using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; //using Facepunch.ConCommands; //using Facepunch.Networking; using UnityEngine; using ThreadState = System.Threading.ThreadState; namespace Facepunch.Utilities { public interface IGateKeeper : IDisposable { object Owner { get; } String Name { get; } int Counter { get; } IDisposable Sample(); } public class PerformanceSampler : SingletonComponent { #pragma warning disable 0618 /// /// /// private static StackTrace GetStackTrace(Thread targetThread, out Exception error) { var suspend = targetThread.ThreadState != ThreadState.Suspended; error = null; StackTrace stackTrace = null; Exception ex = null; if (suspend) { var ready = new ManualResetEvent(false); new Thread(() => { // Backstop to release thread in case of deadlock: ready.Set(); Thread.Sleep(200); try { targetThread.Resume(); } catch (Exception e) { ex = e; } }).Start(); ready.WaitOne(); targetThread.Suspend(); } try { stackTrace = new StackTrace(targetThread, true); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; } finally { if (suspend) { try { targetThread.Resume(); } catch (Exception e) { error = error ?? e; } } } error = error ?? ex; return stackTrace; } #pragma warning restore 0618 /* [ConCommand(Domain.Shared, "system", "status")] private static String SystemStatusCommand(ConCommandArgs args) { var writer = new StringWriter(); writer.WriteLine("Uptime: {0:F1} minutes", Instance.Uptime.TotalMinutes); writer.WriteLine("Processor time: {0:F1}%", Instance.ProcessorTimePercent); writer.WriteLine("Total memory: {0:F1} KB", Instance.TotalMemory / 1024d); writer.WriteLine("Avg GC period: {0:F2} s", Instance.AverageGarbageCollectionPeriod); writer.WriteLine("Network status: {0}", Server.Instance.NetStatus); writer.WriteLine("Network thread status: {0}", Server.Instance.Net.NetThread.ThreadState); writer.WriteLine("Main thread state: {0}", Instance.MainThreadState); if (!(Instance.SinceLastUpdate.TotalSeconds > 2d * Instance.SamplePeriod)) return writer.ToString(); writer.WriteLine("Main thread has been hanging for {0:F1} minutes!", Instance.SinceLastUpdate.TotalMinutes); return writer.ToString(); } [ConCommand(Domain.Shared, "system", "gate-keepers")] private static String SystemGateKeepersCommand(ConCommandArgs args) { var writer = new StringWriter(); foreach (var gateKeeper in GateKeepers) { writer.WriteLine("Owner: {0}, Name: {1}, Count: {2}", gateKeeper.Owner, gateKeeper.Name, gateKeeper.Counter); } return writer.ToString(); } */ private class GateKeeper : IGateKeeper { private class Sampler : IDisposable { private readonly GateKeeper _keeper; public Sampler(GateKeeper keeper) { _keeper = keeper; } public void Dispose() { --_keeper.Counter; } } private readonly Sampler _sampler; public object Owner { get; private set; } public string Name { get; private set; } public int Counter { get; private set; } public GateKeeper(object owner, String name) { _sampler = new Sampler(this); Owner = owner; Name = name; Counter = 0; } public IDisposable Sample() { ++Counter; return _sampler; } public void Dispose() { _sGateKeepers.Remove(this); } } private static readonly List _sGateKeepers = new List(); public static IEnumerable GateKeepers { get { return _sGateKeepers.Cast(); } } public static IGateKeeper CreateGatekeeper(object owner, String name) { var keeper = new GateKeeper(owner, name); _sGateKeepers.Add(keeper); return keeper; } private readonly DateTime _startTime; private DateTime _lastUpdate; private TimeSpan _lastProcessorTime; private DateTime _lastGcPass; private int _lastGcPasses; private Thread _mainThread; private Thread _watcherThread; private bool _stopWatching; private readonly AutoResetEvent _sampleWait; private readonly ManualResetEvent _stopWait; private readonly Queue _gcPeriods = new Queue(); private readonly