using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.Vehicles { public static class VehicleAPI { #region "Lights" public const float constDamageFactor = 2, frontLightIntensity = 1.5f; public static Dictionary blinkerPos = new Dictionary(); internal static Light SetCarLight(Vehicle vehicle, Transform parent, VehicleLight light, Vector3? pos = null) { GameObject gameObject = null; Light lightRet = SetCarLight(vehicle, parent, light, pos == null ? (IsLeftLight(light) ? new Vector3(-parent.localPosition.x * 2, 0, 0) : : pos.Value, out gameObject); // Now set its blinker Transform blinker = vehicle.transform.FindChildRecursive( + "2"); // Note: If pixelLightCount is equal to 2 the blinker will never show //There is a bug, if the blinker is set the vehicle can't steer //if (blinker != null) // || testing ... QualitySettings.pixelLightCount > 2 // Not needed VehicleBlinker.Init(gameObject.transform, light, vehicle); //testing ? lightObj.transform : //Debug.Log("Is Blinker Null?: "+(blinker == null)); return lightRet; } internal static Light SetCarLight(Vehicle vehicle, Transform parent, VehicleLight light, Vector3 pos, out GameObject go) { if (light == VehicleLight.All || light == VehicleLight.Front || light == VehicleLight.Rear) throw new System.Exception("Light must be right or left, can't be general!"); Transform lightObj = new GameObject(GetLightName(light)).transform; lightObj.parent = parent; Quaternion rot = IsFrontLight(light) ? Quaternion.identity : Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.right * 180); lightObj.localPosition = pos; lightObj.localRotation = rot; Light ret = lightObj.gameObject.AddComponent(); SetLightProps(GetVehicleLightParent(light).Value, ref ret); go = lightObj.gameObject; return ret; } internal static void LoopBlinker(VehicleBlinkerMode light, Action act) { try { switch (light) { case VehicleBlinkerMode.Left: act(blinkerPos[VehicleLight.FrontLeft]); act(blinkerPos[VehicleLight.RearLeft]); break; case VehicleBlinkerMode.Right: act(blinkerPos[VehicleLight.FrontRight]); act(blinkerPos[VehicleLight.RearRight]); break; } } catch { } } internal static bool IsFrontLight(VehicleLight light) { return light == VehicleLight.Front || light == VehicleLight.FrontLeft || light == VehicleLight.FrontRight; } internal static bool IsLeftLight(VehicleLight light) { //Debug.LogFormat("Light type: {0} ({1})", light, light == VehicleLight.FrontLeft || light == VehicleLight.RearLeft); return light == VehicleLight.FrontLeft || light == VehicleLight.RearLeft; } internal static string GetLightName(VehicleLight light) { if (light == VehicleLight.All || light == VehicleLight.Front || light == VehicleLight.Rear) throw new System.Exception("Light must be right or left, can't be general!"); string lightName = light.ToString(); return string.Format("{0}Light", (IsFrontLight(light) ? lightName.Substring(5) : lightName.Substring(4)).ToLower()); } internal static VehicleLight? GetVehicleLightParent(VehicleLight light) { if (light == VehicleLight.All || light == VehicleLight.Front || light == VehicleLight.Rear) return null; string lightName = light.ToString(); return (VehicleLight)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(VehicleLight), IsFrontLight(light) ? lightName.Substring(0, 5) : lightName.Substring(0, 4)); } internal static bool IsValidIndividualLight(VehicleLight light) { return !(light == VehicleLight.All || light == VehicleLight.Front || light == VehicleLight.Rear); } internal static void SetLightProps(VehicleLight vehicleLight, ref Light light, bool isBlinker = false) { if (light == null) return; if (!isBlinker) switch (vehicleLight) { case VehicleLight.Front: case VehicleLight.FrontLeft: case VehicleLight.FrontRight: light.type = LightType.Spot; light.range = 60; light.spotAngle = 90; light.intensity = frontLightIntensity; break; case VehicleLight.Rear: case VehicleLight.RearLeft: case VehicleLight.RearRight: light.type = LightType.Spot; light.range = 20; light.spotAngle = 50; light.intensity = 1; light.color =; break; } else { light.type = LightType.Spot; light.range = 10; light.spotAngle = 140; light.intensity = .8f; light.color = new Color(1, .5f, 0); } } internal static IEnumerable GetLightObjects(GameObject gameObject) { return gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren().Select(x => x.gameObject); } internal static VehicleLight ParseFromBit(int bit) { return (VehicleLight)((int)Mathf.Pow(2, bit)); } #endregion "Lights" } }