using UnityEngine; using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Weapons; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Animation; using SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.Weapons; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.Peds.States { /// /// Base class for all aim-movement states. /// public abstract class BaseAimMovementState : BaseScriptState, IAimState { protected Weapon m_weapon { get { return m_ped.CurrentWeapon; } } public abstract AnimId aimWithArm_LowerAnim { get; } public virtual float AimAnimMaxTime { get { return m_weapon.AimAnimMaxTime; } } public virtual float AimAnimFireMaxTime { get { return m_weapon.AimAnimFireMaxTime; } } public override void UpdateState() { base.UpdateState (); if (!this.IsActiveState) return; if (m_isServer) { if (this.SwitchToNonAimMovementState ()) return; if (this.SwitchToFiringState ()) return; if (this.SwitchToOtherAimMovementState ()) return; if (this.SwitchToFallingState ()) return; } } public override void LateUpdateState () { base.LateUpdateState (); if (!this.IsActiveState) return; m_ped.WeaponHolder.UpdateWeaponTransform (); } protected virtual bool SwitchToNonAimMovementState () { // check if we should exit aiming state if (!m_ped.IsHoldingWeapon || !m_ped.IsAimOn) { BaseMovementState.SwitchToMovementStateBasedOnInput (m_ped); return true; } if (m_ped.IsSprintOn) { if (null == m_weapon || m_weapon.CanSprintWithIt) { m_ped.SwitchState(); return true; } } return false; } protected virtual bool SwitchToFiringState () { return false; } protected virtual bool SwitchToOtherAimMovementState () { BaseAimMovementState.SwitchToAimMovementStateBasedOnInput (m_ped); return ! this.IsActiveState; } protected virtual bool SwitchToFallingState () { return false; } public static void SwitchToAimMovementStateBasedOnInput (Ped ped) { if (ped.IsWalkOn) { ped.SwitchState (); } else if (ped.IsRunOn || ped.IsSprintOn) { if (ped.CurrentWeapon != null && ped.CurrentWeapon.HasFlag (GunFlag.AIMWITHARM)) ped.SwitchState (); else ped.SwitchState (); } else { ped.SwitchState (); } } protected virtual void RotateSpine() { BaseAimMovementState.RotateSpineToMatchAimDirection (m_ped); } public static void RotateSpineToMatchAimDirection (Ped ped) { if (null == ped.CurrentWeapon) return; if (ped.CurrentWeapon.HasFlag (GunFlag.AIMWITHARM)) return; ped.PlayerModel.Spine.forward = ped.AimDirection; // now apply offset to spine rotation // this has to be done because spine is not rotated properly - is it intentionally done, or is it error in model importing ? // TODO: actually, spine direction should be the same as ped's direction, not aim direction Vector3 eulers = ped.WeaponHolder.SpineOffset; if (ped.CurrentWeapon.HasFlag (GunFlag.AIMWITHARM)) eulers.y = 0; ped.PlayerModel.Spine.Rotate (eulers); // PlayerModel.ChangeSpineRotation (this.CurrentWeaponTransform.forward, Camera.transform.position + Camera.transform.forward * Camera.farClipPlane - this.CurrentWeaponTransform.position, SpineRotationSpeed, ref tempSpineLocalEulerAngles, ref targetRot, ref spineRotationLastFrame); } protected virtual void RotatePedInDirectionOfAiming() { if (m_ped.CurrentWeapon.HasFlag (GunFlag.AIMWITHARM)) return; BaseAimMovementState.RotatePedInDirectionOfAiming( m_ped ); } public static void RotatePedInDirectionOfAiming(Ped ped) { // Vector3 lookAtPos = Camera.transform.position + Camera.transform.forward * 500; // lookAtPos.y = m_player.transform.position.y; // // m_player.transform.LookAt (lookAtPos, Vector3.up); Vector3 forward = ped.AimDirection; forward.y = 0; forward.Normalize (); // m_player.transform.forward = forward; ped.Heading = forward; } public virtual void StartFiring() { BaseFireMovementState.SwitchToFireMovementStateBasedOnInput(m_ped); } protected override void UpdateAnims () { if (m_weapon != null) { AnimationState state; if (m_weapon.HasFlag (GunFlag.AIMWITHARM)) state = this.UpdateAnimsAWA (); else state = this.UpdateAnimsNonAWA (); if (m_weapon) { m_weapon.AimAnimState = state; if (state) this.UpdateAimAnim (state); } if (m_weapon && m_weapon.HasFlag(GunFlag.AIMWITHARM)) { // update arm transforms // this has to be done after updating aim anim this.UpdateArmTransformsForAWA(); } // spine should be rotated no matter if state was changed or not during anim updating // this should