Stopwatch _timer = new Stopwatch(); public TimeSpan Uptime { get { return DateTime.UtcNow - _startTime; } } public ThreadState MainThreadState { get { return _mainThread == null ? ThreadState.Unstarted : _mainThread.ThreadState; } } public TimeSpan SinceLastUpdate { get { return DateTime.UtcNow - _lastUpdate; } } public double ProcessorTimePercent { get; private set; } public double AverageGarbageCollectionPeriod { get { return _gcPeriods.Count == 0 ? float.PositiveInfinity : (_gcPeriods.Sum() + (DateTime.UtcNow - _lastGcPass).TotalSeconds) / (_gcPeriods.Count + 1); } } public long TotalMemory { get; private set; } [Range(1f, 60f)] public float SamplePeriod = 2f; [Range(1, 200)] public int GarbageCollectionSamples = 10; public PerformanceSampler() { _startTime = _lastGcPass = DateTime.UtcNow; _sampleWait = new AutoResetEvent(false); _stopWait = new ManualResetEvent(true); Sample(false); } private static void SampleFailed() { UnityEngine.Debug.LogErrorFormat("!!! PerformanceSampler has failed to sample (time: {0}) !!!", DateTime.UtcNow); // UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("HangNotifyUrl: {0}", NetConfig.HangNotifyUrl); /* if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(NetConfig.HangNotifyUrl)) return; using (var client = new WebClient()) { client.UploadString(NetConfig.HangNotifyUrl, "POST", new JObject { {"status", "hanging"}, {"time", DateTime.UtcNow.ToBinary()}, {"last_state", SystemStatusCommand(null)}, {"port", NetConfig.Port} }.ToString()); } */ } private void WatcherEntry() { _stopWait.Reset(); while (!_stopWatching) { if (_sampleWait.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(SamplePeriod * 2d + 10d))) continue; if (_stopWatching) return; SampleFailed(); break; } _stopWait.Set(); } private void Sample(bool watch) { if (watch && _watcherThread == null) { _watcherThread = new Thread(WatcherEntry); _watcherThread.Start(); } if (_mainThread == null) _mainThread = Thread.CurrentThread; _lastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow; _sampleWait.Set(); var diff = _timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; var proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); var processorTime = proc.TotalProcessorTime; var gcPasses = GC.CollectionCount(0); var gcPassDiff = gcPasses - _lastGcPasses; _lastGcPasses = gcPasses; if (gcPassDiff > 0) { var gcTimeDiff = _lastUpdate - _lastGcPass; if (gcPassDiff == 1) { _gcPeriods.Enqueue(gcTimeDiff.TotalSeconds); } else { var avg = diff / (gcPassDiff - 1) + (gcTimeDiff.TotalSeconds - diff); for (var i = 0; i < gcPassDiff; ++i) { _gcPeriods.Enqueue(avg); } } _lastGcPass = _lastUpdate; while (_gcPeriods.Count > GarbageCollectionSamples) { _gcPeriods.Dequeue(); } } TotalMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); var processorTimeDiff = processorTime.Subtract(_lastProcessorTime); ProcessorTimePercent = (float)((processorTimeDiff.TotalSeconds * 100d / Environment.ProcessorCount) / diff); _lastProcessorTime = processorTime; _timer.Reset(); _timer.Start(); } public StackTrace GetMainThreadStackTrace(out Exception ex) { if (_mainThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped) { ex = new Exception("Thread stopped"); return null; } return GetStackTrace(_mainThread, out ex); } // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Local private void Update() { if (!(_timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > SamplePeriod)) return; Sample(true); } private void OnDestroy() { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Destroying PerformanceSampler"); _stopWatching = true; _sampleWait.Set(); if (_watcherThread != null && !_stopWait.WaitOne(1000)) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Timeout while stopping watcher thread!"); _watcherThread.Abort(); } _watcherThread = null; } } }