using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities; using SanAndreasUnity.Net; namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours { public static class PedDamageInfoExtensions { public static Ped GetAttackerPed(this DamageInfo damageInfo) { return damageInfo.attacker as Ped; } } public partial class Ped { public Damageable Damageable { get; private set; } public float Health { get { return this.Damageable.Health; } set { this.Damageable.Health = value; } } [SerializeField] private float m_maxHealth = 100f; public float MaxHealth { get { return m_maxHealth; } set { m_maxHealth = value; } } public Bar HealthBar { get; private set; } /// /// Damage info that killed the ped. /// public DamageInfo KillingDamageInfo { get; set; } private bool m_alreadyKilled = false; public class DamageResult { public float DamageAmount { get; } public DamageResult() { } public DamageResult(float damageAmount) { DamageAmount = damageAmount; } } public static event System.Action onDamaged = delegate {}; void AwakeForDamage () { this.Damageable = this.GetComponentOrThrow (); } void StartForDamage () { this.CreateHealthBar (); } void CreateHealthBar () { this.HealthBar = Object.Instantiate (GameManager.Instance.barPrefab, this.transform).GetComponentOrThrow (); // this.HealthBar.SetBorderWidth (0.1f); this.HealthBar.BackgroundColor = PedManager.Instance.healthBackgroundColor; this.HealthBar.FillColor = PedManager.Instance.healthColor; this.HealthBar.BorderColor =; this.UpdateHealthBar (); } void UpdateDamageStuff () { this.UpdateHealthBar (); } void UpdateHealthBar () { bool shouldBeVisible = PedManager.Instance.displayHealthBarAbovePeds && !this.IsControlledByLocalPlayer; this.HealthBar.gameObject.SetActive (shouldBeVisible); if (shouldBeVisible) { this.HealthBar.BarSize = new Vector3 (PedManager.Instance.healthBarWorldWidth, PedManager.Instance.healthBarWorldHeight, 1.0f); this.HealthBar.SetFillPerc (this.Health / this.MaxHealth); this.HealthBar.transform.position = this.GetPosForHealthBar (); this.HealthBar.MaxHeightOnScreen = PedManager.Instance.healthBarMaxScreenHeight; } } public void DrawHealthBar () { Vector3 pos = this.GetPosForHealthBar (); Rect rect = GUIUtils.GetRectForBarAsBillboard (pos, PedManager.Instance.healthBarWorldWidth, PedManager.Instance.healthBarWorldHeight, Camera.main); // limit height rect.height = Mathf.Min (rect.height, PedManager.Instance.healthBarMaxScreenHeight); float borderWidth = Mathf.Min( 2f, rect.height / 4f ); GUIUtils.DrawBar( rect, this.Health / this.MaxHealth, PedManager.Instance.healthColor, PedManager.Instance.healthBackgroundColor, borderWidth ); } private Vector3 GetPosForHealthBar () { if (null == this.PlayerModel.Head) return this.transform.position; Vector3 pos = this.PlayerModel.Head.position; pos += this.transform.up * PedManager.Instance.healthBarVerticalOffset; return pos; } public void OnDamaged() { if (!NetStatus.IsServer) return; if (this.Health <= 0) return; var damageInfo = this.Damageable.LastDamageInfo; var damageResult = this.CurrentState.OnDamaged(damageInfo); F.InvokeEventExceptionSafe(onDamaged, this, damageInfo, damageResult); } public void SendDamagedEventToClients(DamageInfo damageInfo, float damageAmount) { Ped attackingPed = damageInfo.GetAttackerPed(); PedSync.SendDamagedEvent(this.gameObject, attackingPed != null ? attackingPed.gameObject : null, damageAmount); } public void OnReceivedDamageEventFromServer(float damageAmount, Ped attackingPed) { if (attackingPed != null && attackingPed.IsControlledByLocalPlayer && attackingPed != this) { this.DisplayInflictedDamageMessage(damageAmount); } } public void DisplayInflictedDamageMessage(float damageAmount) { var msg = OnScreenMessageManager.Instance.CreateMessage(); msg.velocity = Random.insideUnitCircle.normalized * PedManager.Instance.inflictedDamageMessageVelocityInScreenPerc; msg.TextColor = PedManager.Instance.inflictedDamageMessageColor; msg.timeLeft = PedManager.Instance.inflictedDamageMessageLifetime; msg.Text = Mathf.RoundToInt(damageAmount).ToString(); } public void Kill() { F.RunExceptionSafe(this.KillInternal); } void KillInternal() { if (m_alreadyKilled) return; m_alreadyKilled = true; this.CurrentState.KillPed(); } } }