be done AFTER updating anims this.RotateSpine (); } } /// /// Update anims for non AWA (AIMWITHARM) weapons. /// protected virtual AnimationState UpdateAnimsNonAWA() { return null; } /// /// Update anims for AWA (AIMWITHARM) weapons. /// protected virtual AnimationState UpdateAnimsAWA() { return BaseAimMovementState.UpdateAnimsAWA (m_ped, this.aimWithArm_LowerAnim); } public static AnimationState UpdateAnimsAWA(Ped ped, AnimId aimWithArm_LowerAnim) { // aim with arm // eg: pistol, tec9, sawnoff var model = ped.PlayerModel; model.Play2Anims (new AnimId (AnimGroup.Colt45, AnimIndex.colt45_fire), aimWithArm_LowerAnim); var state = model.LastAnimState; model.LastAnimState.wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever; model.RemoveAllMixingTransforms (model.LastAnimState); model.AddMixingTransform (model.LastAnimState, model.RightClavicle, true); model.AddMixingTransform (model.LastSecondaryAnimState, model.LeftClavicle, true); model.AddMixingTransforms (model.LastSecondaryAnimState, model.Pelvis, model.Belly, model.Spine, model.UpperSpine, model.RBreast, model.LBreast, model.Neck); if (model.AnimsChanged) { // reset model state model.ResetModelState (); // sample the animation, because otherwise, model will remain in original state for 1 frame model.AnimComponent.Sample (); } return state; } protected virtual void UpdateAimAnim(AnimationState state) { BaseAimMovementState.UpdateAimAnim (m_ped, state, this.AimAnimMaxTime, this.AimAnimFireMaxTime, () => this.TryFire()); } public static void UpdateAimAnim(Ped ped, AnimationState state, float aimAnimMaxTime, float aimAnimFireMaxTime, System.Func tryFireFunc) { if (state.time > aimAnimMaxTime) { if (ped.IsFiring) { state.enabled = true; // check if anim reached end if(state.time >= aimAnimFireMaxTime) { // anim reached end, revert it to start state.time = aimAnimMaxTime; ped.AnimComponent.Sample (); // if (!ped.IsFireOn || !ped.IsAimOn) { // no longer firing if (Net.NetStatus.IsServer) { ped.StopFiring (); } } } } else { // check if we should start firing if (ped.IsFireOn && tryFireFunc()) { // we started firing } else { // we should remain in aim state state.time = aimAnimMaxTime; ped.AnimComponent.Sample (); state.enabled = false; } } } } protected virtual void UpdateArmTransformsForAWA() { BaseAimMovementState.UpdateArmTransformsForAWA (m_ped); } public static void UpdateArmTransformsForAWA(Ped ped) { var player = ped; var model = ped.PlayerModel; var weapon = ped.CurrentWeapon; float timePerc = Mathf.Clamp01 (model.LastAnimState.time / weapon.AimAnimMaxTime); // rotate arm to match direction of player // we'll need a few adjustments, because arm's right vector is player's forward vector, // and arm's forward vector is player's down vector => arm's up is player's left // Vector3 forward = - player.transform.right ; // -player.transform.up; // Vector3 up = player.transform.up; // -player.transform.right; // Vector3 lookAtPos = player.transform.position + forward * 500; model.ResetFrameState (model.RightUpperArm); model.ResetFrameState (model.RightForeArm); model.ResetFrameState (model.RightHand); Vector3 aimDir = player.AimDirection; Vector3 aimDirLocal = player.transform.InverseTransformDirection (aimDir); bool isAimingOnOppositeSide = aimDirLocal.x < 0f; float oppositeSideAngle = Vector3.Angle( Vector3.forward, aimDirLocal.WithXAndZ () ); bool isAimingBack = oppositeSideAngle > WeaponsManager.Instance.AIMWITHARM_maxAimAngle; Quaternion startRot = Quaternion.LookRotation( -player.transform.up, player.transform.forward ); // Quaternion.Euler (WeaponsManager.Instance.AIMWITHARM_upperArmStartRotationEulers); Quaternion endRot = Quaternion.LookRotation (aimDir); //Quaternion.LookRotation( forward, up ); // Vector3 endForwardLocal = new Vector3(0.9222f, -0.3429f, 0.179f); // Vector3 endUpLocal = new Vector3(-0.3522f, -0.9357f, 0.02171f); Quaternion endRotForeArm = endRot; if (isAimingBack) { // aim in the air endRot = Quaternion.LookRotation ( Vector3.Lerp(-player.transform.up, player.transform.forward, 0.7f).normalized ); // we need to apply rotation that is opposite of given offset for x axis - to assure that forehand's up matches ped's back Quaternion q = Quaternion.AngleAxis( 90f - WeaponsManager.Instance.AIMWITHARM_foreArmRotationOffset.x, player.transform.up ); endRotForeArm = Quaternion.LookRotation (q * player.transform.up, q * (-player.transform.forward)); } else if (isAimingOnOppositeSide) { // upper arm will slightly follow direction of aiming, but only along y and z axes // forearm will have direction of aiming Vector3 dir = aimDirLocal; dir.x = 0; // no looking left or right if (oppositeSideAngle != 0) { // dir.y = Mathf.Sign (dir.y) * ( Mathf.Abs (dir.y) - 1.0f * oppositeSideAngle / 90f ); dir.y -= 1.0f * oppositeSideAngle / 90f; dir.z += 1.0f * oppositeSideAngle / 90f; if (dir.y > 0) dir.y /= (1.0f + oppositeSideAngle / 90f); // if (Mathf.Abs(dir.y) > dir.z) // dir.z = Mathf.Abs(dir.y); } dir.Normalize (); dir = player.transform.TransformDirection (dir); endRot = Quaternion.LookRotation (dir); } // lerp Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Lerp( startRot, endRot, timePerc ); Quaternion rotForeArm = Quaternion.Lerp (startRot, endRotForeArm, timePerc); if (timePerc == 1.0f) { // Vector3 localForward = player.transform.InverseTransformDirection (model.RightUpperArm.forward); // Vector3 localUp = player.transform.InverseTransformDirection (model.RightUpperArm.up); // Debug.LogFormat ("local forward {0}, local up {1}", localForward.ToString("G4"), localUp.ToString("G4")); } // Quaternion deltaRot = Quaternion.FromToRotation (Vector3.forward, aimDirLocal); // Quaternion worldRot = player.transform.TransformRotation( rot ); // worldRot *= deltaRot; // assign new rotation // 'rot' is in player space // model.RightUpperArm.rotation = worldRot; // Quaternion convertRot = Quaternion.Euler (WeaponsManager.Instance.AIMWITHARM_upperArmEndRotationEulers); // head rotation Vector3 clampedAimDir = F.ClampDirection (aimDir, player.transform.forward, WeaponsManager.Instance.AIMWITHARM_maxHeadRotationAngle); Quaternion headRot = isAimingBack ? player.transform.rotation : Quaternion.LookRotation (clampedAimDir); // headRot = Quaternion.Lerp( model.Head.rotation, headRot, 0.3f); // set new rotations and apply aim rotation offsets model.Head.rotation = headRot; model.Head.Rotate (WeaponsManager.Instance.AIMWITHARM_headRotationOffset); model.RightClavicle.Rotate (WeaponsManager.Instance.AIMWITHARM_clavicleRotationOffset); model.RightUpperArm.rotation = rot; model.RightUpperArm.Rotate (WeaponsManager.Instance.AIMWITHARM_upperArmRotationOffset); model.RightForeArm.rotation = rotForeArm; model.RightForeArm.Rotate (WeaponsManager.Instance.AIMWITHARM_foreArmRotationOffset); model.RightHand.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; model.RightHand.Rotate (WeaponsManager.Instance.AIMWITHARM_handRotationOffset); } public static bool TryFire (Ped ped, WeaponAttackParams weaponAttackParams) { if (ped.CurrentWeapon != null) { if (Net.NetStatus.IsServer) { if (ped.IsControlledByLocalPlayer || null == ped.PlayerOwner) return TryFire(ped, ped.FirePosition, ped.FireDirection, weaponAttackParams); else // this ped is owned by remote client return TryFire(ped, ped.NetFirePos, ped.NetFireDir, weaponAttackParams); } } return false; } protected virtual bool TryFire() { return TryFire(m_ped, WeaponAttackParams.Default); } public static bool TryFire (Ped ped, Vector3 firePos, Vector3 fireDir, WeaponAttackParams weaponAttackParams) { bool isServer = Net.NetStatus.IsServer; var weapon = ped.CurrentWeapon; if (!isServer) // for now, do this only on server return false; if (Net.NetStatus.IsClientOnly && ! ped.IsControlledByLocalPlayer) return false; if (null == weapon) return false; if (ped.IsFiring) // already firing return false; // check if there is ammo in clip if (weapon.AmmoInClip < 1) return false; if (isServer) { ped.StartFiring (); if (!ped.IsFiring) // failed to start firing return false; } // reduce ammo weapon.AmmoInClip --; // update gun flash // this.EnableOrDisableGunFlash (ped); if (weapon.GunFlash != null) weapon.GunFlash.gameObject.SetActive (true); weapon.UpdateGunFlashRotation (); // fire projectile if (isServer) F.RunExceptionSafe( () => weapon.FireProjectile (firePos, fireDir, weaponAttackParams) ); // send fire event to server if (Net.NetStatus.IsClientOnly && ped.IsControlledByLocalPlayer) { } // play firing sound F.RunExceptionSafe (() => weapon.PlayFireSound() ); // notify clients if (isServer) Net.PedSync.OnWeaponFired(ped, weapon, firePos); return true; } public virtual Vector3 GetFirePosition() { return