using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using SanAndreasUnity.Net; using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities; using UnityEngine; namespace SanAndreasUnity.GameModes { public class GameModeManager : StartupSingleton { public static GameModeManager Instance => Singleton; public class GameModeInfo { public string Name { get; } public string Description { get; } public System.Action ActivationCallback { get; } public GameModeInfo(string name, string description, Action activationCallback) { Name = name; Description = description; ActivationCallback = activationCallback; } } List m_gameModes = new List(); public IReadOnlyList GameModes => m_gameModes; private GameModeInfo m_activeGameMode; private GameModeInfo m_selectedGameMode; protected override void OnSingletonStart() { NetManager.Instance.onServerStatusChanged += OnServerStatusChanged; } private void OnServerStatusChanged() { if (!NetStatus.IsServer) return; if (null == m_selectedGameMode) return; ActivateGameMode(m_selectedGameMode); } public void RegisterGameMode(GameModeInfo gameModeInfo) { m_gameModes.Add(gameModeInfo); } /// /// Select game mode which should be activated when the server starts. /// public void SelectGameMode(GameModeInfo gameModeInfo) { if (m_activeGameMode != null) { throw new Exception("Can not select game mode if there is an active game mode"); } m_selectedGameMode = gameModeInfo; } private void ActivateGameMode(GameModeInfo gameModeInfo) { if (m_activeGameMode != null) { if (m_activeGameMode == gameModeInfo) throw new Exception($"Can not activate game mode '{gameModeInfo.Name}' because it is already activated"); throw new Exception($"Can not activate game mode '{gameModeInfo.Name}' because another one ('{m_activeGameMode.Name}') is already activated"); } m_activeGameMode = gameModeInfo; gameModeInfo.ActivationCallback(); } } }