using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Utilities { public enum ScreenCorner { TopRight, TopLeft, BottomRight, BottomLeft } public static class GUIUtils { private static GUIStyle styleWithBackground = new GUIStyle (); private static GUIStyle s_centeredLabelStyle = null; public static GUIStyle CenteredLabelStyle { get { if (null == s_centeredLabelStyle) s_centeredLabelStyle = new GUIStyle ( { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }; return s_centeredLabelStyle; } } public static Rect ScreenRect { get { return new Rect (0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height); } } public static Rect GetCornerRect(ScreenCorner corner, Vector2 size, Vector2? padding = null) { return GetCornerRect(corner, size.x, size.y, padding); } public static Rect GetCornerRect(ScreenCorner corner, float width, float height, Vector2? padding = null) { float padX = 0, padY = 0; if (padding != null) { padX = padding.Value.x; padY = padding.Value.y; } switch (corner) { case ScreenCorner.TopLeft: return new Rect(padX, padY, width, height); case ScreenCorner.TopRight: return new Rect(Screen.width - (width + padX), padY, width, height); case ScreenCorner.BottomLeft: return new Rect(padX, Screen.height - (height + padY), width, height); case ScreenCorner.BottomRight: return new Rect(Screen.width - (width + padX), Screen.height - (height + padY), width, height); } return default(Rect); } public static Rect GetCenteredRect( Vector2 size ) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2 (Screen.width * 0.5f, Screen.height * 0.5f); pos -= size * 0.5f; return new Rect (pos, size); } public static Rect GetCenteredRectPerc( Vector2 sizeInScreenPercentage ) { return GetCenteredRect (new Vector2 (Screen.width * sizeInScreenPercentage.x, Screen.height * sizeInScreenPercentage.y)); } public static Vector2 CalcScreenSizeForContent( GUIContent content, GUIStyle style ) { return style.CalcScreenSize (style.CalcSize (content)); } public static Vector2 CalcScreenSizeForText( string text, GUIStyle style ) { return CalcScreenSizeForContent (new GUIContent (text), style); } public static bool ButtonWithCalculatedSize( string text ) { Vector2 size = CalcScreenSizeForText (text,; return GUILayout.Button (text, GUILayout.Width (size.x), GUILayout.Height (size.y)); } public static bool ButtonWithColor( Rect rect, string text, Color color) { var oldColor = GUI.backgroundColor; GUI.backgroundColor = color; bool result = GUI.Button (rect, text); GUI.backgroundColor = oldColor; return result; } public static void DrawRect (Rect position, Color color, GUIContent content = null) { var backgroundColor = GUI.backgroundColor; GUI.backgroundColor = color; styleWithBackground.normal.background = Texture2D.whiteTexture; GUI.Box (position, content ?? GUIContent.none, styleWithBackground); GUI.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; } public static void DrawBar (Rect rect, float fillPerc, Color fillColor, Color backgroundColor, float borderWidth) { fillPerc = Mathf.Clamp01 (fillPerc); Rect fillRect = rect; fillRect.position += * borderWidth; fillRect.size -= * borderWidth * 2; // first fill with black - that will be the border GUIUtils.DrawRect( rect, ); // fill with background GUIUtils.DrawRect( fillRect, backgroundColor ); // draw filled part fillRect.width *= fillPerc; GUIUtils.DrawRect( fillRect, fillColor ); } public static int TabsControl (int currentTabIndex, params string[] tabNames) { return GUILayout.Toolbar (currentTabIndex, tabNames); } public static Rect GetRectForBarAsBillboard (Vector3 worldPos, float worldWidth, float worldHeight, Camera cam) { Vector3 camRight = cam.transform.right; // Vector3 camUp = cam.transform.up; // Vector3 upperLeft = worldPos - camRight * worldWidth * 0.5f + camUp * worldHeight * 0.5f; // Vector3 upperRight = upperLeft + camRight * worldWidth; // Vector3 lowerLeft = upperLeft - camUp * worldHeight; // Vector3 lowerRight = lowerLeft + camRight * worldWidth; Vector3 leftWorld = worldPos - camRight * worldWidth * 0.5f; Vector3 rightWorld = worldPos + camRight * worldWidth * 0.5f; Vector3 leftScreen = cam.WorldToScreenPoint (leftWorld); Vector3 rightScreen = cam.WorldToScreenPoint (rightWorld); if (leftScreen.z < 0 || rightScreen.z < 0) return; // transform to gui coordinates leftScreen.y = Screen.height - leftScreen.y; rightScreen.y = Screen.height - rightScreen.y; float screenWidth = rightScreen.x - leftScreen.x; float screenHeight = screenWidth * worldHeight / worldWidth; return new Rect (new Vector2(leftScreen.x, leftScreen.y - screenHeight * 0.5f), new Vector2(screenWidth, screenHeight) ); } public static void CenteredLabel(Vector2 pos, string text) { Vector2 size = CalcScreenSizeForText (text,; GUI.Label (new Rect (pos - size * 0.5f, size), text); } public static void DrawHorizontalLine(float height, float spaceBetween, Color color) { GUILayout.Space(spaceBetween); float width = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().width; Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(width, height); GUIUtils.DrawRect(rect, color); GUILayout.Space(spaceBetween); } /// Draws the texture flipped around Y axis. public static void DrawTextureWithYFlipped(Rect rect, Texture2D tex) { var savedMatrix = GUI.matrix; GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot (new Vector2 (1, -1),; GUI.DrawTexture (rect, tex); GUI.matrix = savedMatrix; } public static Rect DrawItemsInARowPerc (Rect rect, System.Action drawItem, string[] items, float[] widthPercs ) { Rect itemRect = rect; float x = rect.position.x; for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { float width = widthPercs [i] * rect.width; itemRect.position = new Vector2 (x, itemRect.position.y); itemRect.width = width; drawItem (itemRect, items [i]); x += width; } rect.position += new Vector2 (x, 0f); rect.width -= x; return rect; } public static Rect DrawItemsInARow (Rect rect, System.Action drawItem, string[] items, float[] widths ) { float[] widthPercs = new float[widths.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < widths.Length; i++) { widthPercs [i] = widths [i] / rect.width; } return DrawItemsInARowPerc (rect, drawItem, items, widthPercs); } public static Rect GetNextRectInARowPerc (Rect rowRect, ref int currentRectIndex, float spacing, params float[] widthPercs) { float x = rowRect.position.x; for (int i = 0; i < currentRectIndex; i++) { x += widthPercs [i] * rowRect.width; x += spacing; } float width = widthPercs [currentRectIndex] * rowRect.width; currentRectIndex++; return new Rect( x, rowRect.position.y, width, rowRect.height ); } public static Rect GetNextRectInARow (Rect rowRect, ref int currentRectIndex, float spacing, params float[] widths) { float[] widthPercs = new float[widths.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < widths.Length; i++) { widthPercs [i] = widths [i] / rowRect.width; } return GetNextRectInARowPerc (rowRect, ref currentRectIndex, spacing, widthPercs); } public static int DrawPagedViewNumbers (Rect rect, int currentPage, int numPages) { int resultingPage = currentPage; float spacing = 1f; rect.width = 25f; if (GUI.Button (rect, "<")) { resultingPage--; } rect.position += new Vector2(rect.width + spacing, 0f); for (int i = 0; i < numPages; i++) { var style = currentPage == (i + 1) ? :; if (GUI.Button (rect, (i + 1).ToString (), style)) resultingPage = i + 1; rect.position += new Vector2(rect.width + spacing, 0f); } if (GUI.Button (rect, ">")) { resultingPage++; } rect.position += new Vector2(rect.width + spacing, 0f); resultingPage = Mathf.Clamp( resultingPage, 1, numPages ); return resultingPage; } public static int DrawPagedViewNumbers (Rect rect, int currentPage, int totalNumItems, int numItemsPerPage) { int numPages = Mathf.CeilToInt (totalNumItems / (float) numItemsPerPage); return DrawPagedViewNumbers (rect, currentPage, numPages); } } }