GetFirePosition(m_ped); } public static Vector3 GetFirePosition(Ped ped) { return ped.CurrentWeapon != null ? ped.CurrentWeapon.GetFirePosWithoutPed() : ped.transform.position; } public virtual Vector3 GetFireDirection() { return GetFireDirection(m_ped, () => IsAimingBack(m_ped), WeaponAttackParams.Default); } public static Vector3 GetFireDirection(Ped ped, System.Func isAimingBackFunc, WeaponAttackParams weaponAttackParams) { if (null == ped.CurrentWeapon) return ped.AimDirection; if (isAimingBackFunc()) return ped.transform.up; if (ped.IsControlledByLocalPlayer && ped.Camera != null) { // find ray going into the world Ray ray = ped.Camera.GetRayFromCenter(); // raycast RaycastHit hit; if (ped.CurrentWeapon.ProjectileRaycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, out hit, weaponAttackParams)) { return (hit.point - ped.FirePosition).normalized; } // if any object is hit, direction will be from fire position to hit point // if not, direction will be same as aim direction } return ped.AimDirection; } public static bool IsAimingBack(Ped ped) { if (null == ped.CurrentWeapon) return false; if (!ped.CurrentWeapon.HasFlag(GunFlag.AIMWITHARM)) return false; if (!ped.IsAiming) return false; Vector3 aimDirLocal = ped.transform.InverseTransformDirection(ped.AimDirection); float oppositeSideAngle = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.forward, aimDirLocal.WithXAndZ()); return oppositeSideAngle > WeaponsManager.Instance.AIMWITHARM_maxAimAngle; } public virtual void OnClientTriedToFire(Vector3 firePos, Vector3 fireDir) { if (null == m_weapon) return; if (m_weapon.AmmoInClip < 1) return; if (!m_ped.IsFiring) m_ped.StartFiring(); } public override void RotateCamera () { base.RotateCamera (); // this must be called from here (right after the camera transform is changed), otherwise camera will shake // must check if weapon is null here, because camera is now updated in LateUpdate(), and weapon can become null between Update() and LateUpdate() if (m_weapon) this.RotatePedInDirectionOfAiming (); } public override void UpdateCameraZoom() { // ignore } public override void CheckCameraCollision() { CheckCameraCollision(m_ped, this.GetCameraFocusPos()); } public static void CheckCameraCollision (Ped ped, Vector3 cameraFocusPos) { Vector3 castFrom = cameraFocusPos; float distance; Vector3 castDir = -ped.Camera.transform.forward; // use distance from gun aiming offset ? if (ped.CurrentWeapon != null && ped.CurrentWeapon.GunAimingOffset != null) { // Vector3 desiredCameraPos = this.transform.TransformPoint (- _player.CurrentWeapon.GunAimingOffset.Aim) + Vector3.up * .5f; // Vector3 desiredCameraPos = this.transform.TransformPoint( new Vector3(0.8f, 1.0f, -1) ); Vector3 desiredCameraPos = cameraFocusPos + ped.Camera.transform.TransformVector (ped.WeaponHolder.cameraAimOffset); Vector3 diff = desiredCameraPos - castFrom; distance = diff.magnitude; castDir = diff.normalized; } else { distance = ped.CameraDistance; } BaseScriptState.CheckCameraCollision(ped, castFrom, castDir, distance); } public override void OnSubmitPressed() { // try to enter vehicle if (m_isServer) m_ped.TryEnterVehicleInRange (); else base.OnSubmitPressed(); } public override void OnJumpPressed() { // ignore } protected override void OnButtonPressedOnServer(string buttonName) { if (buttonName == "G") { // try to recruit peds to follow you RecruitPedUnderWeaponToFollowPed(m_ped); } } public static void RecruitPedUnderWeaponToFollowPed(Ped pedToFollow) { if (null == pedToFollow.CurrentWeapon) return; RaycastHit hit; if (!pedToFollow.CurrentWeapon.ProjectileRaycast( pedToFollow.IsControlledByLocalPlayer ? pedToFollow.FirePosition : pedToFollow.NetFirePos, pedToFollow.IsControlledByLocalPlayer ? pedToFollow.FireDirection : pedToFollow.NetFireDir, out hit, WeaponAttackParams.Default)) { return; } // see if ped is hit var damageable = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponentInParent(); if (null == damageable) return; var hitPed = damageable.GetComponent(); if (hitPed != null && hitPed != pedToFollow && null == hitPed.PlayerOwner) { // ray hit a ped who is not controlled by any player var pedStalker = hitPed.gameObject.GetOrAddComponent(); if (pedStalker.TargetPed == pedToFollow) pedStalker.TargetPed = null; else pedStalker.TargetPed = pedToFollow; } } } }