using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Items; using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Items.Placements; using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.World { public class Water : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject WaterPrefab; public void Initialize(WaterFile file, Vector2 worldSize) { if (this.WaterPrefab == null) { Debug.LogError("No water prefab set, skipping load!"); return; } // TODO: what to do with faces that don't have WaterFlags.Visible flag ? var faces = file.Faces.Where(f => (f.Flags & WaterFlags.Visible) == WaterFlags.Visible); // we need total of 4 quads for "infinite" water: // - upper side (from upper world boundary to positive infinity) // - lower side (from lower world boundary to negative infinity) // - left side (between first 2 quads) // - right side (between first 2 quads) const int numQuadsForInfiniteWater = 4; int totalNumVertexes = faces.Sum(f => f.Vertices.Length) + numQuadsForInfiniteWater * GetNumVertexesForQuad(); int totalNumIndexes = faces.Sum(f => (f.Vertices.Length - 2) * 3) + numQuadsForInfiniteWater * GetNumIndexesForQuad(); Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[totalNumVertexes]; Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[totalNumVertexes]; int[] indices = new int[totalNumIndexes]; int verticesIndex = 0; int indicesIndex = 0; foreach (var face in faces) { for (int j = 0; j < face.Vertices.Length; j++) { vertices[verticesIndex + j] = face.Vertices[j].Position; normals[verticesIndex + j] = Vector3.up; } for (var j = 0; j < face.Vertices.Length - 2; ++j) { var flip = j & 1; indices[indicesIndex + j * 3 + 0] = verticesIndex + j + 1 - flip; indices[indicesIndex + j * 3 + 1] = verticesIndex + j + 0 + flip; indices[indicesIndex + j * 3 + 2] = verticesIndex + j + 2; } verticesIndex += face.Vertices.Length; indicesIndex += (face.Vertices.Length - 2) * 3; } // add "infinite" water const float infiniteWaterOffset = 20000f; // upper quad CreateQuad( new Vector2( -worldSize.x / 2f - infiniteWaterOffset, worldSize.y / 2f), new Vector2(worldSize.x / 2f + infiniteWaterOffset, worldSize.y / 2f + infiniteWaterOffset), vertices, normals, ref verticesIndex, indices, ref indicesIndex); // lower quad CreateQuad( new Vector2( -worldSize.x / 2f - infiniteWaterOffset, - worldSize.y / 2f - infiniteWaterOffset), new Vector2(worldSize.x / 2f + infiniteWaterOffset, - worldSize.y / 2f), vertices, normals, ref verticesIndex, indices, ref indicesIndex); // left quad CreateQuad( new Vector2( -worldSize.x / 2f - infiniteWaterOffset, - worldSize.y / 2f), new Vector2(- worldSize.x / 2f, worldSize.y / 2f), vertices, normals, ref verticesIndex, indices, ref indicesIndex); // right quad CreateQuad( new Vector2( worldSize.x / 2f, - worldSize.y / 2f), new Vector2(worldSize.x / 2f + infiniteWaterOffset, worldSize.y / 2f), vertices, normals, ref verticesIndex, indices, ref indicesIndex); var mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.normals = normals; mesh.SetIndices(indices, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0); var availableObjects = this.transform.GetFirstLevelChildren().ToQueueWithCapacity(this.transform.childCount); var go = availableObjects.Count > 0 ? availableObjects.Dequeue().gameObject : Instantiate(this.WaterPrefab, this.transform); go.transform.localPosition =; go.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; = "Water mesh"; var meshFilter = go.GetComponentOrThrow(); if (meshFilter.sharedMesh != null) F.DestroyEvenInEditMode(meshFilter.sharedMesh); meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh; foreach (var availableObject in availableObjects) F.DestroyEvenInEditMode(availableObject.gameObject); } void CreateQuad(Vector2 min, Vector2 max, Vector3[] vertexes, Vector3[] normals, ref int vertexIndex, int[] indexes, ref int indexesIndex) { vertexes[vertexIndex++] = new Vector3(min.x, 0f, min.y); // low left vertexes[vertexIndex++] = new Vector3(max.x, 0f, min.y); // low right vertexes[vertexIndex++] = new Vector3(min.x, 0f, max.y); // up left vertexes[vertexIndex++] = new Vector3(max.x, 0f, max.y); // up right normals[vertexIndex - 4] = Vector3.up; normals[vertexIndex - 3] = Vector3.up; normals[vertexIndex - 2] = Vector3.up; normals[vertexIndex - 1] = Vector3.up; int lowLeft = vertexIndex - 4; int lowRight = vertexIndex - 3; int upLeft = vertexIndex - 2; int upRight = vertexIndex - 1; indexes[indexesIndex++] = upRight; indexes[indexesIndex++] = lowRight; indexes[indexesIndex++] = lowLeft; indexes[indexesIndex++] = upLeft; indexes[indexesIndex++] = upRight; indexes[indexesIndex++] = lowLeft; } int GetNumVertexesForQuad() => 4; int GetNumIndexesForQuad() => 6; } }