance = minSqrDistance, }); Profiler.EndSample(); } public void RegisterFocusPoint(Transform tr, FocusPointParameters parameters) { this.FocusPointManager.RegisterFocusPoint(tr, parameters); } public void UnRegisterFocusPoint(Transform tr) { this.FocusPointManager.UnRegisterFocusPoint(tr); } private void OnMaxDrawDistanceChanged() { if (this.FocusPointManager != null) this.FocusPointManager.ChangeDefaultRevealRadius(this.MaxDrawDistance); } public IEnumerable GetEnexesFromLoadedInteriors() { int[] loadedInteriors = this.CellIds.Where(id => !IsExteriorLevel(id)).ToArray(); foreach(var enex in Importing.Items.Item.Enexes.Where(enex => loadedInteriors.Contains(enex.TargetInterior))) { yield return enex; } } public TransformDataStruct GetEnexExitTransform(EntranceExit enex) { return new TransformDataStruct( this.GetPositionBasedOnInteriorLevel(enex.ExitPos + Vector3.up * 0.2f, enex.TargetInterior), Quaternion.Euler(0f, enex.ExitAngle, 0f)); } public TransformDataStruct GetEnexEntranceTransform(EntranceExit enex) { return new TransformDataStruct( this.GetPositionBasedOnInteriorLevel(enex.EntrancePos + Vector3.up * 0.2f, enex.TargetInterior), Quaternion.Euler(0f, enex.EntranceAngle, 0f)); } public static bool IsExteriorLevel(int interiorLevel) { return interiorLevel == 0 || interiorLevel == 13; } public Vector3 GetPositionBasedOnInteriorLevel(Vector3 originalPos, int interiorLevel) { if (!IsExteriorLevel(interiorLevel)) originalPos.y += this.interiorHeightOffset; return originalPos; } private void Update() { if (!Loader.HasLoaded) return; _updateTimeLimitStopwatch.Restart(); this.FocusPointManager.Update(); /*if (this._focusPoints.Count > 0) { // only update divisions loading if there are focus points - because otherwise, // load order of divisions is not updated }*/ UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("WorldSystem.Update()"); _worldSystem.Update(); UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); Profiler.BeginSample("UpdateAreasLoop"); while (true) { if (_areasToUpdate.Count == 0 && _numElementsInBufferOfAreasToUpdate == 0) break; if (_updateTimeLimitStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= this.maxTimeToUpdatePerFrameMs) break; /*_areasToUpdate.CopyTo(); _areasToUpdate.Clear(); // very good _areasToUpdate.ExceptWith(); // seems good _areasToUpdate.UnionWith(); // catastrophic*/ if (_numElementsInBufferOfAreasToUpdate == 0) { Profiler.BeginSample("TakeFromSortedSet"); // we processed all areas from buffer // take some more from SortedSet int numToCopy = Mathf.Min(_bufferOfAreasToUpdate.Length, _areasToUpdate.Count); _areasToUpdate.CopyTo(_bufferOfAreasToUpdate, 0, numToCopy); for (int i = 0; i < numToCopy; i++) { if (!_areasToUpdate.Remove(_bufferOfAreasToUpdate[i])) throw new Exception($"Failed to remove area {_bufferOfAreasToUpdate[i].area.Id} from SortedSet"); } //_areasToUpdate.ExceptWith(new System.ArraySegment(_bufferOfAreasToUpdate, 0, numToCopy)); _indexOfBufferOfAreasToUpdate = 0; _numElementsInBufferOfAreasToUpdate = numToCopy; Profiler.EndSample(); } // process 1 area from buffer var areaWithDistance = _bufferOfAreasToUpdate[_indexOfBufferOfAreasToUpdate]; _indexOfBufferOfAreasToUpdate++; _numElementsInBufferOfAreasToUpdate--; this.UpdateArea(areaWithDistance); } Profiler.EndSample(); } void UpdateArea(AreaWithDistance areaWithDistance) { var area = areaWithDistance.area; bool visible = area.WasVisibleInLastUpdate; for (int i = 0; i < area.ObjectsInside.Count; i++) { var obj = area.ObjectsInside[i]; if (visible == obj.IsVisibleInMapSystem) continue; F.RunExceptionSafe(() => { if (visible) { obj.Show(areaWithDistance.distance); } else obj.UnShow(); }); } } } }